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It has been suggested by some that the acquisition of symbolic capital in terms of honor, prestige, and power translates into an accumulation of material capital in terms of tangible belongings, and that on the basis of these goods high reproductive success may be achieved. However, data on completed fertility rates over more than one generation in so-called traditional societies have been rare. Ethnographic and demographic data presented here on the pastoral Bakkarwal of northern India largely corroborate the hypothesis concerning the interdependence between the attainment of various cultural goals and differential reproduction rates and indicate that the numbers of (especially male) surviving offspring and siblings are crucial to a man’s position in society.  相似文献   
Bcl-2 blocks p53-dependent apoptosis.   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
Adenovirus E1A expression recruits primary rodent cells into proliferation but fails to transform them because of the induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis). The adenovirus E1B 19,000-molecular-weight protein (19K protein), the E1B 55K protein, and the human Bcl-2 protein each cause high-frequency transformation when coexpressed with E1A by inhibiting apoptosis. Thus, transformation of primary rodent cells by E1A requires deregulation of cell growth to be coupled to suppression of apoptosis. The product of the p53 tumor suppressor gene induces apoptosis in transformed cells and is required for induction of apoptosis by E1A. The ability of Bcl-2 to suppress apoptosis induced by E1A suggested that Bcl-2 may function by inhibition of p53. Rodent cells transformed with E1A plus the p53(Val-135) temperature-sensitive mutant are transformed at the restrictive temperature and undergo rapid and complete apoptosis at the permissive temperature when p53 adopts the wild-type conformation. Human Bcl-2 expression completely prevented p53-mediated apoptosis at the permissive temperature and caused cells to remain in a predominantly growth-arrested state. Growth arrest was leaky, occurred at multiple points in the cell cycle, and was reversible. Bcl-2 did not affect the ability of p53 to localize to the nucleus, nor were the levels of the p53 protein altered. Thus, Bcl-2 diverts the activity of p53 from induction of apoptosis to induction of growth arrest, and it is thereby identified as a modifier of p53 function. The ability of Bcl-2 to bypass induction of apoptosis by p53 may contribute to its oncogenic and antiapoptotic activity.  相似文献   
Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a dominantly inherited and clinically variable syndrome of deafness, pigmentary changes, and distinctive facial features. Clinically, WS type I (WS1) is differentiated from WS type II (WS2) by the high frequency of dystopia canthorum in the family. In some families, WS is caused by mutations in the PAX3 gene on chromosome 2q. We have typed microsatellite markers within and flanking PAX3 in 41 WS1 kindreds and 26 WS2 kindreds in order to estimate the proportion of families with probable mutations in PAX3 and to study the relationship between phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity. Evaluation of heterogeneity in location scores obtained by multilocus analysis indicated that WS is linked to PAX3 in 60% of all WS families and in 100% of WS1 families. None of the WS2 families were linked. In those families in which equivocal lod scores (between −2 and +1) were found, PAX3 mutations have been identified in 5 of the 15 WS1 families but in none of the 4 WS2 families. Although preliminary studies do not suggest any association between the phenotype and the molecular pathology in 20 families with known PAX3 mutations and in four patients with chromosomal abnormalities in the vicinity of PAX3, the presence of dystopia in multiple family members is a reliable indicator for identifying families likely to have a defect in PAX3.  相似文献   
Introduction of well-programmed nicks and gaps and the associated DNA repair activity in the genome at the pachytene interval is a characteristic feature of the meiotic prophase in organisms as varied as lilium and mouse. In the present study we have shown that the DNA synthetic activity in rat pachytene spermatocytes is insensitive to aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase , and , suggesting DNA -polymerase-mediated repair synthesis in these cells. We have developed a novel approach for the isolation of the DNA repair sites by combining two independent techniques. Following incorporation of BrdUrd into pachytene spermatocytes in the presence of aphidicolin, the repair sites were released as ssDNA fragments by treatment of nuclei with 30 mM NaOH. Subsequently, the BrdUrd containing ssDNA fragments were specifically isolated using polyclonal anti-BrdUrd antibodies. The DNA fragments released were of two size classes, namely 4–7S (major) and 9–12S (minor) and constituted approximately 1.75% of the pachytene genomic DNA. These DNA repair fragments were distinct from Okazaki fragments and other replicative intermediates isolated from rat bone marrow cells as evidenced by (a) their different size distribution and (b) little cross-hybridization. Southern hybridization of restriction enzyme digests of rat genomic DNA with probes made against BrdUrd-ssDNA fragments revealed that although the repair sites were distributed throughout the genome, strong hybridization signals were observed in EcoRI, (1.3 kb and 2.4 kb), BamH1 (9 kb) and HindIII (5 kb) repetetive DNA fragments. The EcoRI 1.3 kb family were cloned into M13 mp19, and a repair positive (1.3 A) and a repair negative (1.3 B) were identified and sequenced. The repair positive clone contained (a) (CA)22 repeat, (b) a (CAGA)6 repeat and (c) 4 sequences sharing high homology with various hypervariable minisatellite (HVMS) sequences. One of the HVMS sequence contained a GGCAGG motif known to be responsible for germline instability. The repair negative clone had (a) (CA)6 repeat and (b) a HVMS like sequence without GGCAGG. The significance of these motifs and their relevance to the events of DNA metabolism at pachytene interval have been discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The chirospecific conversions of D-glucosamine hydrochloride and D-mannosamine hydrochloride to the configurationally stable L and D isomers of N-t-butyloxycarbonylserinal were carried out byt-butylcarbonylation followed by sodium borohydride reduction and sodium meta-periodate oxidation. Reaction of the L and D aldehydes with the Wittig reagent prepared from 4-chlorobenzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride and butyl lithium followed by catalytic hydrogenation, Jones oxidation and salt formation with dicyclohexylamine gave the DCHA salts of the D and L isomers ofp-chlorohomophenylalanine N-t-Boc in high enatiomeric excess. The optical purity of the title compounds was established by hydrolysis to the respective free amino acids, followed by chiral derivatization and HPLC analysis.This was presented at the Fifth International Kyoto Conference on new Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, November 11–15, 1991. Abstract #GO-13.  相似文献   
Conformations of several high-mannose-type oligosaccharidesthat are generated during the biosynthetic degradation of Man9GlcNAc2to Man5GlcNAc2 have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD).Simulations were performed on NCI-FCRDC's Cray Y-MP 8D/8128supercomputer using Biosym's CVFF force field for 1000 Ps withdifferent initial conformations. The conformations of the two1,3- and the two 1,6-linkages in each oligomannose were different,suggesting that deriving oligosaccharide conformations basedon the conformational preferences of the constituent disaccharidefragments will not always yield correct results. Unlike otheroligomannoses, Man9GlcNAc2 appears to take more than one distinctconformation around the core 1,6-linkage. These various conformationsmay play an important role in determining the processing pathways.Using the data on the preferred conformations of these oligomannosesand the available experimental results, possible pathways forprocessing Man9GlcNAc2 to Man5GlcNAc2 by 1,2-linkage-specificmannosidases have been proposed. Conformational analysis ofMan5GlcNAc2 indicates that the addition of ß1,2-GlcNActo the 1,3-linked core mannose, besides serving as a prerequisitefor mannosidase II action as suggested earlier, may also preventthe removal of 1,3-mannose. The MD simulations also suggestthat the processing of the precursor oligosaccharide duringAsn-linked complex and hybrid glycan biosynthesis proceeds ina well-defined pathway involving more than one 1,2-linkage-specificmannosidase. Knowledge of the conformation of the processingintermediates obtained from the present study can be used todesign highly specific substrate analogues to inhibit a particularmannosidase, thereby blocking one processing pathway withoutinterfering with the others. carbohydrates conformation glycosidase inhibitors mannosidase oligosaccharide processing  相似文献   
We describe a male infant with severe mental retardation and autism with a duplication of the short arm of the X chromosome. Chromosome painting confirmed the origin of this X duplication. Molecular cytogenetic analysis with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) identified one copy of the zinc finger protein on the X chromosome (ZFX) and two copies of the steroid sulfatase gene (STS), further delineating the breakpoints. Based on cytogenetic and molecular comparisons of cases from the literature of sex-reversal in dup(X),Y patients and our patient, we suggest that a possible secondary sexinfluencing gene involved in the regulation of sex determination or testis morphogenesis is present at the distal Xp21.1 to p21.2 region.  相似文献   
The topological disposition of Wolfgram proteins (WP) and their relationship with 2, 3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) in human, rat, sheep, bovine, guinea pig and chicken CNS myelin was investigated. Controlled digestion of myelin with trypsin gave a 35KDa protein band (WP-t) when electrophoresed on dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel in all species. Western blot analysis showed that the WP-t was derived from WP. WP-t was also formed when rat myelin was treated with other proteases such as kallikrein, thermolysin and leucine aminopeptidase. Staining for CNPase activity on nitrocellulose blots showed that WP-t is enzymatically active. Much of the CNPase activity remained with the membrane fraction even after treatment with high concentrations of trypsin when WP were completely hydrolysed and no protein bands with M.W>14KDa were detected on the gels. Therefore protein fragments of WP with M.W<14KDa may contain CNPase activity. From these results, it is suggested that the topological disposition of all the various WP is such that a 35KDa fragment is embedded in the lipid bilayer and the remaining fragment exposed at the intraperiod line in the myelin structure which may play a role in the initiation of myelinogenesis.  相似文献   
Abstract An important metabolic capability of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the utilization of host-derived lactate. Two isoenzymes of the membrane-associated, pyridine dinucleotide-independent type of lactate dehydrogenase (iLDH) participate in lactate assimilation, but exhibit distinctive properties. Isoenzyme iLDH-I utilized lactate exclusively as substrate, exhibiting a preference for the D-isomer. In contrast, isoenzyme iLDH-II exhibited broad substrate specificity (lactate, phenyllactate, and 4-hydroxyphenyllactate), but was stereospecific for the L-isomers. These results explain the difficulty in isolating mutants unable to utilize lactate.  相似文献   
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