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Cloned human polyomavirus JC DNA can transform human amnion cells.   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The genome of the human polyomavirus JC (Mad-1 strain) was molecularly cloned in Escherichia coli by using the plasmid vector pBR322. Recombinant DNA molecules were constructed with the entire JC genome inserted either at its unique EcoRI site at 0.0 map units or at its unique BamHI site at 0.51 map units. Viral DNA from each of these recombinant plasmids was capable of transforming human amnion cells, and cell lines established from transformed foci were positive for JC tumor antigen as assayed by indirect immunofluorescence.  相似文献   
Characterization of human papovavirus BK DNA.   总被引:21,自引:21,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA of the BK virus (BKV) human papovavirus was found to be heterogeneous, consisting of at least four discrete species of DNA. Only the largest of these four species, BKV DNA (i), which has a molecular weight calculated to be 96% that of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, was infectious. Homogeneous preparations of BKV DNA were obtained, however, from virions purified after low multiplicity infections of human embryonic kidney cells. BKV DNA (i) was shown to contain a single R-Eco RI and four R-Hind cleavage sites. The R-Eco RI site was localized in the largest R-Hind cleavage fragment. Radiolabeled BKV DNA reassociated slightly faster than SV40 DNA; 20 to 30% polynucleotide sequence homology was demonstrated between the genomes of BKV and SV40 when the reaction was monitored by chromatography on hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   
We developed a general method for the enrichment and identification of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. A well-characterized protein-DNA interaction is used to isolate from crude cellular extracts or fractions thereof proteins which bind to specific DNA sequences; the method is based solely on this binding property of the proteins. The DNA sequence of interest, cloned adjacent to the lac operator DNA segment is incubated with a lac repressor-beta-galactosidase fusion protein which retains full operator and inducer binding properties. The DNA fragment bound to the lac repressor-beta-galactosidase fusion protein is precipitated by the addition of affinity-purified anti-beta-galactosidase immobilized on beads. This forms an affinity matrix for any proteins which might interact specifically with the DNA sequence cloned adjacent to the lac operator. When incubated with cellular extracts in the presence of excess competitor DNA, any protein(s) which specifically binds to the cloned DNA sequence of interest can be cleanly precipitated. When isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside is added, the lac repressor releases the bound DNA, and thus the protein-DNA complex consisting of the specific restriction fragment and any specific binding protein(s) is released, permitting the identification of the protein by standard biochemical techniques. We demonstrate the utility of this method with the lambda repressor, another well-characterized DNA-binding protein, as a model. In addition, with crude preparations of the yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase, we identified a 70,000-molecular-weight peptide which binds specifically to the promoter region of the yeast mitochondrial 14S rRNA gene.  相似文献   
The DNAs of different members of the Papillomavirus genus of papovaviruses were analyzed for nucleotide sequence homology. Under standard hybridization conditions (Tm - 28 degrees C), no homology was detectable among the genomes of human papillomavirus type 1 (HPV-1), bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2), or cottontail rabbit (Shope) papillomavirus (CRPV). However, under less stringent conditions (i.e., Tm - 43 degrees C), stable hybrids were formed between radiolabeled DNAs of CRPV, BPV-1, or BPV-2 and the HindIII-HpaI A, B, and C fragments of HPV-1. Under these same conditions, radiolabeled CRPV and HPV-1 DNAs formed stable hybrids with HincII B and C fragments of BPV-2 DNA. These results indicate that there are regions of homology with as much as 70% base match among all these papillomavirus genomes. Furthermore, unlabeled HPV-1 DNA competitively inhibited the specific hybridization of radiolabeled CRPV DNA to bpv-2 DNA fragments, indicating that the homologous DNA segments are common among these remotely related papillomavirus genomes. These conserved sequences are specific for the Papillomavirus genus of papovaviruses as evidenced by the lack of hybridization between HPV-1 DNA and either simian virus 40 or human papovavirus BK DNA under identical conditions. These results indicate a close evolutionary relationship among the papillomaviruses and further establish the papillomaviruses and polyoma viruses as distinct genera.  相似文献   
The reciprocal position of sexual organs in complementary floral morphs is central to our understanding of heterostyly. Reciprocity indices are used to quantify the spatial match between complementary sex organs, but previous indices fail to appropriately account for intra-population variation in sex organ positions. In this study, we examine how an increase in intra-population variation in sex organ heights affects reciprocity and consequently reproductive success. We formulated a reciprocity index that incorporates this variation and asked if estimates of reciprocity can predict reproductive success in naturally occurring heterostylous populations. We developed a reciprocity index that assumed pollen transfer success equalled one for a perfectly matched stigma–anther pair, and decreased to zero with increasing mismatch. We examined the relationship between intra-population variation in organ position and reciprocity, compared previously proposed indices using simulated populations and empirical data from natural populations, and tested the ability of the indices to predict reproductive success. We observed that when differences between mean complementary sex-organ heights are small, increasing intra-population variation in heights resulted in a decrease in reciprocity. However, when this difference is larger, reciprocity increased, reached a peak, and then decreased with increasing variation. Previous indices failed to capture this behavior. Seed set was positively related to reciprocity for our index. These results challenge the current understanding that increasing variation in sex-organ heights will always decrease reciprocity in heterostylous populations. This may help explain why heterostylous systems exhibit and tolerate high amounts of intra-population variation in sex organ heights.  相似文献   
E6-AP is a 100-kDa cellular protein that mediates the interaction of the human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 E6 proteins with p53. The association of p53 with E6 and E6-AP promotes the specific ubiquitination and subsequent proteolytic degradation of p53 in vitro. We recently isolated a cDNA encoding E6-AP and have now mapped functional domains of E6-AP involved in binding E6, association with p53, and ubiquitination of p53. The E6 binding domain consists of an 18-amino-acid region within the central portion of the molecule. Deletion of these 18 amino acids from E6-AP results in loss of both E6 and p53 binding activities. The region that directs p53 binding spans the E6 binding domain and consists of approximately 500 amino acids. E6-AP sequences in addition to those required for formation of a stable ternary complex with E6 and p53 are necessary to stimulate the ubiquitination of p53. These sequences lie within the C-terminal 84 amino acids of E6-AP. The entire region required for E6-dependent ubiquitination of p53 is also required for the ubiquitination of an artificial E6 fusion protein.  相似文献   
Models of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in laboratory animals are important tools for research into pathogenic mechanisms and the development of effective, safe therapies. Rodent models (rats and mice) have provided important information about the pathogenic mechanisms. However, the evolutionary distance between rodents and humans hampers the translation of scientific principles into effective therapies. The impact of the genetic distance between the species is especially seen with treatments based on biological molecules, which are usually species-specific. The outbred nature and the closer anatomical, genetic, microbiological, physiological, and immunological similarity of nonhuman primates to humans may help to bridge the wide gap between inbred rodent strain models and the heterogeneous RA patient population. Here we review clinical, immunological and pathological aspects of the rhesus monkey model of collagen-induced arthritis, which has emerged as a reproducible model of human RA in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   
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