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山黧豆属(又名香豌豆属)(Lathyrus Linn.)全世界共约140种,已做过染色体计数者72种。我国约16种,大部分产西南、西北和东北各省区。近年来皖南农学院朱玉简等同志在安徽宣城发现一新种,命名为安徽山黧豆(Lathyrus anhuiensis Y.J.Zhu et R.X.Meng)。鉴于该新种分布区非常局限,个体数也不多,为了及时掌握其细胞学情况,特通过该院叶如欣同志取得部分种子进行了染色体的计数和核型的描述。  相似文献   
用10科11种双子叶植物的营养器官,在含1mg/L 2,4—D的MS固体培养基上诱导形成愈伤组织。取其生长旺盛的区域进行原生质体游离,并采用未经处理的相应植物的新鲜叶或茎作对照。研究结果表明,蜗牛酶对愈伤组织的原生质体游离具有明显的促进作用,而对照却无此效应。还研究了两种植物愈伤组织的继代天数和不同的酶组合对原生质体游离的影响。  相似文献   
冬眠周期长短不同的蒙古黄鼠(Citellus dauricus)...   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult Mongolian ground squirrels (Citellus dauricus) were kept at 5 degrees C in winter and divided into four experimental groups according to the bout length. The first group was not hibernating until decapitation. The bout length of the second group was between 4-10 days, the third group 11-17 days and the fourth group longer than 20 days. All pineals were sampled at the end of January. Morphometric analytical procedures were used to study the ultrastructure of the distal part of the pineal gland. The statistical results demonstrated that 1) the euthermic animals have larger cross areas of pinealocyte, longer and narrower Golgi apparatus and more number of saccules of each Golgi apparatus (P less than 0.01). But they also have smaller volume density of vaculoes, less lipid droplets and associated vesicles around Golgi apparatus (P less than 0.01). 2) the hibernating animals with variety of bout length had no significant differences in the number of mitochondria, lipid droplets, lysosomes, the size of Golgi apparatus and the cross areas of nucleus and cytoplasm (P greater than 0.05). However, the number and the cross areas of vacuoles were significantly increased with the bout length (P less than 0.01). This might suggest that the bout length was not related to the metabolic activity of pinealocytes in Citellus dauricus and vacuoles might play some important roles in maintenance of individual bout of hibernation in this species.  相似文献   
目的:探索低压低氧延迟预适应(HHDP)小鼠海马差异表达蛋白。方法:建立小鼠海马HHDP动物模型后,用含尿素的细胞裂解液提取海马总蛋白质。经等电聚焦、SDS-PAGE电泳、考马斯亮蓝R250染色,比较对照组及HHDP组双向电泳图谱上蛋白质点的差异。切取HHDP组表达增高的蛋白质点,经脱色、胰蛋白酶酶切、提取肽片段,进行MALDI-TOF-MS检测。结果:在正常对照组和HHDP组海马总蛋白双向电泳图谱上,分别检测到481±38和477±21个点,匹配点为169±6个。其中HHDP组比对照组增高大于2倍的有33±10个点,降低大于2倍的有21±12个点。电泳图谱平均相关系数为0.7748±0.0267。有12个点在HHDP组显著增高(P<0.05,n=4),对其进行了肽质量指纹图谱分析,其中8个蛋白点得到相应的肽质量指纹图谱。数据库检索显示其中一个为果糖二磷酸醛缩酶A。3个在蛋白质数据库中没有检索到与之相匹配的任何蛋白,可能为新蛋白。另外4个可找到与其有部分匹配的氨基酸序列,但分子量和等电点与对应蛋白相差悬殊,它们可能具有同源性。结论:小鼠海马HHDP时,果糖二磷酸醛缩酶A等多种蛋白表达发生改变,可能是产生HHDP的重要机制之一。  相似文献   
The Warburg effect is an abnormal glycolysis response that is associated with cancer cells. Here we present evidence that metabolic changes resembling the Warburg effect are induced by a nonmammalian virus. When shrimp were infected with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), changes were induced in several metabolic pathways related to the mitochondria. At the viral genome replication stage (12 h postinfection [hpi]), glucose consumption and plasma lactate concentration were both increased in WSSV-infected shrimp, and the key enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), showed increased activity. We also found that at 12 hpi there was no alteration in the ADP/ATP ratio and that oxidative stress was lower than that in uninfected controls. All of these results are characteristic of the Warburg effect as it is present in mammals. There was also a significant decrease in triglyceride concentration starting at 12 hpi. At the late stage of the infection cycle (24 hpi), hemocytes of WSSV-infected shrimp showed several changes associated with cell death. These included the induction of mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (MMP), increased oxidative stress, decreased glucose consumption, and disrupted energy production. A previous study showed that WSSV infection led to upregulation of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), which is known to be involved in both the Warburg effect and MMP. Here we show that double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) silencing of the VDAC reduces WSSV-induced mortality and virion copy number. For these results, we hypothesize a model depicting the metabolic changes in host cells at the early and late stages of WSSV infection.  相似文献   
This study examined the microbial community in an acidic stream draining across the Yun-Fu pyrite mine (Guangdong, China), where extremely acidic mine water is a persistent feature due to the intensive surface mining activities. Analysis of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that microbial populations varied spatially and seasonally and correlated with geochemical and physical conditions. After the stream moves from underground to the surface, the microbial community in the acidic water rapidly evolves into a distinct community close to that in the downstream storage pond. Comparisons of TRFLP peaks with sequenced clone libraries indicated that bacteria related to the recently isolated iron-oxidizer Ferrovum myxofaciens dominated the acidophilic community throughout the year except for the samples collected in spring from the storage pond, where Ferroplasma acidiphilum -like archaea represented the most abundant group. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans -affiliated organisms increased along the acid stream and remained common over the year, whereas Leptospirillum ferrooxidans -like bacteria were negligible or even not detected in the analyzed samples. The data indicate that changes in environmental conditions are accompanied by significant shifts in community structure of the prokaryotic assemblages at this opencast mining site.  相似文献   
小球藻是一种食用历史久、营养丰富的微藻功能食品,其中蛋白核小球藻已于2012年被我国批准为新资源食品,并成为国内外正在大力发展与培育的微藻能源及微藻固碳这一战略性新兴产业的主要藻种之一。在积累油脂的同时,小球藻自身还能合成高附加值生物活性物质,其合理利用可平衡微藻能源的高成本。小球藻热水提取物(CE),即商业上宣称的"小球藻生长因子(CGF)",是小球藻有别于其他微藻的主要生物活性物质,在促进生长、调节免疫等方面具有良好功效,且市场售价高。但迄今,有关CE的认识尚不清晰,尚未见CE方面的系统评述。本文对近年来CE的活性研究状况进行了系统的文献调查与梳理,综述了CE在增强免疫、抑制肿瘤、改善代谢综合征、清除自由基、抵御紫外损伤、螯合重金属以及保肝护肠等多个方面的功效,并分析了CE活性研究中存在的问题及CE的发展前景。  相似文献   
High-throughput docking is a computational tool frequently used to discover small-molecule inhibitors of enzymes or receptors of known three-dimensional structure. Because of the large number of molecules in chemical libraries, automatic procedures to prune multimillion compound collections are useful for high-throughput docking and necessary for in vitro screening. Here, we propose an anchor-based library tailoring approach (termed ALTA) to focus a chemical library by docking and prioritizing molecular fragments according to their binding energy which includes continuum electrostatics solvation. In principle, ALTA does not require prior knowledge of known inhibitors, but receptor-based pharmacophore information (hydrogen bonds with the hinge region) is additionally used here to identify molecules with optimal anchor fragments for the ATP-binding site of the EphB4 receptor tyrosine kinase. The 21,418 molecules of the focused library (from an initial collection of about 730,000) are docked into EphB4 and ranked by force-field-based energy including electrostatic solvation. Among the 43 compounds tested in vitro, eight molecules originating from two different anchors show low-micromolar activity in a fluorescence-based enzymatic assay. Four of them are active in a cell-based assay and are potential anti-angiogenic compounds.  相似文献   
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