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In the last three decades huge efforts have been made to characterize genetic defects responsible for cancer development and progression, leading to the comprehensive identification of distinct cellular pathways affected by the alteration of specific genes. Despite the undoubtable role of genetic mechanisms in triggering neoplastic cell transformation, epigenetic modifications (i.e., heritable changes of gene expression that do not derive from alterations of the nucleotide sequence of DNA) are rapidly emerging as frequent alterations that often occur in the early phases of tumorigenesis and that play an important role in tumor development and progression. Epigenetic alterations, such as modifications in DNA methylation patterns and post-translational modifications of histone tails, behave extremely different from genetic modifications, being readily revertable by "epigenetic drugs" such as inhibitors of DNA methyl transferases and inhibitors of histone deacetylases. Since epigenetic alterations in cancer cells affect virtually all cellular pathways that have been associated to tumorigenesis, it is not surprising that epigenetic drugs display pleiotropic activities, being able to concomitantly restore the defective expression of genes involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis, cell signaling, tumor cell invasion and metastasis, angiogenesis and immune recognition. Prompted by this emerging clinical relevance of epigenetic drugs, this review will focus on the large amount of available data, deriving both from in vitro experimentations and in vivo pre-clinical and clinical studies, which clearly indicate epigenetic drugs as effective modifiers of cancer phenotype and as positive regulators of tumor cell biology with a relevant therapeutic potential in cancer patients.  相似文献   
DMY, the first sex-determining gene to be described in a nonmammal vertebrate was recently characterized in the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). It is homologous to DMRT1, a conserved gene of the sex determination cascade in vertebrates. We have checked the near complete genomes of two other percomorph fishes, Tetraodon nigroviridis and Takifugu rubripes, for supplementary homologs of DMRT1 and DMY. We also compared the new gene, DMY, to its homolog DMRT1 from all available vertebrates. Finally, we found evidence for sex-specific expression and alternative splicing of the homolog from T. nigroviridis. Our results show that DMY is a recent duplicate of DMRT1 in the medaka. Its role in sex determination was not acquired through an acceleration of evolutionary rates, but by translocation to the Y chromosome and possibly changes at key positions.  相似文献   
Although it has been known for 50 years that adenoviruses (Ads) interact with erythrocytes ex vivo, the molecular and structural basis for this interaction, which has been serendipitously exploited for diagnostic tests, is unknown. In this study, we characterized the interaction between erythrocytes and unrelated Ad serotypes, human 5 (HAd5) and 37 (HAd37), and canine 2 (CAV-2). While these serotypes agglutinate human erythrocytes, they use different receptors, have different tropisms and/or infect different species. Using molecular, biochemical, structural and transgenic animal-based analyses, we found that the primary erythrocyte interaction domain for HAd37 is its sialic acid binding site, while CAV-2 binding depends on at least three factors: electrostatic interactions, sialic acid binding and, unexpectedly, binding to the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) on human erythrocytes. We show that the presence of CAR on erythrocytes leads to prolonged in vivo blood half-life and significantly reduced liver infection when a CAR-tropic Ad is injected intravenously. This study provides i) a molecular and structural rationale for Ad–erythrocyte interactions, ii) a basis to improve vector-mediated gene transfer and iii) a mechanism that may explain the biodistribution and pathogenic inconsistencies found between human and animal models.  相似文献   
A series of 1,3-butadienyl glycosides (mono- and di-saccharides) have been prepared and the kinetics of their Diels-Alder reaction with buten-2-one in water have been studied. The activation parameters for these aqueous cycloadditions provide clues for the hydration structure of such glyco-organic compounds.  相似文献   
The importance of developing multi-disciplinary approaches to solving problems relating to anthropogenic pollution is now clearly appreciated by the scientific community, and this is especially evident in boreal ecosystems exposed to escalating threats of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contamination through expanded natural resource extraction activities. This review aims to synthesize information regarding the fate and behaviour of PHCs in boreal forest soils in both ecological and sustainable management contexts. From this, we hope to evaluate potential management strategies, identify gaps in knowledge and guide future research. Our central premise is that mycorrhizal systems, the ubiquitous root symbiotic fungi and associated food-web communities, occupy the structural and functional interface between decomposition and primary production in northern forest ecosystems (i.e. underpin survival and productivity of the ecosystem as a whole), and, as such, are an appropriate focal point for such a synthesis. We provide pertinent basic information about mycorrhizas, followed by insights into the ecology of ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal systems. Next, we review the fate and behaviour of PHCs in forest soils, with an emphasis on interactions with mycorrhizal fungi and associated bacteria. Finally, we summarize implications for ecosystem management. Although we have gained tremendous insights into understanding linkages between ecosystem functions and the various aspects of mycorrhizal diversity, very little is known regarding rhizosphere communities in PHC-contaminated soils. This makes it difficult to translate ecological knowledge into environmental management strategies. Further research is required to determine which fungal symbionts are likely to survive and compete in various ecosystems, whether certain fungal - plant associations gain in ecological importance following contamination events, and how PHC contamination may interfere with processes of nutrient acquisition and exchange and metabolic processes. Research is also needed to assess whether the metabolic capacity for intrinsic decomposition exists in these ecosystems, taking into account ecological variables such as presence of other organisms (and their involvement in syntrophic biodegradation), bioavailability and toxicity of mixtures of PHCs, and physical changes to the soil environment.  相似文献   
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are critical binding partners for extracellular tranglutaminase-2 (TG2), a multifunctional protein involved in tissue remodeling events related to organ fibrosis and cancer progression. We previously showed that TG2 has a strong affinity for heparan sulfate (HS)/heparin and reported that the heparan sulfate proteoglycan syndecan-4 acts as a receptor for TG2 via its HS chains in two ways: by increasing TG2-cell surface trafficking/externalization and by mediating RGD-independent cell adhesion to fibronectin-TG2 matrix during wound healing. Here we have investigated the molecular basis of this interaction. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that either mutation of basic RRWK (262-265) or KQKRK (598-602) clusters, forming accessible heparin binding sequences on the TG2 three-dimensional structure, led to an almost complete reduction of heparin binding, indicating that both clusters contribute to form a single binding surface. Mutation of residues Arg(19) and Arg(28) also led to a significant reduction in heparin binding, suggesting their involvement. Our findings indicate that the heparin binding sites on TG2 mainly comprise two clusters of basic amino acids, which are distant in the linear sequence but brought into spatial proximity in the folded "closed" protein, forming a high affinity heparin binding site. Molecular modeling showed that the identified site can make contact with a single heparin-derived pentasaccharide. The TG2-heparin binding mutants supported only weak RGD-independent cell adhesion compared with wild type TG2 or mutants with retained heparin binding, and both heparin binding clusters were critical for TG2-mediated cell adhesion. These findings significantly advance our knowledge of how HS/heparin influences the adhesive function of TG2.  相似文献   
In Arctic wet tundra, microbial controls on organic matter decomposition are likely to be altered as a result of climatic disruption. Here, we present a study on the activity, diversity and vertical distribution of methane-cycling microbial communities in the active layer of wet polygonal tundra on Herschel Island. We recorded potential methane production rates from 5 to 40?nmol?h(-1) g(-1) wet soil at 10?°C and significantly higher methane oxidation rates reaching values of 6-10?μmol?h(-1) g(-1) wet soil. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning analyses of mcrA and pmoA genes demonstrated that both communities were stratified along the active layer vertical profile. Similar to other wet Arctic tundra, the methanogenic community hosted hydrogenotrophic (Methanobacterium) as well as acetoclastic (Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta) members. A pronounced shift toward a dominance of acetoclastic methanogens was observed in deeper soil layers. In contrast to related circum-Arctic studies, the methane-oxidizing (methanotrophic) community on Herschel Island was dominated by members of the type II group (Methylocystis, Methylosinus, and a cluster related to Methylocapsa). The present study represents the first on methane-cycling communities in the Canadian Western Arctic, thus advancing our understanding of these communities in a changing Arctic.  相似文献   
During tissue healing, the primary role of myofibroblasts involves the synthesis and deposition of collagen. However, it has also been reported that selective populations of myofibroblasts can acquire the phenotype and/or differentiate to other cells types. The present study tested the hypothesis that myofibroblasts isolated from the scar of the ischemically damaged rat heart can recapitulate an endothelial cell-like response when plated in a permissive in vitro environment. Scar myofibroblasts, neonatal and adult ventricular fibroblasts express smooth muscle α-actin, collagen α(1) type 1 and a panel of pro-fibrotic and pro-angiogenic peptide growth factor mRNAs. Myofibroblasts plated alone on matrigel led to the self assembly of lumen-like structures whereas neonatal and adult rat ventricular fibroblasts were unresponsive. Myofibroblasts labeled with the fluorescent cell tracker CM-DiI were injected in the viable myocardium of 3-day post-myocardial infarcted Sprague-Dawley rats and sacrificed 7 days later. Injected CM-DiI-labeled myofibroblasts were detected predominantly in the peri-infarct/infarct region, highlighting their migration to the damaged region. However, engrafted myofibroblasts in the peri-infarct/infarct region were unable to adopt an endothelial cell-like phenotype or lead to the de novo formation of CM-DiI-labeled blood vessels. The non-permissive nature of the infarct region may be attributed at least in part to the presence of growth-promoting stimuli as TGF-β and the β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol inhibited the self assembly of lumen-like structures by myofibroblasts. Thus, when plated in a permissive in vitro environment, scar myofibroblasts can self assemble and form lumen-like structures providing an additional novel phenotype distinguishing this population from normal ventricular fibroblasts.  相似文献   
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