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The MutS1 protein recognizes unpaired bases and initiates mismatch repair, which are essential for high-fidelity DNA replication. The homologous MutS2 protein does not contribute to mismatch repair, but suppresses homologous recombination. MutS2 lacks the damage-recognition domain of MutS1, but contains an additional C-terminal extension: the small MutS-related (Smr) domain. This domain, which is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, has previously been reported to bind to DNA and to possess nicking endonuclease activity. We determine here the solution structure of the functionally active Smr domain of the Bcl3-binding protein (also known as Nedd4-binding protein 2), a protein with unknown function that lacks other domains present in MutS proteins. The Smr domain adopts a two-layer α-β sandwich fold, which has a structural similarity to the C-terminal domain of IF3, the R3H domain, and the N-terminal domain of DNase I. The most conserved residues are located in three loops that form a contiguous, exposed, and positively charged surface with distinct sequence identity for prokaryotic and eukaryotic Smr domains. NMR titration experiments and DNA binding studies using Bcl3-binding protein-Smr domain mutants suggested that these most conserved loop regions participate in DNA binding to single-stranded/double-stranded DNA junctions. Based on the observed DNA-binding-induced multimerization, the structural similarity with both subdomains of DNase I, and the experimentally identified DNA-binding surface, we propose a model for DNA recognition by the Smr domain.  相似文献   
Rapid Arctic warming is expected to increase global greenhouse gas concentrations as permafrost thaw exposes immense stores of frozen carbon (C) to microbial decomposition. Permafrost thaw also stimulates plant growth, which could offset C loss. Using data from 7 years of experimental Air and Soil warming in moist acidic tundra, we show that Soil warming had a much stronger effect on CO2 flux than Air warming. Soil warming caused rapid permafrost thaw and increased ecosystem respiration (Reco), gross primary productivity (GPP), and net summer CO2 storage (NEE). Over 7 years Reco, GPP, and NEE also increased in Control (i.e., ambient plots), but this change could be explained by slow thaw in Control areas. In the initial stages of thaw, Reco, GPP, and NEE increased linearly with thaw across all treatments, despite different rates of thaw. As thaw in Soil warming continued to increase linearly, ground surface subsidence created saturated microsites and suppressed Reco, GPP, and NEE. However Reco and GPP remained high in areas with large Eriophorum vaginatum biomass. In general NEE increased with thaw, but was more strongly correlated with plant biomass than thaw, indicating that higher Reco in deeply thawed areas during summer months was balanced by GPP. Summer CO2 flux across treatments fit a single quadratic relationship that captured the functional response of CO2 flux to thaw, water table depth, and plant biomass. These results demonstrate the importance of indirect thaw effects on CO2 flux: plant growth and water table dynamics. Nonsummer Reco models estimated that the area was an annual CO2 source during all years of observation. Nonsummer CO2 loss in warmer, more deeply thawed soils exceeded the increases in summer GPP, and thawed tundra was a net annual CO2 source.  相似文献   
Contaminated land is increasingly becoming an important issue worldwide. Many contaminants are persistent in soil for a large number of years. With the increase in public awareness regarding the consequences of contaminated soil, many researchers are concentrating on developing cost-effective and socially acceptable soil remediation technologies. Soils of many sites, which have been left derelict after industrial decline, harbor a broad suite of metal and organic contaminants. Land where such contaminants are deemed to pose a significant risk to receptors is considered contaminated under modern guidance. Remediation to break identified pollutant linkages would precede reclamation and plant establishment. One approach to break the pollutant receptor linkage is to utilize materials that effectively create soil conditions that immobilize contaminants whilst providing essential plant growth properties in terms of nutrition and water holding capacity. Materials that may achieve this include: 1) composts derived from materials such as sewage sludges and other municipal sources; 2) natural or synthetic zeolites; or 3) industrial by-products such as red-mud or other iron-rich materials such as iron grit or iron oxyhydroxides. Remediation techniques that utilize such materials may be cost-effective compared to more traditional methods and may effectively divert materials from the waste stream and could thereby make a dual contribution to sustainable development.  相似文献   


SH3 domains are small protein modules of 60–85 amino acids that bind to short proline-rich sequences with moderate-to-low affinity and specificity. Interactions with SH3 domains play a crucial role in regulation of many cellular processes (some are related to cancer and AIDS) and have thus been interesting targets in drug design. The decapeptide APSYSPPPPP (p41) binds with relatively high affinity to the SH3 domain of the Abl tyrosine kinase (Abl-SH3), while it has a 100 times lower affinity for the α-spectrin SH3 domain (Spc-SH3).  相似文献   
Streptomyces bacteria are ubiquitous in soil, conferring the characteristic earthy smell, and they have an important ecological role in the turnover of organic material. More recently, a new picture has begun to emerge in which streptomycetes are not in all cases simply free-living soil bacteria but have also evolved to live in symbiosis with plants, fungi and animals. Furthermore, much of the chemical diversity of secondary metabolites produced by Streptomyces species has most likely evolved as a direct result of their interactions with other organisms. Here we review what is currently known about the role of streptomycetes as symbionts with fungi, plants and animals. These interactions can be parasitic, as is the case for scab-causing streptomycetes, which infect plants, and the Streptomyces species Streptomyces somaliensis and Streptomyces sudanensis that infect humans. However, in most cases they are beneficial and growth promoting, as is the case with many insects, plants and marine animals that use streptomycete-produced antibiotics to protect themselves against infection. This is an exciting and newly emerging field of research that will become increasingly important as the search for new antibiotics switches to unusual and under-explored environments.  相似文献   
Fisheries-induced evolution has become a major branch of the research on anthropogenic and contemporary evolution. Within the conservation context, fisheries-induced evolution has been hypothesized to negatively affect the persistence and recovery potential of depleted populations, but this has not been explicitly investigated. Here, we investigate how fisheries-induced evolution of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) life histories affects per capita population growth rate, a parameter negatively correlated with extinction risk. We simulate the evolutionary and ecological dynamics of a cod population for a 100 year period of size-selective harvesting, followed thereafter by 300 years of recovery. To evaluate the relative importance of harvest-induced evolution, we either allowed life histories to evolve during and after the fishing period, or we assumed that fisheries-induced evolution was absent. Population growth rates did not differ appreciably between the evolutionary and non-evolutionary simulation scenarios, despite the emergence of rather pronounced differences in life histories. The underlying reason was that in the absence of fishing the cumulative lifetime reproductive outputs were very similar among differing life histories. The results suggest that fisheries-induced evolution might not always have as clear-cut an effect on population growth rate as previously anticipated.  相似文献   
Proteins aggregate in response to various stresses including changes in solvent conditions. Addition of alcohols has been recently shown to induce aggregation of disease‐related as well as nondisease‐related proteins. Here we probed the biophysical mechanisms underlying alcohol‐induced protein aggregation, in particular the role of partial protein unfolding in aggregation. We have studied aggregation mechanisms due to benzyl alcohol which is used in numerous biochemical and biotechnological applications. We chose cytochrome c as a model protein, for the reason that various optical and structural probes are available to monitor its global and partial unfolding reactions. Benzyl alcohol induced the aggregation of cytochrome c in isothermal conditions and decreased the temperature at which the protein aggregates. However, benzyl alcohol did not perturb the overall native conformation of cytochrome c. Instead, it caused partial unfolding of a local protein region around the methionine residue at position 80. Site‐specific optical probes, two‐dimensional NMR titrations, and hydrogen exchange all support this conclusion. The protein aggregation temperature varied linearly with the melting temperature of the Met80 region. Stabilizing the Met80 region by heme iron reduction drastically decreased protein aggregation, which confirmed that the local unfolding of this region causes protein aggregation. These results indicate that a possible mechanism by which alcohols induce protein aggregation is through partial rather than complete unfolding of native proteins. Proteins 2010. © Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
BRCA1 C-terminal domain (BRCT)-containing proteins are found widely throughout the animal and bacteria kingdoms where they are exclusively involved in cell cycle regulation and DNA metabolism. Whereas most BRCT domains are involved in protein-protein interactions, a small subset has bona fide DNA binding activity. Here, we present the solution structure of the BRCT region of the large subunit of replication factor C bound to DNA and a model of the structure-specific complex with 5′-phosphorylated double-stranded DNA. The replication factor C BRCT domain possesses a large basic patch on one face, which includes residues that are structurally conserved and ligate the phosphate in phosphopeptide binding BRCT domains. An extra α-helix at the N terminus, which is required for DNA binding, inserts into the major groove and makes extensive contacts to the DNA backbone. The model of the protein-DNA complex suggests 5′-phosphate recognition by the BRCT domains of bacterial NAD+-dependent ligases and a nonclamp loading role for the replication factor C complex in DNA transactions.  相似文献   
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