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The linker of nucleus and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex, including nesprin-1, has been suggested to be crucial for many biological processes. Previous studies have shown that mutations in nesprin-1 cause abnormal cellular functions and diseases, possibly because of insufficient force transmission to the nucleus through actin filaments (F-actin) bound to nesprin-1. However, little is known regarding the mechanical interaction between the nucleus and F-actin through nesprin-1. In this study, we examined nuclear deformation behavior in nesprin-1 knocked-down endothelial cells (ECs) subjected to uniaxial stretching by evaluating nuclear strain from lateral cross-sectional images. The widths of nuclei in nesprin-1 knocked-down ECs were smaller than those in wild-type cells. In addition, nuclear strain in nesprin-1 knocked-down cells, which is considered to be compressed by the actin cortical layer, increased compared with that in wild-type cells under stretching condition. These results indicate that nesprin-1 knockdown releases the nucleus from the tension of F-actin bound to the nucleus, thereby increasing allowance for deformation before stretching, and that F-actin bound to the nucleus through nesprin-1 causes sustainable force transmission to the nucleus.  相似文献   


To characterize changes in global protein expression in kidneys of transgenic rats overexpressing human selenoprotein M (SelM) in response to increased bioabivility of selenium (Sel), total proteins extracted from kidneys of 10-week-old CMV/hSelM Tg and wild-type rats were separated by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and measured for changes in expression.


Ten and three proteins showing high antioxidant enzymatic activity were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in SelM-overexpressing CMV/hSelM Tg rats compared to controls based on an arbitrary 2-fold difference. Up-regulated proteins included LAP3, BAIAP2L1, CRP2, CD73 antigen, PDGF D, KIAA143 homolog, PRPPS-AP2, ZFP313, HSP-60, and N-WASP, whereas down-regulated proteins included ALKDH3, rMCP-3, and STC-1. After Sel treatment, five of the up-regulated proteins were significantly increased in expression in wild-type rats, whereas there were no changes in CMV/hSelM Tg rats. Only two of the down-regulated proteins showed reduced expression in wild-type and Tg rats after Sel treatment.


These results show the primary novel biological evidences that new functional protein groups and individual proteins in kidneys of Tg rats relate to Sel biology including the response to Sel treatment and SelM expression.  相似文献   
The role of extracellular elements on the mechanical properties of skeletal muscles is unknown. Merosin is an essential extracellular matrix protein that forms a mechanical junction between the sarcolemma and collagen. Therefore, it is possible that merosin plays a role in force transmission between muscle fibers and collagen. We hypothesized that deficiency in merosin may alter passive muscle stiffness, viscoelastic properties, and contractile muscle force in skeletal muscles. We used the dy/dy mouse, a merosin-deficient mouse model, to examine changes in passive and active muscle mechanics. After mice were anesthetized and the diaphragm or the biceps femoris hindlimb muscle was excised, passive length-tension relationships, stress-relaxation curves, or isometric contractile properties were determined with an in vitro biaxial mechanical testing apparatus. Compared with controls, extensibility was smaller in the muscle fiber direction and the transverse fiber direction of the mutant mice. The relaxed elastic modulus was smaller in merosin-deficient diaphragms compared with controls. Interestingly, maximal muscle tetanic stress was depressed in muscles from the mutant mice during uniaxial loading but not during biaxial loading. However, presence of transverse passive stretch increases maximal contractile stress in both the mutant and normal mice. Our data suggest that merosin contributes to muscle passive stiffness, viscoelasticity, and contractility and that the mechanism by which force is transmitted between adjacent myofibers via merosin possibly in shear.  相似文献   
A number of bacterial strains were isolated from the internal tissue of Trapa japonica. Of these, strain KPE62302H, which had a 16S rDNA sequence identical to that of Streptomyces miharaensis showed antifungal activity against several plant pathogens. Treatment of seeds with strain KPE62302H induced a significant reduction in the incidence of Fusarium wilt in tomato plants compared with untreated controls. An antifungal substance (FP-1) was purified from the culture extract of strain KPE62302H using C18 flash and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. Extensive spectrometric analysis using MS and NMR identified this as filipin III. FP-1 inhibited the mycelial growth of plant pathogenic fungi such as Alternaria mali, Aspergillus niger, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. orbiculare, Cylindrocarpon destructans, Diaporthe citiri, Fusarium oxysporum at 1-10 μg ml(-1) and also markedly inhibited the development of Fusarium wilt caused by F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici in tomato plants by treatment with 10 μg ml(-1) under greenhouse conditions. The efficacy of FP-1 against Fusarium wilt was comparable to that of the synthetic fungicide benomyl. An egfp -tagged strain of KPE62302H confirmed its ability to colonize tomato plants.  相似文献   
We report that phytosphingosine, a sphingolipid found in many organisms and implicated in cellular signaling, promotes megakaryocytic differentiation of myeloid leukemia cells. Specifically, phytosphingosine induced several hallmark changes associated with megakaryopoiesis from K562 and HEL cells including cell cycle arrest, cell size increase and polyploidization. We also confirmed that cell type specific markers of megakaryocytes, CD41a and CD42b are induced by phytosphingosine. Phospholipids with highly similar structures were unable to induce similar changes, indicating that the activity of phytosphingosine is highly specific. Although phytosphingosine is known to activate p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-mediated apoptosis, the signaling mechanisms involved in megakaryopoiesis appear to be distinct. In sum, we present another model for dissecting molecular details of megakaryocytic differentiation which in large part remains obscure. [BMB Reports 2015; 48(12): 691-695]  相似文献   
Hwang I  Harper JF  Liang F  Sze H 《Plant physiology》2000,122(1):157-168
To investigate how calmodulin regulates a unique subfamily of Ca(2+) pumps found in plants, we examined the kinetic properties of isoform ACA2 identified in Arabidopsis. A recombinant ACA2 was expressed in a yeast K616 mutant deficient in two endogenous Ca(2+) pumps. Orthovanadate-sensitive (45)Ca(2+) transport into vesicles isolated from transformants demonstrated that ACA2 is a Ca(2+) pump. Ca(2+) pumping by the full-length protein (ACA2-1) was 4- to 10-fold lower than that of the N-terminal truncated ACA2-2 (Delta2-80), indicating that the N-terminal domain normally acts to inhibit the pump. An inhibitory sequence (IC(50) = 4 microM) was localized to a region within valine-20 to leucine-44, because a peptide corresponding to this sequence lowered the V(max) and increased the K(m) for Ca(2+) of the constitutively active ACA2-2 to values comparable to the full-length pump. The peptide also blocked the activity (IC(50) = 7 microM) of a Ca(2+) pump (AtECA1) belonging to a second family of Ca(2+) pumps. This inhibitory sequence appears to overlap with a calmodulin-binding site in ACA2, previously mapped between aspartate-19 and arginine-36 (J.F. Harper, B. Hong, I. Hwang, H.Q. Guo, R. Stoddard, J.F. Huang, M.G. Palmgren, H. Sze ?1998 J Biol Chem 273: 1099-1106). These results support a model in which the pump is kept "unactivated" by an intramolecular interaction between an autoinhibitory sequence located between residues 20 and 44 and a site in the Ca(2+) pump core that is highly conserved between different Ca(2+) pump families. Results further support a model in which activation occurs as a result of Ca(2+)-induced binding of calmodulin to a site overlapping or immediately adjacent to the autoinhibitory sequence.  相似文献   
A neuronal F‐box protein FSN‐1 regulates Caenorhabditis elegans neuromuscular junction development by negatively regulating DLK‐mediated MAPK signalling. In the present study, we show that attenuation of insulin/IGF signalling also contributes to FSN‐1‐dependent synaptic development and function. The aberrant synapse morphology and synaptic transmission in fsn‐1 mutants are partially and specifically rescued by reducing insulin/IGF‐signalling activity in postsynaptic muscles, as well as by reducing the activity of EGL‐3, a prohormone convertase that processes agonistic insulin/IGF ligands INS‐4 and INS‐6, in neurons. FSN‐1 interacts with, and potentiates the ubiquitination of EGL‐3 in vitro, and reduces the EGL‐3 level in vivo. We propose that FSN‐1 may negatively regulate insulin/IGF signalling, in part, through EGL‐3‐dependent insulin‐like ligand processing.  相似文献   
Multiple analysis has characterized a recently described tapeworm of people, Taenia asiatica, in mainland China. Six adult tapeworms collected from people of the Zhuang minority residing in the southern part of China (Luzhai isolate) were comparatively analyzed with other tapeworms from people: T. asiatica (n = 2, South Korea), T. saginata (n = 1, Poland; n = 1, Korea), and T. solium (n = 1, People's Republic of China). Experimental infections with eggs from the Luzhai isolate in pigs and cattle produced cysticerci, each with a hookletless scolex and with wartlike formations on the external surface of the bladder wall. There were rostellar protrusions in the scolices of adult worms. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis using 3 arbitrary primers produced bands identical to those of the Korean T. asiatica. Conversely, T. saginata and T. solium exhibited different banding patterns. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from the complete nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 2 placed the Chinese tapeworms consistently within the T. asiatica clade by 96% bootstrapping value in the maximum likelihood analysis, 96% in maximum parsimony, and 100% in neighbor joining. These collective data demonstrate that T. asiatica is sympatrically distributed with the other 2 species of Taenia in the human host in mainland China.  相似文献   
A cDNA encoding a new phytocystatin isotype named BCPI-1 was isolated from a cDNA library of Chinese cabbage flower buds. The BCPI-1 clone encodes 199 amino acids resulting in a protein much larger than other known phytocystatins. BCPI-1 has an unusually long C-terminus. A BCPI-1 fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli strongly inhibits the enzymatic activity of papain, a cysteine proteinase. Genomic Southern blot analysis revealed that the BCPI gene is a member of a small multi-gene family in Chinese cabbage. Northern blot analysis showed that it is differentially expressed in the flower bud, leaf and root.  相似文献   
Bacterial strains growing in river sediments were screened to identify an organic solvent-tolerant strain of Pseudomonas. Using this screen, Pseudomonas sp. BCNU 106 was isolated on the basis of its ability to grow on benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and three xylene isomers, o-, m- and p-xylene, as its sole carbon source. BCNU 106 was identified as a gram-negative, rod-shaped aerobic and mesophilic bacterium, which grew in liquid media containing high concentrations of organic solvents. 16S rDNA analysis classified BCNU 106 as a new member of the genus Pseudomonas. BCNU 106 was distinguishable from other Pseudomonas strains that are tolerant to organic solvents in that the isolate had the ability to utilize all three xylene isomers as well as benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene. The unique properties of the isolate such as solvent-tolerance and the ability to degrade xylene isomers may have important implications for the efficient treatment of solvent wastes.  相似文献   
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