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Cytokinins (CKs) play essential roles in the regulation of plant growth and development. In the previous paper (Zhang et al. 2001), we reported the detection and identification of a wide spectrum of CKs, including several novel forms, in the buds of Pinus radiata D. Don. In this paper we examine the relationship between the CKs and buds from juvenile and adult trees of P. radiata. During development the morphology of buds alters significantly, from buds bearing primary needles during their juvenile phase to buds sealed in scales at the adult phase. The morphology of adult buds is a very stable character, as fascicle meristems released from apical dominance, or cultured in vitro, produced only secondary needles. However, exogenous CK causes the adult buds to revert to juvenile bud development in vitro . Analyses of the endogenous CKs revealed that juvenile buds had a relatively higher level of isopentenyladenine and isopentenyladenosine, extremely low levels of phosphorylated CKs and a relatively low level of novel CK glycosides. The adult buds contained lower levels of free base and riboside CKs but very high levels of phosphorylated CKs and novel CK glycosides. Possible roles for CKs in the regulation of bud development are discussed.  相似文献   
The pollen coatings of both Brassica oleracea and Brassica napus contain a small family of basic 6–8 kDa proteins which are released on to the stigmatic surface on pollination. Following partial amino-acid sequencing of one of these pollen coat proteins (PCPs), PCR primers were constructed to isolate the PCP sequence from anther mRNA using RT-PCR. A cDNA was obtained which, in Northern hybridization experiments, revealed a characteristic pattern of expression during late stages of anther development. Interestingly, in situ hybridization revealed expression of this sequence to be confined to the cytoplasm of the trinucleate pollen grains: no signal was detected in the tapetum. Southern hybridization experiments have shown the gene ( PCP1 ) to be a member of a large family of between 30 and 40 PCP genes in the genome of Brassica oleracea , Surprisingly, RFLP experiments showed reduced copy number (one to two copies) in some of the F2 segregants, perhaps resulting from the clustering of PCP sequences. PCP1 contains a single intron and encodes a small, basic peptide 83 amino acids in length featuring a hydrophobic signal peptide sequence separated from the more hydrophilic, cysteine-rich mature protein. The central part and C-terminal region of the peptide contain a characteristic and invariant pattern of eight cysteines which show clear homology with a number of other anther-specific genes; the remainder of the sequence shows little similarity to other sequences on the data bases. The product of PCP1 is a member of a large family of similar proteins, some of which have been demonstrated to bind specifically to S-locus glycoproteins, but does not appear to be genetically linked to the S-locus .  相似文献   
Van Liew, Hugh D., and Soumya Raychaudhuri. Stabilizedbubbles in the body: pressure-radius relationships and the limits tostabilization. J. Appl. Physiol.82(6): 2045-2053, 1997.We previously outlined the fundamentalprinciples that govern behavior of stabilized bubbles, such as themicrobubbles being put forward as ultrasound contrast agents. Ourpresent goals are to develop the idea that there are limits to thestabilization and to provide a conceptual framework for comparison ofbubbles stabilized by different mechanisms. Gases diffuse in or out ofstabilized bubbles in a limited and reversible manner in response tochanges in the environment, but strong growth influences will cause thebubbles to cross a threshold into uncontrolled growth. Also, bubblesstabilized by mechanical structures will be destroyed if outsideinfluences bring them below a critical small size. The in vivo behaviorof different kinds of stabilized bubbles can be compared by using plotsof bubble radius as a function of forces that affect diffusion of gasesin or out of the bubble. The two ends of the plot are the limits forunstabilized growth and destruction; these and the curve's slopepredict the bubble's practical usefulness for ultrasonic imaging orO2 carriage to tissues.

A histochemical, microdensitometric, and electron microscopic study of testes of the ratfish Hydrolagus colliei shows that an instance of the rare phenomenon of germ line chromatin diminution occurs in this vertebrate species. In primary spermatocytes at metaphase I a spherical mass of heterochromatin accumulates at one side of the metaphase plate. At anaphase I the heterochromatic mass is left in the equatorial cytoplasm and is passed into one of the two secondary spermatocytes formed during cytokinesis. As nuclear membranes are being restored, a double membrane envelope is also formed around the heterochromatic mass, which is then termed the ‘chromatin diminution body’ (CDB). At second meiotic division the CDB is included in the cytoplasm of one of the four spermatids and retained there, apparently unchanged, until mid-spermiogenesis. At that time the CDB becomes adherent to the spermatid plasma membrane and is pinched off from the spermatid by a process of apocrine exocytosis, taking a layer of spermatid plasma membrane along with it. Simultaneously this tri-membrane CDB is taken into the adjacent Sertoli cell by endocytosis, thereby acquiring a fourth membrane layer, a part of the Sertoli cell plasma membrane. The CDBs are subsequently phagocytized, possibly first fusing with dense, multilaminate bodies in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm. The CDB chromatin mass is strongly positive with the Feulgen method for DNA and the alkaline fast green method for histones. Microdensitometric analysis shows that the discarded chromatin amounts to about 10% of the diploid nuclear content and that it appears to be part of the normal diploid complement rather than DNA amplified during meiosis.  相似文献   
Recombination inH-1, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the rat, has defined two regions,H-1A andH-1B, which determine antigens apparently homologous to the KJD and Ia antigens of the mouse, respectively. Alloantisera directed at these antigens have been absorbed with kidney homogenates. The results showed that cells in the kidney express serologically detectable MHC antigens determined by both theH-1A andH-1B region. Control absorptions indicated that to account for these results in terms of recirculating lymphocytes, two perfused kidneys would need to contain more than 60 percent of the recirculating lymphocyte pool. It appears likely, therefore, that H-1B antigens are expressed by cells resident in the kidney.  相似文献   
Summary In an effort to establish the reasons for the limitations in the final ethanol concentration of Zymomonas mobilis fermentation, the effects of CO2 and ethanol on the fermentation were investigated using continuous and fed-batch cultivation systems. The nucleation and stripping out of CO2 from the fermenter using diatomaceous earth or nitrogen gas or both exhibited a profound effect on the glucose uptake rate during the early stages of fed-batch fermentation, but did not improve final ethanol yields. The addition of ethanol together with above mentioned experiments confirmed conclusively that ethanol inhibition is responsible for the final ethanol concentration obtainable during Zymomonas mobilis fermentation. The final concentration lies between 90 and 110 gl−1 or approximately 12–15% (v/v) ethanol.  相似文献   
A methodology is developed to assess the effects of spatial distribution on the efficiency of insect pest control. This methodology is especially applicable to pest control methods whose efficiency of action depends either positively or negatively on pest density It is applied here to the sterile insect technique and pheromone trapping for male annihilation, which both depend negatively on density. This methodology relies on quantifying clumps of various size and then relating this to efficiency of control and predicting the total pest production given the information on clump sizes and efficiency of control for each clump size. It is found that control is about four times as difficult for a population that is highly clumped (k of the negative binomial distribution=0.25) as for a regularly dispersed population.  相似文献   
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