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Histoplasma capsulatum is a fungal pathogen that causes respiratory and systemic disease by proliferating within macrophages. While much is known about histoplasmosis, only a single virulence factor has been defined, in part because of the inefficiency of Histoplasma reverse genetics. As an alternative to allelic replacement, we have developed a telomeric plasmid-based system for silencing gene expression in Histoplasma by RNA interference (RNAi). Episomal expression of long RNAs that form stem-loop structures triggered gene silencing. To test the effectiveness of RNAi in Histoplasma, we depleted expression of a gfp transgene as well as two endogenous genes, ADE2 and URA5, and showed significant reductions in corresponding gene function. Silencing was target gene specific, stable during macrophage infection and reversible. We used RNAi targeting AGS1 (encoding alpha-(1,3)-glucan synthase) to deplete levels of alpha-(1,3)-glucan, a cell wall polysaccharide. Loss of alpha-(1,3)-glucan by RNAi yielded phenotypes indistinguishable from an AGS1 deletion: attenuation of the ability to kill macrophages and colonize murine lungs. This demonstrates for the first time that alpha-(1,3)-glucan is an important contributor to Histoplasma virulence.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic membrane of the H37Ra strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been isolated free of cell wall.

These membrane preparations contain very small quantities of cytochromes c, b and cytochrome oxidase. The cytochrome c is not extracted by any method attempted. The cytochrome b is reducible only by dithionite and is believed not to be involved in the direct transfer of electrons during the oxidation of NADH by these preparations. The NADH oxidase activity of the membrane is inhibited by high concentrations of cyanide and also by 2-(n-heptyl)-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO). The cytochrome oxidase of the membrane contains both cytochromes a and a3 and is present in low concentrations relative to cytochrome c. The cytochrome a3 component was identified by characteristic complexes with both CO and cyanide and shows a γ-band absorption maximum at a slightly lower wavelength than the cytochrome oxidase of mammalian mitochondria (442 nm vs. 445 nm). The functional activity of the cytochrome oxidase is indicated by the inhibition of reoxidation of reduced cytochromes c and a in the presence of cyanide.  相似文献   

The cellular process of macromolecular degradation known as macroautophagy has long been known to play a role in the elimination of mitochondria. Over the past decade, much progress has been made in the development of systems by which the nature and mechanism of mitochondria degradation may be studied. Recent findings imply that the degradation of mitochondria via autophagy may be more specific and more tightly regulated than originally thought, and have led to designation of this specific type of autophagy as “mitophagy”. In this review we provide a brief history of the development of mitophagy models and their associated discoveries.  相似文献   
Climate change is predicted to impact tropical rain forests, with droughts becoming more frequent and more severe in some regions. We currently have a poor understanding of how increased drought will change the functioning of tropical rain forest. In particular, tropical rain forest invertebrates, which are numerous and biologically important, may respond to drought in different ways across trophic levels. Ants are a diverse group that carry out important ecosystem processes, shaping ecosystem structure and function through predation and competition, which can influence multiple trophic levels. Hemiptera are a mega-diverse order, abundant in tropical rain forests and are ecologically important. To understand the roles of ants in exerting predation and competition pressure on invertebrates in tropical rain forests during drought and a post-drought period, we established a large-scale ecosystem manipulation experiment in Maliau Basin Conservation Area in Malaysian Borneo, suppressing the activity of ants on four 0.25 ha plots over a two-year period. We sampled hemipterans found in the leaf litter during a drought (July 2015) and a post-drought period (September 2016) period. We found significant shifts in the assemblage of hemipterans sampled from the leaf litter following ant suppression. Specifically, for ant-suppression plots, the species richness and abundance of herbivorous hemipterans increased only during the post-drought period. For predatory hemipterans, abundance increased with ant-suppression regardless of drought conditions, and we found marginal evidence for a species richness increase during the post-drought period with little or no change in the drought period. These results illustrate how ants in tropical forests structure invertebrate communities and how these effects may vary with climatic variation.  相似文献   
X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) is a congenital disorder caused by mutations of the myotubularin gene, MTM1. Myotubularin belongs to a large family of conserved lipid phosphatases that include both catalytically active and inactive myotubularin-related proteins (i.e., “MTMRs”). Biochemically, catalytically inactive MTMRs have been shown to form heteroligomers with active members within the myotubularin family through protein-protein interactions. However, the pathophysiological significance of catalytically inactive MTMRs remains unknown in muscle. By in vitro as well as in vivo studies, we have identified that catalytically inactive myotubularin-related protein 12 (MTMR12) binds to myotubularin in skeletal muscle. Knockdown of the mtmr12 gene in zebrafish resulted in skeletal muscle defects and impaired motor function. Analysis of mtmr12 morphant fish showed pathological changes with central nucleation, disorganized Triads, myofiber hypotrophy and whorled membrane structures similar to those seen in X-linked myotubular myopathy. Biochemical studies showed that deficiency of MTMR12 results in reduced levels of myotubularin protein in zebrafish and mammalian C2C12 cells. Loss of myotubularin also resulted in reduction of MTMR12 protein in C2C12 cells, mice and humans. Moreover, XLMTM mutations within the myotubularin interaction domain disrupted binding to MTMR12 in cell culture. Analysis of human XLMTM patient myotubes showed that mutations that disrupt the interaction between myotubularin and MTMR12 proteins result in reduction of both myotubularin and MTMR12. These studies strongly support the concept that interactions between myotubularin and MTMR12 are required for the stability of their functional protein complex in normal skeletal muscles. This work highlights an important physiological function of catalytically inactive phosphatases in the pathophysiology of myotubular myopathy and suggests a novel therapeutic approach through identification of drugs that could stabilize the myotubularin-MTMR12 complex and hence ameliorate this disorder.  相似文献   
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