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Addition of EGF to A431 cells at physiological concentrations causes a rapid three- to four-fold increase in the abundance of phosphotyrosine in cellular protein. The increase is essentially complete within 1 min and is maintained for several hours. No change in phosphotyrosine levels is found with fibroblast growth factor or insulin. Two phosphoproteins (molecular weights of 39 and 81 kd) containing phosphotyrosine appear de novo upon administration of EGF to A431 cells. The EGF receptor itself is a phosphoprotein containing phosphotyrosine as well as phosphoserine and phosphothreonine. Changes in the phosphorylation pattern of the EGF receptor are seen upon treatment of A431 cells with EGF. Increased phosphorylation of tyrosine is the most rapid response of cells to EGF known, and may play an important role in the biological effects of EGF.  相似文献   
Admission to hospital is usually recommended to achieve the best possible diabetic control during pregnancy. We have used blood glucose monitoring at home to find out if patients can achieve equally good control outside hospital. Twenty-five consecutive diabetic patients were studied, of whom 20 had taken insulin before pregnancy. Six of their 14 previous pregnancies had ended in perinatal death. The 25 women performed 4247 blood glucose measurements during their pregnancies. Overall the mean blood glucose concentration was 7.1 mmol/l (128 mg/100 ml); before meals the mean was 6.5 mmol/l (117 mg/100 ml). Mean concentrations were lower in the third trimester, but at no stage was control in hospital significantly better than at home. The mean hospital stay before delivery was 22 days, and all patients had live babies. Monitoring blood glucose concentrations at home produces greater understanding and motivation among patients, improves control early in pregnancy, and shortens time spent in hospital.  相似文献   
In vitro polyoma DNA synthesis: requirement for cytoplasmic factors.   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Purified nuclei from polyoma-infected mouse (3T3) cells were found to be greatly reduced in their ability to synthesize viral DNA in vitro when compared with a crude system consisting of an unfractionated hypotonic lysate of the infected cells. The synthetic capacity of the nuclei could be fully reconstituted when a high-speed cytoplasmic supernatant was added back to them. Cytosols from uninfected mouse, monkey, and hamster cells were equally as effective in stimulating purified nuclei as that of virus-infected mouse cells. Optimal complementation required high concentrations of the cytosol, and most of the complementing activity was destroyed by heating to 60 C. Dialysis had no effect on the activity. Analysis of the viral DNA synthesized in purified nuclei showed an accumulation of Okazaki-type short DNA chains, which could be chased into viral progeny DNA strands if cytosol was added back to the nuclei. Kinetic analysis of the pulse-labeling pattern of viral replicative DNA showed a strong dependence of the extension of viral progeny strands and of the processing of Okazaki-type fragments on the amount of cytosol present during the reaction. It is suggested that the cytoplasmic DNA polymerase might be one of the active components in the cytosol, but most likely not the only one.  相似文献   
The focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK), associates with integrin receptors and is activated by cell binding to extracellular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin (FN). FAK autophosphorylation at Tyr-397 promotes Src homology 2 (SH2) domain binding of Src family PTKs, and c-Src phosphorylation of FAK at Tyr-925 creates an SH2 binding site for the Grb2 SH2-SH3 adaptor protein. FN-stimulated Grb2 binding to FAK may facilitate intracellular signaling to targets such as ERK2-mitogen-activated protein kinase. We examined FN-stimulated signaling to ERK2 and found that ERK2 activation was reduced 10-fold in Src- fibroblasts, compared to that of Src- fibroblasts stably reexpressing wild-type c-Src. FN-stimulated FAK phosphotyrosine (P.Tyr) and Grb2 binding to FAK were reduced, whereas the tyrosine phosphorylation of another signaling protein, p130cas, was not detected in the Src- cells. Stable expression of residues 1 to 298 of Src (Src 1-298, which encompass the SH3 and SH2 domains of c-Src) in the Src- cells blocked Grb2 binding to FAK; but surprisingly, Src 1-298 expression also resulted in elevated p130cas P.Tyr levels and a two- to threefold increase in FN-stimulated ERK2 activity compared to levels in Src- cells. Src 1-298 bound to both FAK and p130cas and promoted FAK association with p130cas in vivo. FAK was observed to phosphorylate p130cas in vitro and could thus phosphorylate p130cas upon FN stimulation of the Src 1-298-expressing cells. FAK-induced phosphorylation of p130cas in the Src 1-298 cells promoted the SH2 domain-dependent binding of the Nck adaptor protein to p130cas, which may facilitate signaling to ERK2. These results show that there are additional FN-stimulated pathways to ERK2 that do not involve Grb2 binding to FAK.  相似文献   
Human neutrophil cathepsin G from normal donors has been purified 82-fold using an isolation procedure which included sequential sodium chloride extraction, Aprotonin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, CM-cellulose ion-exchange chromatography, and AcA44 gel filtration chromatography. The inclusion of this last purification step was crucial for separating inactive lower molecular weight species from the active forms of neutrophil cathepsin G and resulted in a higher specific activity of the final preparation. SDS polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis of the purified reduced protein demonstrated three discrete polypeptides of Mr 31,000, 30,000, and 29,500. Peptide analysis of tryptic digests indicated that these three polypeptides are structurally related to each other and represent microheterogeneity of the purified protein. The cathepsin G peptide maps were distinctly different from the peptide maps of neutrophil elastase. The apparent isoelectric points of these forms as determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis was approximately 8.0. Utilizing microsequencing techniques, the first 25 residues of normal neutrophil cathepsin G have been determined and shown to be identical (except for residue 11) with the sequence of 21 residues of cathepsin G isolated from leukemic myeloid cells. A high degree of homology was found when the amino-terminal regions of neutrophil cathepsin G, rat mast cell protease II (65%) and two human serine proteinases, factor D (52%) and neutrophil elastase (48%), were compared. A precipitating monospecific antiserum to cathepsin G was produced by repeated immunizations of guinea pigs. This antiserum has been used in immunoblotting experiments to demonstrate that the intracellular form(s) of this enzyme is the same approximate Mr as the purified enzyme, and to develop a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for measuring neutrophil cathepsin G in the range 5-50 ng/ml.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic N-terminal domain of the human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) K+ channel is critical for the slow deactivation kinetics of the channel. However, the mechanism(s) by which the N-terminal domain regulates deactivation remains to be determined. Here we show that the solution NMR structure of the N-terminal 135 residues of hERG contains a previously described Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain (residues 26-135) as well as an amphipathic α-helix (residues 13-23) and an initial unstructured segment (residues 2-9). Deletion of residues 2-25, only the unstructured segment (residues 2-9) or replacement of the α-helix with a flexible linker all result in enhanced rates of deactivation. Thus, both the initial flexible segment and the α-helix are required but neither is sufficient to confer slow deactivation kinetics. Alanine scanning mutagenesis identified R5 and G6 in the initial flexible segment as critical for slow deactivation. Alanine mutants in the helical region had less dramatic phenotypes. We propose that the PAS domain is bound close to the central core of the channel and that the N-terminal α-helix ensures that the flexible tail is correctly orientated for interaction with the activation gating machinery to stabilize the open state of the channel.  相似文献   
Fibronectin receptor integrin-mediated cell adhesion triggers intracellular signaling events such as the activation of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade. In this study, we show that the nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) c-Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) can be independently activated after fibronectin (FN) stimulation and that their combined activity promotes signaling to extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2)/MAP kinase through multiple pathways upstream of Ras. FN stimulation of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts promotes c-Src and FAK association in the Triton-insoluble cell fraction, and the time course of FN-stimulated ERK2 activation paralleled that of Grb2 binding to FAK at Tyr-925 and Grb2 binding to Shc. Cytochalasin D treatment of fibroblasts inhibited FN-induced FAK in vitro kinase activity and signaling to ERK2, but it only partially inhibited c-Src activation. Treatment of fibroblasts with protein kinase C inhibitors or with the PTK inhibitor herbimycin A or PP1 resulted in reduced Src PTK activity, no Grb2 binding to FAK, and lowered levels of ERK2 activation. FN-stimulated FAK PTK activity was not significantly affected by herbimycin A treatment and, under these conditions, FAK autophosphorylation promoted Shc binding to FAK. In vitro, FAK directly phosphorylated Shc Tyr-317 to promote Grb2 binding, and in vivo Grb2 binding to Shc was observed in herbimycin A-treated fibroblasts after FN stimulation. Interestingly, c-Src in vitro phosphorylation of Shc promoted Grb2 binding to both wild-type and Phe-317 Shc. In vivo, Phe-317 Shc was tyrosine phosphorylated after FN stimulation of human 293T cells and its expression did not inhibit signaling to ERK2. Surprisingly, expression of Phe-925 FAK with Phe-317 Shc also did not block signaling to ERK2, whereas FN-stimulated signaling to ERK2 was inhibited by coexpression of an SH3 domain-inactivated mutant of Grb2. Our studies show that FN receptor integrin signaling upstream of Ras and ERK2 does not follow a linear pathway but that, instead, multiple Grb2-mediated interactions with Shc, FAK, and perhaps other yet-to-be-determined phosphorylated targets represent parallel signaling pathways that cooperate to promote maximal ERK2 activation.  相似文献   
The functional and immunochemical characteristics of serum opsonic activity in rodent malaria were examined in the present study. Schizont- and late trophozoite-enriched populations of Plasmodium berghei-infected red blood cells (IRBC) were isolated on a Ficoll density-gradient and used in an in vitro phagocytosis system composed of serum and monolayer cultures of rat peritoneal macrophages. Hyperimmune serum augmented the phagocytosis of IRBC to a greater degree than did nonimmune serum. When either IRBC or macrophages were pre-incubated with serum, the phagocytosis-promoting factors acted on the IRBC rather than on the macrophages in a manner characteristic of serum opsonins. The opsonic activity was specific for IRBC since noninfected red blood cells were rarely phagocytized and were unable to absorb opsonic activity from serum. The opsonic activity of both hyperimmune and nonimmune sera was heat stable, and unaffected by agents known to inactivate or inhibit complement (cobra venom factor and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). Finally, the opsonic activity was identified in preparations of purified IgG isolated from both hyperimmune and nonimmune sera.  相似文献   
We have isolated and sequenced a full-length cDNA clone for the protein-tyrosine kinase substrate p36 (calpactin I heavy chain). This sequence predicts a 339 amino acid (Mr 38,493) protein containing an N-terminal region of 20 amino acids, known to interact with a 10 kd protein (light chain), and a C-terminal region, found to contain two Ca2+/phospholipid-binding sites, that can be aligned as four 70 amino acid repeats. A single p36 gene was detected in the mouse genome, and a major p36 mRNA of 1.6 kb was found to be expressed in different mouse tissues. Unexpectedly, p36 and the phospholipase A2 inhibitor lipocortin I were found to be 50% identical in sequence over the C-terminal 300 residues. The function of p36 and its relation to other proteins are discussed.  相似文献   
Using sexually mature animals, the distribution of spermatozoa has been examined at the utero-tubal junction and in the distal and proximal portions of the oviduct isthmus. Mating occurred during early oestrus and, with one exception, specimens were prepared shortly before or after ovulation. Distinct reservoirs of spermatozoa were identified in furrows between the terminal folds of the isthmus, and particularly within the troughs and transverse ridges of this region. The density of spermatozoa diminished steeply from the utero-tubal junction towards the isthmus, especially in the pre-ovulatory specimens. The membranes of most spermatozoa in the isthmus were intact up to the time of ovulation, suggesting that the acrosome reaction is a peri- or post-ovulatory event. Whilst the flagella of spermatozoa in the reservoirs were usually straight or only slightly curved, those on the surface of the epithelial folds were undulating (S-shaped). Specific microenvironments may therefore exist in the distal portion of the isthmus to regulate sperm motility; droplets of secretion were a notable feature in this region. In specimens prepared 24 hr after ovulation, spermatozoa were almost absent from the utero-tubal junction and isthmus. However, denuded eggs were observed in the proximal portion of the isthmus in this animal, and they had spermatozoa associated with the zona pellucida. Arguments are presented for a peri-ovulatory endocrine regulation of sperm redistribution and capacitation.  相似文献   
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