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Deep sequencing after bisulfite conversion (BS-Seq) is the method of choice to generate whole genome maps of cytosine methylation at single base-pair resolution. Its application to genomic DNA of Arabidopsis flower bud tissue resulted in the first complete methylome, determining a methylation rate of 6.7% in this tissue. BS-Seq reads were mapped onto an in silico converted reference genome, applying the so-called 3-letter genome method. Here, we present BiSS (Bisufite Sequencing Scorer), a new method applying Smith-Waterman alignment to map bisulfite-converted reads to a reference genome. In addition, we introduce a comprehensive adaptive error estimate that accounts for sequencing errors, erroneous bisulfite conversion and also wrongly mapped reads. The re-analysis of the Arabidopsis methylome data with BiSS mapped substantially more reads to the genome. As a result, it determines the methylation status of an extra 10% of cytosines and estimates the methylation rate to be 7.7%. We validated the results by individual traditional bisulfite sequencing for selected genomic regions. In addition to predicting the methylation status of each cytosine, BiSS also provides an estimate of the methylation degree at each genomic site. Thus, BiSS explores BS-Seq data more extensively and provides more information for downstream analysis.  相似文献   
The inner dynein arm regulates axonemal bending motion in eukaryotes. We used cryo-electron tomography to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of inner dynein arms from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. All the eight different heavy chains were identified in one 96-nm periodic repeat, as expected from previous biochemical studies. Based on mutants, we identified the positions of the AAA rings and the N-terminal tails of all the eight heavy chains. The dynein f dimer is located close to the surface of the A-microtubule, whereas the other six heavy chain rings are roughly colinear at a larger distance to form three dyads. Each dyad consists of two heavy chains and has a corresponding radial spoke or a similar feature. In each of the six heavy chains (dynein a, b, c, d, e, and g), the N-terminal tail extends from the distal side of the ring. To interact with the B-microtubule through stalks, the inner-arm dyneins must have either different handedness or, more probably, the opposite orientation of the AAA rings compared with the outer-arm dyneins.  相似文献   
The flies of the genus Dicranosepsis from Vietnam were investigated and classified taxonomically. Six new species (D. longa sp. nov., D. kurahashii sp. nov., D. monoseta sp. nov., D. sinuosa sp. nov., D. barbata sp. nov., and D. vietnamensis sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. Dicranosepsis is redefined and a revised key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   
Cilia are thin microtubule‐based protrusions of eukaryotic cells. The swimming of ciliated protists and sperm cells is propelled by the beating of cilia. Cilia propagate the flow of mucus in the trachea and protect the human body from viral infections. The main force generators of ciliary beating are the outer dynein arms (ODAs) which attach to the doublet microtubules. The bending of cilia is driven by the ODAs'' conformational changes caused by ATP hydrolysis. Here, we report the native ODA complex structure attaching to the doublet microtubule by cryo‐electron microscopy. The structure reveals how the ODA complex is attached to the doublet microtubule via the docking complex in its native state. Combined with coarse‐grained molecular dynamic simulations, we present a model of how the attachment of the ODA to the doublet microtubule induces remodeling and activation of the ODA complex.  相似文献   
An intravenous (IV) bolus injection (10 μg) of synthetic rat atrial natriuretic factor [ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126)] into normal conscious Sprague-Dawley rats produced a significant decrease of plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) while 1-, 2-, and 5-μg doses exerted no such effect. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was lowered about 15 mmHg by an IV 10 μg bolus injection of ANF. When plasma AVP rose significantly in rats exposed to such osmotic stimuli as 600 mM NaCl and 900 mM mannitol intraperitoneally (IP), subsequent IV injection of ANF (10 μg) markedly depressed this parameter. Lower doses of ANF were ineffective against 600 mM NaCl IP. The significant elevation of plasma AVP levels by hypertonic sucrose 900 mM IP was not modified by ANF (10 μg). Blood pressure remained unchanged after IP administration of various osmotic stimuli, except mannitol, and in all these experiments an IV bolus of ANF exerted a lowering effect on MAP. Seventy-two hr water deprivation (mixed osmotic and volume stimulus) resulted in elevated plasma AVP levels which were unaffected by an IV bolus injection of ANF at doses of 0.06–10 μg. Immunoreactive ANF (IR-ANF) rose in plasma to 39.3±13 ng/ml 1 min after an IV bolus injection of 10 μg ANF, dropping to 1.01±0.2 ng/ml after 5 min and to 0.32±0.01 ng/ml after 10 min (when ANF and AVP interactions were studied), but still remained approximately six times higher than in control rats. These results suggest that, in the conscious rat, only pharmacological levels of ANF observed after an IV bolus infusion may influence both resting and osmotically-stimulated AVP levels.  相似文献   


Dengue vaccines are now in late-stage development, and evaluation and robust estimates of dengue disease burden are needed to facilitate further development and introduction. In Cambodia, the national dengue case-definition only allows reporting of children less than 16 years of age, and little is known about dengue burden in rural areas and among older persons. To estimate the true burden of dengue in the largest province of Cambodia, Kampong Cham, we conducted community-based active dengue fever surveillance among the 0-to-19–year age group in rural villages and urban areas during 2006–2008.

Methods and Findings

Active surveillance for febrile illness was conducted in 32 villages and 10 urban areas by mothers trained to use digital thermometers combined with weekly home visits to identify persons with fever. An investigation team visited families with febrile persons to obtain informed consent for participation in the follow-up study, which included collection of personal data and blood specimens. Dengue-related febrile illness was defined using molecular and serological testing of paired acute and convalescent blood samples. Over the three years of surveillance, 6,121 fever episodes were identified with 736 laboratory-confirmed dengue virus (DENV) infections for incidences of 13.4–57.8/1,000 person-seasons. Average incidence was highest among children less than 7 years of age (41.1/1,000 person-seasons) and lowest among the 16-to-19–year age group (11.3/1,000 person-seasons). The distribution of dengue was highly focal, with incidence rates in villages and urban areas ranging from 1.5–211.5/1,000 person-seasons (median 36.5). During a DENV-3 outbreak in 2007, rural areas were affected more than urban areas (incidence 71 vs. 17/1,000 person-seasons, p<0.001).


The large-scale active surveillance study for dengue fever in Cambodia found a higher disease incidence than reported to the national surveillance system, particularly in preschool children and that disease incidence was high in both rural and urban areas. It also confirmed the previously observed focal nature of dengue virus transmission.  相似文献   
G-quadruplex (G4) DNA structures with a left-handed backbone progression have unique and conserved structural features. Studies on sequence dependency of the structures revealed the prerequisites and some minimal motifs required for left-handed G4 formation. To extend the boundaries, we explore the adaptability of left-handed G4s towards the existence of bulges. Here we present two X-ray crystal structures and an NMR solution structure of left-handed G4s accommodating one, two and three bulges. Bulges in left-handed G4s show distinct characteristics as compared to those in right-handed G4s. The elucidation of intricate structural details will help in understanding the possible roles and limitations of these unique structures.  相似文献   
Lantana camara is a troublesome invasive plant introduced to many tropical regions, including Southeast Asia. However, the plant does hold promise as a source of essential oils that may be explored for potential use. Fresh water snails such as Pomacea canaliculata, Gyraulus convexiusculus, and Tarebia granifera can be problematic agricultural pests as well as hosts for parasitic worms. Aedes and Culex mosquitoes are notorious vectors of numerous viral pathogens. Control of these vectors is of utmost importance. In this work, the essential oil compositions, molluscicidal, and mosquito larvicidal activities of four collections of L. camara from north-central Vietnam have been investigated. The sesquiterpene-rich L. camara essential oils showed wide variation in their compositions, not only compared to essential oils from other geographical locations (at least six possible chemotypes), but also between the four samples from Vietnam. L. camara essential oils showed molluscicidal activities comparable to the positive control, tea saponin, as well as other botanical agents. The median lethal concentrations (LC50) against the snails were 23.6–40.2 μg/mL (P. canaliculata), 7.9–29.6 μg/mL (G. convexiusculus), and 15.0–29.6 μg/mL (T. granifera). The essential oils showed good mosquito larvicidal activities with 24-h LC50 values of 15.1–29.0 μg/mL, 26.4–53.8 μg/mL, and 20.8–59.3 μg/mL against Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus, and Cx. quinquefasciatus, respectively. The essential oils were more toxic to snails and mosquito larvae than they were to the non-target water bug, Diplonychus rusticus (24-h LC50=103.7–162.5 μg/mL). Sesquiterpene components of the essential oils may be acting as acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors. These results suggest that the invasive plant, L. camara, may be a renewable botanical pesticidal agent.  相似文献   
A new natural Diels-Alder adduct ( 3 ) was isolated from the leaves and stem bark of Artocarpus integer, along with seventeen known compounds ( 1 , 2 , and 4 – 18 ). Structural elucidation was conducted using NMR and HR-ESI-MS data, and comparisons were made with previous studies. Deoxyartonin I ( 3 ) exhibited the most potent α-glucosidase inhibition (IC50 7.80±0.1 μM), outperforming the acarbose positive control. This was mixed-mode inhibition, as indicated by the intersect in the second quadrant of each respective plot. An in silico molecular docking model and the pharmacokinetic features of 3 suggest that it is a potential inhibitor of enzyme α-glucosidase, and is therefore a lead candidate as a drug against diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
Leaves of the plant species Isatis indigotica Fortune ex Lindl. (Chinese woad) produce the metabolites tryptanthrin, indirubin and N‐formylanthranilic acid upon spraying with an aqueous solution of copper chloride but not after spraying with water. The antifungal activities of these metabolites against the phytopathogens Alternaria brassicicola, Leptosphaeria maculans and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum established that tryptanthrin is a much stronger growth inhibitor of L. maculans than the phytoalexin camalexin. The biosynthetic precursors of tryptanthrin and N‐formylanthranilic acid are proposed based on the deuterium incorporations of isotopically labeled compounds. The overall results suggest that tryptanthrin is a phytoalexin and indirubin and N‐formylanthranilic acid are phytoanticipins in the plant species I. indigotica and that chemical diversity and biodiversity are intimately connected.  相似文献   
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