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The term "duty to recontact" refers to the possible ethical and/or legal obligation of genetics service providers (GSPs) to recontact former patients about advances in research that might be relevant to them. Although currently this practice is not part of standard care, some argue that such an obligation may be established in the future. Little information is available, however, on the implications of this requirement, from the point of view of GSPs. To explore the opinions of genetics professionals on this issue, we sent a self-administered questionnaire to 1,000 randomly selected U.S. and Canadian members of the American Society of Human Genetics. We received 252 completed questionnaires. The major categories of respondents were physician geneticist (41%), Ph.D. geneticist (30%), and genetic counselor (18%); 72% of the total stated that they see patients. Respondents indicated that responsibility for staying in contact should be shared between health professionals and patients. Respondents were divided about whether recontacting patients should be the standard of care: 46% answered yes, 43% answered no, and 11% did not know. Those answering yes included 44% of physician geneticists, 53% of Ph.D. geneticists, and 31% of genetic counselors; answers were statistically independent of position or country of practice but were dependent on whether the respondent sees patients (43% answered yes) or not (54% answered yes). There also was a lack of consensus about the possible benefits and burdens of recontacting patients and about various alternative methods of informing patients about research advances. Analysis of qualitative data suggested that most respondents consider recontacting patients an ethically desirable, but not feasible, goal. Points to consider in the future development of guidelines for practice are presented.  相似文献   
Ribosome complexes containing deacyl-tRNA1(Val) or biotinylvalyl-tRNA1(Val) and an mRNA analog have been irradiated with wavelengths specific for activation of the cmo5U nucleoside at position 34 in the tRNA1(Val) anticodon loop. The major product for both types of tRNA is the cross-link between 16S rRNA (C1400) and the tRNA (cmo5U34) characterized already by Ofengand and his collaborators [Prince et al. (1982) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 79, 5450-5454]. However, in complexes containing deacyl-tRNA1(Val), an additional product is separated by denaturing PAGE and this is shown to involve C1400 and m5C967 of 16S rRNA and cmo5U34 of the tRNA. Puromycin treatment of the biotinylvalyl-tRNA1(Val) -70S complex followed by irradiation, results in the appearance of the unusual photoproduct, which indicates an immediate change in the tRNA interaction with the ribosome after peptide transfer. These results indicate an altered interaction between the tRNA anticodon and the 30S subunit for the tRNA in the P/E hybrid state compared with its interaction in the classic P/P state.  相似文献   
Group 1B phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is an abundant lipolytic enzyme that is well characterized biochemically and structurally. Because of its high level of expression in the pancreas, it has been presumed that PLA2 plays a role in the digestion of dietary lipids, but in vivo data have been lacking to support this theory. Our initial study on mice lacking PLA2 demonstrated no abnormalities in dietary lipid absorption in mice consuming a chow diet. However, the effects of PLA2 deficiency on animals consuming a high-fat diet have not been studied. To investigate this, PLA2(+/+) and PLA2(-/-) mice were fed a western diet for 16 wk. The results showed that PLA2(-/-) mice were resistant to high-fat diet-induced obesity. This observed weight difference was due to decreased adiposity present in the PLA2(-/-) mice. Compared with PLA2(+/+) mice, the PLA2(-/-) mice had 60% lower plasma insulin and 72% lower plasma leptin levels after high-fat diet feeding. The PLA2(-/-) mice also did not exhibit impaired glucose tolerance associated with the development of obesity-related insulin resistance as observed in the PLA2(+/+) mice. To investigate the mechanism by which PLA(2)(-/-) mice exhibit decreased weight gain while on a high-fat diet, fat absorption studies were performed. The PLA(2)(-/-) mice displayed 50 and 35% decreased plasma [(3)H]triglyceride concentrations 4 and 6 h, respectively, after feeding on a lipid-rich meal containing [(3)H]triolein. The PLA(2)(-/-) mice also displayed increased lipid content in the stool, thus indicating decreased fat absorption in these animals. These results suggest a novel role for PLA(2) in the protection against diet-induced obesity and obesity-related insulin resistance, thereby offering a new target for treatment of obesity and diabetes.  相似文献   
Factor VIIIa is a trimer of the A1, A2, and A3-C1-C2 subunits. Regions in the A2 subunit that interact with the A1/A3-C1-C2 dimer were localized using synthetic peptides derived from A2 sequences showing high probability of being surface exposed. Peptides were restricted to residues 373-562 of A2 based on the earlier observation that this region of A2 reacts with A1 using a zero length cross-linker. Peptides were assessed for their capacity to inhibit the reconstitution of factor VIIIa from the isolated A1/A3-C1-C2 dimer and A2 subunit. Reconstitution was monitored using both regeneration of factor VIIIa activity and fluorescence quenching of an acrylodan-labeled A2 (Ac-A2) by fluorescein-labeled A1/A3-C1-C2. The activity assay identified four peptides as inhibitors, residues 373-395 (IC(50) = 65 micrometer), 418-428 (IC(50) = 25 micrometer), 482-493 (IC(50) = 325 micrometer), and 518-533 (IC(50) = 585 micrometer). The 373-395 and 518-533 peptides eliminated the fluorescence quenching of Ac-A2, whereas the 418-428 peptide reduced but did not eliminate Ac-A2 quenching. Peptide 482-493 had no effect on the fluorescence quenching of Ac-A2 suggesting that the peptide did not directly affect reassociation of the factor VIIIa subunits. These results identify three regions in the A2 subunit (373-395, 418-428, and 518-533) that interact with the A1/A3-C1-C2 dimer. Furthermore, comparison of results obtained using the two assays distinguish inhibition of the intersubunit interactions from intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   
Secular changes in growth and maturation have been well documented in various world populations, with secular increase especially noticeable in the developed countries. To assess the trend in both adult size and tempo of growth we compared the data on stature and body weight obtained in 1992-1993 from 1,804 Melbourne school students aged 5 to 17 with historical data collected from white Australians during the last 100 years. We illustrate the age-dependent trend in stature and body weight by means of regression surfaces. These were constructed by fitting local regression models to historical data and by simple plots showing the overall, and per decade, secular increase in both these measures at peripubertal and adult ages. Because of limited information on sample sizes and variability provided by the historical data, statistical comparisons have been performed only between the present 1992-1993 survey and two earlier independent surveys conducted in 1985 and 1970. The results have shown secular increase in adult stature over the last century, with the rate of increase varying between 0.4 and 2.1 cm/decade in males and 0.01 and 1.6 cm/decade in females. While secular increase in stature has significantly slowed down during the last two decades, the increase in body weight is still continuing at a high rate, and this increase is more pronounced in females. The period of strong secular increase, especially in the tempo of growth, coincided both with the shift toward earlier menarche and the improvement of socioeconomic conditions of the Australian population. The need for further studies to identify factors determining the continuing increase in body weight is emphasized, and caution in using the existing national growth standards for stature and weight is recommended.  相似文献   
We have previously described a novel pathway for the metabolism of HDL subfractions in which small [2 apolipoprotein (apoA-I) molecules per particle] HDL particles are converted in a unidirectional manner outside the plasma compartment to medium (3 apoA-I molecules per particle) or large (4 apoA-I molecules per particle) HDL particles, which are subsequently removed from the circulation by the liver (Colvin et al. 1999. J. Lipid Res. 40: 1782;-1792; Huggins et al. 2000. J. Lipid Res. 41: 384;-394). The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the reduction in concentration of medium HDL in African green monkeys consuming n-3 polyunsaturated versus saturated fat diets resulted from decreased in vivo production or increased catabolism. Tracer small LpA-I (HDL containing only apoA-I) were isolated, without ultracentrifugation, by gel filtration and immunoaffinity chromatography and radiolabeled. After injection, the specific activity of apoA-I in small, medium, and large HDL was determined, and the kinetic data were analyzed using our previously published multicompartmental model for HDL subfraction metabolism. We found a significant reduction of apoA-I concentration in medium HDL in the animals fed n-3 polyunsaturated fat (31.2 +/- 0.7 mg/dl) compared with animals fed saturated fat (85.4 +/- 11.9 mg/dl; P = 0.002). The production rates of apoA-I in small, medium, and large HDL were similar in both diet groups; however, there was a significant increase in the fractional catabolic rate of apoA-I in medium HDL in the animals fed n-3 polyunsaturated fat (2.188 +/- 0.501 pools/day) compared with animals fed saturated fat (0.714 +/- 0.191 pools/day; P = 0.02).We conclude that n-3 polyunsaturated fat reduces HDL cholesterol concentration by increasing the fractional catabolic rate of medium-sized HDL particles in African green monkeys.  相似文献   
A small-volume fluorescent dye viability assay has been successfully applied to a conduction cryomicroscope freezing-thawing stage as a means of determining post-thaw survival of the nucleated mammalian cell HeLa S-3. The survival signature for HeLa S-3 cells has been determined, revealing an optimum cooling rate of −30 °C/min where the maximum survival is 30%. No cells survive for cooling rates greater than −128 °C/min and the decreased survival at supraoptimal cooling rates coincides with a linear increase in the percentage of cells containing intracellular ice from 0% at −16 °C/min to 100% at −128 °C/min.Although no data were taken to identify increased salt concentration as the mechanism responsible for cell injury at suboptimal cooling rates, the post-thaw leakage of intracellular fluorescent dye at these rates takes approximately 4–10 min as opposed to instantaneous release of dye for cells which contain ice at the high cooling rates. This indicates two modes of damage.Cell number density has been identified as an important parameter in freezing studies since survival can be enhanced at slow rates by packing cells together in groups. Packing also causes a greater fraction of the cells in a sample to have intracellular ice present, thus decreasing survival at the faster rates. These responses can be explained by assuming that the outer cells in a group protect the inner ones from solution damage at slow rates, yet restrict water flux from the inner cells at faster rates, causing an increased likelihood of intracellular ice formation. Both of these results are consistent with the dual-mechanism freezing damage theory proposed by Mazur.  相似文献   
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