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A new study entitled "Normal gut microbiota modulates brain development and behavior", published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, requires that we reconsider the notion that the brain is an immune-privileged site. The authors demonstrate that intestinal microbiota must be present within a set time-frame for normal synaptogenesis to occur in the brain. In the absence of intestinal microbiota, histopathological and behavioral abnormalities arise. These observations necessitate a new look at the many interconnections of the immune system and the brain, suggesting new frontiers for research and new therapeutic strategies for neurodevelopmental diseases.  相似文献   
Ferocactus histrix is a barrel cactus that is widespread in Mexico. A population located in Llanos de Ojuelos, a semiarid zone representative of many disturbed regions in north‐central Mexico, was studied. Over a period of 10 years (1997 to 2007), the average number of individuals decreased from 21.95 to 3.53 plants per 300 m2. A change in population size structure was also registered over this period of time. In 2008, a plot selected on the basis of plant abundance was established within the population and a genetic analysis was conducted with ISTR and ISSR markers. This analysis revealed low levels of genetic diversity (expected heterozygosity (HE) = 0.073, Shannon index (I) = 0.113 and HE = 0.178, I = 0.271, respectively) compared with those of most studied cacti species. The genetic diversity between the different life stages was also evaluated, and a gradual decrease in levels of genetic variation was observed from adults to juveniles and seedlings (HE = 0.130, I = 0.192 to HE = 0.103, I = 0.157). These differences, however, were not significant. Loci fixation and a decrease in the frequency of rare alleles were observed in seedling and juvenile classes. The decline in genetic variation may be associated with recent bottlenecks experienced by the population of F. histrix. If the sizes of local populations of F. histrix continue to decrease, genetic variation will be gradually lost, and the risk of extinction will increase.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to generate an easy to use index to evaluate the ecological state of agricultural land from a sustainability perspective. We selected environmental indicators, such as the use of organic soil amendments (green manure) versus chemical fertilizers, plant biodiversity (including crop associations), variables which characterize soil conservation of conventional agricultural systems, pesticide use, method and frequency of tillage. We monitored the ecological state of 52 agricultural plots to test the performance of the index. The variables were hierarchically aggregated with simple mathematical algorithms, if-then rules, and rule-based fuzzy models, yielding the final multi-criteria index with values from 0 (worst) to 1 (best conditions). We validated the model through independent evaluation by experts, and we obtained a linear regression with an r2 = 0.61 (p = 2.4e-06, d.f. = 49) between index output and the experts’ evaluation.  相似文献   
Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to visualize under a confocal microscope type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1) and acetylcholine (ACh) receptors, respectively, or α-bungarotoxin conjugated to Alexa-Fluor 555 for Ach receptors, we found that they colocalize on twitch muscle fibers in the frog (Rana pipiens). We show that both the CB1 and ACh receptors are present on the fast skeletal muscle motor end-plate. The CB1 receptor is present along the entire membrane of the muscle fiber, whereas the ACh receptor is expressed primarily at the motor end-plate. Analysis of the colocalization produced a cross-correlation coefficient of 0.519 ± 0.021 (n = 9) for both receptors at the muscle motor end-plate. This study suggests a close proximity between these two types of receptor proteins and that they could interact. CB1 could function at some stage of excitation–contraction coupling in these muscle fibers. However, further investigation is needed in order to clarify these issues.  相似文献   
The addition of inocula of a commercially available strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to musts with a high initial sugar content at various fermentation stages induces variable changes in the different components of the volatile fraction of wine and, potentially, its sensory properties as well. Inoculation alters the concentration ratio between the 2,3-butanediol isomers and causes a decrease in acetates and ethyl ester content. We propose an analytical ratio to evaluate the aromatic quality of the wine.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted in male rats to study the effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on circadian rhythms of (a) plasma corticosterone concentrations; (b) motor activity; and (c) metabolic patterns. Animals were entrained to LD cycles of 12: 12 hr and fed ad libitum.

A daily rhythm of plasma corticosterone concentrations was found in controls animals with peak levels at 2400 hr and low values during the remaining hours. This rhythm was statistically confirmed by the cosinor method and had an amplitude of 3.37μg/100 ml and the acrophase at 100 hr. A loss of the normal circadian variation was observed in diabetic animals, with a nadir at the onset of light period and high values throughout the remaining hours; cosinor analysis of these data showed no circadian rhythm, delete and a higher mean level than controls.

As expected, normal rats presented most of their motor activity during the dark period with 80+ of total daily activity; the cosinor method demonstrated a circadian rhythm with an amplitude of 60+ of the mean level and the acrophase at 0852 hr. Both diabetic and control rats showed a similar activity during the light phase, but diabetic animals had less activity than controls during the night and their percentage of total daily activity was similar in both phases of the LD cycle (50+ for each one). With the cosinor method we were able to show the persistence of a circadian rhythm in the motor activity of diabetic rats, but with a mesor and amplitude lower than in controls (amplitude rested at 60+ of the mean level) and its acrophase advanced to 0148 hr.

The metabolic activity pattern of diabetic rats also changed: whereas controls showed a greater metabolic activity during the night (70+ food; 82+ water; 54+ urine; 67+ faeces), diabetics did not show differences between both phases of the LD cycle. Water ingested and urine excreted by the diabetic group were higher than normal during light and dark periods; food consumed and faeces excreted were higher than controls only in the light phase.

These data suggest that alterations in circadian rhythms of plasma corticosterone and motor activity are consecutive to the loss of the feeding circadian pattern, due to polyphagia and polydipsia showed by these animals, which need to extend intakes during the light and dark phases.  相似文献   
In good manufacturing practice (GMP) facilities in the biopharmaceutical industry, chromatography resins are largely underutilized during purification of single drug products during clinical production. Chromatography resins are dedicated to a specific product and disposed of, after only a fraction of their lifetime due to concerns of potential product carryover from one program to another. In this study, we follow a resin lifetime methodology typically used for commercial submissions and apply it to determine the feasibility of purifying different products on a Protein A MabSelect PrismA™ resin. Three distinct monoclonal antibodies were used as model molecules. Column performance was monitored through chromatogram profiles, yield, clearance capability of selected media components, pressure and product quality. A protein carryover study was designed to demonstrate that the column cleaning procedures reduced protein carryover to safe cleanliness levels regardless of multiple product contact cycles and the order in which the mAbs are captured. Data show that up to 90 total cycles (30 cycles per antibody), there was negligible protein carryover and impact on process performance. Product quality was consistent, with the only meaningful trends found for the leached Protein A ligand, without affecting the conclusion of the study. While the study was restricted to three antibodies, the proof of concept for resin reuse was demonstrated.  相似文献   
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