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The Leydig cells, responsible for testicular androgen production, have two growth phases during the life-span of mammals. The fetal population appears during fetal life and is responsible for the androgen-induced differentiation of the male genitalia. The fetal Leydig cells disappear after birth, and the other population, the adult Leydig cells, appears during puberty and persists for the whole adult life. The fetal Leydig cells, evidently due to the intrauterine endocrine milieu and their special functional requirements in genital differentiation, differ both morphologically and functionally from the adult population. The purpose of this review is to elucidate the special features of the mammalian fetal Leydig cell population, which presents an intriguing experimental model for studies of function and regulation of steroidogenic cells.  相似文献   
In most mammals, pituitary-testicular hormone secretion is very active during the perinatal period, but the physiological significance of this function for later pituitary-gonadal interactions and sexual maturation is largely unknown. Short-term neonatal treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist results in delayed sexual maturation and infertility in male rats. We have now extended our earlier findings and studied in more detail the pituitary-gonadal function in adult rats after such neonatal treatment. In this study, the pituitary-testicular activity of newborn male rats was temporarily blocked by treatment with a GnRH antagonist analogue (N-Ac-4-Cl-D-Phe1, 4-Cl-D-Phe2, D-Trp3, D-Phe6, des-Gly10-GnRH-D-alanylamide; Organon 30039; 2 mg/kg s.c. twice daily) on Days 1-5 of life. Timing of puberty was slightly delayed in the treated rats (average: 2 days, p less than 0.05), as determined by the age of the balano-preputial separation. In adult rats (90-110 days), only 3 of the 17 rats treated neonatally with GnRH antagonist were fertile (14 of 17 controls, p less than 0.01), despite normal circulating androgen levels. Pituitary and serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were slightly but consistently elevated (20-30%; p less than 0.05) in antagonist-treated animals, whereas luteinizing hormone (LH) levels (both immunoreactive and bioactive) were unaffected. The pituitary contents of GnRH receptors were increased in antagonist-treated animals 85 +/- 6.6 (mean +/- SEM, n = 19) vs. 58 +/- 4.1 fmol/gland in controls (n = 20; p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Developmental stages of fetal-type Leydig cells in prepubertal rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fetal Leydig cells were studied in rats during and after the perinatal-neonatal period by comparing changes in morphology, number and volume with changes in testicular steroids and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration. Stereologic examination indicated regression of fetal Leydig cells in testis by showing that their total volume as well as the average cell volume decreased between prenatal day 20 and postnatal day 3. The total number and total volume of cells both increased between postnatal days 3 and 11 but the average cell volume did not change during the same time period. Determination of serum LH showed a close correlation between an increase in LH concentration and increases in total number and volume of cells. The combined number of fetal- and adult-type Leydig cells on day 20 was more than 20 times the number of fetal cells at 3 days of age. Electron microscopic analysis showed that fetal Leydig cells after birth formed conspicuous clusters, which were surrounded by a layer of envelope cells and extracellular material. Occasional dividing fetal Leydig cells and possible precursors of fetal or adult Leydig cells were observed. Mitoses of spindle-shaped pericordal cells were frequent during the neonatal period. During and after the second postnatal week fetal Leydig cells again showed signs of regression, indicated by disintegration of the cell clusters, a decrease in cell size, accumulation of collagen between the cells and a decrease in steroid content per cell.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Transgenic (TG) female mice, expressing a chimeric bovine luteinizing hormone (LH) beta-subunit/human chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit COOH-terminal extension (bLHbeta-CTP) gene, produce high levels of circulating LH and serve as a model for functional ovarian hyperandrogenism and follicular cysts. We report here that obesity is a typical feature of these female mice. The mean body weight of the bLHbeta-CTP females was significantly higher than in controls at, and beyond 5 wk of age, and at 5 mo, it was 32% increased. At this age, the amount of white adipose tissue in the bLHbeta-CTP females was significantly increased, as reflected by the weight difference of the retroperitoneal fat pad. In addition, the expression of leptin mRNA in white adipose tissue of the TG females was elevated about twofold. Serum leptin and insulin levels, and food intake, were also increased significantly in the TG females. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic activity, as measured by GDP binding to BAT mitochondria, was reduced (P < 0.05). Ovariectomy at the age of 3 wk totally prevented the development of obesity. In summary, the present results show that intact female bLHbeta-CTP mice are obese, have increased food consumption, and reduced BAT thermogenic activity. The weight gain can be explained partly by elevated androgens but is probably also contributed to the increased adrenal steroidogenesis. Hence, the bLHbeta-CTP mice provide a useful model for studying obesity related to elevated LH secretion, with consequent alterations in ovarian and adrenal function.  相似文献   
The promoter of the FSH receptor (R) gene has been cloned from several species. Although some of its regulatory elements have been identified, its function still remains poorly characterized. Using transient transfections of luciferase reporter constructs, driven by various fragments of the murine (m) FSHR promoter, we identified a cell-specific promoter region. This domain is located in the distal part of the mFSHR promoter, -1,110 to -1,548 bp upstream of the translation initiation site, and it contains two steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) like binding sites (SLBS). The cellular levels of SF-1 mRNA and protein closely correlated in various steroidogenic cell lines with activity of the transfected mFSHR promoter/luciferase reporter construct carrying the distal activator domain. A dose-dependent increase in FSHR promoter activity was shown in nonsteroidogenic HEK 293 cells transiently transfected with SF-1 cDNA. SF-1 was found to bind to a nonconsensus 5'-CAAGGACT-3' SLBS-3 motif in the distal part of the promoter; formation of the SF-1/SLBS-3 complex could be reversed by addition of SF-1 antibody. Mutation in the SLBS-3 domain abolished the SF-1/SLBS-3 complex in gel-shift assays and led to a significant loss of SF-1-mediated mFSHR promoter activity. The second SLBS appeared to have minor role in SF-1-regulated mFSHR expression. In conclusion, we have identified a regulatory domain in the mFSHR promoter participating in the cell-specific regulation of FSHR expression. We demonstrated for the first time that the mFSHR promoter possesses functional SF-1 binding sites and thus belongs to the group of SF-1-regulated genes. These findings provide further evidence for the key role of SF-1 in the regulation of genes involved in gonadal differentiation and endocrine functions.  相似文献   
Although mutations in human gonadotrophin and gonadotrophin receptor genes are rare, they have greatly elucidated the physiology and pathophysiology of gonadotrophin action. These 'nature's transgenics' have been corroborated by mouse transgenic and knock-out models. An inactivating mutation of the human LHbeta chain and knock-out of the mouse common alpha-chain show that pituitary LH is not needed to stimulate fetal testicular steroidogenesis and male sexual differentiation. In mice, early testicular steroidogenesis is apparently gonadotrophin-independent and, in humans, it is regulated by placental hCG. Pituitary LH becomes necessary only after birth. Inactivating LH receptor mutations block prenatal hCG action, thus inhibiting male-type sexual differentiation. In females, this process is autonomous, and LH becomes important only at puberty; inactivation of LH receptor causes anovulatory infertility. Activating LH receptor mutations cause male-limited gonadotrophin-independent precocious puberty in males, but no apparent phenotype in females. Animal models for LH or LH receptor inactivation are not yet available. Inactivating FSH ligand and receptor mutations cause infertility because of a lack of follicular maturation in women. Findings in men are controversial, since FSHbeta inactivation is related to azoospermia, whereas the cognate receptor inactivation only suppresses spermatogenesis without causing absolute infertility. The FSHbeta and FSH receptor knock-out mice display phenocopies of the human FSH receptor mutation. Information about activating FSH receptor mutations is still insufficient. Hence, the above human mutations have brought important new information about the role of gonadotrophins in reproductive functions. The genetically modified animal models provide useful tools to explore the pathogenesis and new treatment modalities of infertility, and to develop new contraceptive strategies.  相似文献   
The unravelling of gene structures of hormones, their receptors and the various components of their signal transduction apparatus has enabled diagnosis of the aetiology of hormone resistance at the molecular level. Inactivating mutations can be found in hormone receptor genes or those encoding components of the post-receptor signal transduction cascade. Another category of receptor mutation is that causing constitutive receptor activation, which results in ligand-independent, inappropriate or supraphysiological hormone action and in some cases malignant growth. The purpose of this contribution is to review the different types of inactivation and activation mechanisms that are induced by receptor mutations, using some of the best characterised mutations as examples. In addition, the currently known mutations of hormone receptors are briefly summarised.  相似文献   
Insulin receptor signaling regulates female reproductive function acting in the central nervous system and ovary. Female mice that globally lack insulin receptor substrate (IRS) 2, which is a key mediator of insulin receptor action, are infertile with defects in hypothalamic and ovarian functions. To unravel the tissue-specific roles of IRS2, we examined reproductive function in female mice that lack Irs2 only in the neurons. Surprisingly, these animals had minimal defects in pituitary and ovarian hormone levels, ovarian anatomy and function, and breeding performance, which indicates that the central nervous system IRS2 is not an obligatory signaling component for the regulation of reproductive function. Therefore, we undertook a detailed analysis of ovarian function in a novel Irs2 global null mouse line. Comparative morphometric analysis showed reduced follicle size, increased numbers of atretic follicles, as well as impaired oocyte growth and antral cavity development in Irs2 null ovaries. Granulosa cell proliferation was also defective in the Irs2 null ovaries. Furthermore, the insulin- and eCG-stimulated phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase signaling events, which included phosphorylation of Akt/protein kinase B and glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta, were impaired, whereas mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling was preserved in Irs2 null ovaries. These abnormalities were associated with reduced expression of cyclin D2 and increased CDKN1B levels, which indicates dysregulation of key components of the cell cycle apparatus implicated in ovarian function. Our data suggest that ovarian rather than central nervous system IRS2 signaling is important in the regulation of female reproductive function.  相似文献   
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