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The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Heavy and light rare earth elements (REEs) are critical to clean energy technologies, and thus the environmental impacts from their production...  相似文献   
Phosphorylase kinase deficiency in I strain mice and in humans both show X-chromosomal inheritance. Neither deficient adult humans nor deficient mice show any sign of disease. Thus the two conditions resemble each other. However, there are differences. The enzyme is only partially deficient in human patients in liver, muscle, and blood cells; in mice the deficiency is complete and seems to be confined to the muscles.This paper was presented at a symposium entitled Genetic Control of Mammalian Metabolism held at The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, June 30–July 2, 1969. The symposium was supported in part by an allocation from NIH General Research Support Grant FR 05545 from the Division of Research Resources to The Jackson Laboratory.Supported by grant AM 13359 of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
Muscles within the anterior crural compartment (extensor digitorum longus, EDL; tibialis anterior, TA; and extensor hallucis longus, EHL) and within the peroneal compartment were excited simultaneously and maximally. All muscles were kept at constant length with the exception of EDL, for which muscle length was changed by moving its proximal tendon. Active and passive force was measured at proximal as well as distal EDL tendons and at the combined distal tendons of TA and EHL (TA+EHL). In the initial experimental condition, a difference (F(proximal) > F(distal)) in EDL force, amounting to 0-14% of proximal force, was confirmed for most EDL lengths. This is interpreted as a clear proof of extramuscular myofascial force transmission, as no significant EDL length effects could be shown on TA+EHL force. Repeated measurements were confirmed to cause marked changes of both proximal and distal length-force characteristics, such as a shift of the whole ascending limb of the active curve, including optimum length, to higher lengths without decreasing optimum force, and decreasing active force at low lengths (by approximately 57%). Repeated measurements also lowered proximal and distal EDL passive force (by up to 35%). The proximo-distal difference in passive as well as active EDL force was decreased, but persisted. At most lengths, this difference for active force amounted to a constant fraction (14%) of proximal force. TA+EHL force was not affected significantly. Subsequently, acute effects of experimental surgical alterations were studied: The first manipulation was full lateral fasciotomy of the anterior crural compartment that caused a further decrease in active force at the proximal EDL but not at the distal EDL tendon. Passive forces showed no further significant changes. The proximo-distal EDL active force difference decreased to 0-5% of proximal force. After fasciotomy, TA+EHL force increased by 30%. This was interpreted as evidence of increased intramuscular and decreased extramuscular myofascial force transmission. The second manipulation was full isolation of EDL from TA+EHL, but not from extramuscular connective tissues, which caused a further decrease of the EDL proximo-distal force differences, indicating a stiffening effect of the presence of TA+EHL on the extramuscular matrix. For EDL active force the difference was no longer significantly different from zero. In contrast, for EDL passive force the proximo-distal force difference persisted. It is concluded that extramuscular myofascial force transmission is an important feature of the anterior crural compartment. The magnitude of this force transmission requires that it be considered in analysis of muscular function.  相似文献   
The mechanical effect of a muscle following agonist-to-antagonist tendon transfers does not always meet the surgeon's expectations. We tested the hypothesis that after flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) to extensor carpi radialis (ECR) tendon transfer in the rat, the direction (flexion or extension) of the muscle's joint moment is dependent on joint angle. Five weeks after recovery from surgery (tendon transfer group) and in a control group, wrist angle-moment characteristics of selectively activated FCU muscle were assessed for progressive stages of dissection: 1) with minimally disrupted connective tissues, 2) after distal tenotomy, and 3) after maximal tendon and muscle belly dissection, but leaving blood supply and innervations intact. In addition, force transmission from active FCU onto the distal tendon of passive palmaris longus (PL) muscle (a wrist flexor) was assessed. Excitation of control FCU yielded flexion moments at all wrist angles tested. Tenotomy decreased peak FCU moment substantially (by 93%) but not fully. Only after maximal dissection, FCU wrist moment became negligible. The mechanical effect of transferred FCU was bidirectional: extension moments in flexed wrist positions and flexion moments in extended wrist positions. Tenotomy decreased peak extension moment (by 33%) and increased peak flexion moment of transferred FCU (by 41%). Following subsequent maximal FCU dissection, FCU moments decreased to near zero at all wrist angles tested. We confirmed that, after transfer of FCU towards a wrist extensor insertion, force can be transmitted from active FCU to the distal tendon of passive PL. We conclude that mechanical effects of a muscle after tendon transfer to an antagonistic site can be quite different from those predicted based solely on the sign of the new moment arm at the joint.  相似文献   
Neutrophil extracellular DNA traps (NETs) are newly discovered forms of activated neutrophils. Increasing researches have shown that NETs play important roles in cancer progression. Our previous study has proved that tumour-infiltrating NETs could predict postsurgical survival in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). However, the roles of NETs on the progression of pancreatic cancer are unknown. Here, we investigated the effects of NETs on pancreatic cancer cells. Results showed that both PDAC patients’ and normal individuals’ neutrophils-derived NETs could promote migration and invasion of pancreatic cancer cells with epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Further, study confirmed that EGFR/ERK pathway played an important role in this progression. The addition of neutralizing antibodies for IL-1β could effectively block the activation of EGFR/ERK companied with reduction of EMT, migration and invasion. Taken together, NETs facilitated EMT, migration and invasion via IL-1β/EGFR/ERK pathway in pancreatic cancer cells. Our study suggests that NETs may provide promising therapeutic targets for pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   
通过脉冲腐蚀法制备多孔硅Bragg反射镜,将心肌肌钙蛋白Ⅰ(cTnⅠ)适配子共价固定到多孔硅Bragg反射镜的孔洞中,发现适配子能与cTnⅠ分子特异性结合.定量分析不同浓度的cTnⅠ与适配子结合后多孔硅Bragg反射镜的反射谱峰位的红移情况.结果表明:基于多孔硅Bragg反射镜适配子生物传感器的光学检测具有良好的特异性,且具有免标记及检测时间短等优异性能.传感器的线性检测范围0.05~4 nmol/L,最低检测限为0.05 nmol/L.  相似文献   
Finite element modeling of aponeurotomized rat extensor digitorium longus muscle was performed to investigate the acute effects of proximal aponeurotomy. The specific goal was to assess the changes in lengths of sarcomeres within aponeurotomized muscle and to explain how the intervention leads to alterations in muscle length-force characteristics. Major changes in muscle length-active force characteristics were shown for the aponeurotomized muscle modeled with (1) only a discontinuity in the proximal aponeurosis and (2) with additional discontinuities of the muscles' extracellular matrix (i.e., when both myotendinous and myofascial force transmission mechanisms are interfered with). After muscle lengthening, two cut ends of the aponeurosis were separated by a gap. After intervention (1), only active slack length increased (by approximately 0.9 mm) and limited reductions in muscle active force were found (e.g., muscle optimum force decreased by only 1%) After intervention (2) active slack increased further (by 1.2 mm) and optimum length as well (by 2.0 mm) shifted and the range between these lengths increased. In addition, muscle active force was reduced substantially (e.g., muscle optimum force decreased by 21%). The modeled tearing of the intramuscular connective tissue divides the muscle into a proximal and a distal population of muscle fibers. The altered force transmission was shown to lead to major sarcomere length distributions [not encountered in the intact muscle and after intervention (1)], with contrasting effects for the two muscle fiber populations: (a) Within the distal population (i.e. fibers with no myotendinous connection to the muscles' origin), sarcomeres were much shorter than within the proximal population (fibers with intact myotendinous junction at both ends). (b) Within the distal population, from proximal ends of muscle fibers to distal ends, the serial distribution of sarcomere lengths ranged from the lowest length to high lengths. In contrast within the proximal population, the direction of the distribution was reversed. Such differences in distribution of sarcomere lengths between the proximal and distal fiber populations explain the shifts in muscle active slack and optimal lengths. Muscle force reduction after intervention (2) is explained primarily by the short sarcomeres within the distal population. However, fiber stress distributions showed contribution of the majority of the sarcomeres to muscle force: myofascial force transmission prevents the sarcomeres from shortening to nonphysiological lengths. It is concluded that interfering with the intramuscular myofascial force transmission due to rupturing of the intramuscular connective tissue leads to a complex distribution of sarcomere lengths within the aponeurotomized muscle and this determines the acute effects of the intervention on muscle length-force characteristics rather than the intervention with the myotendinous force transmission after which the intervention was named. These results suggest that during surgery, but also postoperatively, major attention should be focused on the length and activity of aponeurotomized muscle, as changes in connective tissue tear depth will affect the acute effects of the intervention.  相似文献   
Characteristics of the entire series elastic component and of tendinous structures separately (tendon and aponeurosis) were compared for rat EDL muscle-tendon complex during isometric contractions, to study the contribution of tendinous structures to series elastic component characteristics. Compliance of series elastic component was measured using quick length decreases during the force plateau of isometric contractions. Lengths of tendinous structures were measured using macro-photographs during passive and active muscle conditions. Length data obtained from aponeurosis showed inconsistency with respect to elastic behaviour in two ways: the difference of aponeurosis length in active muscle at short length and at optimum length exceeded the extension of series elastic component for the same force range. Furthermore, aponeurosis in passive muscle at optimum length was considerably longer than in active muscle at short length, despite the fact that muscle force in the former condition is smaller than in the latter. It is concluded that aponeurosis length does not depend exclusively on force but is also muscle length-dependent. This muscle length dependence was not found for tendon of EDL. Additional experiments showed that series elastic component compliance does not depend on muscle length. It is concluded that muscle length-dependent changes of aponeurosis length-force characteristics involve shifts of its force length curve to other aponeurosis lengths.  相似文献   
Juvenile hormone (JH) acts as a gonadotrophic hormone stimulating insect vitellogenesis and oogenesis. Paracellular transport of yolk proteins through intercellular channels (patency) in the follicular epithelium is a developmentally regulated and evolutionarily conserved process during vitellogenesis. However, the mechanisms underlying patency opening are poorly understood. Using the migratory locust Locusta migratoria as a model system, we report here that JH-regulated remodeling of zonula adherens (ZA), the belt-like adherens junction maintaining physical linking between follicle cells controlled the opening of patency. JH triggered phosphorylation of Partitioning defective protein 3 (Par3) via a signaling cascade including G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), small GTPase Cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42) and atypical Protein kinase C (aPKC). Par3 phosphorylation resulted in its disassociation from β-Catenin, the cytoplasmic partner of ZA core component E-Cadherin. Release of Par3 from the β-Catenin/E-Cadherin complex caused ZA disassembly at tricellular contacts, consequently leading to patency enlargement. This study provides new insight into how JH stimulates insect vitellogenesis and egg production via inducing the opening of paracellular route for vitellogenin transport crossing the follicular epithelium barrier.  相似文献   
The last decade has seen the discovery of several new components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Among them, angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and the Mas receptor have forced a reevaluation of the original cascade and led to the emergence of a new arm of the RAS: the ACE2/ANG-(1-7)/Mas axis. Accordingly, the new system is now seen as a balance between a provasoconstrictor, profibrotic, progrowth axis (ACE/ANG-II/AT(1) receptor) and a provasodilatory, antifibrotic, antigrowth arm (ACE2/ANG-(1-7)/Mas receptor). Already, this simplistic vision is evolving and new components are branching out upstream [ANG-(1-12) and (pro)renin receptor] and downstream (angiotensin-IV and other angiotensin peptides) of the classical cascade. In this review, we will summarize the role of the ACE2/ANG-(1-7)/Mas receptor, focusing on the central nervous system with respect to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, chronic heart failure, and stroke, as well as neurological diseases. In addition, we will discuss the new pharmacological (antagonists, agonists, activators) and genomic (knockout and transgenic animals) tools that are currently available. Finally, we will review the latest data regarding the various signaling pathways downstream of the Mas receptor.  相似文献   
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