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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of chronic administration of the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, UK 38,485, on noradrenergic neurotransmission. Male Sprague Dawley rats (n=14) were treated once daily with either UK 38,485 (100 mg/kg; n=7) or the vehicle of UK 38,485 (olive oil; n=7) by gavage. The dose of UK 38,485 chosen was sufficient to inhibit ex vivo platelet TXB2 production by >90% for 24 hours. One week into the treatment animals were prepared for in situ perfusion of their mesenteric vascular beds. Vasoconstrictor responses to both exogenous norepinephrine and periarterial nerve stimulation were determined both before and during an infusion of angiotensin II (9ng/min) into the superior mesenteric artery. UK 38,485 significantly (P<0.02) attenuated the vascular response to periarterial nerve stimulation without altering the vascular response to either norepinephrine or angiotensin II. UK 38,485 did not influence the baseline perfusion pressure, the mean arterial blood pressure or the potentiation of neurotransmission by angiotensin II. These data indicate that in the in situ rat mesentery UK 38,485 attenuates the release of neurotransmitter from sympathetic nerve terminals.  相似文献   
Rapid Activation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Response to Nerve Growth Factor   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
Abstract: Nerve growth factor protein (NGF) was found to rapidly promote the activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in cultured rat PC 12 pheochromocytoma cells. PC 12 cultures were exposed to NGF for periods of less than 1 h and the soluble contents of homogenates prepared from the cells were assayed for tyrosine hydroxylase activity. Under these conditions, the specific enzymatic activity was increased by 60 ± 10% (n = 13) in comparison with that in untreated sister cultures. The increase was half maximal by 2–5 min of exposure and at NGF concentrations of about 10 ng/ml (0.36 n M ). Antiserum against NGF blocked the effect. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity could also be rapidly increased by NGF in cultures of PC12 cells that had been treated with the factor for several weeks in order to produce a neuron-like phenotype. This was achieved by withdrawing NGF for about 4 h and then readding it for 30 min. The NGF-induced increase of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in PC12 cultures was not affected by inhibition of protein synthesis and therefore appeared to be due to activation of the enzyme. Kinetic experiments revealed that NGF brought about no change in the apparent Km of the enzyme for tyrosine or for co-factor (6-methyltetrahydropteridine), but that it did significantly increase the apparent maximum specific activity of the enzyme. These observations suggest that NGF (perhaps released by target organs) could promote a rapid and local enhancement of noradrenergic transmission in the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   
We describe two monoclonal antibodies, R3/47 and YR1/1, directed against different epitopes of the expressed rat class I major transplantation antigen RT1Aa, that interact with each other so that the binding of one antibody, YR1/1, is greatly enhanced by the binding of the other. The positive interaction between R3/47 and YR1/1 also occurs when using RT1Aa molecules solubilized from cell membranes in detergent. It is therefore unlikely that the molecular environment of the membrane contributes to the interaction. The ability of R3/47 to modify the YR1/1 determinant on the RT1Aa molecule is mediated without any significant loss of potency by highly purified monomeric Fab fragments. This result suggests that the binding of R3/47 to the RT1Aa molecule alters the YR1/1 determinant by initiating a propagated conformational change in the antigen.  相似文献   
Blood was obtained from three species of macaques for a study of platelets. A rapidly mobilizable platelet pool was demonstrated in rhesus macaques given intravenous epinephrine. The number of platelets/ml of blood increased about 30% 3 to 5 min after epinephrine was given. The size distributions of the platelets were similar before and after injection. Platelet aggregability was increased after injection. Basal platelet aggregabilities, as measured by platelet aggregate ratios, were similar in rhesus macaques. Celebes black macaques, and human subjects, but were significantly greater in cynomolgus macaques than in the other three species.  相似文献   
Notexin belongs to a class of snake venom neurotoxins and myotoxins that have phospholipase A2 activity. Previous studies have shown that these toxins affect target cells differently from phospholipases that are not neurotoxic or myotoxic. Notexin inhibited the Ca2+ uptake into fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit skeletal muscle, but it did not cause an efflux of previously accumulated Ca2+ or inhibit the Ca2+--ATPase activity. It is suggested that notexin specifically binds to and decreases the conductance for Ca2+ of the Ca2+ pump and/or the conductance of a channel for an ion that facilitates Ca2+ transport. The K+ ionophore valinomycin reversed the notexin-induced inhibition of Ca2+ uptake into sarcoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that the molecular target of notexin could be a K+ channel. Two types of reconstitution experiments make it unlikely that notexin acts by degrading a minor lipid that is resistant to hydrolysis by nontoxic phospholipases A2. Notexin-inactivated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were reactivated (with respect to Ca2+ uptake) by simple solubilization with detergent and subsequent reconstitution by detergent removal. Second, notexin was still active on sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles after greater than 94% of the lipids were replaced by soybean phosphoglycerides during the reconstitution procedure.  相似文献   
Summary Anoxia has been shown to induce the expression of one or more stress proteins in mammalian cells and tissues. A less severe form of oxygen depletion, hypoxic hypoxia, occurs in response to hypobaric decompression which simulates high altitude conditions. Under these conditions mouse hearts accumulate mRNAs for at least two polypeptides at substantially elevated levels. The molecular weights of these proteins, 85 kDa and 95 kDa, are similar to those reported for other mammalian stress proteins or glucose-regulated proteins. Time course experiments suggest that mRNAs for these species increase continuously for up to 16 hours of treatment, while mRNA for 71 kDa and 79 kDa polypeptides are elevated early in the treatment, but later decrease to control values. Total heart mRNA template activity is also increased by the hypobaric treatment. These results demonstrate that mouse cardiac tissue is capable of mounting a cellular stress-like response when exposed to moderately stressful conditions. It also provides a model for studying the direct effects of acute hypoxic stress on cellular gene expression, and its relationship to physiological adaptation.  相似文献   
Four histidine auxotrophs of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA 122 were isolated by random transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. These mutants arose from different, single transposition events as shown by the comparison of EcoRI and XhoI-generated Tn5 flanking sequences of genomic DNA. The mutants grew on minimal medium supplemented with l-histidine or l-histidinol but failed to grow with l-histidinol phosphate. While two of the muants were symbiotically defective and did not form nodules on Glycine max cvs. Lee and Peking and on Glycine soja, the other two mutants were symbiotically competent. Reversion to prototrophy occurred at a frequency of about 10-7 on growth medium without added antibiotics, but prototrophs could not be isolated from growth medium containing 200 g/ml kanamycin and streptomycin. The prototrophic revertants formed nodules on all the soybean cultivars examined. When histidine was supplied to the plant growth medium, both nodulation deficient mutants formed effective symbioses. On histidine unamended plants, nodules were observed infrequently. Three classes of bacterial colonies were isolated from such infrequent nodules: class 1 were kanamycin resistant-auxotrophs; class 2 were kanamycin sensitive-prototrophs; and class 3 were kanamycin-sensitive auxotrophs. Our results suggest that two Tn5 insertion mutations in B. japonicum leading to histidine auxotrophy, affect nodulation in some way. These mutations are in regions that show no homology to the Rhizobium meliloti common nodulation genes.  相似文献   
Summary The uptake of a monoclonal antibody (OX7) by murine lymphomas (SL1, SL2) growing in two sites in the mouse were compared. SL2 tumors grown in the subrenal site showed greater specific antibody uptake than did the same tumor grown in the subcutaneous site. Major differences in membrane bound antibody, in vitro antibody binding patterns, and gamma scintillation camera imaging were also observed between the two sites. These differences may be due to the greater blood flow measured in tumors growing in the subrenal capsule than those growing at the subcutaneous site. The differences observed in antibody uptake of the same tumor growing in two different sites raises questions concerning the choice of animal model systems that can be used to predict clinical utility.  相似文献   
Homoserine kinase is a potential control point in the biosynthetic pathway for threonine, isoleucine and methionine. The radish leaf enzyme was tested  相似文献   
Summary Field measurements of photosynthetic CO2 exchange were made on saplings of a C4 tree species, Euphorbia forbesii, and a C3 tree species, Claoxylon sandwicense, in a shaded mesic forest on Oahu, Hawaii. Both species had light responses typical of those generally found in shade plants. Light saturated photosynthetic rates were 7.15 and 4.09 mol m2 s1 and light compensation points were 6.3 and 1.7 mol m2 s1 in E. forbesii and C. sandwicense, respectively. E. forbesii maintained a higher mesophyll conductance and a higher water use efficiency than C. sandwicense as is typically found in comparisons of C4 and C3 plants. Under natural light regimes, both species maintained positive CO2 uptake rates over essentially the entire day because of low respiration rates and light compensation points. However, photosynthesis during sunflecks accounted for a large fraction of the daily carbon gain. The results show that the carbon-gaining capacity of E. forbesii is comparable to that of a C3 species in a moderately cool, shaded forest environment. There appears to be no particular advantage or disadvantage associated with the C4 photosynthetic pathway of E. forbesii in this environment.  相似文献   
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