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The structure of the Haemophilus influenzae type f capsular polysaccharide was studied by chemical and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. The repeating unit of the polysaccharide was found to be
.  相似文献   
The upper limiting temperature of growth of Staphylococcus aureus MF31 in heart infusion broth (HI) was about 44°C but addition of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and soy sauce permitted the organism to grow above this temperature. This effect is similar to that of NaCl. Tomato ketchup, Worcestershire and HP sauces added to HI did not allow growth at the non-permissive temperature of 46°C but death was delayed. Staphylococcus aureus died in unsupplemented chicken meat slurry at 46°C but grew at 48°C in slurry supplemented with 5.8% NaCl and survived incubation for 18 h at 50°C in slurry supplemented with 5.8% NaCl and 5% MSG. Cultures grown at 37°C had a D 60 value of 2 min in 50 mmol/l Tris (pH 7.2) buffer. Cultures grown at 46°C in HI containing 5.8% NaCl had a D 60 value of 8 min in Tris buffer. Addition of 5.8% NaCl plus 5% MSG to the buffer increased the D 60 by a factor of about 7 for both cultures. In storage experiments at room temperature, the culture grown at 37°C and at 46°C plus 5.8% NaCl died at about the same rate in salami. In milk powder, however, the count of 37°C culture decreased from 109/g to 106/g in 5 weeks while the count of 46°C culture remained unchanged. In cottage cheese, freeze-dried rice and macaroni, the 37°C cultures also died more rapidly. It is suggested that cultures grown at 46°C plus 5.8% NaCl may be suitable for experiments with artificially contaminated foods.  相似文献   
Washing, freon extraction, and cationic polyelectrolyte precipitation were compared for their ability to reduce cytotoxicity associated with virus concentrates derived from beef extract eluates of wastewater sludges. Eluates concentrated by hydroextraction were usually much more toxic than those concentrated by organic flocculation. This difference may be due entirely to nondialyzable material naturally present in the beef extract which did not precipitate during flocculation at pH 3.5. Washing inoculated cell monolayers with saline containing calf serum before the addition of agar overlay media was most effective in reducing cytotoxicity, although it resulted in a greater virus loss, as compared with freon extraction and cationic polyelectrolyte precipitation.  相似文献   
Addition of toxic heavy metal ions (Cd2+, Hg2+, and Pb2+) to hemin-supplemented rabbit reticulocyte lysate brings about the activation of the heme-regulated eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha kinase (HRI) and the inhibition of protein chain initiation. In this report we examined the effects of monothiol and dithiol compounds, metal ion-chelating agents, and metallothioneins (MT) on metal ion-induced inhibition of protein synthesis. The dithiol compounds dithiothreitol and 2,3-dimercaptopropane sulfonic acid prevented and relieved the inhibition of protein synthesis caused by Cd2+ and Hg2+ in hemin-supplemented lysates, but the monothiol compounds 2-mercaptoethanol, cysteamine, D-(-)penicillamine, and glutathione had no effect. The inhibition of protein synthesis caused by Cd2+ was reversed by the addition of excess EDTA but not by the addition of excess nitrilotriacetic acid. Toxic heavy metal ions inhibited the capacity of hemin-supplemented lysate to reduce disulfide bonds. Addition of excess EDTA to Cd(2+)-inhibited lysates restored the capacity of the lysate to reduce disulfide bonds and inhibited the phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2. MTs and their apoproteins (apoMTs) inhibited the activation of HRI and protected protein synthesis from inhibition by Cd2+, Hg2+, and Pb2+. Addition of apoMTs to heavy metal ion-inhibited lysates restored the capacity of lysates to reduce disulfide bonds. The restoration of the lysate's thioredoxin/thioredoxin reductase activity was accompanied by the inactivation of HRI and the resumption of protein synthesis, indicating that apoMTs can "detoxify" metal ions already bound to proteins. Several observations presented in this report suggest that the binding of metal ions to the alpha-domain of MT is responsible for the ability of MT to sequester bound metal in a non-toxic form. Addition of glucose 6-phosphate or NADPH had no effect on protein synthesis in metal ion-inhibited lysates, and NADPH concentrations in Cd(2+)-inhibited and hemin-supplemented control lysates were equivalent. The data suggest that the metal ions cause the inhibition of protein synthesis by binding to vicinal sulfhydryl groups present in some critical protein(s), possibly the dithiols present in the active site of thioredoxin and (or) thioredoxin reductase, which leads to the activation of HRI.  相似文献   
The resonance Raman spectra of neutrophil cytochrome b558 obtained upon Soret excitation indicate that the heme is low spin six-coordinate in both ferric and ferrous oxidation states; comparison with the spectra of bis-imidazole hemin suggests imidazole or imidazolate axial ligation. Minor bands attributable to vibrational motions of ring-conjugated vinyl substituents were also observed, consistent with a heme assignment of protoporphyrin IX. The spectra of deoxycholate-solubilized cytochrome b558 were indistinguishable from neutrophil plasma membranes or specific granules, as were spectra from unstimulated and phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated cells, indicating that the hemes are structurally identical in various subcellular environments and cellular physiological states. However, structural complexity was suggested by biphasic ferric-ferrous photoreduction under 413-nm illumination and the absence of an EPR spectrum for the ferric heme under conditions where simple bis-imidazole heme-containing cytochromes are expected to give detectable signals. Midpoint reduction potentials and resonance Raman spectra of the soluble cytochrome b558 from an individual with cytochrome b558 positive (type IA.2) chronic granulomatous disease were nearly identical to normal oxidase, with the exception that the deficient oxidase did not undergo heme photoreduction. Possible structural models are discussed in relation to other physical properties (ligand binding, thermodynamic potentials) exhibited by the cytochrome.  相似文献   
Implantation and non-implantation sites were dissected into myometrial and stromal components; a decidual/embryonic region was obtained on Days 7 and 8 of pregnancy. The concentration of collagen (as a percentage of the dry weight of tissue), measured by hydroxyproline analysis, was significantly lower in the implantation regions than in the non-implant regions in all areas studied. The concentrations in the antimesometrial myometrium and stroma of the implantation region remained the same over the days studied. In contrast, the mesometrial collagen concentration in the implantation region declined from Day 6 to Day 8 of pregnancy. Collagen concentration was low within the decidual/embryonic tissue on Days 7 and 8 of pregnancy. Remodelling of collagen within the embryonic area appears to be an important feature of the uterine response to implantation in rats.  相似文献   
Two candidate methods for the recovery and detection of viruses in soil were subjected to round robin comparative testing by members of the American Society for Testing and Materials D19:24:04:04 Subcommittee Task Group. Selection of the methods, designated "Berg" and "Goyal," was based on results of an initial screening which indicated that both met basic criteria considered essential by the task group. Both methods utilized beef extract solutions to achieve desorption and recovery of viruses from representative soils: a fine sand soil, an organic muck soil, a sandy loam soil, and a clay loam soil. One of the two methods, Goyal, also used a secondary concentration of resulting soil eluants via low-pH organic flocculation to achieve a smaller final assay volume. Evaluation of the two methods was simultaneously performed in replicate by nine different laboratories. Each of the produced samples was divided into portions, and these were respectively subjected to quantitative viral plaque assay by both the individual, termed independent, laboratory which had done the soil processing and a single common reference laboratory, using a single cell line and passage level. The Berg method seemed to produce slightly higher virus recovery values; however, the differences in virus assay titers for samples produced by the two methods were not statistically significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) for any one of the four soils. Despite this lack of a method effect, there was a statistically significant laboratory effect exhibited by assay titers from the independent versus reference laboratories for two of the soils, sandy loam and clay loam.  相似文献   
The effect of inflorescence removal on stem elongation in Chinese cabbage cv. Spring A was studied. Removal of the inflorescence before its visibility, or upon its appearance but before the beginning of bolting (stages 1–3), markedly reduced the stem length. Removal after the beginning of bolting (stage 5) had no effect on stem length.Application of GA3 to the treated plants partially or fully restored the elongation of the flowering stem, whereas paclobutrazol inhibited the elongation of the treated, as well as the control stems. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or kinetin was ineffective in restoring stem elongation of the plants from which the inflorescence had been removed. Inflorescences at stages 1–2 were found to secrete about 10 times more gibberellic acid (GA)-like activity compared with control apices or inflorescences at stage 5.It is suggested that the developing inflorescence is the major source of GAs which control stem elongation. However, shortly after the appearance of the inflorescence at the onset of bolting, stem elongation is no longer dependent on GAs derived from the apical inflorescence but require GAs from other sources.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center Bet Dagan, Israel No. 2218-E, 1987 series.  相似文献   
Immunofluorescence microscopy has been used to demonstrate that X22, a monoclonal antibody specific for clathrin heavy chain, localizes in repetitive bands that appear soon after the fusion of skeletal myoblasts into multinucleate fibers. This organization has been found in cultures containing myotubes that develop in vitro from explants of newborn rat hindlimb cells and in myotubes derived from the L8E63 myogenic line. Bands were also prominent in skinned fibers prepared from adult rat soleus muscle and in cardiac myocytes grown in vitro from 4-day heart ventricles. Immunofluorescence banding was localized in the sarcomere as a doublet, with one element on either side of the Z line. Evidence that supports the conclusion that the reaction with X22 antibody is specific and indicative of the localization of clathrin in the sarcomere includes: (1) Identical titration of X22 antibody reactivity with the determinant in coated vesicles and in the sarcomere. (2) Conditions (eg., pH and Tris) that disrupt clathrin baskets or prevent its assembly likewise disrupt the localization of X22 in bands. (3) Chloroquine inhibits both the normal trafficking of clathrin in the cell and X22 banding in the sarcomere. (4) Immunoblot analysis of myotube lysates reveals a single band with an electrophoretic mobility identical to the 180,000-Da clathrin heavy chain. (5) The assembly of clathrin into sarcomeric bands occurs early in the development of the myofibrillar apparatus. Quantitation of the appearance of X22 banding in primary cultures of myotubes indicates that it precedes that of other myofibrillar proteins and that assembly takes place in the following order: X22, titin, myosin heavy chain, actin, and desmin. The assembly of myosin, titin, and actin into sarcomeric bands, as well as X22, is inhibited by chloroquine. Upon prolonged exposure to chloroquine previously assembled proteins are drastically reduced or no longer evident in the sarcomere. On the basis of these results and considering the role of clathrin in intracellular transport and its capacity to interact with actin and alpha-actinin, we suggest that clathrin may have diverse roles in the assembly, integrity, and functioning of the sarcomere and its integration with the sarcolemma. The early organization of X22 into bands further suggests that clathrin may also function early in the assembly of the contractile system.  相似文献   
Sulphated polysaccharides and zona pellucida glycoproteins have been shown to bind non-enzymatically to proacrosin, the protein found within the acrosomal vesicle of mammalian spermatozoa. The mechanism of this interaction has been investigated using 125I-fucoidan to probe purified ram sperm proacrosin. Results show that (a) binding of' 125I-fucoidan to proacrosin is inhibited only by sulphated polymers and (b) recognition is mediated by poly(sulphate) groups and is largely independent of the composition of the polymer chain. It is suggested that a similar mechanism is responsible for the interaction between proacrosin and zona pellueida glycoproteins during the early stages of fertilization in mammals and this process mediates firm binding of spermatozoa to the egg.  相似文献   
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