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We compared changes in body condition (relative weight) and mercury concentrations ([Hg]) in two species of coregonid fish (lake herring Coregonus artedi, lake whitefish C. clupeaformis) among discrete populations in Ontario between 1967 and 2006. Temporal comparisons among populations were made to determine whether 1) the establishment of Bythotrephes longimanus had affected coregonid populations, or 2) if changes in body condition or [Hg] were related to regional differences in the degree of climate change during the time period investigated. Climate data from northwestern, northeastern and southern Ontario showed a general warming trend in all regions over the period of study. However, greater temporal changes in climate were observed in the northwest where growing degree days >5°C (GDD) increased and precipitation declined over the study period compared with relatively little change in southern or northeastern Ontario. Correspondingly, northwestern Ontario coregonid populations demonstrated significantly greater declines in body condition relative to those from northeastern or southern Ontario. Declines in [Hg] of both species were also greater among northwestern populations compared with those from northeastern or southern Ontario but only significantly so for lake herring. These declines were independent of the invasion of non‐native Bythotrephes, and declines in [Hg] were opposite predictions based on the hypothesis that Bythotrephes invasion lengthened aquatic food chains. Based on our findings and further evidence from the literature, we propose that warming regional climates are capable of contributing to declines in both condition and [Hg] of fishes. Because fish condition affects both reproductive success and overwinter survival, observed condition declines of the magnitude reported here could have profound implications for the structure of future aquatic ecosystems in a warming climate.  相似文献   
A large number of low molecular weight polar cryoprotective agents have recently been found to induce erythroid differentiation of Friend leukemic cells in vitro. The effect of these agents on membrane fluidity in phospholipid vesicles was studied by determining the solid-to-liquid crystalline phase transition using differential scanning calorimetry. Some of the inducing agents studies were found to raise the normal transition temperature (Tc by a few degrees. All of these agents were found to produce a separate transition at a much higher temperature. Changes in the head group of the phospholipid, the pH, the presence of divalent cations, and the addition of other membrane-active compounds were found to significantly influence the inducing agent's effects on the Tc of phospholipid membranes.The ability of the different agents to produce a new transition at a high temperature was found to correlate well with their ability to incude Friend leukemic cell differentiation. The possible mechanisms of action of the chemical inducers, and the significance of the observed membrane effects on differentiation and malignancy are discussed. It is concluded that inducing agents decrease the fluidity and stabilize phospholipid membranes, and that their effects in cell differentiation might be initiated by a similar change in the properties of cell membranes.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are activated by a plethora of stimuli. The literature is filled with papers describing the activation of different MAPKs by almost any stimulus or insult imaginable to cells. In this review, we use signal transduction wiring diagrams to illustrate putative upstream regulators for the MAPK kinase kinases, MEKK1, 2, and 3. Targeted gene disruption of MEKK1, 2, or 3 defined phenotypes for each MEKK associated with loss of specific MAPK regulation. Genetic analysis of MEKK function clearly defines specific components of the wiring diagram that require MEKK1, 2, or 3 for physiological responses. We propose that signal transduction network wiring diagrams are valuable tools for hypothesis building and filtering physiologically relevant phenotypic responses from less connected protein relations in the regulation of MAPK pathways.  相似文献   
Phase memory relaxation times (T(M) or T(2)) of spin labels in human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) are reported. Spin labels (N-(1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolidinyl)iodoacetamide, IPSL) were introduced at cysteines, by site-directed mutagenesis at seven different positions in the protein. By two pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron spin echo decays at 45 K are measured and fitted by stretched exponentials, resulting in relaxation parameters T(M) and x. T(M) values of seven positions are between 1.6 micros for the most buried residue (L79C) and 4.7 micros for a residue at the protein surface (W245C). In deuteriated buffer, longer T(M) are found for all but the most buried residues (L79C and W97C), and electron spin echo envelop modulation (ESEEM) of deuterium nuclei is observed. Different deuterium ESEEM patterns for W95C and W16C (surface residue) indicate differences in the local water concentration, or accessibility, of the spin label by deuterium. We propose T(M) as a parameter to determine the spin label location in proteins. Furthermore, these systems are interesting for studying the pertaining relaxation mechanism.  相似文献   
The ultrastructural features of the biflagellate motile cells of six different species of the Chlorophyceae, namely Dunaliella lateralis (Polyblepharidaceae, Chlamydomonadales), Chlorococcum hypnosporum, Spongiochloris spongiosa, Protosiphon botryoides (Chlorococcaceae, Chlorococcales), Tetracystis aeria and Pseudotetracystis terrestris (Tetracystidaceae, Chlorococcales), were examined with an emphasis on the flagellar apparatus (FA). They have different vegetative characteristics, such as, being motile or nonmotile, variations in chloroplast morphology, possession of one or more nuclei, and reproductive features such as formation of tetrahedral tetrads, and naked or walled zoospores. Ultrastructural differences amongst reproductive cells of the six species include variations in cell surface structure, basal body to basal body angle, beamlike extensions of the distal fiber, extensive connections of the proximal sheath between basal bodies, two-membered rootlets, striated microtubule-associated components, two-membered rootlet-nucleus and/or mitochondria connections, X-membered rootlets, connections of rootlets and basal bodies, rhizoplasts and accessory basal bodies. All six species possess pyrenoids penetrated by thylakoid membranes, and the FA typical of the Chlorophyceae (sensu Mattox and Stewart, 1984). These six species should be divided into two groups. The first includes D. lateralis, C. hypnosporum, and T. aeria, in which accessory basal bodies are present, the basal body to basal body angle is relatively fixed, and a cell wall or surface coat is present. The second group includes Ps. terrestris, S. spongiosa, and Pr. botryoides, in which accessory basal bodies are absent, the basal body to basal body angle is variable and the zoospores are naked.  相似文献   
Population structure, leaf phenology and leaf turnover were followed over a 29-month period in Zamia debilis L.f. ex Aiton (Zamiaceae), an understory species in the Cambalache Forest in northern Puerto Rico. It was not possible to determine plant age or to measure the subterranean stems; size classes based on leaf number and leaf × leaflet number indices were used to determine population structure. Despite seasonal and year to year fluctuations in leaf number at the individual and population level, population profiles remained relatively constant. At any one time, over 50% of the population was composed of unbranched individuals with one or two leaves. Only 7% of the plants were branched. Plants with seven or more leaves comprised at a maximum 8% of the population, but accounted for 28% of the total foliage. Size classes based on leaf number and on a leaf × leaflet index gave approximately reverse J-shaped curves typical of trees with shade tolerant seedlings and saplings. New leaves emerged throughout the year, with a peak at the beginning of the rainy season in May or June and lowest production during the dry months of February through April. Average leaf life expectancy was approximately 2.3 years. Leaf death occurred over an extended period of time by the loss of individual leaflets. Patterns in leaf production and loss differed between few- and many-leaved plants. On the average, as the number of mature leaves on a plant increased, time between emergence of new leaves decreased. In many-leaved plants more than one event of new leaf emergence per year was common. Individuals with one to three mature leaves and individuals with four or more mature leaves differed in their response to water stress: few-leaved plants generally reduced the rate of new leaf production and retained old leaves longer. Plants with more than three leaves continued to produce new leaves, but the rate of leaf mortality increased so that most had a net leaf loss. There was no evidence that leaf emergence or retention were affected by cone production or seed maturation.  相似文献   
The direct and the buffering effects of social support networks have been documented, but few studies have examined their health outcomes for blacks and, specifically, the differences in physical and mental health. This study uses six measures of social support to examine the relationships of social support to health outcomes for black males and females. The data are from a community sample of 451 urban black adults. Results show significant differences by sex according to source of social support and particular health outcomes. Number of nearby relatives and perceived social support have direct and buffering effects, respectively, on mental health for black females, but no significant influences emerge for black males. On the other hand, the number of confidants for black males and the degree of religiosity among black females were inversely related to physical health, suggesting differences in conceptual models of social support for mental and physical health.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the light-harvesting protein-pigment complex C-phycocyanin (C-PC) from Mastigocladus laminosus (at 2.1 A resolution (1 A = 0.1 nm] has been refined by energy-restrained least-squares methods to a conventional R-factor of 21.7%. In the same way, the crystal structure of C-PC from Agmenellum quadruplicatum has been refined further (2.5 A, R = 18.4%); pyrrole rings C and D of the chromophore at position A84 have been corrected with respect to the previously reported structure. The two C-PC structures are very similar, 213 C alpha positions have a root-mean-square deviation of 0.49 A. Polar and ionic side-chain interactions are discussed in detail and the two subunits of C-PC from M. laminosus are compared to each other. All three chromophores are completely defined and their tetrapyrroles exhibit very similar geometry. The structure of a C-PC chromophore resembles a cleaved porphyrin which has been twisted roughly 180 degrees around the C-5-C-6 and C-14-C-15 bonds. Accordingly, the configuration/conformation of the chromophores is Z-anti, Z-syn, Z-anti (with the exception of the "configuration" of C-15 of chromophore B155, which is almost midway between Z and E). The three chromophores interact similarly with the protein. They arch around aspartate residues (A87, B87 and B39), and the nitrogens of pyrroles B and C are within hydrogen-bonding distance of one of the carboxylate oxygens. Most of the propionic side-chains of the chromophores form salt bridges with arginine and lysine residues. The updated relative chromophore distances and orientations confirm our conclusion that hexameric aggregates are probably the basic functional units, and that inter-hexameric energy transfer takes place preferentially via the central B84 chromophores.  相似文献   
Stimulation of glutamate binding by the dipeptide L-phenylalanyl-L-glutamate (Phe-Glu) was inhibited by the peptidase inhibitor bestatin, suggesting that the stimulation was caused by glutamate liberated from the dipeptide and not by the dipeptide itself. It further suggests that this form of glutamate binding should be reinterpreted as glutamate sequestration and that stimulation of binding both by dipeptides and after preincubation with high concentrations of glutamate is likely to be due to counterflow accumulation. Several other criteria indicate that most of glutamate binding stimulated by chloride represents glutamate sequestration: Binding is reduced when the osmolarity of the incubation medium is increased, when membranes incubated with [3H]glutamate are lysed before filtration, and when membranes are made permeable by transient exposure to saponin. Moreover, dissociation of bound glutamate after a 100-fold dilution of the incubation medium is accelerated about 50 times by the addition of glutamate to the dilution medium. This result would be anomalous if glutamate were bound to a receptor site; it suggests instead that glutamate is transported in and out of membrane vesicles by a transport system that preferentially mediates exchange between internal and external glutamate. Glutamate binding contains a component of glutamate sequestration even when measured in the absence of chloride. Sequestration is adequately abolished only after treating membranes with detergents; even extensive lysis, sonication, and freezing/thawing may be insufficient.  相似文献   
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