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Bacillus cereus produces the emetic toxin cereulide, a cyclic dodecadepsipeptide that can act as a K(+) ionophore, dissipating the transmembrane potential in mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. Because pure cereulide has not been commercially available, cereulide content in food samples has been expressed in valinomycin equivalents, a highly similar cyclic potassium ionophore that is commercially available. This research tested the biological activity of synthetic cereulide and validated its use as a standard in the quantification of cereulide contents in food samples. The synthesis route consists of 10 steps that result in a high yield of synthetic cereulide that showed biological activity in the HEp-2 cell assay and the boar sperm motility assay. The activity is different in both methods, which may be attributed to differences in K(+) content of the test media used. Using cereulide or valinomycin as a standard to quantify cereulide based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), the concentration determined with cereulide as a standard was on average 89.9% of the concentration determined using valinomycin as a standard. The recovery experiments using cereulide-spiked food products and acetonitrile as extraction solute showed that the LC-MS method with cereulide as a standard is a reliable and accurate method to quantify cereulide in food, because the recovery rate was close to 100% over a wide concentration range.  相似文献   


The processes by which eggs develop in the insect ovary are well characterized. Despite a large number of Drosophila mutants that cannot lay eggs, the way that the egg is moved along the reproductive tract from ovary to uterus is less well understood. We remedy this with an integrative study on the reproductive tract muscles (anatomy, innervation, contractions, aminergic modulation) in female flies.  相似文献   
Six novel members of the IL-1 family of cytokines were recently identified, primarily through the use of DNA database searches for IL-1 homologues, and were named IL-1F5 to IL-1F10. In the present study, we investigated the effect of IL-1F8 on primary human joint cells, and examined the expression of the new IL-1 family members in human and mouse joints. Human synovial fibroblasts (hSFs) and human articular chondrocytes (hACs) expressed the IL-1F8 receptor (IL-1Rrp2) and produced pro-inflammatory mediators in response to recombinant IL-1F8. IL-1F8 mRNA expression was increased in hSFs upon stimulation with proinflammatory cytokines, whereas in hACs IL-1F8 mRNA expression was constitutive. However, IL-1F8 protein was undetectable in hSF and hAC culture supernatants. Furthermore, although IL-1beta protein levels were increased in inflamed human and mouse joint tissue, IL-1F8 protein levels were not. IL-1F8 levels in synovial fluids were similar to or lower than those in matched serum samples, suggesting that the joint itself is not a major source of IL-1F8. Serum levels of IL-1F8 were similar in healthy donors, and patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and septic shock, and did not correlate with inflammatory status. Interestingly however, we observed high IL-1F8 levels in several serum samples in all groups. In conclusion, IL-1F8 exerts proinflammatory effects in primary human joint cells. Joint and serum IL-1F8 protein levels did not correlate with inflammation, but they were high in some human serum samples tested, including samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It remains to be determined whether circulating IL-1F8 can contribute to joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
In West Africa, Uscana lariophaga (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) parasitizes the eggs of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), an important pest of stored cowpea. The impact of the egg parasitoid on pest populations was evaluated in clay pots used in traditional storage in Niger. At the beginning of the storage period cowpeas were infested with different densities of larval instars and adults of C. maculatus and inoculated with one density of U. lariophaga. The higher the initial densities of C. maculatus, the better the egg parasitoid was able to establish itself and to control the population of C. maculatus, limiting the damage to cowpea. After three months of storage, the egg parasitoid significantly reduced the number of C. maculatus adults by 68 at the lowest and 86 percent at the highest initial density of the beetle; the percentage of damaged beans was reduced by 13 and 19% respectively.  相似文献   
Using the strictly neutral model as a null hypothesis, we tested for deviations from expected levels of nucleotide polymorphism at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus (Adh-1) within and among four species of pocket gophers (Geomys bursarius major, G. knoxjonesi, G. texensis llanensis, and G. attwateri). The complete protein-encoding region was examined, and 10 unique alleles, representing both electromorphic and cryptic alleles, were used to test hypotheses (e.g., the neutral model) concerning the maintenance of genetic variation. Nineteen variable sites were identified among the 10 alleles examined, including 9 segregating sites occurring in synonymous positions and 10 that were nonsynonymous. Several statistical methods, including those that test for within-species variation as well as those that examine variation within and among species, failed to reject the null hypothesis that variation (both within and between species of Geomys) at the Adh locus is consistent with the neutral theory. However, there was significant heterogeneity in the ratio of polymorphism to divergence across the gene, with polymorphisms clustered in the first half of the coding region and fixed differences clustered in the second half of the gene. Two alternative hypotheses are discussed as possible explanations for this heterogeneity: an old balanced polymorphism in the first half of the gene or a recent selective sweep in the second half of the gene.   相似文献   
A 24 h screen to detect viable salmonellas in faeces was developed by studying growth dynamics of salmonellas and competing flora in combinations of enrichment media and artificially-inoculated pig faeces. Muller-Kauffmann tetrathionate (MK) broth, incubated overnight at 42°C, maintained the lowest ratio of salmonella: competing flora and identified all inoculated samples. A 4 h postenrichment in M broth plus novobiocin reduced the number of false-positive results in subsequent ELISAs. Adjusting the negative cut-off values and incubation time of the chromogenic substrate from that recommended in the ELISA instructions reduced the rate of false-positive results further and allowed the detection of 103 salmonellas per ml in the presence of up to 107 ml−1 aerobic-competing cells. Suspension of faeces diluted 1 in 2 and 1 in 5, rather than 1 in 10 in MK broth did not necessitate further adjustments to the ELISA baseline values. The proposed screen protocol is an overnight incubation of faeces suspended 1 in 10 in MK broth, a 1 in 100 subculture into M broth plus 10 μg ml−1 novobiocin (MbN) for 4 h, steam inactivation of MbN cultures and testing by ELISA, and can detect three salmonella cells per g faeces.  相似文献   
The relationship between the release of platelet activating factor (PAF), leukotriene C(4)/D(4)/E(E) (LTC(4)/D(4)/E(4)) and prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2)) from nasal mucosa in vivo was examined in 24 rhinitis patients allergic to the house dust mite (HDM). During a double blind placebo controlled cross-over study 200 mug fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray (FPANS) was administered twice daily for two weeks. In response to allergen provocation (100, 1 000, 10 000 Bu/ml) and during the 9.5 h after this challenge the nasal fluid was obtained by washing the nose with saline and the levels of PAF, LTC(4)/D(4)/E(4) and PGD(2), as indicators of mediator release, were measured at the following time-points: baseline (t = - 1/2), allergen provocation with 10 000 Bu/ml (t = 0), 3.5 and 7.5 h (late phase). After allergen provocation the levels of the mediators increased in the nasal fluids of placebo treated patients (x-fold increase to baseline: PAF, 15; LTC(4)/D(4)/E(4), 12; PGD(2), 1.5). In fluids of patients treated with FPANS these levels tended to decrease. At the time of provocation the levels of PAF, LTC(4)/D(4)/E(4) and PGD(2) showed a significant correlation. The results indicate that these mediators can be used as markers of allergic reactions against house dust mites and that fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray tended to reduce the release of mediators of inflammation correlated with beneficial effects on clinical symptoms in this type of allergic reactions.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on the growth rate, protein pattern and fatty acid composition of Yersinia enterocolitica strain W22703 pYV+, its plasmidless isogenic derivative W22703 pYV- and four recent field isolates was examined.
The growth rate was clearly influenced by presence or absence of the virulence plasmid: pYV- strains grew consistently faster than pYV+ strains. This difference in growth rate was high at 30–35°C, moderate at 1–10°C and 25°C, but hardly significant at 15–20°C.
Increasing the growth temperature above 25°C resulted in the induction of the 220 kDa virulence plasmid-encoded Yop1 protein. In the 1–20°C range no obvious temperature- or plasmid-related differences in protein patterns could be detected.
The fatty acid composition showed a clear temperature-dependent change: with all strains the degree of saturation was low at 1°C and gradually increased with raising temperatures. All strains had similar fatty acid patterns, except one of the field isolates which showed aberrant C16 : 1 and cyclic fatty acid contents in the 5–25°C and 15°C ranges respectively. With strain W22703, the presence or absence of the virulence plasmid did not significantly alter the fatty acid pattern.  相似文献   
Macrophage pseudopodia that surround objects during phagocytosis contain a meshwork of actin filaments and exclude organelles. Between these pseudopodia at the base of developing phagosomes, the organelle exclusion ceases, and lysosomes enter the cell periphery to fuse with the phagosomes. Macrophages also extend hyaline pseudopodia on the surface of nylon wool fibers and secrete lysosomal enzymes into the extracellular medium instead of into phagosomes. To analyze biochemically these concurrent alterations in cytoplasmic architecture, we allowed rabbit lung macrophages to spread on nylon wool fibers and then subjected the adherent cells to shear. This procedure caused the selective release of β-glucoronidase into the extracellular medium and yielded two fractions, cell bodies and isolated pseudopod blebs resembling podosomes, which are plasma-lemma-bounded sacs of cortical cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic extracts of the cell bodies eluted from nylon fibers contained two-thirds less actin-binding protein and myosin, and approximately 20 percent less actin and two-thirds of the other two proteins were accounted for in podosomes. The alterations in protein composition correlated with assays of myosin-associated EDTA-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity, and with a diminution in the capacity of extracts of nylon wool fiber-treated cell bodies to gel, a property dependent on the interaction between actin-binding protein and F-actin. However, the capacity of the remaining actin in cell bodies to polymerize did not change. We propose that actin-binding protein and myosin are concentrated in the cell cortex and particularly in pseudopodia where prominent gelation and syneresis of actin occur. Actin in the regions from which actin-binding protein and myosin are displaced disaggregates without depolymerizing, permitting lysosomes to gain access to the plasmalemma. Translocation of contractile proteins could therefore account for the concomitant differences in organelle exclusion that characterize phagocytosis.  相似文献   
Neocallimastix strain N1, an isolate from a ruminant (sheep), was cocultured with three Methanobacterium formicicum strains, Methanosarcina barkeri, and Methanobrevibacter smithii. The coculture with Methanobacterium formicicum strains resulted in the highest production of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes. Subsequently four anaerobic fungi, two Neocallimastix strains (N1 and N2) from a ruminant and two Piromyces species from non-ruminants (E2 and R1), were grown in coculture with Methanobacterium formicicum DSM 3637 on filter paper cellulose and monitored over a 7-day period for substrate utilisation, fermentation products, and secretion of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes. Methanogens caused a shift in fermentation products to more acetate and less ethanol, lactate and succinate. Furthermore the cellulose digestion rate increased by coculture. For cocultures of Neoallimastix strains with Methanobacterium formicicum strains the cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzyme production increased. Avicelase, CMCase and xylanase were almost completely secreted into the medium, while 40–60% of the -glucosidase was found to be cell bound. Coculture had no significant effect on the location of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes.  相似文献   
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