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L T Hunt  W C Barker 《FASEB journal》1989,3(6):1760-1764
We have found that a protein from the purple sea urchin has a carboxyl-terminal domain with striking sequence similarity to chicken avidin and bacterial streptavidin. All our evidence supports the homology of these sequences. Tetramers of avidin and streptavidin bind biotin strongly; the biotin binding site involves two to four tryptophans and probably an adjacent lysine in each chain. The presence of four tryptophans at equivalent positions in the sea urchin protein domain suggests that it may also be able to bind biotin and inhibit cell growth, as do the two other proteins. Alternatively, this domain may have acquired a new role as part of a multidomain protein.  相似文献   
Actively proliferating human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells grown in tissue culture possess keratin-containing intermediate filaments that react with a combination of AE1 and AE3 anti-keratin monoclonal antibodies. Antibody reactivity is lost, however, from RPE cells as the cell population ceases to proliferate when it approaches confluence and attains morphological characteristics more similar to those in vivo. In contrast, clone 8.13 anti-keratin antibody stains all cells in the culture at all stages of the growth cycle and cell densities. These findings were reflected in vivo using retinal pigment epithelium taken directly from the eye. Normal non-proliferating RPE cells bound 8.13 antibody to cytoskeletal structures, as judged by indirect immunofluorescence, but did not bind AE1/AE3 antibodies. However, proliferating dedifferentiated RPE cells from the vitreous humor of patients with proliferative vitreoretinopathy possess filaments that bind both AE1/AE3 and 8.13 antibodies. Thus it appears that structures detected by AE1/AE3 antibodies only occur in actively growing RPE cells in vitro and in vivo. Keratins produced by RPE cells were identified using Western blotting. Species with molecular masses of 54 (keratin 7), 52 (keratin 8), 42 (keratin 18), and 40 (keratin 19) kiloDaltons were the most abundant in proliferating cultured cells, but cells isolated directly from the eye were found to lack keratin 7 and 19. Keratin 19 was, however, observed in proliferating RPE cells from some patients with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The latter findings explain the differential staining observed with AE1/AE3 antibodies in cells in culture and isolated directly from the eye since these antibodies interact primarily with keratin 19 which is absent from non-proliferating RPE cells. In contrast to the presence of keratin-containing intermediate filaments in human RPE cells in vivo, there are apparently no detectable vimentin-containing cytoskeletal structures. However, all RPE cells cultured in vitro develop filaments composed of vimentin which persist in cells that have reached confluence.  相似文献   
Aetosaur specimens from Howard County, Texas, USA, namedTypothorax meadei by Sawin (1947) represent a new genus here namedLongosuchus (type and only species -L. meadei). Longosu-chus is characterised by the possession of seven dentary teeth, a dentary excluded from the ventral margin of the lateral mandibular fenestra and by the angular, spinose lateral scutes throughout the dorsal region with lateral horns which have faceted sides.Longosuchus is found in mid-late Carnian strata in Texas, New Mexico and North Carolina, USA. Aetosaurs can be used to distinguish three successive biochrons in Late Triassic strata of the American Southwest, which are, in ascending order of age, theLongosuchus biochron, theStagonolepis biochron and theTypothorax biochron.  相似文献   
Exposure to low doses of high-energy iron particles can alter motor behavior. The ability of rats to hang from a wire has been reported to be significantly degraded after exposure to doses as low as 0.5 Gy. In addition, deficits in the ability of acetylcholine to regulate dopamine release in the caudate nucleus (an area in the brain important for motor function) have been found. The concentrations of 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), a metabolite of dopamine whose concentrations reflect dopamine release in vivo, were measured after rats were exposed to different doses of high-energy iron particles to gain further information about the effect of radiation on the dopaminergic system. Concentrations of 3-MT were significantly reduced 3 days after exposure to 5 Gy but returned to control values by 8 days. After 6 months, concentrations were again less than control values. Exposure to 5 Gy of high-energy electrons or gamma photons had no effect 3 days after exposure. Very high doses of electrons were needed to alter 3-MT concentrations. One hundred grays of electrons decreased 3-MT 30 min after irradiation but levels returned to control values by 60 min. Gamma photons had no effect after doses up to 200 Gy. These results provide further evidence that exposure to heavy particles can degrade motor behavior through an action on dopaminergic mechanisms and that this can occur after doses much lower than those needed for low-LET radiation.  相似文献   
Exposure of rats to 1-15 Gy of gamma radiation induced hyperthermia, whereas exposure to 20-150 Gy produced hypothermia. Since radiation exposure induced the release of prostaglandins (PGs) and histamine, the role of PGs and histamine in radiation-induced temperature changes was examined. Radiation-induced hyper- and hypothermia were antagonized by pretreatment with indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. Intracerebroventricular administration of PGE2 and PGD2 induced hyper- and hypothermia, respectively. Administration of SC-19220, a specific PGE2 antagonist, attenuated PGE2- and radiation-induced hyperthermia, but it did not antagonize PGD2- or radiation-induced hypothermia. Consistent with an apparent role of histamine in hypothermia, administration of disodium cromoglycate (a mast cell stabilizer), mepyramine (H1-receptor antagonist), or cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist) attenuated PGD2- and radiation-induced hypothermia. These results suggest that radiation-induced hyperthermia is mediated via PGE2 and that radiation-induced hypothermia is mediated by another PG, possibly PGD2, via histamine.  相似文献   
Platelet factor 4 (PF4) exhibits high affinity for heparin and exists as a tetramer in solution under physiologic conditions. Reduction of the two disulfide bridges in PF4 increases the protein's dissociation constant for heparin approximately 20-fold and shifts the highest apparent aggregation state from tetramer to dimer as evidenced by gel filtration, chemical cross-linking, and 1H-NMR studies. 1H-NMR spectra of reduced PF4 monomers generally show narrower, less dispersed, upfield-shifted NH and alpha H resonances, suggesting the presence of an unfolded monomer state. Reduced PF4 monomer folding, however, is evidenced by the presence of about 12 relatively long-lived backbone NHs and by CD spectra that indicate conservation of overall secondary structure. These data suggest the presence of a molten globule-type state. Urea denaturation shifts this apparent molten globule to a fully unfolded state characterized by more random coil-like resonance shifts. The reduced PF4 dimer state yields NMR and CD data consistent with preservation of tertiary structural folds found for the native species. In this regard, the reduced PF4 folding transition is thermodynamically linked with dimer formation which stabilizes tertiary structure. Monomer-dimer association equilibria for reduced PF4 essentially follow the same pH and salt titration trends as reported previously for native PF4 dimers [Mayo, K. H., & Chen, M. J. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 9469-9478], indicating that that dimer interface is generally conserved in the absence of disulfide constraints. Reduced PF4 tetramers are not apparent under any conditions investigated, suggesting that disulfides are necessary for efficient antiparallel beta-sheet alignment between dimer pairs.  相似文献   
The destruction of mitotic cyclins by programmed proteolysis at the end of mitosis is an important element in cell cycle control. This proteolysis depends on a conserved motif of nine residues known as the 'destruction box', which is located 40-50 residues from the N-terminus. The sequences of the A- and B-type destruction boxes are slightly different, which might account for the differences in timing of their destruction. When the cyclin A-type destruction box was substituted for the normal one in cyclin B1 or B2, however, the resulting constructs were unexpectedly stable, although the converse substitution of B-type destruction boxes in cyclin A permitted normal degradation. We compared the ubiquitination of various cyclin constructs, and found that whereas mutation of the highly conserved residues in the destruction box strongly reduced the level of ubiquitinated intermediates, the stable destruction box 'swap' constructs did form such adducts. Thus, while ubiquitination is probably necessary for cyclin destruction, it is not sufficient. We also found that poly-ubiquitinated cyclin derivatives are still bound to p34cdc2, which is not detectably ubiquitinated itself, raising the questions of how cyclin and cdc2 dissociate from one another, and at what stage, in the process of degradation.  相似文献   
H Yamano  J Gannon    T Hunt 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(19):5268-5279
A cell-free system derived from Xenopus eggs was used to identify the 'destruction box' of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe B-type cyclin, Cdc13, as residues 59-67: RHALDDVSN. Expression of indestructible Cdc13 from a regulated promoter in S.pombe blocked cells in anaphase and inhibited septation, showing that destruction of Cdc13 is necessary for exit from mitosis, but not for sister chromatid separation. In contrast, strong expression of a polypeptide comprising the N-terminal 70 residues of Cdc13, which acts as a competitive inhibitor of destruction box-mediated proteolysis, inhibited both sister chromatid separation and the destruction of Cdc13, whereas an equivalent construct with a mutated destruction box did not. Appropriately timed expression of this N-terminal fragment of Cdc13 overcame the G1 arrest seen in cdc10 mutant strains, suggesting that proteins required for the initiation of S phase are subject to destruction by the same proteolytic machinery as cyclin.  相似文献   
All eukaryotic vacuolar (V-type) ATPases share the property of being inhibited by low concentrations (1-2 [mu]M) if N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). This distinguishes them from P-type ATPases, which are inhibited by higher concentrations of NEM (0.1-1 mM), and F-type ATPases, which are virtually resistant to inhibition by NEM. Using tonoplast vesicles from Beta vulgaris we have determined the kinetics of NEM inactivation of the V-type ATPase to be pseudo-first order. The concentration dependence of the reaction indicates interaction with a single class of inhibitory site with a rate constant of 4.1 x 104 M-1 min-1. Nucleotides protect against inactivation with an efficacy that agrees with their capacity to act as enzyme substrates. The dissociation constant for MgATP has been determined from protection experiments to be 0.44 mM, which is close to the observed Km for hydrolysis (0.39 mM). Likewise, the dissociation constant for protection by MgADP (127 [mu]M) is close to its inhibition constant as a competitive inhibitor (110 [mu]M). Taken together, these findings suggest that NEM inactivation is associated with nucleotide protectable exposure of a single cysteine residue on the catalytic subunit and confirm the utility of this residue for the determination of ligand dissociation constants through protection of maleimide inhibition.  相似文献   
A J Hunt  F Gittes    J Howard 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(2):766-781
Kinesin is a motor protein that uses the energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP to power the transport of organelles along microtubules. To probe the mechanism of this chemical-to-mechanical energy transduction reaction, the movement of microtubules across glass surfaces coated with kinesin was perturbed by raising the viscosity of the buffer solution. When the viscosity of the solution used in the low density motility assay was increased approximately 100-fold through addition of polysaccharides and polypeptides, the longer microtubules, which experienced a larger drag force from the fluid, moved more slowly than the shorter ones. The speed of movement of a microtubule depended linearly on the drag force loading the motor. At the lowest kinesin density, where dilution experiments indicated that the movement was caused by a single kinesin molecule, extrapolation of the linear relationship yielded a maximum time-averaged drag force of 4.2 +/- 0.5 pN per motor (mean +/- experimental SE). The magnitude of the force argues against one type of "ratchet" model in which the motor is hypothesized to rectify the diffusion of the microtubule; at high viscosity, diffusion is too slow to account for the observed speeds. On the other hand, our data are consistent with models in which force is a consequence of strain developed in an elastic element within the motor; these models include a different "ratchet" model (of the type proposed by A. F. Huxley in 1957) as well as "power-stroke" models.  相似文献   
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