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The Affordable Care Act set in motion a renewed emphasis on quality of care evaluation. However, the evaluation strategies of quality by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services do not consider geography when comparisons are made among plans. Using an overall measure of a plan’s quality in the public sector—the Medicare Advantage (MA) star ratings—we explored the impact of geography in these ratings. We identified 2,872 U.S counties in 2010. The geographic factor predicted a larger fraction of the MA ratings’ compared to socio-demographic factors which explained less. Also, after the risk adjustments, almost half of the U.S. states changed their ranked position in the star ratings. Further, lower MA star ratings were identified in the Southeastern region. These findings suggest that the geographic component effect on the ratings is not trivial and should be considered in future adjustments of the metric, which may enhance the transparency, accountability, and importantly level the playing field more effectively when comparing quality across health plans.  相似文献   
Whisler , Howard C. (McGill U., Montreal, Canada.) Culture and nutrition of Amoebidium parasiticum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(3): 193–199. Illus. 1962.—The little known Trichomycete, Amoebidium parasiticum, has been isolated into pure culture Maximum growth was obtained on a thiamine-enriched Tryptone-glucose medium. Growth also occurred on a defined medium consisting of thiamine, glucose, methionine, ammonium and inorganic salts. Methionine could not be replaced by sulfate or l -cystine. Both mannose and fructose could satisfy the carbon requirement. At present, reproduction in pure culture is always by sporangiospores, but the amoeboid phase can be induced by the addition of crushed host material.  相似文献   
AIMS: To better understand the role of PueA and PueB from Pseudomonas chlororaphis in polyurethane degradation, the present study was conducted to create insertional mutants in their respective genes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Growth kinetic studies showed that the pueA knockout mutant had a greater effect than the pueB knockout mutant. The pueA mutant had an 80% decrease in cell density from that of the wild type, while the pueB mutant had an 18% decrease in cell density. Polyurethane utilization followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The pueA and pueB mutants exhibited a 17% and 10% decrease respectively in growth rate using polyurethane when compared with the wild type. CONCLUSIONS: In this present study, pueA and pueB, are shown to be part of an ABC transporter gene cluster that consists of seven open reading frames. Mutational analysis results suggest that PueA may play a more major role in polyurethane degradation than PueB based on cell density and growth rates. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results from this study provide a starting point for the eventual enhancement and bioremediation of polyurethane waste. Understanding the role of polyurethane-degrading enzymes is useful for the creation of strains for this purpose.  相似文献   
Doyle JM  Whiteman HH 《Oecologia》2008,156(1):87-94
Facultative paedomorphosis is the ability of a salamander to either metamorphose into a terrestrial, metamorphic adult or retain a larval morphology to become a sexually mature paedomorphic adult. It has been hypothesized that density and initial body size variation within populations are instrumental in cueing metamorphosis or paedomorphosis in salamanders, yet few studies have adequately tested these hypotheses in long-term experiments. Beginning in the spring of 2004, 36 experimental ponds were used to manipulate three body size variation levels (low, medium, high) and two density levels (low, high) of Ambystoma talpoideum larvae. Larvae were individually marked using visible implant elastomers and collected every 2 weeks in order to measure snout–vent length and mass. Bi-nightly sampling was used to collect new metamorphs as they appeared. Analysis revealed significant effects of density, size variation and morph on body size of individuals during the summer. Individuals that metamorphosed during the fall and following spring were significantly larger as larvae than those becoming paedomorphic across all treatments. These results support the Best-of-a-Bad-Lot hypothesis, which proposes that the largest larvae metamorphose in order to escape unfavorable aquatic habitats. Large larvae may metamorphose to leave aquatic habitats, regardless of treatment, due to the colder climate and lower productivity found in Kentucky, which is in the northern-most part of A. talpoideum’s range. By maintaining a long-term experiment, we have provided evidence for the transition of both larvae and paedomorphs into metamorphs during fall and spring metamorphosis events. Furthermore, the production of similar morphs under different environmental conditions observed in this research suggests that the ecological mechanisms maintaining polyphenisms may be more diverse that first suspected. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Oral administration of epsilon-polylysine to rats reduced the peak plasma triacylglycerol concentration. In vitro, epsilon-polylysine and polylysine strongly inhibited the hydrolysis, by either pancreatic lipase or carboxylester lipase, of trioleoylglycerol (TO) emulsified with phosphatidylcholine (PC) and taurocholate. The epsilon-polylysine concentration required for complete inhibition of pancreatic lipase, 10 microg/ml, is 1,000 times lower than that of BSA required for the same effect. Inhibition requires the presence of bile salt and, unlike inhibition of lipase by other proteins, is not reversed by supramicellar concentrations of bile salt. Inhibition increases with the degree of polylysine polymerization, is independent of lipase concentration, is independent of pH between 5.0 and 9.5, and is accompanied by an inhibition of lipase binding to TO-PC emulsion particles. However, epsilon-polylysine did not inhibit the hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase of TO emulsions prepared using anionic surfactants, TO hydrolysis catalyzed by lingual lipase, or the hydrolysis of a water-soluble substrate. In the presence of taurocholate, epsilon-polylysine becomes surface active and adsorbs to TO-PC monomolecular films. These results are consistent with epsilon-polylysine and taurocholate forming a surface-active complex that binds to emulsion particles, thereby retarding lipase adsorption and triacylglycerol hydrolysis both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
We have investigated the basis of adhesion of uredospores of the obligately parasitic rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae to leaves of its broad bean host. Upon contact with an aqueous environment, spores form a structure that we have termed an adhesion pad. The adhesion pad is formed by both living and autoclaved spores, but only adhesion pads formed by living spores adhered to the cuticle of leaves of the host plant. Treatment of living spores with the serine-esterase inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate prevented the adhesion of the pad to the leaf surface, suggesting a functional role for esterase or cutinase in the process of adhesion. A cutinase and two nonspecific serine-esterases were found to be localized on the surface of spores. These enzymes were released rapidly from the spore surface upon contact with an aqueous environment. The addition of the cutinase and the nonspecific esterases to autoclaved spores restored their ability to adhere to the host cuticle. Thus, whereas pad formation appears to be a passive response to the aqueous environment, the actual adhesion of pads to the host cuticle appears to depend on the cutinase and esterases associated with the spore surface. These results suggest a new role for cutinases and serine-esterases in the fungal infection process.  相似文献   
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