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The Neotropics, Afrotropics and Madagascar have different histories which have influenced their respective patterns of diversity. Based on current knowledge of these histories, we developed the following predictions about the phylogenetic structure and composition of rainforest tree communities: (Hypothesis 1) isolation of Gondwanan biotas generated differences in phylogenetic composition among biogeographical regions; (H2) major Cenozoic extinction events led to lack of phylogenetic structure in Afrotropical and Malagasy communities; (H3) greater angiosperm diversification in the Neotropics led to greater phylogenetic clustering there than elsewhere; (H4) phylogenetic overdispersion is expected near the Andes due to the co‐occurrence of magnoliids tracking conserved habitat preferences and recently diversified eudicot lineages. Using abundance data of tropical rainforest tree species from 94 communities in the Neotropics, Afrotropics and Madagascar, we computed net relatedness index (NRI) to assess local phylogenetic structure, i.e. phylogenetic clustering vs. overdispersion relative to regional species pools, and principal coordinates of phylogenetic structure (PCPS) to assess variation in phylogenetic composition across communities. We observed significant differences in phylogenetic composition among biogeographical regions (agreement with H1). Overall phylogenetic structure did not differ among biogeographical regions, but results indicated variation from Andes to Amazon. We found widespread phylogenetic randomness in most Afrotropical and all Malagasy communities (agreement with H2). Most of central Amazonian communities were phylogenetically random, although some communities presented phylogenetic clustering (partial agreement with H3). We observed phylogenetic overdispersion near the Andes (agreement with H4). We were able to identify how differences in lineage composition are related to local phylogenetic co‐occurrences across biogeographical regions that have been undergoing different climatic and orographic histories during the past 100 Myr. We observed imprints of the history following Gondwana breakup on phylobetadiversity and local phylogenetic structure of rainforest tree communities in the Neotropics, Afrotropics and Madagascar.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of the main olfactory and accessory olfactory systems (MOS and AOS respectively) in the detection of androstenone. We used the following experimental approaches: behavioral, surgical removal of the vomeronasal organ (VNX) followed by histochemical verification and Fos immunohistochemistry. Using a Y-maze paradigm we estimated sensitivity of NZB/B1NJ and CBA/J mice to androstenone. CBA mice were 2,000-fold more sensitive to androstenone than NZB mice. VNX caused a 4- to 16-fold decre...  相似文献   
The preference–performance relationship in plant–insect interactions is a central theme in evolutionary ecology. Among many insects, eggs are vulnerable and larvae have limited mobility, making the choice of an appropriate oviposition site one of the most important decisions for a female. We investigated the evolution of oviposition preferences in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila simulans Sturtevant by artificially selecting for the preference for 2 natural resources, grape and quince. The main finding of our study is the differential responses of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. Although preferences evolved in the experimental populations of D. melanogaster, responses were not consistent with the selection regimes applied. In contrast, responses in D. simulans were consistent with expectations, demonstrating that this species has selectable genetic variation for the trait. Furthermore, crosses between D. simulans divergent lines showed that the genetic factors involved in grape preference appear to be largely recessive. In summary, our artificial selection study suggests that D. melanogaster and D. simulans possess different genetic architectures for this trait.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas putida strain DOT-T1E is highly tolerant to organic solvents, with a logP(ow) (the logarithm of the partition coefficient of a solvent in a two-phase water-octanol system of > or =2.5. Solvent tolerant microorganisms can be exploited to develop double-phase (organic solvent and water) biotransformation systems in which toxic substrates or products are kept in the organic phase. We tested P. putida DOT-T1E tolerance to different aliphatic alcohols with a logP(ow) value between 2 and 4, such as decanol, nonanol, and octanol, which are potentially useful in biotransformations in double-phase systems in which compounds with a logP(ow) around 1.5 are produced. P. putida DOT-T1E responds to aliphatic alcohols as the second phase through cis-to-trans isomerization of unsaturated cis fatty acids and through efflux of these aliphatic alcohols via a series of pumps that also extrude aromatic hydrocarbons. These defense mechanisms allow P. putida DOT-T1E to survive well in the presence of high concentrations of the aliphatic alcohols, and growth with nonanol or decanol occurred at a high rate, whereas in the presence of an octanol double-phase growth was compromised. Our results support that the logP(ow) of aliphatic alcohols correlates with their toxic effects, as octanol (logP(ow) = 2.9) has more negative effects in P. putida cells than 1-nonanol (logP(ow) = 3.4) or 1-decanol (logP(ow) = 4). A P. putida DOT-T1E derivative bearing plasmid pWW0-xylE::Km transforms m-xylene (logP(ow) = 3.2) into 3-methylcatechol (logP(ow) = 1.8). The amount of 3-methylcatechol produced in an aliphatic alcohol/water bioreactor was 10- to 20-fold higher than in an aqueous medium, demonstrating the usefulness of double-phase systems for this particular biotransformation.  相似文献   
Although osteoporosis and its related fractures are common in patients with COPD, patients at high risk of fracture are poorly identified, and consequently, undertreated. Since there are no fracture prevention guidelines available that focus on COPD patients, we developed a clinical approach to improve the identification and treatment of COPD patients at high risk of fracture. We organised a round-table discussion with 8 clinical experts in the field of COPD and fracture prevention in the Netherlands in December 2013. The clinical experts presented a review of the literature on COPD, osteoporosis and fracture prevention. Based on the Dutch fracture prevention guideline, they developed a 5-step clinical approach for fracture prevention in COPD. Thereby, they took into account both classical risk factors for fracture (low body mass index, older age, personal and family history of fracture, immobility, smoking, alcohol intake, use of glucocorticoids and increased fall risk) and COPD-specific risk factors for fracture (severe airflow obstruction, pulmonary exacerbations and oxygen therapy). Severe COPD (defined as postbronchodilator FEV1 < 50% predicted) was added as COPD-specific risk factor to the list of classical risk factors for fracture. The 5-step clinical approach starts with case finding using clinical risk factors, followed by risk evaluation (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and imaging of the spine), differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. This systematic clinical approach, which is evidence-based and easy-to-use in daily practice by pulmonologists, should contribute to optimise fracture prevention in COPD patients at high risk of fracture.  相似文献   
Most experimental procedures on molluscs are done after acclimatization of wild animals to lab conditions. Similarly, short-term acclimation is often unavoidable in a field survey when biological analysis cannot be done within the day of sample collection. However, acclimatization can affect the general physiological condition and particularly the immune cell responses of molluscs. Our aim was to study the changes in the hemocyte characteristics of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and the carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus acclimated 1 or 2 days under emersed conditions at 14 ± 1 °C and for 1, 2, 7, or 10 days to flowing seawater conditions (submerged) at 9 ± 1 °C, when compared to hemolymph withdrawn from organisms sampled in the field and immediately analyzed in the laboratory (unacclimated). The hemocyte characteristics assessed by flow cytometry were the total (THC) and differential hemocyte count, percentage of dead cells, phagocytosis, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Dead hemocytes were lower in oysters acclimated both in emersed and submerged conditions (1%-5%) compared to those sampled in the field (7%). Compared to oysters, the percentage of dead hemocytes was lower in clams (0.4% vs. 1.1%) and showed a tendency to decrease during acclimatization in both emersed and submerged conditions. In comparison to organisms not acclimated, the phagocytosis of hemocytes decreased in both oysters and clams acclimated under submerged conditions, but was similar in those acclimated in emersed conditions. The ROS production remained stable in both oysters and clams acclimated in emersed conditions, whereas in submerged conditions ROS production did not change in both the hyalinocytes and granulocytes of oysters, but increased in clams. In oysters, the THC decreased when they were acclimated 1 and 2 days in submerged conditions and was mainly caused by a decrease in granulocytes, but the decrease in THC in oysters acclimated 2 days in emersed conditions was caused by a decrease in hyalinocytes and small agranular cells. In clams, the THC was significantly lower in comparison to those not acclimated, regardless of the conditions of the acclimatization. These findings demonstrate that hemocyte characteristics were differentially affected in both species by the tested conditions of acclimatization. The phagocytosis and ROS production in clams and phagocytosis in oysters were not different in those acclimated for 1 day under both conditions, i.e. emersed and submerged, and those sampled in the field (unacclimated). The THC was significantly affected by acclimatization conditions, so the differences between clams and oysters should be considered in studies where important concentrations of hemocytes are required. The difference in the immune response between both species could be related to their habitat (epifaunal vs. infaunal) and their ability of resilience to manipulation and adaptation to captivity. Our results suggest that functional characteristics of hemocytes should be analyzed in both oysters and clams during the first 1 or 2 days, preferably acclimated under emersed rather than submerged conditions.  相似文献   
Peptide YY(3-36) is a satiation hormone released postprandially into the bloodstream from L-endocrine cells in the gut epithelia. In the current report, we demonstrate PYY(3-36) is also present in murine as well as in human saliva. In mice, salivary PYY(3-36) derives from plasma and is also synthesized in the taste cells in taste buds of the tongue. Moreover, the cognate receptor Y2R is abundantly expressed in the basal layer of the progenitor cells of the tongue epithelia and von Ebner's gland. The acute augmentation of salivary PYY(3-36) induced stronger satiation as demonstrated in feeding behavioral studies. The effect is mediated through the activation of the specific Y2 receptor expressed in the lingual epithelial cells. In a long-term study involving diet-induced obese (DIO) mice, a sustained increase in PYY(3-36) was achieved using viral vector-mediated gene delivery targeting salivary glands. The chronic increase in salivary PYY(3-36) resulted in a significant long-term reduction in food intake (FI) and body weight (BW). Thus this study provides evidence for new functions of the previously characterized gut peptide PYY(3-36) suggesting a potential simple and efficient alternative therapeutic approach for the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   
Quaternary glacial cycles have shaped the geographic distributions and evolution of numerous species in the Arctic. Ancient DNA suggests that the Arctic fox went extinct in Europe at the end of the Pleistocene and that Scandinavia was subsequently recolonized from Siberia, indicating inability to track its habitat through space as climate changed. Using ecological niche modeling, we found that climatically suitable conditions for Arctic fox were found in Scandinavia both during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the mid‐Holocene. Our results are supported by fossil occurrences from the last glacial. Furthermore, the model projection for the LGM, validated with fossil records, suggested an approximate distance of 2000 km between suitable Arctic conditions and the Tibetan Plateau well within the dispersal distance of the species, supporting the recently proposed hypothesis of range expansion from an origin on the Tibetan Plateau to the rest of Eurasia. The fact that the Arctic fox disappeared from Scandinavia despite suitable conditions suggests that extant populations may be more sensitive to climate change than previously thought.  相似文献   
A number of studies demonstrate that plant cover provides prey animals with refuges to decrease vulnerability to predators. However, others suggest plant cover to visually obstruct detection of predators or conspecifics. We suggest these seemingly conflicting results can, to some extent, be resolved if overhead vs. lateral cover are distinguished. We recorded seasonal variation in vigilance activity of a natural population of degus (Octodon degus), a diurnal, semi‐subterranean and social rodent from central Chile. We used these data to determine whether cover provided by herbaceous vegetation is mostly obstructive. The height of herbaceous vegetation in the habitat of degus varied seasonally, and the ability of degus (estimated from human observers) to detect potential predators decreased when herbaceous vegetation was high. This effect was more important for degus using quadruped postures and when dealing with terrestrial simulated predators. Accordingly, degus adjusted the quality rather than the quantity of their vigilance activity: male and female degus allocated similarly more time to bipedal vigilance when the height of herbs was high. Such increase in bipedal vigilance seemed to occur at the expense of quadruped vigilance instead of foraging time. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that cover of herbaceous vegetation is mostly obstructive to degus when active above ground, a finding that contrasts with previous evidence supporting that shrub cover provides refuges against predators. The differential effects of shrubs and herbs on degu vigilance are likely linked to differences in the costs and benefits associated with each cover type. For degus, shrubs may provide more overhead (protective) than lateral (obstructive) cover.  相似文献   
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