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The biological significance of peptide hormone glycosylation is uncertain. To examine the effect of Asn-linked glycosylation on calcitonin's bioactivity we purified glycosylated calcitonin from a transplantable rat medullary thyroid carcinoma. Glycosylated calcitonin constituted 2.3% of the total extracted immunoreactive calcitonin. The structure of this peptide differed from nonglycosylated calcitonin only by the oligosaccharide modification of asparagine 3. Affinity of glycosylated calcitonin for lentil lectin indicated that the oligosaccharide was a complex processed form. In a standard in vivo bioassay glycosylated calcitonin had a markedly reduced hypocalcemic activity compared to nonglycosylated calcitonin, an effect most likely due to the presence of the oligosaccharide.  相似文献   
To achieve high transfection efficiency in human fibroblasts with good preservation of proliferative capacity we developed an electroporation procedure that combines two distinct modalities: use of recipient cells synchronized in the late G2/mitotic phase of the cell cycle and treatment of cells post-electroporation with 5 mM butyrate. This combination enabled reduction of plasmid DNA concentration and electroporation voltage, both associated with cytotoxicity, while greatly enhancing transfection efficiencies. Although the method was primarily developed for transient expression it was also found to improve stable expression. This procedure should have wide applicability, particularly in studies seeking to identify DNA sequences that lead to inhibition of DNA synthesis and proliferation in human fibroblasts and other cells refractory to transfection.  相似文献   
This study reports the first demonstration within a single insect genus (Tribolium) of both the acute, or lethal-midlethal, dose-independent pattern of mortality, and the hyperacute, dose-dependent pattern, after appropriate doses of ionizing radiation. This demonstration provides resolution of apparently contradictory reports of insect responses in terms of doses required to cause lethality and those based on survival time as a function of dose. A dose-dependent mortality pattern was elicited in adult Tribolium receiving high doses, viz., 300 Gy or greater; its time-course was complete in 10 days, before the dose-independent mortality began. Visual observations of heavily-irradiated Tribolium suggested neural and/or neuromuscular damage, as had been previously proposed by others for lethally-irradiated wasps, flies, and mosquitoes. Results of experiments using fractionated high doses supported the suggestion that the hyperacute or high-dose mode of death is the result of damage to nonproliferative tissues. Relative resistance of a strain to the hyperacute or high-dose mode of death is not necessarily correlated with resistance to the midlethal mode, which is believed to be the result of damage to the proliferative cells of the midgut.
Résumé Les résultats de nombreuses études des réactions des insectes adultes de différents groupes à l'irradiation s'opposent quant à l'importance de la dose provoquant la létalité et quant aux modalités de la mort. Les diptères et les guèpes impliquent des doses très élevées,-des centaines de Gy-, ne présentent aucune période caractérisant la mort par irradiation, et décèdent de plus en plus tôt avec l'augmentation des doses. Beaucoup d'autres insectes succombent à des doses (milétalelétale) beaucoup plus faibles,-de quelques Gy à des dizaines-, et quelle que soit la dose meurent au bout d'un temps voisin.Au cours de cette étude, nous avons pu observer que ces deux types de mortalité peuvent être provoqués chez le même genre d'insecte (Tribolium), avec des doses convenables d'irradiation . Un syndrôme caractéristique a été provoqué avec des doses très élevées, de 300 Gy ou plus,-à ces doses la mort est obtenue en 10 jours après l'irradiation. L'absence de syndrôme caractéristique se produit avec des doses inférieures ou égales à 80 Gy; la mort a lieu alors entre 10 et 16 jours en fonction de la dose.Les différences entre les deux types de décès indiquent deux processus de mort par irradiation. La manifestation d'une désorientation et d'une perte de coordination motrice chez les Tribolium fortement irradiés suggère des altérations neurales et/ou neuromusculaires comme cause/s de ce type de mort provoquée par des doses élevées. L'implication de tissus sans prolifération a été confortée par les résultats d'expériences utilisant de hautes doses fractionnées. Le type de mort milétal est considéré après de nombreuses observations indépendantes, comme le résultat d'atteintes à la prolifération des cellules de l'intestin moyen.Les données contradictoires sur les réactions des insectes aux irradiations proviennent d'abord de l'absence de connaissances sur le lieu des dégâts. Les diptères sont connus maintenant, après différentes études, comme perdant complètement l'aptitude au renouvellement cellulaire, et présentent ainsi un type de mort avec dose élevée. Beaucoup d'autres insectes adultes ont un renouvellement cellulaire de l'intestin moyen limité, et ainsi présentent le type de mort milétal. Le type de mort, dit haute dose, peut être induit dans cette dernière catégorie d'insectes par une irradiation suffisamment forte, et, dans le cas du Tribolium le déroulement de la mort se produit alors de deux façons bien distinctes.
Serum is frequently added to defined basal media as a source of certain nutrients and macromolecular growth factors essential for cell growth. The many different sera commercially available may not be equally suitable for all cell types. The effects of four sera, fetal bovine serum (FBS), calf bovine serum (CS), equine serum (ES-1), and plasma-derived equine serum (ES-2), on growth and permeability properties of cultured porcine endothelial cells were determined. The rate of DNA synthesis, measured as [3H]thymidine incorporation, reached a peak at around 24 h, regardless of serum type, and was most marked with ES-1- or ES-2-treated cells. However, when estimated by total DNA, FBS, CS, or ES-1 treatment resulted in greater cell proliferation than ES-2. Based on protein synthetic rate and total cell protein, both FBS and CS appeared to be most growth supporting. At 72 h after cell plating, albumin passage across cultured endothelial monolayers was elevated in ES-1- and ES-2-treated cells compared with FBS- or CS-treated cells. "Leaky" cell monolayers were most marked with ES-1-treated cells. Cells grown in ES-2- and particularly in ES-1-enriched media were larger and more spindle-shaped compared with the typical cobblestone appearance of cells cultured in media enriched with either FBS or CS. These data suggest that CS, but not ES-1 or ES-2, is an excellent substitute for FBS to support desirable growth properties of macrovascular endothelial cells in culture.  相似文献   
The experiments described in this paper were designed to examine the specific binding of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) to cultured human aortic endothelial (HAE) cells. When 125I-labelled tPA was incubated with the cells at 4 degrees C, binding was found to plateau within 90 min after incubations were begun. Binding was saturable and the bound enzyme dissociated from the sites with a half-time of approx. 48 min. Scatchard analyses were performed using tPA molecules isolated from human melanoma and colon cells as well as from C127 and Chinese hamster ovary cells that had been transfected with the human tPA gene. These enzymes showed very similar binding characteristics in spite of the fact that they differ substantially in the types of sugars which comprise their side chains. Neither the chainedness of the molecules (one-chain or two-chain) nor the sites at which they are glycosylated (type I or type II) appear to affect their ability to interact with binding sites. The tPA molecules were found to have an average equilibrium dissociation constant of (1.15 +/- 0.10) x 10(-9) M and HAE cells appeared to have a single, homogeneous population of independent binding sites present at a concentration of (1.57 +/- 0.13) x 10(6) sites per cell. Lowering the pH of the binding buffer from 7.4 to 6.5 resulted in a reversible increase in specific binding of between 2-fold and 7-fold depending upon the particular preparation of cells. Preincubation of tPA with plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) was found to have little effect on binding, suggesting that tPA interacts at sites distinct from surface-bound PAI-1. No evidence for either internalization or degradation of tPA was observed in assays run at 37 degrees C. This suggests that, like urokinase, tPA remains on cell surfaces for an extended period of time.  相似文献   
Sequential deletion of the carboxyl-terminal amino acids (including the six direct repeating units) of the glucosyltransferase-I (GTF-I) enzyme of Streptococcus mutans revealed differential effects on sucrase and GTF activities. Removal of all but one repeating unit resulted in a truncated enzyme with significant sucrase activity but no detectable GTF activity. These results are compatible with the presence of two functional domains in the enzyme.  相似文献   
We have established a rapid and sensitive transient expression system for Dictyostelium discoideum. We constructed a gene fusion containing the promoter from the Dictyostelium Actin 15 gene fused to the firefly luciferase gene. The enzymatic activity of this gene fusion, expressed at very high levels in stable transformants, was measured to determine optimum conditions for transient expression using electroporation to introduce the DNA into cells. With these conditions, we show that a luciferase gene fusion driven by a prestalk, cell-type specific promoter from the pst-cathepsin gene expresses luciferase at the appropriate developmental stage. In addition, we present results suggesting that the system will be useful for expressing genes in non-axenic cell lines. Finally, we observe that electroporation is more efficient for obtaining stable transformations than the standard calcium phosphate procedure using extrachromosomally replicating shuttle vectors but less efficient for vectors that integrate into the Dictyostelium chromosomes.  相似文献   
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