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本文报导四川省西部鱼类寄生粘孢子虫粘体虫属六新种,即异型粘体虫,新种Myxosoma disparis sp.nov.,四川粘体虫,新种Myxosoma sichuanensis sp.nov.,光唇粘体虫,新种Myxosoma acrossochilusi sp.nov.鳅粘体虫,新种Myxosoma nemachilusi sp.nov.斜囊粘体虫,新种Myxosoma obliqua sp.nov.,雅安粘体虫,新种Myxosoma yaanensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   
Temporal events of gypsy moth vitellogenesis and ovarian development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The vitellogenic period of gypsy moth ovarian development starts on day 3 of the pupal stage and continues through adulthood. During this period, rapid increases occur in follicle size, protein content, and wet weight of the ovary. Patency is observed on day 3 of the pupal stage.
Pre-vitellogenic follicles are formed in the last larval stadium. Newly formed follicles detach from the germarium on day 4, and increase rapidly to 140 per ovariole at the end of the last larval stadium. The pre-vitellogenic follicles are uniformly around 50 um in diameter. No vitellogenin is incorporated into the oocytes until the pupal stage.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophosesis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) analysis of male and female haemolymph samples and vitellogenic ovaries demonstrates the presence of two female-specific subunits of vitellogenin of 180 kD and 160 kD. These proteins are detected only in haemolymph and ovarian extracts of vitellogenic females. The molecular weight of the native protein determined by size exclusion chromatography is approximately 400–420 kD.
A highly sensitive double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to monitor the temporal changes in vitellogenin titre in haemolymph. Vitellogenin production starts on day 2 of the last larval stadium, reaching a maximum level by day 6 of the last larval stadium, and decreasing in the late pupal stage as vitellogenin was internalized into the oocytes. This is the first report of vitellogenin production occurring in the larval stage of a holometabolous insect. The fact that vitellogenin production and uptake occur during different stages of development in the gypsy moth, opens up some interesting questions concerning the underlying regulatory mechanisms controlling each process.  相似文献   
Immature hypophysectomized, estrogen-treated rats were used to study the regulation of luteinization. Particular attention was focused on the potential role of the oocyte in this process. Rats were injected for 2 days with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to stimulate follicular development. Within 48 h following FSH treatment, many follicles became luteinized, as determined by morphometric analysis. This luteinization occurred in the absence of detectable levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). The number of follicles undergoing luteinization was dependent on the FSH dose. In addition, ovulation occurred in some of the animals receiving the highest doses of FSH (3-micrograms or 5-micrograms injections). The majority of follicles undergoing luteinization or ovulation were greater than 400 microns in diameter. Luteinized follicles exhibited positive reactivity for cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, lipid, and alkaline phosphatase, which was similar to that found in corpora lutea of the cycle. Serum progesterone (P0) and 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-one levels were elevated in animals with luteinized follicles, especially in those animals that also underwent ovulation. Morphological evaluation of oocytes showed that the majority of luteinized follicles contained a degenerating oocyte. Oocyte degeneration was highly correlated (r = 0.94) to luteinization. These results demonstrate that luteinization and ovulation can occur in the FSH/estrogen-primed hypophysectomized rats in the absence of detectable serum LH. Furthermore, LH-independent luteinization was strongly correlated to degenerative changes in the oocyte. These results provide new evidence to support the concept that the oocyte may be an intraovarian regulator of luteinization.  相似文献   
Polymeric IgA (pIgA) is transported by liver parenchymal cells (hepatocytes) from blood to bile via a receptor-mediated process. We have studied the intracellular pathway taken by a TEPC15 mouse myeloma pIgA. When from 1 microgram to 1 mg 125I-pIgA was injected into the saphenous vein of a rat, 36% was transported as intact protein into the bile over a 3-h period. The concentration of transported 125I-pIgA was maximal in bile 30-60 min after injection, and approximately 80% of the total 125I-pIgA ultimately transported had been secreted into bile by 90 min. A horseradish peroxidase-pIgA conjugate (125I-pIgA-HRP) was transported to a similar extent and with kinetics similar to that of unconjugated 125I-pIgA and was therefore used to visualize the transport pathway. Peroxidase cytochemistry of livers fixed in situ 2.5 to 10 min after 125I-pIgA-HRP injection demonstrated a progressive redistribution of labeled structures from the sinusoidal area to intermediate and bile canalicular regions of the hepatocyte cytoplasm. Although conjugate-containing structures began accumulating in the bile canalicular region at these early times, no conjugate was present in bile until 20 min. From 7.5 to 45 min after injection approximately 30% of the labeled structures were in regions that contained Golgi complexes and lysosomes; however, we found no evidence that either organelle contained 125I-pIgA-HRP. At least 85% of all positive structures in the hepatocyte were vesicles of 110-160-nm median diameters, with the remaining structures accounted for by tubules and multivesicular bodies. Vesicles in the bile canalicular region tended to be larger than those in the sinusoidal region. Serial sectioning showed that the 125I-pIgA-HRP-containing structures were relatively simple (predominantly vesicular) and that extensive interconnections did not exist between structures in the sinusoidal and bile canalicular regions.  相似文献   
Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) is an integral membrane glycoprotein localized to the apical membrane domain of intestinal and kidney epithelial cells. By indirect immunofluorescence, we have shown that antibodies raised against rat intestinal LAP recognized a similar protein concentrated in the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the hepatocyte in situ (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 96:1548-1558). We have extended this localization to the ultrastructural level. When a saponin-permeabilized, agarose-embedded plasma membrane (PM) fraction was incubated with affinity-purified anti-LAP, 85% of the protein A-gold particles associated with the three recognizable PM domains were present in the BC. The levels of labeling on the other two domains (sinusoidal and lateral) did not exceed that observed with nonimmune controls. The concentration of LAP in the BC domain in isolated PM sheets prompted us to use this antigen for the affinity isolation of BC membrane (Roman, L.M., and A.L. Hubbard, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1497-1504, companion paper).  相似文献   
To evaluate the potential use of recombinant DNA-produced alpha-1-antitrypsin (alpha-1-AT) to augment the lung antineutrophil elastase defenses in alpha-1-AT deficiency, we compared the kinetics of intravenously administered recombinant produced alpha-1-AT (r alpha-1-AT) and purified normal human plasma alpha-1-AT (p alpha-1-AT) in the blood and lung of rhesus monkeys. The r alpha-1-AT was produced in yeast transformed with an expressing plasmid containing a full-length human alpha-1-AT complementary deoxyribonucleic acid and purified to greater than 99% homogeneity. The r alpha-1-AT has a molecular weight of 45,000, no carbohydrates, and is identical in sequence to normal plasma alpha-1-AT except for an additional N-terminal acetylmethionine. Despite its lack of carbohydrates, the r alpha-1-AT inhibited human neutrophil elastase with an association rate constant similar to that of p alpha-1-AT. Rhesus monkeys were infused intravenously with 120 mg/kg of r alpha-1-AT (n = 13) or p alpha-1-AT (n = 12) and the serum, urine, and lung epithelial lining fluid (ELF) concentrations of these molecules quantified at various intervals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
在鉴定云南叶螨标本时,发现叶螨属一新种,现记述如下。模式标本保存于上海农学院。本文量度单位均为微米。 食禾叶螨Tetranychus graminivorus新种(图1—14) 雌螨 体长(包括喙)454,宽298。椭圆形。浅黄绿色。须肢端感器圆柱形,长6.8,  相似文献   
The purpose of the present work was to study age- and weight-controlled rats to determine which is the primary factor in reducing the lipolytic response of free fat cells and which has the greater effect on the ratio of fat cells to nonfat cells in adipose tissue. The method for estimating fat cell and nonfat cell numbers is based on the analysis of adipose tissue and fat cell DNA and lipid. In adequately fed rats, epididymal adipocyte hyperplasia is complete between 9 and 14 wk of age. Chronic underfeeding delays, but does not eliminate, normal fat cell hyperplasia and is accompanied by a net loss in the nonfat cell population. During 9-14 wk of age, rat epididymal adipose tissue enlarges mainly through adipocyte hypertrophy. Total fat cells from the epididymal adipose tissue of control rats represent only 20-23% of the total cell population. Chronic underfeeding increases the percentage of fat cells in the fat pad from 23 to 28%. Noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis is proportional to fat cell numbers but is inhibited when fat cell lipid increases to over 80% of fat pad wet weight. Rat age is apparently not primarily responsible for the decreased noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis in fat cells of 350-g rats in vitro.  相似文献   
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