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Cloned DNA from the larval serum protein one (LSP-1) genes was hybridized to polytene chromosomes of D. melanogaster. The ratio of grains deposited over any two of the three LSP-1 genes with any one LSP-1 subunit probe was constant. Varying the gene dose of any one LSP-1 subunit relative to the others by up to six fold gave a linear relationship of grain ratios to gene ratios. We show that these constant ratios closely reflect the extent of sequence homology between the genes as determined by heteroduplex mapping (Smith et al., 1981) and thermal denaturation studies. The results obtained demonstrate that the LSP-1 subunit genes are present in equal copies in the genome.  相似文献   
In order to distinguish between several possible mechanisms of frost hardening in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cells from two hardy and two tender cultivars were plasmolyzed in CaCl2 solution at room temperature and cell volumes estimated by microscopic examination. Analyses of Boyle-van't Hoff plots of these data reveal that all cells from cultivars progressively increase their intracellular solute concentration up to 20 days hardening. This increase, which we had predicted from published calorimetric data to be the sole mechanism of hardening explained less than half of the increase in hardening seen in the most hardy cultivar, Kharkov. Hardening also increased the osmotically inactive volume.At CaCl2 concentrations greater than 5%, plasmolyzed protoplasts departed further from the Boyle-van't Hoff prediction, remaining larger than expected until some higher concentration of CaCl2, where protoplast volume again sharply decreased. In all cultivars except hardened Kharkov, the concentration of CaCl2 producing this abrupt volume decrease had a freezing point corresponding to the killing temperature. If this concentration was exceeded during plasmolysis, then the protoplasts burst during deplasmolysis at some volume less than their original volume.We interpret these data to mean that, in addition to the often described hardening mechanism of increased cell solute and water binding, winter wheat shows a third mechanism, a mechanical resistance to protoplast shrinkage which produces volumes larger than those predicted during osmotic stress. The resisting element appears to be the plasma membrane itself. Shrinkage brings the membrane under compressive stress, developing tangential pressure within it. Cell injury occurs when the cell membrane area has been reduced to the point at which irreversible loss of membrane material is inevitable. Cell death occurs during deplasmolysis when the protoplast bursts because its membrane contains insufficient material to subtend the area of the cell wall.Of the cultivars tested, hardened Kharkov was unique in avoiding injury. Hardened Kharkov was injured only after the volume inflection had been greatly exceeded. Refractile droplets of lipid appeared in the cytoplasm of hardened Kharkov protoplasts during plasmolysis but disappeared during deplasmolysis suggesting that hardy Kharkov was able reversibly to store membrane lipids in cytoplasmic vesicles and return them to the membrane on deplasmolysis.  相似文献   
A variant of the baculovirus, Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, has been isolated in Idaho during an epizootic disease in a field population of A. californica. Genotypic characterization indicates that the virus is distinct from variants previously characterized. Analysis of five clones, derived by plaque purification in cell culture, indicates relative homogeneity of the original virus isolate. Further exploration of the factors involved in natural genetic variability of baculoviruses is appropriate.  相似文献   
The freeze-fracture appearance of tight junctions between rat duodenal crypt cells was studied in normal, mitotically suppressed, and mitotically enhanced animals. In normal animals crypt cell tight junctions present a pleomorphic appearance. The population includes junctions resembling postmitotic junctions of the intestinal villus, junctions composed largely or completely of particle chains, and regions at the cell apex in which junctions are absent for 3-4 micron distances laterally. Mitotic suppression by inhibition of DNA synthesis with cytosine arabinoside results in the disappearance of pleomorphism and crypt tight junctions progressively come to resemble those of the intestinal villus. With recovery from the drug and further synchronization with Colcemid, the crypt cells undergo a mitotic burst, and all varieties of unusual junctional configurations are observed with increased frequency.  相似文献   
Synopsis Ages determined by counts of apparent annuli on scales, sagittae, vertebrae, pectoral fin ray and dorsal fin spine cross sections of largemouth bass from northern populations, which are older and slower growing fish than in the southern parts of its native range, were compared to establish the accuracy of each method. Linear regression techniques indicated strong agreement (r> 0.9) among ages assigned from the examination of scales, sagittae, and vertebrae. The pattern of growth zones on pectoral fin ray and dorsal fm spine cross sections proved too variable for accurate age determination. Limited data suggest that ages greater than 7+ assigned from scales were more likely to underestimate true ages than the other body parts used, although none of these methods gave satisfactory results. Examination of scales from recovered tagged fish, and the similarity between back-calculated lengths of fish through age 7+ to annulus I and observed lengths of juvenile largemouth bass near the end of their first growing season, support the validity of ages determined from scales. Despite a very limited amount of habitat suitable for largemouth bass and severe climatic conditions, growth of this species in Tadenac Lake was similar to growth in other waters north of the Great Lakes. Differences in physical characteristics among these waters does not appear to influence growth rates of largemouth bass, but probably affects production and biomass.  相似文献   
The iron-containing violet acid phosphatases from beef spleen and pig allantoic fluid have been purified to homogeneity. Molecular weight determinations by zonal gel filtration, SDS-gel electrophoresis, and ultracentrifugation support values close to 40,000 for both enzymes, necessitating reappraisal of literature values. Similarly, the equivalent weight for iron is close to 20,000 for both enzymes, indicating the presence of two iron atoms per molecule of enzyme. The enzymes also have very similar ultraviolet and visible spectra, with λmax values close to 550 nm, and ?550 values(in terms of iron) of 2.04 × 103 and 2.00 × 103 for the beef spleen and pig allantoic fluid enzymes respectively.  相似文献   
The protective capacities of different sources of immune lymphocytes against Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection were examined. Thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) drained from donors on the tenth day of a primary infection (Day 10 TDL) conferred greater protection against adult worms established by larval infection than either mesenteric lymph node cells (MLNC) or TDL drained from hyperimmune donors. Day 10 TDL also conferred a high degree of protection against intraduodenally implanted “normal” and “damaged” worms. These results suggest that the different susceptibilities of “normal” and “damaged” worms to adoptive protection is a quantitative rather than a qualitative phenomenon. The results also emphasise that kinetic and dose-response experiments are important in evaluating the protective capacities of transferred cells.  相似文献   
Anionic peroxidase isoenzymes, separated on acrylamide gels, were examined in two flax genotrophs and in their reciprocal F2 hybrids. Isoenzyme 1 exhibited a significant difference in Rm between stem base and apex and there was a gradient of decreasing Rm and activity between base and apex. Isoenzyme 2 displayed only the activity gradient. The parents differed significantly in the Rm's and activities of isoenzymes 1 and 2, and the F2's showed complete dominance of the L parent for Rm, with activities being approximately intermediate.  相似文献   
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