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IfN(t) is the expected number of cells in a culture at timet, the corresponding time derivative, andf(t−τ)dt the probability that a cell of aget−τ at timet will divide in the succeeding time intervaldt, then according to Hirsch and Engelberg (this issue) there obtains the integral equation for describing the dynamics of the cell population. It is the purpose of this note to give two alternative derivations of this equation, one based on the age density equation of Von Foerster, and the other based on a generalized form of the Harris-Bellman equation describing the first moment of an age dependent, branching process. In addition, a probability model is posed from which the Von Foerster equation and, hence, the Hirsch-Engelberg equation readily follows.  相似文献   
The cytotoxicity of many xenobiotics is related to their ability to undergo redox reactions and iron dependent free radical reactions. We have measured the ability of a number of redox active compounds to release iron from the cellular iron storage protein, ferritin. Compounds were reduced to their corresponding radicals with xanthine oxidase/hypoxanthine under N2 and the release of Fe2+ was monitored by complexation with ferrozine. Ferritin iron was released by a number of bipyridyl radicals including those derived from diquat and paraquat, the anthracycline radicals of adriamycin, daunorubicin and epirubicin, the semiquinones of anthraquinone-2-sulphonate, 1,5 and 2,6-dihydroxyanthraquinone, 1-hydroxyanthraquinone, purpurin, and plumbagin, and the nitroaromatic radicals of nitrofurantoin and metronidazole. In each case, iron release was more efficient than with an equivalent flux of superoxide. Introduction of air decreased the rate of iron release, presumably because the organic radicals reacted with O2 to form superoxide. In air, iron release was inhibited by superoxide dismutase. Semiquinones of menadione, benzoquinone, duroquinone, anthraquinone 1,5 and 2,6-disulphonate, 1,4 naphthoquinone-2-sulphonate and naphthoquinone, when formed under N2, were unable to release ferrin iron. In air, these systems gave low rates of superoxide dismutase-inhibitible iron release. Of the compounds investigated, those with a single electron reduction potential less than that of ferritin were able to release ferritin iron.  相似文献   
The intracellular growth kinetics ofMycobacterium xenopi was studied in the murine J-774 macrophage cell line model. During the initial 4 days of infection, the bacilli divided about every 33 h. Electron microscopy of infected macrophages showed that bacteria inside phagosomes were surrounded by a protective electron-transparent zone (ETZ). This model was used for comparing the extracellular and intracellular activities of the following drugs: pristinamycin (PRISTINA), isoniazid (INH), clofazimine (CLOFA), rifabutin (=ansamycin; ANSA), rifampicine (RIFA), streptomycin (SM), ethambutol (EMB), and five fluoroquinolones, namely, ciprofloxacin (CIPRO), ofloxacin (OFLO), pefloxacin (PEFLO), enoxacin (ENOX) and norfloxacin (NORFLO). All the drugs were tested within their obtainable serum level concentrations in man. Under these conditions, CLOFA, SM, CIPRO, and OFLO were highly active against intracellularly growingM. xenopi, INH and RIFA were moderately active, whereas ANSA, PRISTINA, EMB, PEFLO, ENOX, and NORFLO were only growth inhibiting. The comparison of these data with extracellular activities of the same drugs underlined the discrepancies observed in test-tube drug activity evaluation and its correlation with results of chemotherapy in patients in whom the drug has essentially an intracellular bacterial killing role.  相似文献   
Cultured Chinese-hamster ovary cells (CHO cells) were found to produce and secrete a lipase, which was identified as a lipoprotein lipase by the following criteria. Its activity was stimulated by serum and apolipoprotein CII, and was inhibited by high salt concentration. The lipase bound to heparin-agarose and co-eluted with 125I-labelled bovine lipoprotein lipase in a salt gradient. A chicken antiserum to bovine lipoprotein lipase inhibited the activity and precipitated a labelled protein of the same apparent size as bovine lipoprotein lipase from media of CHO cells labelled with [35S]methionine. The lipase activity and secretion were similar in growing cells and in cells that had reached confluency. Hence, lipoprotein lipase appears to be expressed constitutively in CHO cells and is not linked to certain growth conditions, as in pre-adipocyte and macrophage cell lines. At 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C, heparin increased the release of lipase to the medium 2-4-fold. This increased release occurred without depletion of cell-associated lipase activity, suggesting that heparin enhanced release of newly synthesized lipase.  相似文献   
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates characteristic biphasic increases in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and in luteinizing hormone (LH) release in cultured gonadotrophs, with an early peak followed by a prolonged plateau in both responses. Analysis of [Ca2+]i by dual-wavelength fluorimetric assay and of LH release at 5-sec intervals in perifused pituitary cells revealed increases in both responses within a few seconds of exposure to GnRH. The maximum elevation of [Ca2+]i occurred within 20 sec, and the peak gonadotropin release in 35 sec; the total duration of the spike phase for both [Ca2+]i and LH release was 2.5 min. Under extracellular Ca2(+)-deficient conditions, the GnRH-induced peak in [Ca2+]i was reduced by about 20% and the plateau phase was abolished. Concomitantly, the magnitude of the acute phase of LH release was reduced by 40% and that of the second phase by about 90%. Recovery of the plateau phase of LH release occurred within 25 sec after addition of 1.25 mM Ca2+ to Ca2(+)-deficient medium. In a dose-dependent manner, the non-selective Ca2+ channel blockers Co2+ and Cd2+ reduced the Ca2+ current measured by whole-cell recording in pituitary gonadotrophs and abolished the extracellular Ca2(+)-dependent component of LH release. The selective calcium channel blocker, nifedipine, decreased the magnitude of the Ca2+ current and reduced the plateau phase of LH release by 50%; conversely, the dihydropyridine agonist methyl, 1,4,dihydro-2,6-dimethyl 3-nitro-4-(2-trifluorome) (Bay K 8644) consistently enhanced the amplitudes of both Ca2+ current and GnRH-induced LH release. These data reveal a close temporal correlation between changes in [Ca2+]i and LH release during GnRH action, with Ca2+ mobilization during the spike phase and Ca2+ influx through dihydropyridine-sensitive and insensitive sets of receptor-operated calcium channels during the spike and plateau phases. In addition, analysis of the magnitudes of the [Ca2+]i and LH responses to a wide range of GnRH concentrations in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+ is consistent with amplification of the [Ca2+]i signal in agonist-stimulated gonadotrops.  相似文献   
In order to advance knowledge of the neural control of feeding,we investigated the cortical representation of the taste oftannic acid, which produces the taste of astringency. It isa dietary component of biological importance particularly toarboreal primates. Recordings were made from 74 taste responsiveneurons in the orbitofrontal cortex. Single neurons were foundthat were tuned to respond to 0.001 M tannic acid, and representeda subpopulation of neurons that was distinct from neurons responsiveto the tastes of glucose (sweet), NaCl (salty), HCI (sour),quinine (bitter) and monosodium glutamate (umami). In addition,across the population of 74 neurons, tannic acid was as wellrepresented as the tastes of NaCI, HCI quinine or monosodiumglutamate. Multidimensional scaling analysis of the neuronalresponses to the tastants indicates that tannic acid lies outsidethe boundaries of the four conventional taste qualities (sweet,sour, bitter and salty). Taken together these data indicatethat the astringent taste of tannic acid should be consideredas a distinct taste quality, which receives a separate representationfrom sweet, salt, bitter and sour in the primate cortical tasteareas. Chem. Senses 21: 135–145, 1996.  相似文献   
Neuronal communication involves the fusion of neurotransmitter filled synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic terminal. This exocytotic event depends upon proteins present in three separate compartments: the synaptic vesicle, the synaptic cytosol, and the presynaptic membrane. Recent data indicate that the basic components of exocytotic pathways, including those used for neurotransmitter release, are conserved from yeast to human. Genetic dissection of the secretory pathway in yeast, identification of the target proteins cleaved by the clostridial neurotoxins and biochemical characterization of the interactions of synaptic proteins from vertebrates have converged to provide the SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptor) hypothesis for vesicle trafficking. This model proposes that proteins present in the vesicle (v-SNAREs) interact with membrane receptors (t-SNAREs) to provide a molecular scaffold for cytosolic proteins involved in fusion. The hypothesis that these mechanisms function at the synapse relies largely uponin vitro evidence. Recently, genetic approaches in mice, C.elegans and the fruitfly,Drosophila melanagaster, have been used to dissect thein vivo function of numerous proteins involved in synaptic transmission. This review covers recent progress and insights provided by a genetic dissection of neurotransmitter release inDrosophila. In addition, we will provide evidence that the mechanisms for synaptic communication are highly conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates, makingDrosophila an ideal model system to further unravel the intricacies of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   
Using a two-component Ac/Ds system consisting of a stabilized Ac element (Acc1) and a non-autonomous element (DsA), 650 families of plants carrying independent germinal DsA excisions/transpositions were isolated. Progenies of 559 of these Acc1/DsA families, together with 43 families of plants selected for excision/transposition of wild-type (wt)Ac, were subjected to a broad screening program for mutants exhibiting visible alterations. This resulted in the identification of 48 mutants showing a wide variety of mutant phenotypes, including embryo lethality (24 mutants), chlorophyll defects (5 mutants), defective seedlings (2 mutants), reduced fertility (5 mutants), reduced size (3 mutants), altered leaf morphology (2 mutants), dark green, unexpanded rosette leaves (3 mutants), and aberrant flower or shoot morphology (4 mutants). To test whether these mutants were due to transposon insertions, a series of Southern blot experiments was performed on 28 families, comparing in each case several mutant plants with others showing the wild-type phenotype. A preliminary analysis revealed in 4 of the 28 families analyzed a common, novel DsA fragment in all mutant plants, which was present only in heterozygous plants with wt phenotype, as expected for DsA insertion mutations. These four mutants included two showing embryo lethality, one with dark green, unexpanded rosette leaves and stunted inflorescences, and one with curly growth of stems, leaves and siliques. Further evidence for DsA insertion mutations was obtained for one embryo lethal mutant and for the stunted mutant, while in case of the second embryo lethal mutant, the DsA insertion could be separated from the mutant locus by genetic recombination.  相似文献   
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