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We present the spontaneous pathological lesions identified as a result of necropsy or biopsy for 245 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) over a 35‐year period. A review of the pathology database was performed for all diagnoses on chimpanzees from 1980 to 2014. All morphologic diagnoses, associated system, organ, etiology, and demographic information were reviewed and analyzed. Cardiomyopathy was the most frequent lesion observed followed by hemosiderosis, hyperplasia, nematodiasis, edema, and hemorrhage. The most frequently affected systems were the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, urogenital, respiratory, and lymphatic/hematopoietic systems. The most common etiology was undetermined, followed by degenerative, physiologic, neoplastic, parasitic, and bacterial. Perinatal and infant animals were mostly affected by physiologic etiologies and chimpanzee‐induced trauma. Bacterial and physiologic etiologies were more common in juvenile animals. Degenerative and physiologic (and neoplastic in geriatric animals) etiologies predominated in adult, middle aged, and geriatric chimpanzees.  相似文献   
The activation function 2/ligand-dependent interaction between nuclear receptors and their coregulators is mediated by a short consensus motif, the so-called nuclear receptor (NR) box. Nuclear receptors exhibit distinct preferences for such motifs depending both on the bound ligand and on the NR box sequence. To better understand the structural basis of motif recognition, we characterized the interaction between estrogen receptor alpha and the NR box regions of the p160 coactivator TIF2. We have determined the crystal structures of complexes between the ligand-binding domain of estrogen receptor alpha and 12-mer peptides from the Box B2 and Box B3 regions of TIF2. Surprisingly, the Box B3 module displays an unexpected binding mode that is distinct from the canonical LXXLL interaction observed in other ligand-binding domain/NR box crystal structures. The peptide is shifted along the coactivator binding site in such a way that the interaction motif becomes LXXYL rather than the classical LXXLL. However, analysis of the binding properties of wild type NR box peptides, as well as mutant peptides designed to probe the Box B3 orientation, suggests that the Box B3 peptide primarily adopts the "classical" LXXLL orientation in solution. These results highlight the potential difficulties in interpretation of protein-protein interactions based on co-crystal structures using short peptide motifs.  相似文献   
Electron microscope autoradiographic and biochemical methods were used to study the intracellular fates of several 125I-glycoproteins, known to be specifically bound and internalized by the different cell types in the liver. At the earliest times examined (1--2 min), 125I-glycoproteins (ASGP) were localized predominantly along the sinusoidal front of hepatocytes. Analysis of the distribution of autoradiographic grains indicated that: (a) approximately 40--60% of the 125I-ligand could be ascribed to the plasmalemma; (b) a significant fraction had already been internalized; yet (c) very little 125I-ligand was present in the lysosome-Golgi region. Between 4 and 15 min after administration of 125I-ASGPs, there was a dramatic redistribution of autoradiographic grains from regions of the plasmalemma and peripheral cytoplasm (30% decrease) to the lysosome-Golgi region (30% increase). At longer times (30 min), there was continued drainage of 125I-ASGP into this region. The grain density over secondary lysosomes was 60--90 times higher than that over recognizable Golgi elements, clearly indicating that lysosomes were the ultimate destination of the 125I-ASGP. However, no more than 60% of the total 125I-ligand could be localized to lysosome-rich regions of the hepatocyte, with the remaining 40% primarily in the intermediate cytoplasm. Biochemical evidence for proteolysis of the internalized 125I-ASGP (presumably within lysosomes) was obtained when [125I]-mono-iodotyrosine was found in the liver (i.e., hepatocytes) at times later than 15 min. The temporal redistribution observed for mannose and N-acetylglucosamine-terminated glycoproteins (ahexosamino-orosomucoid and agalacto-orosomucoid, respectively) in endothelial cells indicated that the 125I-ligands resided in macropinocytic vesicles (1--15 min) before their ultimate residence in dense bodies (15 min). The same 125I-ligands were also localized to structures resembling secondary lysosomes in Kupffer cells. The lysosomal nature of "these organelles" was implied from the appearance of [125I]mono-iodotyrosine in the liver at later times. 125I-beta-glucuronidase followed the same intracellular pathway in both cell types but was not degraded.  相似文献   
We have used isolated perfused rat livers to examine the intracellular processing of 125I-epidermal growth factor (EGF) and to determine where in the endocytic pathway the hydrolases which degrade EGF are acting. Following uptake of 125I-EGF at 37 or 16 degrees C, subcellular fractions enriched in endosomes and lysosomes were isolated, and their 125I-EGF content was examined by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Three forms of EGF processed at their carboxyl termini are generated in endosomes. At 37 degrees C, EGF is first processed in early endosomes by a carboxypeptidase B-like protease and is further processed in late endosomes by a trypsin-like protease and then a carboxypeptidase B-like protease. At 16 degrees C, entry of EGF into late endosomes is slowed, and only the first processed form is generated over 60 min. Longer perfusions (180 min) at 16 degrees C result in some processing (7%) by proteases found in late endosomes. EGF-horseradish peroxidase cytochemistry confirmed that the additional processing detected at 180 min correlated with movement of EGF from tubulovesicular to multivesicular endosomes. These results, combined with in vitro incubations of EGF in isolated endosomal and lysosomal fractions, suggest that different proteases are active at selective points in the endocytic pathway and that the full complement of proteases needed for complete degradation of EGF is active only in lysosomes.  相似文献   
Subunit structure and hybrid formation of bovine pyruvate kinases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After denaturing either type M or L pyruvate kinase by guanidine hydrochloride, urea, or low pH, enzymatic activity and quaternary structure can be recovered by diluting the enzyme into buffer containing beta-mercaptoethanol. After denaturation of type M pyruvate kinase by guanidine hydrochloride, the yield and polarization of the intrinsic protein fluorescence, as well as most of the circular dichroism characteristic of the native enzyme, were regained very rapidly, while enzymatic activity was recovered much more slowly. Under the conditions used, about 50% of the original M and 30-50% of the original type L activity were typically recovered. Average half-times for recovery of enzymatic activity were 37 min for type M and 104 min for type L but depended somewhat on the renaturation buffer and on protein concentrations in the renaturation medium. If types M and L pyruvate kinases are renatured together, an approximately random recombination of the two subunits types results in a five-membered hybrid set. We have used this hybridizability to determine the kinetics of reformation of the native tetramer by denaturing each isozyme and beginning its renaturation separately at various times mixing the two isozymes and continuing their renaturation together. These studies indicate that reformation of stable tetramers occurs relatively slowly, qualitatively paralleling the regain of enzymatic activity, and that tetramer formation may be necessary for enzymatic activity. Using a similar technique to test for spontaneous dissociation of the native isozymes in buffer, we find that type L, but not type M, reversibly dissociates into dimers and monomers in buffer solutions. This dissociation is decreased by the presence of the substrate, phosphoenolpyruvate, by Mg2+ ions, or by the allosteric effector, fructose bisphosphate.  相似文献   
Modeling of species distributions has undergone a shift from relying on equilibrium assumptions to recognizing transient system dynamics explicitly. This shift has necessitated more complex modeling techniques, but the performance of these dynamic models has not yet been assessed for systems where unobservable states exist. Our work is motivated by the impacts of the emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis, a disease of amphibians that is associated with declines of many species worldwide. Using this host‐pathogen system as a general example, we first illustrate how misleading inferences can result from failing to incorporate pathogen dynamics into the modeling process, especially when the pathogen is difficult or impossible to survey in the absence of a host species. We found that traditional modeling techniques can underestimate the effect of a pathogen on host species occurrence and dynamics when the pathogen can only be detected in the host, and pathogen information is treated as a covariate. We propose a dynamic multistate modeling approach that is flexible enough to account for the detection structures that may be present in complex multistate systems, especially when the sampling design is limited by a species’ natural history or sampling technology. When multistate occupancy models are used and an unobservable state is present, parameter estimation can be influenced by model complexity, data sparseness, and the underlying dynamics of the system. We show that, even with large sample sizes, many models incorporating seasonal variation in vital rates may not generate reasonable estimates, indicating parameter redundancy. We found that certain types of missing data can greatly hinder inference, and we make study design recommendations to avoid these issues. Additionally, we advocate the use of time‐varying covariates to explain temporal trends in the data, and the development of sampling techniques that match the biology of the system to eliminate unobservable states when possible.  相似文献   
Tyrosine 984 in the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor, between the transmembrane helix and the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain, is conserved among all insulin receptor-like proteins from hydra to humans. Crystallographic studies of the tyrosine kinase domain and proximal juxtamembrane region reveal that Tyr-984 interacts with several other conserved residues in the N-terminal lobe of the kinase domain, stabilizing a catalytically nonproductive position of alpha-helix C. Steady-state kinetics measurements on the soluble kinase domain demonstrate that replacement of Tyr-984 with phenylalanine results in a 4-fold increase in kcat in the unphosphorylated (basal state) enzyme. Moreover, mutation of Tyr-984 in the full-length insulin receptor results in significantly elevated receptor phosphorylation levels in cells, both in the absence of insulin and following insulin stimulation. These data demonstrate that Tyr-984 plays an important structural role in maintaining the quiescent, basal state of the insulin receptor. In addition, the structural studies suggest a possible target site for small molecule activators of the insulin receptor, with potential use in the treatment of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
The mzQuantML data standard was designed to capture the output of quantitative software in proteomics, to support submissions to public repositories, development of visualization software and pipeline/modular approaches. The standard is designed around a common core that can be extended to support particular types of technique through the release of semantic rules that are checked by validation software. The first release of mzQuantML supported four quantitative proteomics techniques via four sets of semantic rules: (i) intensity‐based (MS1) label free, (ii) MS1 label‐based (such as SILAC or N15), (iii) MS2 tag‐based (iTRAQ or tandem mass tags), and (iv) spectral counting. We present an update to mzQuantML for supporting SRM techniques. The update includes representing the quantitative measurements, and associated meta‐data, for SRM transitions, the mechanism for inferring peptide‐level or protein‐level quantitative values, and support for both label‐based or label‐free SRM protocols, through the creation of semantic rules and controlled vocabulary terms. We have updated the specification document for mzQuantML (version 1.0.1) and the mzQuantML validator to ensure that consistent files are produced by different exporters. We also report the capabilities for production of mzQuantML files from popular SRM software packages, such as Skyline and Anubis.  相似文献   

The Niagara River, which connects two Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario) and forms a border between Canada and the United States, has experienced decades of abiotic and biotic disturbance as well as long-term restoration efforts. Given the iconic riverscape and importance as a binational fisheries resource, a biodiversity assessment of the mainstem Niagara River fish assemblage is overdue. Here, fish assemblage and habitat data from a standardized boat electrofishing program of the Niagara River were combined with species trait data related to substrate associations, diet preferences, reproductive strategies, and body size to quantify biodiversity patterns among river sections (sites above and below Niagara Falls), seasons (spring, summer, fall), and years (2015–2017). Sixty-five species were captured representing a variety of trait combinations. Significant differences in functional dispersion and divergence (i.e., functional diversity) were observed between river sections, seasons, and (or) years. The fish community captured in the lower river in spring 2015 had both the highest average functional dispersion (2.08?±?0.32 SD) and divergence (0.88?±?0.04 SD) compared to the other seasonal sampling efforts, but relatively few fishes were captured (n?=?686). Although non-native fishes represented a small portion of the catch over the 3 years (8.6% of catch), the seasonal presence (spring and fall) of mostly introduced large-bodied salmonids expanded functional trait space in the lower river during these periods. The importance of rare species on functional diversity metrics suggests further insight on local species detection probabilities is needed to understand if differences in functional diversity reflect ecological patterns or are driven by sampling design.

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