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为挖掘湿地松(Pinus elliottii)松脂合成相关的基因,对不同采脂期的木质部和针叶进行高通量转录组测序,与火炬松(Pinus taeda)参考基因组进行比对,共获得了68 211条unigenes,546 356 450条clean reads,平均比对率达90.21%。将不同时期木质部、木质部与针叶间进行两两对比,以P<0.05,|log2FoldChange|>1.0为标准来筛选差异基因,并进行GO和KEGG富集分析。结果表明,参与萜类物质合成的差异基因有133个,其中大部分富集在MEP途径,从差异基因中挑选8个产脂相关的候选基因进行RT-qPCR验证,确定HMGR、DXS、TPS、ABC转运蛋白基因与产脂存在关联性。通过转录组测序与分析,挖掘出133个参与松脂萜类物质合成相关的差异基因,其中萜烯合酶基因(TPS)和ABC转运基因在正调控萜类物质合成中发挥关键作用。  相似文献   
以台中65等基因F_1不育系为遗传测验种,测定了栽培稻(O.sativa)45个品种在3个F_1不育基因座的基因型和等位基因的分化度。在S-E3基因座上,除Dular带有S_i/S_i基因型外,其余被测品种均带有S_i/S_i基因型。在S-E2和S-E5基因座上,籼型品种带有高频率的S_i基因,而粳型品种带有高频率的S_i基因。S_i和S_i均具有不同的分化度。籼型品种携带的S_i基因和粳型品种携带的S_i基因具有较高的分化度。中间型品种和广亲和品种的等位基因分化在S-E2基因座上与粳型品种相似,而在S-E5基因座上与籼型品种相似。此外,分析了各类型品种相互杂交F_1杂种在S-E2和S-E5基因座的杂合率、杂合度和杂合性。与籼/粳杂种相比,中间型品种(包括广亲和品种)与籼型和粳型品种杂交,F_1杂种均具有较低的平均杂合性,从而表现出较高的亲和性。因此,无论是杂种不育性还是杂种亲和性均由花粉不育基因控制。花粉不育基因也称为特异亲和基因。  相似文献   
Five new ent-pimarane diterpenes ( 1 – 5 ) and five known analogs ( 6 – 10 ) were isolated from the aerial parts of Siegesbeckia pubescens. Their structures, including absolute configurations, were determined by comprehensive spectroscopic methods especially 1D and 2D NMR and quantum chemical electronic circular dichroism calculations. All the isolated compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against human BT549, A549 and H157 cancer cell lines. Among them, compounds 1 and 2 showed mild cytotoxicity against lung cancer cell lines H157 with IC50 values of 16.35±2.59 and 18.86±4.83 μM, respectively.  相似文献   
玉米种子萌发成苗不同阶段需水阈值的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用渗透势不同的聚乙二醇(PEG)6000模拟外界环境水分条件,对玉米不同品种的种子在萌动、萌发及成苗三个阶段需水的量化研究表明,种苗的抗旱性随吸水进程的推进而减弱;种子在萌动、萌发及胚芽伸长至一定长度的时间(t)与外界环境水势(w)之间存在着1/t=a+bw的关系,据此推算出不同品种在不同成苗阶段的需水阈值,发现不同品种在同一成苗过程中对环境水分条件的反应不同,它们的抗旱性也不同。  相似文献   
西双版纳石灰岩森林的植物区系地理研究   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
朱华  王洪  李保贵  许再富   《广西植物》1996,16(4):317-330
西双版纳石灰岩森林植物区系经调查有维管束植物153科,640属,1394种及变种,其中,种子植物占129科558属1269种及变种。种子植物的分布区类型组成是热带和主产热带的科占总科数的71.3%;热带分布属占总属数的90.1%;热带分布种超过总种数的90%。热带分布属中又以热带亚洲分布属最多,占总数的35.3%;热带分布种中则以热带亚洲分布及其变型的种类占总种数的64.5%为特点。这表明该石灰岩森林植物区系是热带性质的植物区系,属于热带亚洲区系的一部分。由于特殊的地理位置,西双版纳地区是许多典型热带植物的分布北界,同时又是几种地理成分的交汇地带,这又使该石灰岩区系带有明显热带边缘性质和多种地理成分交汇的特点。  相似文献   
栝楼核糖核酸酶(RNase TCS)对U碱基具有高度的专一性,在无脲、pH3.5、50℃时,它几乎都在-NP ↓ U-处裂解RNA.它与RNase T1,U2和有限的碱水解一起,可用于直接的酶法RNA序列分析.  相似文献   
Marker-Assisted Introgression of Quantitative Trait Loci   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
F. Hospital  A. Charcosset 《Genetics》1997,147(3):1469-1485
The use of molecular markers for the introgression of one or several superior QTL alleles into a recipient line is investigated using analytic and simulation results. The positions of the markers devoted to the control of the genotype at the QTLs in a ``foreground selection' step are optimized given the confidence interval of the QTL position. Results demonstrate that using at least three markers per QTL allows a good control over several generations. Population sizes that should be recommended for various numbers of QTLs are calculated and are used to determine the limit in the number of QTLs that can be monitored simultaneously. If ``background selection' devoted to accelerate the return to the recipient parent genotype outside the QTL regions is applied, the positions of the markers devoted to the control of the QTLs have to be reconsidered. When several QTLs are monitored simultaneously, background selection among the limited number of individuals resulting from the foreground selection step accelerates the increase in genomic similarity with the recipient parent, with only limited costs. Background selection is even more efficient in a pyramidal backcross program where QTLs are first monitored one by one.  相似文献   
Using cell-free extracts made from Xenopus eggs, we show that cdk2-cyclin E and A kinases play an important role in negatively regulating DNA replication. Specifically, we demonstrate that the cdk2 kinase concentration surrounding chromatin in extracts increases 200-fold once the chromatin is assembled into nuclei. Further, we find that if the cdk2–cyclin E or A concentration in egg cytosol is increased 16-fold before the addition of sperm chromatin, the chromatin fails to initiate DNA replication once assembled into nuclei. This demonstrates that cdk2–cyclin E or A can negatively regulate DNA replication. With respect to how this negative regulation occurs, we show that high levels of cdk2–cyclin E do not block the association of the protein complex ORC with sperm chromatin but do prevent association of MCM3, a protein essential for replication. Importantly, we find that MCM3 that is prebound to chromatin does not dissociate when cdk2– cyclin E levels are increased. Taken together our results strongly suggest that during the embryonic cell cycle, the low concentrations of cdk2–cyclin E present in the cytosol after mitosis and before nuclear formation allow proteins essential for potentiating DNA replication to bind to chromatin, and that the high concentration of cdk2–cyclin E within nuclei prevents MCM from reassociating with chromatin after replication. This situation could serve, in part, to limit DNA replication to a single round per cell cycle.  相似文献   
J Hua  B R Cullen 《Journal of virology》1997,71(9):6742-6748
Although the Nef proteins encoded by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immuno-deficiency virus (SIV) are known to induce the efficient internalization and degradation of cell surface CD4, it remains unclear whether this process involves a direct interaction between Nef and CD4. Here, we report that CD4 downregulation by HIV-1 and SIV Nef requires distinct but overlapping target sites within the CD4 intracytoplasmic domain. In particular, mutation of a glutamic acid residue located at CD4 residue 405 or of arginine and methionine residues located, respectively, at residue 406 and 407 results in a mutant CD4 protein that is efficiently downregulated by HIV-1 Nef but refractory to downregulation by SIV Nef. However, both HIV-1 and SIV Nef require an isoleucine located at residue 410 and the dileucine motif found at CD4 residues 413 and 414. CD4 downregulation induced by the Nef protein encoded by HIV-2 is shown to require a CD4 target sequence that is similar to, but distinct from, that observed with SIV Nef. These data explain the previous finding that the murine CD4 protein, which has an alanine at residue 405, is refractory to downregulation by SIV, but not HIV-1, Nef (J. L. Foster, S.J. Anderson, A. L. B. Frazier, and J. V. Garcia, Virology 201:373-379, 1994). In addition, these observations provide strong genetic support for the hypothesis that the Nef-mediated downregulation of cell surface CD4 requires a direct Nef-CD4 interaction.  相似文献   
The dissociation constants for the binding of ferric enterobactin with FepA and FecA are quantitated with displacement experiments. It is found that K d for FepA is 12 times lower than the one for FecA. This indicates that FepA is an high-affinity receptor while FecA binds ferric enterobactin with a lower affinity. Monoclonal antibodies specific for binding epitopes of FepA inhibit the binding of ferric enterobactin with purified FepA. These same antibodies do not inhibit the binding of ferric enterobactin with purified FecA. This indicates that the binding epitopes in FecA and FepA are different.  相似文献   
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