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西南干旱河谷是分布于我国亚热带横断山区的隐域性河谷景观, 其环境受季风气候、岭-谷地形环境和人类开发活动的共同影响。适应于季节性干旱和垂直气候分异, 干旱河谷具有独特的植被和丰富的物种多样性资源。在过去几十年中, 干旱河谷的气候变化以增温为一致特征, 同时经历着广泛的人类活动干扰, 特别是道路建设、水利工程、矿山开发和城镇化驱动的土地利用变化, 造成了普遍的植被破坏、生境退化和生物入侵, 给乡土植物多样性资源和生态系统稳定性带来了严重威胁, 然而至今对干旱河谷生物多样性的保护仍基本属于空白。因此, 建议及时建立干旱河谷的生物多样性保护体系; 因地制宜采取退化植被修复、立体农业规划、特色植物资源利用和风景旅游开发等措施, 以维持干旱河谷生态系统的可持续性; 落实生态文明建设的相关政策, 以保障西南生态屏障的生态安全和生态服务能力。  相似文献   
【目的】研究萘啶酸、诺氟沙星、卡那霉素3种抗生素对溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)SXT/R391元件ICEVal A056-1转移频率的影响。【方法】利用PCR检测溶藻弧菌A056中ICEVal A056-1的自我剪切、转移潜力。通过溶藻弧菌A056与大肠杆菌菌株VB111的接合实验,研究溶藻弧菌分别在含不同浓度萘啶酸、诺氟沙星、卡那霉素的LB培养基中培养15 min或30 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率的变化规律。【结果】溶藻弧菌A056细胞中有环状形式的ICEVal A056-1分子存在,具有水平转移潜力;溶藻弧菌A056在含40μg/m L萘啶酸的LB中培养30 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率是对照组的19.59倍;在含50μg/m L诺氟沙星的LB中培养15 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率是对照组的31.25倍;在含不同浓度卡那霉素的LB中培养30 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率与对照组没有显著差别。【结论】部分抗生素的使用可以明显促进溶藻弧菌ICEVal A056-1向大肠杆菌的转移,因此海洋环境中抗生素的滥用及随意排放很可能加剧ICEs(integrating conjugative elements)从溶藻弧菌到其他细菌的传播。  相似文献   
根据群落的种类组成、外貌和结构、生态因素将菲尔德斯半岛南部(包括阿德雷岛)的植被划分为冻原、草甸、沼泽、水生植被四大类型。对下属的群系和群丛进行了描述。这些群落的形成与分布主要依赖于水分状况和基质的稳定与否。论述了从海边到内陆的山顶群落的分布规律、植被特点,并对不同群系、生境进行了群落植物的丰富度(物种数)、均匀度和多样性对比。从对比结果提出对保护工作的建议。  相似文献   
红豆杉资源与紫杉醇生产概况   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
红豆杉属(TaxusL.)植物全世界共11种,分布于北半球的温带至亚热带地区。我国有4种1变种,即:东北红豆杉(T.cuspidataSieb.etZuc.)、云南红豆杉(T.yunnanensisChengetL.K.Fu)、西藏红豆杉(T.walichianaZucc.)、中国红豆杉〔T.chinensis(Pilger)Rehd.〕和南方红豆杉〔T.chinensisvar.mairei(LemeeetLévl.)ChengetL.K.Fu〕,分布于我国大部分地区,较为集中的产区为东北、西南和华东地区。云南省是我国红豆杉资源的主要分布区域。红豆杉树皮中含有新型抗癌药物紫杉醇,近年来,由于过度砍剥致使我国红豆杉野生资源遭到严重破坏。因此必须制定保护措施,进行人工种植。由于紫杉醇在红豆杉中含量甚微,结构异常复杂,所以研究紫杉醇的新来源成为世界性的热点,主要研究内容包括:非树皮部分的提取,人工大量种植,衍生物的寻找,化学合成和生物技术等。我国在以上研究领域内已取得多项成果,但与世界先进国家相比还有一定的差距,有待深入研究  相似文献   
The growth and toxin content of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense ATHK was markedly affected by culture methods. In early growth phase at lower cell density static or mild agitation methods were beneficial to growth, but continuous agitation or aeration, to some extent, had an adverse effect on cell growth. Static culture in 2 L Erlenmeyer flasks had the highest growth rate (0.38 d−1) but smaller cell size compared with other culture conditions. Cells grown under aerated conditions possessed low nitrogen and phosphorus cell yields, namely high N and P cell-quota. At day 18, cells grown in continuous agitated and 1 h aerated culture entered the late stationary phase and their cellular toxin contents were higher (0.67 and 0.54 pg cell−1) compared with cells grown by other culture methods (0.27–0.49 pg cell−1). The highest cell density and cellular toxin content were 17190 cells mL−1 and 1.26 pg cell−1 respectively in an airlift photobioreactor with two-step culture. The results indicate that A. tamarense could be grown successfully in airlift photobioreactor by a two-step culture method, which involved cultivating the cells statically for 4 days and then aerating the medium. This provides an efficient way to enhance cell and toxin yield of A. tamarense.  相似文献   
Hu J  Xu Y 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(14):1115-1119
An aqueous-organic biphasic system was established and used with whole cells of Oenococcus oeni to reduce 2-octanone to (R)-2-octanol. The conversion reached 99% when the Tris/borate buffer was increased from 50 mM to 300 mM in the aqueous phase. In addition, the conversion increased as the log P value of the organic solvent changed from 0.5 to 6.6. Under optimized conditions, the conversion of (R)-2-octanol reached 99% from 0.5 M 2-octanone with an optical purity of 99% e.e. The biphasic system allows the anti-Prelog reduction of aliphatic and aromatic ketones to furnish (R)-configurated alcohols in high optical purity as well.  相似文献   
胡勤学  张春立 《病毒学报》1997,13(2):159-163
分别用生物素肼化学标记和DIG标记我国柑桔裂皮病类病毒(CEVd)全长克隆cDNA,用以上探讨对不同来源的的核酸样品进行斑点杂交。两种探针可检出病柑桔总核酸的最低含量久为400ng/斑点和80ng/斑点;生物素肼标记CEVd-DNA探讨针,可检出CEVd-cDNA的最低含量约为10pg/斑点,研制的CEVd检测试剂盒能检测出发病和隐性带毒苗木中的CEVd,灵敏、特异、简便、快速。试剂盒已使用于检测  相似文献   
Pi Y  Shang Y  Peng C  Liu H  Hu Y  Jiang J 《Biopolymers》2006,83(3):243-249
Interactions between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and cationic gemini surfactant alkanediyl-alpha,omega-bis(dimethyldodecyl-ammonium bromide) (12-n-12, n=3, 4, 6) in aqueous solution have been investigated by measuring fluorescence, UV-vis transmittance, dynamic lighting scattering, and circular dichroism. Compared to a traditional surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB), 12-n-12 interacts with BSA more strongly. With increasing concentration, 12-n-12 first binds specifically onto BSA leading to the unfolding and aggregation of BSA, and the decrease in alpha-helix content; and then forms micelle-like complexes along the unfolded BSA chains. A gemini surfactant with a longer spacer has a larger effect on BSA unfolding due to a stronger hydrophobic interaction.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure for the substrate-binding domain of the mammalian chaperone protein Hsc70 of the 70 kDa heat shock class (HSP70) is presented. This domain includes residues 383-540 (18 kDa) and is necessary for the binding of the chaperone with substrate proteins and peptides. The high-resolution NMR solution structure is based on 4150 experimental distance constraints leading to an average root-mean-square precision of 0.38 A for the backbone atoms and 0.76 A for all atoms in the beta-sandwich sub-domain. The protein is observed to bind residue Leu539 in its hydrophobic substrate-binding groove by intramolecular interaction. The position of a helical latch differs dramatically from what is observed in the crystal and solution structures of the homologous prokaryotic chaperone DnaK. In the Hsc70 structure, the helix lies in a hydrophobic groove and is anchored by a buried salt-bridge. Residues involved in this salt-bridge appear to be important for the allosteric functioning of the protein. A mechanism for interdomain allosteric modulation of substrate-binding is proposed. It involves large-scale movements of the helical domain, redefining the location of the hinge area that enables such motions.  相似文献   
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