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Phenylketonuric patients are on a special diet that lacks certain essential fatty acids. This study evaluates the essential fatty acid status of a group of phenylketonuric patients in the Netherlands undergoing dietary treatment. To this end, the essential fatty acid status of nine phenylketonuria patients was studied. On the basis of age and gender, two control subjects were selected for each patient. The essential fatty acid composition of duplicate food portions and the essential fatty acid status of plasma and erythrocytes were analyzed. Phenylketonuria subjects had a different essential fatty acid profile from their peers, especially concerning the n-3 fatty acids. N-6 and n-3 fatty long-chain polyenes were hardly consumed by phenylketonuria subjects, in contrast to the control subjects. Linoleic acid, on the other hand, was consumed in significantly higher amounts by phenylketonuria subjects and made up about 40% of their daily fat consumption. The essential fatty acid consumption pattern of the phenylketonuria subjects is mirrored by the essential fatty acid concentrations in blood. The essential fatty acid status of the phenylketonuric diet should be improved in order to prevent deficiency in n-3 fatty acids.  相似文献   


CB1 cannabinoid receptors are G-protein coupled receptors for endocannabinoids including anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Because these arachidonic acid metabolites possess a 20-carbon polyene chain as the alkyl terminal moiety, they are highly flexible with the potential to adopt multiple biologically relevant conformations, particularly those in a bent form. To better understand the molecular interactions associated with binding and steric trigger mechanisms of receptor activation, a series of conformationally-restricted anandamide analogs having a wide range of affinity and efficacy were evaluated.


A CB1 receptor model was constructed to include the extracellular loops, particularly extracellular loop 2 which possesses an internal disulfide linkage. Using both Glide (Schrödinger) and Affinity (Accelrys) docking programs, binding conformations of six anandamide analogs were identified that conform to rules applicable to the potent, efficacious and stereoselective non-classical cannabinoid CP55244. Calculated binding energies of the optimum structures from both procedures correlated well with the reported binding affinity values. The most potent and efficacious of the ligands adopted conformations characterized by interactions with both the helix-3 lysine and hydrophobic residues that interact with CP55244. The other five compounds formed fewer or less energetically favorable interactions with these critical residues. The flexibility of the tested anandamide analogs, measured by torsion angles around the benzene as well as the stretch between side chain moieties, could contribute to the differences in ability to interact with the CB1 receptor.


Analyses of multiple poses of conformationally-restricted anandamide analogs permitted identification of favored amino acid interactions within the CB1 receptor binding pocket. A ligand possessing both high affinity and cannabinoid agonist efficacy was able to interact with both polar and hydrophobic interaction sites utilized by the potent and efficacious non-classical cannabinoid CP55940. In contrast, other analogs characterized by reduced affinity or efficacy exhibited less favorable interactions with those key residues.  相似文献   
The impact of ischemic preconditioning (IPC) on contraction, Ca(2+) homeostasis, and cell survival was compared in isolated ventricular myocytes from young adult ( approximately 3 mo) and aged ( approximately 24 mo) male Fischer-344 rats. Myocytes were field stimulated at 4 Hz (37 degrees C). Contraction (edge detector) and intracellular Ca(2+) (fura-2) were measured simultaneously. Viability was assessed with trypan blue. All cells were exposed to 30 min of simulated ischemia followed by reperfusion. Some cells were preconditioned by exposure to 5 min of simulated ischemia before prolonged ischemia. Pretreatment with IPC abolished postischemic contractile depression, inhibited diastolic contracture, and increased Ca(2+) transient amplitudes in reperfusion in young adult and aged cells. IPC did not affect the modest rise in diastolic Ca(2+) in ischemia in young adult myocytes. However, IPC abolished the marked rise in diastolic Ca(2+) observed in ischemia and early reperfusion in aged myocytes. IPC also suppressed mechanical alternans in ischemia in aged cells, but younger myocytes showed little evidence of mechanical alternans whether or not cells were preconditioned. IPC markedly improved cell viability in reperfusion in young adult but not aged cells. These results suggest that IPC augments the recovery of contractile function in reperfusion by increasing Ca(2+) transient amplitudes in ventricular myocytes from young adult and aged rats. IPC reduced diastolic Ca(2+) accumulation in ischemia in aged myocytes, which may diminish the severity of mechanical alternans in aged cells. Nonetheless, the efficacy of IPC is compromised in aging, as IPC did not improve survival of aged myocytes exposed to ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   
1 The degree of discrimination shown by a herbivore when selecting oviposition sites has been suggested as a key factor to understanding herbivore population dynamics. Chrysophtharta bimaculata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a primary pest of Tasmanian eucalypt forests and can cause severe defoliation. Previous work suggests that females show discrimination when selecting oviposition sites. Our aim was to test the degree of oviposition discrimination exhibited by C. bimaculata with regards to leaf toughness, a character that is critical to neonate survival. 2 We conducted an experiment examining the leaf toughness critical for neonate survival and found that significant larval mortality occurs above a toughness of 46.9 g. We also determined that the maximum toughness of leaves upon which larvae established in the field was 48.2 g, supporting the laboratory result. 3 Field surveys showed that although the majority of eggs were laid on leaves suitable for larval establishment, many eggs were laid on unsuitable, tougher leaves. However, all eggs were normally placed within 20 cm of suitable leaves and glasshouse trials demonstrated the neonates could move this distance without mortality occurring. 4 We conclude that egg batch distribution and larval performance of C. bimaculata will influence the population dynamics of C. bimaculata in two ways. Firstly, the availability of expanding/newly expanding leaves of eucalypt hosts will determine larval carrying capacity. Secondly, at a more localized level, the deposition of large numbers of egg batches on both suitable and unsuitable leaves followed by successful neonate migration increases the risk of resource depletion and poor larval development.  相似文献   
Strategies for the deconvolution of diffusion in the determination of size-distributions from sedimentation velocity experiments were examined and developed. On the basis of four different model systems, we studied the differential apparent sedimentation coefficient distributions by the time-derivative method, g(s*), and by least-squares direct boundary modeling, ls-g*(s), the integral sedimentation coefficient distribution by the van Holde-Weischet method, G(s), and the previously introduced differential distribution of Lamm equation solutions, c(s). It is shown that the least-squares approach ls-g*(s) can be extrapolated to infinite time by considering area divisions analogous to boundary divisions in the van Holde-Weischet method, thus allowing the transformation of interference optical data into an integral sedimentation coefficient distribution G(s). However, despite the model-free approach of G(s), for the systems considered, the direct boundary modeling with a distribution of Lamm equation solutions c(s) exhibited the highest resolution and sensitivity. The c(s) approach requires an estimate for the size-dependent diffusion coefficients D(s), which is usually incorporated in the form of a weight-average frictional ratio of all species, or in the form of prior knowledge of the molar mass of the main species. We studied the influence of the weight-average frictional ratio on the quality of the fit, and found that it is well-determined by the data. As a direct boundary model, the calculated c(s) distribution can be combined with a nonlinear regression to optimize distribution parameters, such as the exact meniscus position, and the weight-average frictional ratio. Although c(s) is computationally the most complex, it has the potential for the highest resolution and sensitivity of the methods described.  相似文献   
Summary The cellular sites of the glycoproteins Group 1 allergen (glycoprotein 1) and Antigen A (glycoprotein 2) in mature ryegrass pollen have been investigated by immunoelectron microscopy. Radioimmunoassays confirm previous findings of cross-reactivity between the purified glycoprotein antigens at the high immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations used for localization.Freeze-drying of anthers followed by anhydrous processing has been employed because of the water solubility and mobility of the glycoproteins. A double-embedding technique has been developed. This involves, first, embedding anthers in the water-soluble plastic resin JB-4, sectioning and incubating in ferritin-labelled antisera by the indirect method. The sections are then embedded in Spurr's resin for ultra-thin sectioning. Both glycoproteins are found in the following sites: (1) exine and intine wall layers; (2) pollen cytoplasm; (3) the orbicules and anther loculus; and (4) the anther cuticle. In the exine arcades and surface and in the anther loculus, the ferritin label is bound to pollenkitt. The finding that the glycoproteins are in similar sites is predictable in view of the cross-specificity of the antisera. The extent of antibody penetration of the plastic sections has been examined; labelling is confined to cut grains and absent from intact grains.  相似文献   
We report the modeling of and possible interactions within the solid beta-amyloid (ABeta) 1-43 fibril, the most fibrillogenic peptide known. All models proposed are consistent with the known experimental structural data, in terms of both secondary structure and packing motifs. The model containing antiparallel beta-sheets, and a beta-turn at G(25)S(26)N(27)K(28) has the lowest calculated packing energy. As such, it can be considered a reasonable model for solid beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease plaques. Interestingly, with the turn located at this position, the 1-43 structure is stabilized by a number of complementary intermolecular interactions between the beta-sheets. These well-defined interactions exist for the side-chain residues of 41, 42, and 43 with adjacent ABeta molecules. These interactions would not be conserved in the 1-40 peptide, and indeed, this enhanced interaction is proposed to give rise to the increased fibrillogenic nature of the ABeta 1-43 species over the 1-40 form. The models are used to explain the increased fibrillogenic nature of the Dutch family mutation of ABeta. These models are also employed to examine possible docking interactions of previously reported antiaggregation inhibitors, such as 4'-deoxy-4'-iododoxorubicin (IDOX) onto the theoretical growing surface. A docked structure of IDOX with the model of the solid fibril is described and a proposal for the mechanism of its antiaggregation properties is presented.  相似文献   
The interaction of a peptide derived from the sequence of apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II) with a model lipid surface has been investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. ApoC-II19-39, labeled at the N-terminus with 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD), bound to small unilamellar vesicles of phosphatidylcholine with a dissociation constant of 6 microM. The lipid-bound NBD-labeled peptide exhibited a red-edge excitation shift in its emission maximum and anisotropy, consistent with insertion of the probe into the motionally restricted, polar environment provided by the bilayer interface. The small Stokes shift of the NBD fluorophore permits electronic energy homotransfer between peptides on the lipid surface and results in depolarization of the NBD emission. At high surface densities of lipid-bound peptide, the anisotropy of the NBD probe was 33% lower than in corresponding samples in which electronic energy homotransfer was prevented by the addition of an unlabeled peptide. The efficiency of energy transfer between probes was not consistent with a random distribution of peptides on the lipid surface, indicating instead the self-association of lipid-bound apoC-II19-39. We propose that the role of this sequence in apoC-II is not only to mediate binding of protein to a lipid surface, but also to stabilize the lipoprotein complexes by associating with other amphipathic helices within apoC-II and with other apolipoproteins.  相似文献   
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