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Elizabeth Howell 《CMAJ》2008,178(4):381-384
Extending a previous study of the thermal significance of the nest of the Sociable Weaver carried out during the winter, we measured temperature and humidity in the matrix and chambers of a large nest of this species in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa, during the austral summer of December 1973. Air temperatures outside the nest ranged from 16 to 33.5°C but temperatures in occupied chambers varied over a range of only 7 or 8°C and remained well within the zone of thermal neutrality for a passerine bird of this size. Compared to outside air temperatures, those within the nest matrix were lower during the day and higher at night. Thus, the nest ameliorates the effects of external temperatures and allows maintenance inside the chambers of a range of temperature favourable to the birds. In winter we found up to five roosting adults per chamber, with some chambers left empty. In the same nest in summer we found no more than two adults per chamber but virtually all chambers were occupied. The principal mechanism for maintaining chambers within the zone of minimal energetic cost is changes in the number of birds in the nest chambers at night. Humidity inside the occupied and unoccupied chambers was somewhat higher in the former but always less than that of outside air in both cases. Air movement through the desiccated nest materials causes uptake by these materials of most of the water vapour introduced by the birds, and this moisture is dissipated to the outside during the day so that the nest remains dry. The highly social and colonial habits of the birds and their year-round occupancy and maintenance of the nest favour a system of opportunistic breeding that may be initiated by rainfall at any season. Larger nests provide the most favourable environment for energy conservation and successful reproduction. Even the largest nests, however, do not prevent predation during the warm season by snakes such as the Cape Cobra, which may consume all the eggs and young in all the chambers of a large nest. The effects of such heavy predation may be offset by the birds' capability for breeding during times too cold for reptile activity. It seems likely that in smaller nests such as those on telephone poles, lack of predation would favour summer breeding while thermal problems would limit breeding success in winter. In larger nests, breeding success may be lower in summer because of predation and higher in winter when reptile predation is lacking and thermal problems are minimized by the nest structure. The large nest not only makes possible the success of the Sociable Weaver in desert areas, but the nest could only exist in such areas and the species' range is thereby restricted. Higher humidity and heavier rainfall would cause fermentation within the nest mass, loss of its thermoregulatory advantages, and ultimately its decomposition and destruction. Therefore, the unique nesting system of the Sociable Weaver appears to be initially self-reinforcing and ultimately self-limiting.  相似文献   
The specificity of dexamethasone binding sites on nuclear envelopes (NE) and plasma membranes (PM) was determined in competition studies with natural and synthetic steroids. The binding affinities for nuclear envelopes and plasma membranes were then correlated with the three-dimensional structures of the ligands. Three major factors are implicated in the ability of the steroid to bind to the membrane sites: (1) the separation between the terminal oxygen atoms substituted at atoms C3 and C17, or attached to the substituent at C17, is found to be longer than 10 A for the medium and high affinity steroids; (2) the beta-orientation of the oxygen atom in the C17-substituent to the D-ring is favored over alpha-orientation; and (3) bulky substituents and nontypical configurations are not accepted by the binding sites. A nearly linear correlation between the O3...O (substituted at C17) distance and the binding affinity of the tested steroids is observed; explanations for the lack of linear correlation of some steroids are given. A preliminary model for the interaction of steroids with these membrane sites is proposed which requires two hydrogen bonding regions that interact with the 2 oxygen atoms and some steric restriction sites that prevent the binding of steroids with large substituents. The hydrophobicities of the steroids do not correlate with binding affinities to the dexamethasone binding sites; hydrophobicity seems to play a minor role in these steroid-membrane interactions. Comparisons of the specificity of the dexamethasone binding sites on membranes to the specificity of various steroid receptors are also presented.  相似文献   
The problem of determining RBE values for Auger emitters incorporated into proliferating mammalian cells is examined. In general, the reference radiation plays a key role in obtaining experimental RBE values. Using survival of cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells as the experimental model, new data are provided regarding selection of a reference radiation for internal Auger emitters. These data show that gamma rays delivered acutely (137Cs) are more than twice as lethal as gamma rays delivered chronically with an exponentially decreasing dose rate (99mTc). The results confirm that the reference radiation should be delivered chronically in a manner consistent with the extended exposure received by the cells in the case of incorporated radionuclides. Through a direct comparison of the radiotoxicity of Auger emitters and alpha emitters, the high RBE values reported for DNA-bound Auger emitters are confirmed. These studies reveal that the DNA binding compound [125I]iododeoxyuridine (125IdU) is about 1.6 times more effective in killing V79 cells than 5.3 MeV alpha particles from intracellularly localized 210Po-citrate. In addition, toxicity studies with the radiochemicals 125IdU and [125]-iododeoxycytidine (125IdC) establish the equivalence of the radiosensitivity of thymine and cytosine base sites in the DNA. In view of these results, and information already available, the question of establishing quality factors for Auger emitters is considered. Finally, a method for calculation of the dose equivalent for internal Auger emitters is advanced.  相似文献   
Lovejoy and colleagues excavated some 1327 skeletons deposited around 800 to 1100 A.D. at a site near Lake Erie in Ohio, called Libben. Examination of the implications of the life table presented for the living group which produced the cemetery shows that it would have had to be an extremely young population, in which many of the children would be orphans, in which the adults would have had to work hard and effectively to support the group, and almost none of whom would have lived long enough to become grandparents. The unusual and implausible features of the population structure can be interpreted as direct evidence on prehistoric living conditions, or alternatively, as a caution that the life table may include sources of error or bias.  相似文献   
This report describes a new in vitro method for measuring the diffusional permeability of an endothelial monolayer and its use in investigating the modulation of permeability by various agents, e.g., isoproterenol, propranolol, dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), and cytochalasin D. To determine permeability, tracers of different molecular weights were applied simultaneously on a chromatography column containing confluent endothelial cells cultured on porous microcarrier beads. The Sangren-Sheppard model was used to determine the permeability of the endothelial monolayer from the tracer elution profiles. For six radiolabeled tracers the mean (+/- SD) permeabilities (cm/s x 10(-5)) in order of increasing tracer molecular weight were [3H]water, 82.0 +/- 28.8; [14C]urea, 49.5 +/- 9.5; [14C]mannitol, 13.3 +/- 4.7; [14C]-sucrose, 14.1 +/- 2.5; [3H]polyethylene glycol (900 mol wt), 4.80 +/- 1.61; and [3H]polyethylene glycol (4,000 mol wt), 1.97 +/- 1.01. These permeabilities deviate less from in vivo values than those obtained in other in vitro systems and are 10 times higher than in vivo estimates. The values were reproducible for up to the 4 h tested. Modulation of endothelial monolayer permeability was studied in a separate series of experiments. The beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (10(-6) M) decreased the permeability to mannitol by 36% and to polyethylene glycol (900 mol wt) by 49%; in both instances the decrease in permeability was reversed by propranolol. Propranolol alone had no effect. Dibutyryl cAMP (10(-3) M) decreased the permeability to mannitol by 40% and to polyethylene glycol by 47%; permeability returned to base line when dibutyryl cAMP was removed. Cytochalasin D (1 microgram/ml) increased permeability by 350% for mannitol and 380% for polyethylene glycol; the permeability change was reversed after removal of cytochalasin D. The results indicate that cell-column chromatography is a powerful method that can be used to characterize the permeability of endothelial monolayers and to investigate permeability changes produced by various agents.  相似文献   

Parasomnia Overlap Disorder (POD) was described and named in 1997 with a series of 33 cases of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) combined with a disorder of arousal from non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (sleepwalking, sleep terrors) that emerged idiopathically or symptomatically with neurological and other disorders. POD is a subtype of RBD in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders Diagnostic and Coding Manual, second edition (ICSD-2). An updated classification of POD also includes subclinical RBD-NREM parasomnia, RBD-sleep-related eating disorder, RBD-sexsomnia, RBD-rhythmic movement disorder, and status dissociatus (SD), which is another subtype of RBD in the ICSD-2. Similar to POD, a core feature of SD is sleep motor-behavioral dyscontrol, with release of dream-related behaviors suggestive of RBD, but with nearly continuous ambiguous polygraphic sleep precluding the identification of NREM/REM sleep states. SD exemplifies extreme state dissociation. SD is always a symptomatic disorder, and is causally associated with a broad range of neurologic disorders, often with thalamic, limbic, striatal, and pontine involvement. The parasomnia behaviors associated with POD and SD — typical RBD behaviors — can often be controlled with bedtime clonazepam therapy, including the abnormal dreaming.

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