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Antagonistic species often interact via matching of phenotypes, and interactions between brood parasitic common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) and their hosts constitute classic examples. The outcome of a parasitic event is often determined by the match between host and cuckoo eggs, giving rise to potentially strong associations between fitness and egg phenotype. Yet, empirical efforts aiming to document and understand the resulting evolutionary outcomes are in short supply.

Methods/Principal Findings

We used avian color space models to analyze patterns of egg color variation within and between the cuckoo and two closely related hosts, the nomadic brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) and the site fidelic chaffinch (F. coelebs). We found that there is pronounced opportunity for disruptive selection on brambling egg coloration. The corresponding cuckoo host race has evolved egg colors that maximize fitness in both sympatric and allopatric brambling populations. By contrast, the chaffinch has a more bimodal egg color distribution consistent with the evolutionary direction predicted for the brambling. Whereas the brambling and its cuckoo host race show little geographical variation in their egg color distributions, the chaffinch''s distribution becomes increasingly dissimilar to the brambling''s distribution towards the core area of the brambling cuckoo host race.


High rates of brambling gene flow is likely to cool down coevolutionary hot spots by cancelling out the selection imposed by a patchily distributed cuckoo host race, thereby promoting a matching equilibrium. By contrast, the site fidelic chaffinch is more likely to respond to selection from adapting cuckoos, resulting in a markedly more bimodal egg color distribution. The geographic variation in the chaffinch''s egg color distribution could reflect a historical gradient in parasitism pressure. Finally, marked cuckoo egg polymorphisms are unlikely to evolve in these systems unless the hosts evolve even more exquisite egg recognition capabilities than currently possessed.  相似文献   


There are increased numbers of activated lymphocytes in the lungs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. The clinical benefits of corticosteroids in COPD patients are limited. Our hypothesis is that lymphocytes play a role in this corticosteroid insensitivity.


To investigate the effects of the corticosteroid dexamethasone on lung lymphocyte cytokine production from patients with COPD compared to controls.


Cultured airway lymphocytes obtained by bronchoscopy from healthy non-smokers (HNS), smokers (S) and COPD patients were stimulated with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) & phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), +/- dexamethasone. Supernatants were assayed for interleukin (IL)-2 and interferon (IFN)γ. Immunofluoresence was used to analyse changes in CD8 glucocorticoid receptor (GRα and GRβ) expression.


The inhibition of PHA/PMA stimulated IFNγ production by dexamethasone was reduced in COPD patients compared to HNS (p < 0.05 at concentrations from 0.1-1 μM). There was also a significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the mean inhibitory effect at 1 μM in COPD patients (54.1%) compared to smokers (72.1%), and in smokers compared to HNS (85.5%). There was a numerically reduced effect of dexamethasone on IL-2 production that did not reach statistical significance. There was no difference in GRα and GRβ expression in follicular CD8 cells between COPD patients (50.9% and 30.4% respectively) and smokers (52.9% and 29.7% respectively).


IFNγ production from COPD airway lymphocytes is corticosteroid insensitive. This phenomenon may be important in the poor clinical response often observed with corticosteroids.  相似文献   
Glutamate mutase from Clostridium tetanomorphum binds coenzyme B(12) in a base-off/His-on form, in which the nitrogenous ligand of the B(12)-nucleotide function is displaced from cobalt by a conserved histidine. The effect of binding the B(12)-nucleotide moiety to MutS, the B(12)-binding subunit of glutamate mutase, was investigated using NMR spectroscopic methods. Binding of the B(12)-nucleotide to MutS was determined to occur with K(d)=5.6(+/-0.7) mM and to be accompanied by a specific conformational change in the protein. The nucleotide binding cleft of the apo-protein, which is formed by a dynamic segment with propensity for partial alpha-helical conformation (the "nascent" alpha-helix), becomes completely structured upon binding of the B(12)-nucleotide, with formation of helix alpha1. In contrast, the segment containing the conserved residues of the B(12)-binding Asp-x-His-x-x-Gly motif remains highly dynamic in the protein/B(12)-nucleotide complex. From relaxation studies, the time constant tau, which characterizes the time scale for the formation of helix alpha1, was estimated to be about 30 micros (15)N and was the same in both, apo-protein and nucleotide-bound protein. Thus, the binding of the B(12)-nucleotide moiety does not significantly alter the kinetics of helix formation, but only shifts the equilibrium towards the structured fold. These results indicate MutS to be structured in such a way, as to be able to trap the nucleotide segment of the base-off form of coenzyme B(12) and provide, accordingly, the first structural clues as to how the process of B(12)-binding occurs.  相似文献   
Concerted evolution of the cow epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 beta-globin genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nucleotide sequences of the cow epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 globin genes were determined. The sequences were 95% identical. These genes arose via a four-gene block duplication that also gave rise to the bovine fetal (gamma) and adult (beta) genes. Their deduced amino acid sequences are unlike any previously reported fetal or adult globins; rather, comparison to other mammalian globin genes indicates that they are embryonic in nature. The sequence data indicate that these two genes have converted each other during evolution. Pairwise comparison to the corresponding goat genes shows greater similarity between paralogues than between more directly related orthologues. This is in direct contrast to the situation between the cow and goat fetal and adult genes. These observations suggest that the frequency of DNA conversion or the fixation of conversion events may vary in different locations of the cow beta-globin cluster.   相似文献   
The objective of this study was to fully characterize normosmic perception of stimuli expected to cause widely varying degrees of olfactory and nasal trigeminal stimulation and to directly evaluate the possible role of olfactory nerve stimulation in nasal irritation sensitivity. During each of four identical test sessions, four anosmic and 31 normosmic participants were presented with a range of concentrations extending from peri-threshold for normosmics to supra- threshold for anosmics. For each session, odor (O) and nasal irritation (NI) sensitivities were summarized in terms of the concentrations required to produce four sensation levels ('iso-response' concentrations). Within-participant variation in these iso-response concentrations was < 10-fold for 95% of normosmics, for both O and NI. For O but not NI, these apparent fluctuations in sensitivity were largely accounted for by the uncertainty surrounding the iso-response concentrations calculated for each session. Anosmics exhibited minimal within- and between-participant variation in NI and required, for all but the highest perceptual level, a higher concentration than almost all normosmics. Between-participant variation, expressed in terms of 90% confidence interval widths, was approximately 0.5 log units for both O and NI for the highest perceptual level, but increased to approximately 0.8 and 1.8 log units, respectively, for the lowest (peri- threshold) level. Our findings suggest that: (i) most apparent variation over time in O sensitivity is actually a reflection of the uncertainty surrounding estimates of sensitivity obtained for each session; (ii) within- and between-participant variation in O sensitivity is far less than is commonly reported; and (iii) low to moderate levels of NI in normosmics are the result of relatively weak trigeminal stimulation combined with much greater olfactory activation.   相似文献   
Multiple haplotypes from each of three nuclear loci were isolated and sequenced from geographic populations of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica. In tests of alternative phylogeographic hypotheses for this species, nuclear gene genealogies constructed for these haplotypes were compared to one another, to a mitochondrial gene tree, and to patterns of allele frequency variation in nuclear restriction site polymorphisms (RFLPs) and allozymes. Oyster populations from the Atlantic versus the Gulf of Mexico are not reciprocally monophyletic in any of the nuclear gene trees, despite considerable genetic variation and despite large allele frequency differences previously reported in several other genetic assays. If these populations were separated vicariantly in the past, either insufficient time has elapsed for neutral lineage sorting to have achieved monophyly at most nuclear loci, or balancing selection may have inhibited lineage extinction, or secondary gene flow may have moved haplotypes between regions. These and other possibilities are examined in light of available genetic evidence, and it is concluded that no simple explanation can account for the great variety of population genetic patterns across loci displayed by American oysters. Regardless of the source of this heterogeneity, this study provides an empirical demonstration that different sequences of DNA within the same organismal pedigree can have quite different phylogeographic histories.   相似文献   
Studies on individual reproductive success in relation to interspecific competition between distantly related taxa are scarce. We studied whether the abundance of red wood ants Formica rufa -group is related to the breeding habitat selection, fecundity and offspring quality in the Eurasian treecreeper Certhia familiaris, an old-growth forest passerine. The nest-box occupancy data were gathered over a five-year study period, whereas the breeding performance analyses were based on a two-year data set. The abundance of wood ants, measured within 50  m around the nest-boxes, was not related to nest-box occupancy rate, fecundity or the physiological stress of nestlings. In contrast, the abundance of wood ants was negatively related to the offspring quality and life-history traits, such as lowered body mass, subcutaneous fat reserves, and tarsus length at fledging. Our results suggest that exploitative competition between distantly related taxa may have considerable and adverse influences on nestling quality as measured by body mass, subcutaneous, fat and tarsus length. Red wood ants may decrease the fitness of treecreepers as the lower body condition of nestlings has the potential to impair recruitment into the breeding population and, additionally, impair the future reproductive effort.  相似文献   
In this study, we report cDNA sequences of the cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase for humans, mice, and two species of voles (Microtus mexicanus and Microtus ochrogaster). Inferred amino acid sequences from these taxa display a high level of amino acid sequence conservation, comparable to that of myosin beta heavy chain, and share known structural features. A Caenorhabditis elegans enzyme that was previously identified as a protein similar to isocitrate dehydrogenase is most likely the NADP-dependent cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase enzyme equivalent, based on amino acid similarity to mammalian enzymes and phylogenetic analysis. We also suggest that NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases characterized from alfalfa, soybean, and eucalyptus are most likely cytosolic enzymes. The phylogenetic tree of various isocitrate dehydrogenases from eukaryotic sources revealed that independent gene duplications may have given rise to the cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in animals and fungi. There appears to be no statistical support for a hypothesis that the mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of the enzyme are orthologous in these groups. A possible scenario of the evolution of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases is proposed.   相似文献   
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