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Membrane vesicles were prepared from Artemia nauplii (San Francisco Bay variety) 45 h after hydration of the dry cysts. Na+-loaded vesicles accumulated up to 10 nmol Ca2+/mg protein when diluted 50-fold into 160 mM KCl containing 15 microM CaCl2. Practically no accumulation of Ca2+ was observed if the vesicles were diluted into 160 mM NaCl instead of KCl, or if they were treated with monensin, a Na+ ionophore, for 30 s prior to addition of CaCl2 to the KCl medium. These observations indicate that the Artemia vesicles exhibit Na-Ca exchange activity. The velocity of Ca2+ accumulation by the vesicles in KCl was stimulated 2.6-fold by the K+ ionophore valinomycin, suggesting that the exchange system is electrogenic, with a stoichiometry greater than 2Na+ per Ca2+. Km,Ca and Vmax values were 15 microM and 7.5 nmol/mg protein.s, respectively. Exchange activity in the Artemia vesicles was inhibited by benzamil (IC50 approximately equal to 100 microM) and by quinacrine (IC50 approximately equal to 250 microM), agents that also inhibit exchange activity in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles. Unlike cardiac vesicles, however, exchange activity in Artemia was not stimulated by limited proteolysis, redox reagents, or intravesicular Ca2+. This indicates that the two exchange systems are regulated by different mechanisms. Vesicles were prepared from Artemia at various times after hydration of the dry cysts and examined for exchange activity. Activity was first observed at approximately 10 h after hydration and increased to a maximal value by 30-40 h; hatching of the free swimming nauplii occurred at 18-24 h. The results suggest that hatching Artemia nauplii might be a particularly rich source of mRNA coding for the Na+-Ca2+ exchange carrier.  相似文献   
This study compares four models for predicting the potential distribution of non-indigenous weed species in the conterminous U.S. The comparison focused on evaluating modeling tools and protocols as currently used for weed risk assessment or for predicting the potential distribution of invasive weeds. We used six weed species (three highly invasive and three less invasive non-indigenous species) that have been established in the U.S. for more than 75 years. The experiment involved providing non-U. S. location data to users familiar with one of the four evaluated techniques, who then developed predictive models that were applied to the United States without knowing the identity of the species or its U.S. distribution. We compared a simple GIS climate matching technique known as Proto3, a simple climate matching tool CLIMEX Match Climates, the correlative model MaxEnt, and a process model known as the Thornley Transport Resistance (TTR) model. Two experienced users ran each modeling tool except TTR, which had one user. Models were trained with global species distribution data excluding any U.S. data, and then were evaluated using the current known U.S. distribution. The influence of weed species identity and modeling tool on prevalence and sensitivity effects was compared using a generalized linear mixed model. Each modeling tool itself had a low statistical significance, while weed species alone accounted for 69.1 and 48.5% of the variance for prevalence and sensitivity, respectively. These results suggest that simple modeling tools might perform as well as complex ones in the case of predicting potential distribution for a weed not yet present in the United States. Considerations of model accuracy should also be balanced with those of reproducibility and ease of use. More important than the choice of modeling tool is the construction of robust protocols and testing both new and experienced users under blind test conditions that approximate operational conditions.  相似文献   
O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) glycosylation is an important post-translational modification in many cellular processes. It is mediated by O-GlcNAc transferases (OGTs), which catalyze the addition of O-GlcNAc to serine or threonine residues of the target proteins. In this study, we expressed a putative Yarrowia lipolytica OGT (YlOGT), the only homolog identified in the subphylum Saccharomycotina through bioinformatics analysis, and the human OGT (hOGT) as recombinant proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and performed their functional characterization. Immunoblotting assays using antibody against O-GlcNAc revealed that recombinant hOGT (rhOGT), but not the recombinant YlOGT (rYlOGT), undergoes auto-O-GlcNAcylation in the heterologous host S. cerevisiae. Moreover, the rhOGT expressed in S. cerevisiae showed a catalytic activity during in vitro assays using casein kinase II substrates, whereas no such activity was obtained in rYlOGT. However, the chimeric human-Y. lipolytica OGT, carrying the human tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain along with the Y. lipolytica catalytic domain (CTD), mediated the transfer of O-GlcNAc moiety during the in vitro assays. Although the overexpression of full-length OGTs inhibited the growth of S. cerevisiae, no such inhibition was obtained upon overexpression of only the CTD fragment, indicating the role of TPR domain in growth inhibition. This is the first report on the functional analysis of the fungal OGT, indicating that the Y. lipolytica OGT retains its catalytic activity, although the physiological role and substrates of YlOGT remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   
The site density of the Na2+-Ca2+ exchanger in bovine cardiac sarcolemma was estimated from measurements of the fraction of reconstituted proteoliposomes exhibiting exchange activity. Sarcolemmal vesicles were solubilized with 1% Triton X-100 in the presence of either 100 mM NaCl or 100 mM KCl; after a 20-40-min incubation period on ice, sufficient KCl, NaCl, CaCl2, and soybean phospholipids were added to each extract to give final concentrations of 40 mM NaCl, 120 mM KCl, 0.1 mM CaCl2, and 10 mg/ml phospholipid. These mixtures were then reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and the rate of 45Ca2+ isotopic exchange was measured under equilibrium conditions. Control studies showed that Na+-Ca2+ exchange activity was completely lost if Na+ was not present during solubilization. The difference in 45Ca2+ uptake between vesicles initially solubilized in the presence or absence of NaCl therefore reflected exchange activity and corresponded to 3.1 +/- 0.3% of the total 45Ca2+ uptake by the entire population of vesicles, as measured in the presence of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Assuming that each vesicle with exchange activity contained 1 molecule of the Na+-Ca2+ exchange carrier, a site density of 10-20 pmol/mg of protein for the exchanger was calculated. The Vmax for Na+-Ca2+ exchange activity in the proteoliposomes was approximately 20 nmol/mg of protein.s which indicates that the turnover number of the exchange carrier is 1000 s-1 or more. Thus, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger is a low density, high turnover transport system.  相似文献   
Factors influencing production of the monocyclic carotenoid torulene in recombinant Escherichia coli were investigated by modulating enzyme expression level, culture conditions, and engineering of the isoprenoid precursor pathway. The gene dosage of in vitro evolved lycopene cyclase crtY2 significantly changed the carotenoid profile. A culture temperature of 28°C showed better production of torulene than 37°C while initial culture pH had no significant effect on torulene production. Glucose-containing LB, 2×YT, TB and MR media significantly repressed the production of torulene, and the other carotenoids lycopene, tetradehydrolycopene, and -carotene, in E. coli. In contrast, glycerol-containing LB, 2×YT, TB, and MR media enhanced torulene production. Overexpression of dxs, dxr, idi and/or ispA, individually and combinatorially, enhanced torulene production up to 3.1–3.3 fold. High torulene production was observed in a high dissolved oxygen level bioreactor in TB and MR media containing glycerol. Lycopene was efficiently converted into torulene during aerobic cultures, indicating that the engineered torulene synthesis pathway is well coordinated, and maintains the functionality and integrity of the carotenogenic enzyme complex.  相似文献   
A simple mass spectrometric approach for the discovery and validation of biomarkers in human plasma was developed by targeting nonglycosylated tryptic peptides adjacent to glycosylation sites in an N-linked glycoprotein, one of the most important biomarkers for early detection, prognoses, and disease therapies. The discovery and validation of novel biomarkers requires complex sample pretreatment steps, such as depletion of highly abundant proteins, enrichment of desired proteins, or the development of new antibodies. The current study exploited the steric hindrance of glycan units in N-linked glycoproteins, which significantly affects the efficiency of proteolytic digestion if an enzymatically active amino acid is adjacent to the N-linked glycosylation site. Proteolytic digestion then results in quantitatively different peptide products in accordance with the degree of glycosylation. The effect of glycan steric hindrance on tryptic digestion was first demonstrated using alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) as a model compound versus deglycosylated alpha-1-acid glycoprotein. Second, nonglycosylated tryptic peptide biomarkers, which generally show much higher sensitivity in mass spectrometric analyses than their glycosylated counterparts, were quantified in human hepatocellular carcinoma plasma using a label-free method with no need for N-linked glycoprotein enrichment. Finally, the method was validated using a multiple reaction monitoring analysis, demonstrating that the newly discovered nonglycosylated tryptic peptide targets were present at different levels in normal and hepatocellular carcinoma plasmas. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve generated through analyses of nonglycosylated tryptic peptide from vitronectin precursor protein was 0.978, the highest observed in a group of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. This work provides a targeted means of discovering and validating nonglycosylated tryptic peptides as biomarkers in human plasma, without the need for complex enrichment processes or expensive antibody preparations.  相似文献   
The effect of the dietary linoleate (LA)/alpha-linolenate (LNA) balance during development on the brain lipid composition, reproductive outcome and behavior of rats was studied. Female rats were fed on experimental diets during pregnancy and the resulting pups for 16 weeks. The dietary LA/LNA ratios were 1.07 (LA1), 2.64 (LA2), 4.45 (LA3), 7.68 (LA4) and 10.35 (LA5). The relative content of docosahexaenoate (DHA) in the brain of pups tended to increase with decreasing LA/LNA ratio at 0 and 3 weeks, while the level of DHA was maintained constant at 16 weeks regardless of the dietary LA/LNA ratio. The learning ability was measured at 12 weeks of age, and there was no difference among the groups. In an open field test, the exploratory index was significantly lower in the LA1 group than in the LA2 group. The LA1 group had a smaller litter size and lower survival rate than the other groups. We conclude that if the diet contained appropriate amounts and balance of LA and LNA, it was possible for rats to synthesize an appropriate amount of DHA and have normal behavioral activity without DHA supplementation.  相似文献   
Nodules are formed on legume roots as a result of signaling between symbiotic partners and in response to the activities of numerous genes. We cloned fragments of differentially expressed genes in spot-inoculated soybean (Glycine max) roots. Many of the induced clones were similar to known genes related to oxidative stress, such as thioredoxin and beta-carotene hydroxylase. The deduced amino acid sequences of full-length soybean cDNAs for thioredoxin and beta-carotene hydroxylase were similar to those in other species. In situ RNA hybridization revealed that the thioredoxin gene is expressed on the pericycle of 2-d-old nodules and in the infected cells of mature nodules, suggesting that thioredoxin is involved in nodule development. The thioredoxin promoter was found to contain a sequence resembling an antioxidant responsive element. When a thioredoxin mutant of yeast was transformed with the soybean thioredoxin gene it became hydrogen peroxide tolerant. These observations prompted us to measure reactive oxygen species levels. These were decreased by 3- to 5-fold in 7-d-old and 27-d-old nodules, coincident with increases in the expression of thioredoxin and beta-carotene hydroxylase genes. Hydrogen peroxide-producing regions identified with cerium chloride were found in uninoculated roots and 2-d-old nodules, but not in 7-d-old and 27-d-old nodules. RNA interference-mediated repression of the thioredoxin gene severely impaired nodule development. These data indicate that antioxidants such as thioredoxin are essential to lower reactive oxygen species levels during nodule development.  相似文献   
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