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斯氏狸殖吸虫螺类宿主新记录:洪山拟钉螺新种记述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道斯氏狸殖吸虫新的螺类宿主——洪山拟钉螺Tricula hongshanensis sp. nov.的特点:螺壳较宽而短,体螺层较高大,壳口上缘成锐角,触角伸展时较长,收缩吋有环状皱褶,雄性阴茎较粗短,末端钝圆,齿舌公式不同于其它拟钉螺。  相似文献   
本实验选择对低温比较敏感的骨骼肌组织作为实验对象。将19只大鼠随机分成3组,其右后肢经冷冻处理使组织温度分别达 5℃、0℃及-5℃,于复温后不同时间测定骨骼肌中四种高能磷酸化合物AMP,ADP、ATP及CP的含量。结果表明,大鼠骨骼肌组织中高能磷酸化合物含量随冷冻时组织最低温度的下降而不同程度的减少,并且具有明显的时相过程。复温后即刻至4小时下降迅速,4~12小时三组值较为接近,其后随时间延长而明显分离。 5℃组恢复得早而且明显,0℃组恢复程度次于 5℃组,-5℃组含量下降最明显而且几乎不恢复。提示:低温使骨骼肌组织能量的产生和贮存过程受到影响。  相似文献   
在麻醉猫,经推动脉注入梭曼、VX,沙林及乙酰甲胆碱引起呼吸中枢严重抑制的剂量分别为0.5—1、3、15、2001μg/头;但在无麻醉、箭毒麻痹、人工呼吸并用药物保护循环的清醒猫,VX用量要增加十多倍,沙林用量增加2~8倍,棱曼用量不变。在严重抑制剂量的给药早期,梭曼使34.8%动物较早地出现膈神经单纤维放电加强,其每次吸气放电的冲动频率由20~30Hz增至50~80Hz,冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至40~60个/每次放电,兴奋持续短、迅速转入抑制且不易自动恢复;VX和乙酰甲胆碱使100%动物出现显著的放电加强,其冲动频率由20~30Hz增至70~130Hz、冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至60~80个/第次放电,兴奋持续时间较长、转入抑制慢但自动恢复较快;沙林使76.9%动物出现放电加强,其他表现类似VX。三种胆碱酯酶抑制剂和乙酰甲胆碱共使33/52根单纤维放电发生时相变化。结果表明:梭曼对呼吸中枢作用最强、沙林次之、VX最弱且更似乙酰甲胆碱。  相似文献   
一种新病毒——兔出血症病毒的鉴定初报   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从我国新发生的一种家兔急性败血性传染病死兔内脏抽提物中,观察到典型的病毒粒子,回归兔可引起典型发病,再从病死兔内脏回收到同样病毒,证明该病系病毒性传染病,暂定名为“兔病毒性出血症”,病原暂定为“兔出血症病毒”。经初步鉴定,认为本病毒可能是一种首次发现的新病毒,属双股RNA病毒。但从病毒大小和核酸节段看,又不同于呼肠病毒科。最终归属正在进一步研究。  相似文献   
日本学者长尾照义(1978)用原生质体融合获得普通烟草与黄花烟草的体细胞杂种植株。1980年陈家玉等在国内首先获得普通烟草(Copus Yeusuku No.4)和黄花烟草(Yellow Flower)的体细胞杂种植株。之后,中国农科院烟草所(1981)也得到相同的结果。陈家玉等(1983)对上述杂种进行了形态学、细胞学和同工酶的分析并取得一定的结果。Dlineee等(1975)分析比较了用等电聚焦技术分离的过氧  相似文献   
本文继先前工作后,进一步应用正常健康人外周血单个核细胞(PBMNC)经塑料培皿粘附技术把单核细胞分离出来,经培养进一步纯化,随后动态观察培养0,2,4,6和8天的单核-巨噬细胞的形态变化和对新鲜分离同种异基因个体PBMNC中NK活性的影响。实验表明,体外分化6天和8天的巨噬细胞质/核比例和胞浆内空泡显著增加,细胞直径约为0天时的2倍。这些细胞和PBMNC之比为0.5:1时,引起了NK细胞活性的50%以上抑制(4小时~(51)Cr标记K 562肿瘤的同位素释放试验)。这种抑制效应不为过氧化氢酶(Catalase 4000单位/毫升)和前列腺素合成酶的抑制剂(Indom 1×10~(-5)M)所阻断。实验证明,同种异基因个体的NK细胞不能识别巨噬细胞表面抗原,从而排除了巨噬细胞和K562肿瘤抗原竞争的可能性。实验还表明,巨噬细胞对NK活性的抑制是不受HLA约束的。应用高频超声振荡破碎巨噬细胞膜方法和免疫调变技术进一步提示,人体巨噬细胞对NK活性的抑制与巨噬细胞体积无关,而与体外分化所赋有的固有特性和它们分泌的免疫调节分子有关。  相似文献   
The effects of estrogens on gonadotropin-stimulated luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor formation were examined in primary cultures of rat granulosa cells. Granulosa cells were cultured for 3 days with increasing concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the presence or absence of native and synthetic estrogens. Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulated LH receptor formation in a dose-dependent fashion, and estrogens enhanced the FSH-stimulated LH receptor content by decreasing the apparent ED50 of FSH. At 6.25 ng/ml FSH, the enhancement in LH receptor was estrogen dose dependent, with an ED50 value of about 3 X 10(-9) M for 17 beta-estradiol. The increased LH receptor content seen in cells treated with FSH and estrogen was correlated with increased cAMP production by these cells in response to LH stimulation. Time course studies revealed enhancement of FSH-stimulated LH receptor induction at 48 and 72 h of culture. Granulosa cells were also cultured with FSH for 2 days to induce functional LH receptors, then further cultured for 3 days with LH in the presence or absence of estrogens. At 30 ng/ml LH, increasing concentrations of estrogens maintained LH receptor content in a dose-dependent fashion, with their relative estrogenic potencies in keeping with reported binding affinities to estrogen receptors. An autocrine role of estrogens on LH receptor formation was further tested in granulosa cells treated with FSH and an aromatase substrate (androstenedione) to increase estrogen biosynthesis. Cotreatment with semipurified estrogen antibodies partially blocked the FSH stimulation of LH receptors, whereas nonimmune serum was ineffective. Also, inclusion of diethylstilbestrol prevented the inhibitory effect of the estrogen antibodies. Thus, local estrogens in ovarian follicles may play an autocrine role in granulosa cells to enhance LH receptor formation and to increase granulosa cell responsiveness to the LH surge, with subsequent ovulation and adequate corpus luteum formation.  相似文献   
The effects of the plant toxin abrin on normal mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), an untransformed mouse cell line (NIH 3T3), and two mouse tumor cell lines (LMTK- and S-180) were studied. Measurements of cell growth and colony formation showed that MEF and S-180 cells were more sensitive to abrin intoxication than NIH 3T3 and LMTK- cells. Also, the effects of abrin on the inhibition of [3H]leucine and [3H]thymidine incorporation were more evident in MEF and S-180 cells. The basis for these varying responses to abrin by the four different cells was examined. The number of abrin binding sites per cell was determined from [125I]abrin binding studies: NIH 3T3 and LMTK- cells had significantly fewer abrin binding sites than MEF and S-180 cells. The fate of the [125I]abrin after internalization was examined by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. A pattern of time-dependent degradation was observed, degradation being more rapid in NIH 3T3 and S-180 cells than in LMTK- and MEF cells. We conclude that the varying responses of different cells to the toxin abrin may be due to several factors, including the relative number of abrin binding sites on the cell surface and the rate of degradation of the toxin once internalized. The results also show that the sensitivities of the cells to abrin do not necessarily correlate with their normal or neoplastic state.  相似文献   
The fecundity, reproductive rates, and adult survival of Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) parasitizing second and third instar nymphs of the sowthistle aphid, Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were measured at six different host densities under constant laboratory conditions. At host densities of less than 50 aphids per flowering shoot per female per day, oviposition constraints resulting from the lack of hosts reduced the number of eggs laid, enhanced the extent of superparasitization and, as a result, effectively lowered the fecundity and reproductive rates of the parasites. Above this host density the parasites laid on average 220–230 eggs, but the effective fecundity and reproductive rates continued to increase with the host density. By contrast, the survivorship of the parasites seemed unaffected by host density, with an average adult life span of 4–5 days at all densities. Analysis of the data showed that the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of the parasite varied with the host density and could reach values higher than that of the host under identical conditions. The response of rm to changes in host density and parasite sex ratio is illustrated.Overall, A. sonchi showed a typical convex functional response, to host density. However, the response showed obvious changes through the parasite's adult life and, furthermore, the rates of changes were not consistent at all host densities. The frequency distributions of parasite eggs were generally indistinguishable from random, and the number of hosts parasitized were predicted satisfactorily by the random oviposition equation.
Résumé L'étude a porté sure l'influence de 6 densités différentes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), en conditions constantes de laboratoire, sur la fécondité, le taux de reproduction et la survie des adultes d'Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hym. Aphidiidae, parasite des larves de 2e et 3e stades. A des densités inférieures à 50 pucerons par tige fleurie de Sonchus oleraceus L, par femelle et par jour, la limitation de la ponte due à l'absence d'hôtes a réduit le nombre d'oeufs émis, élevé le taux de superparasitisme et, en conséquence, diminué la fécondité et le taux de reproduction des parasites. Aux densités d'hôtes supérieures, les parasites ont pondu, en moyenne, 220 à 230 oeufs, mais la fécondité réelle et les taux de reproduction ont continué à augmenter avec la densité des pucerons. Par contre, la longévité des parasites n'a pas été affectée par la densité des hôtes, avec une durée moyenne de vie de 4 à 6 jours. L'analyse des données a montré que le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque (rm) du parasite a changé avec la densité des hôtes, et pourrait atteindre des valeurs supérieures à celles de l'ôte sous des conditions identiques. Les réponses de rm aux changements de densité des hôtes et au taux sexuel du parasite sont expliquées.Globalement, A. sonchi a présenté une réponse fonctionnelle convexe typique à la densité des hôtes. Cependant, cette réponse a changé au cours de la vie des images et, de plus, les taux de changement ne sont pas logiques à toutes les densités d'hôtes La fréquence de distribution des oeufs n'est généralement pas séparable d'une distribution au hasard, et le nombre d'hôtes parasites peut être prédit d'une façon satisfaisante en utilisant une équation de ponte au hasard.
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