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The use of free groin flaps in children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The free groin flap is a well-established method of skin coverage. Although its use in children has been reported, there have been no published series specifically in such cases. The authors report 33 consecutive cases of free groin flaps in children in their unit over a period of 9 years (1992 to 2001). Tissue transfer was performed to provide soft-tissue coverage during reconstruction of congenital defects and tumor resection and following trauma. Twenty-six cases (79 percent) involved the upper limb, six cases (18 percent) involved the lower limb, and one case involved the head. The complication rate compares favorably with similar series published for adults, with only two complete failures (6 percent), three (9 percent) minor donor-site complications (superficial wound infection, hypertrophic scarring, and dog-ears), and nine flaps requiring debulking. The reexploration rate was 24 percent, with seven of the eight flaps undergoing reexploration surviving. The groin flap is a reliable flap that can be used safely in children, with minimal morbidity.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: There are several reports that indicate a linkage between exposure to power frequency (50 - 60 Hz) magnetic fields with abnormalities in the early embryonic development of the chicken. The present study was designed to understand whether power frequency electromagnetic fields could act as an environmental insult and invoke any neurochemical or toxicological changes in developing chick embryo model. METHODS: Fertilized chicken eggs were subjected to continuous exposure to magnetic fields (50 Hz) of varying intensities (5, 50 or 100 microT) for a period of up to 15 days. The embryos were taken out of the eggs on day 5, day 10 and day 15. Neurochemical (norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine) and amino acid (tyrosine, glutamine and tryptophan) contents were measured, along with an assay of the enzyme glutamine synthetase in the brain. Preliminary toxicological investigations were carried out based on aminotransferases (AST and ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase activities in the whole embryo as well as in the liver. RESULTS: The study revealed that there was a significant increase (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001) in the level of norepinephrine accompanied by a significant decrease (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001) in the tyrosine content in the brain on day 15 following exposure to 5, 50 and 100 microT magnetic fields. There was a significant increase (p < 0.001) in glutamine synthetase activity resulting in the significantly enhanced (p < 0.001) level of glutamine in the brain on day 15 (for 100 microT only). The possible mechanisms for these alterations are discussed. Further, magnetic fields had no effect on the levels of tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the brain. Similarly, there was no effect on the activity of either aminotransferases or lactate dehydrogenase in the whole embryo or liver due to magnetic field exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these studies we conclude that magnetic field-induced changes in norepinephrine levels might help explain alterations in the circadian rhythm, observed during magnetic field stress. Also, the enhanced level of glutamine can act as a contributing factor for developmental abnormalities.  相似文献   
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) adenosine deaminase (dsRAD) converts adenosines to inosines within dsRNA. A great deal of evidence suggests that dsRAD or a related enzyme edits mammalian glutamate receptor mRNA in vivo. Here we map the deamination sites that occur in a truncated glutamate receptor-B (gluR-B) mRNA after incubation with pure Xenopus dsRAD. We find remarkable similarities, as well as distinct differences, between the observed deamination sites and the sites reported to be edited within RNAs isolated from mammalian brain. For example, although deamination at the biologically relevant Q/R editing site occurs, it occurs much less frequently than editing at this site in vivo. We hypothesize that the similarities between the deamination and editing patterns exist because the deamination specificity that is intrinsic to dsRAD is involved in selecting editing sites in vivo. We propose that the observed differences are due to the absence of accessory factors that play indirect roles in vivo, such as binding to and occluding certain sites from dsRAD, or promoting the RNA structure required for correct and efficient editing. The work reported here also suggests that dsRAD is capable of much more selectivity than previously thought; a minimal number of deamination sites (average < or = 5) were found in each gluR-B RNA. We speculate that the observed selectivity is due to the various structural elements (mismatches, bulges, loops) that periodically interrupt the base paired region required for editing.  相似文献   
The real time dynamics of vanilloid-induced cytotoxicity and the specific deletion of nociceptive neurons expressing the wild-type vanilloid receptor (VR1) were investigated. VR1 was C-terminally tagged with either the 27-kDa enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) or a 12-amino acid epsilon-epitope. Upon exposure to resiniferatoxin, VR1eGFP- or VR1epsilon-expressing cells exhibited pharmacological responses similar to those of cells expressing the untagged VR1. Within seconds of vanilloid exposure, the intracellular free calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) was elevated in cells expressing VR1. A functional pool of VR1 also was localized to the endoplasmic reticulum that, in the absence of extracellular calcium, also was capable of releasing calcium upon agonist treatment. Confocal imaging disclosed that resiniferatoxin treatment induced vesiculation of the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum ( approximately 1 min), nuclear membrane disruption (5-10 min), and cell lysis (1-2 h). Nociceptive primary sensory neurons endogenously express VR1, and resiniferatoxin treatment induced a sudden increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and mitochondrial disruption which was cell-selective, as glia and non-VR1-expressing neurons were unaffected. Early hallmarks of cytotoxicity were followed by specific deletion of VR1-expressing cells. These data demonstrate that vanilloids disrupt vital organelles within the cell body and, if administered to sensory ganglia, may be employed to rapidly and selectively delete nociceptive neurons.  相似文献   
A key feature of the generally accepted catalytic mechanism of CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) is the breakage of the imidazolate bridge between copper and zinc and the loss of a coordinated water molecule from copper on reduction from Cu(II) to Cu(I). Crystal structures exist for the enzyme from a number of sources in the oxidised, five coordinate copper form. For the reduced form two structures from different sources have been determined only recently but provide contradictory results. We present crystal structures of bovine CuZnSOD (BSOD) in two different space groups. The structure of the P212121 form (pBSOD), at 1.65 A resolution clearly shows one subunit with Cu in the five coordinate, oxidised form, and the other with Cu in the three coordinate form expected for the reduced state. This mixed state of pBSOD is confirmed by XANES data of these crystals. The pBSOD structure has thus captured each subunit in one of the two oxidation state conformations and thus provides direct crystallographic evidence for the superoxide dismutase mechanism involving the breakage of the imidazole bridge between Cu and Zn. A shift in the position of copper in subunit A poises the catalytic centre to undergo the first stage of catalysis via dissociation of Cu from His61 with a concomittant movement of the coordinated water molecule towards His61, which rotates by approximately 20 degrees, enabling it to form a hydrogen bond to the water molecule. The Cu-Zn separation in the reduced site is increased by approximately 0.5 A. In contrast the 2.3 A resolution structure in space group C2221 (cBSOD) shows both of the Cu atoms to be in the five coordinate, oxidised form but in this space group the whole of subunit A is significantly more disordered than subunit B. An examination of published structures of "oxidised" SODs, shows a trend towards longer Cu-Zn and Cu-His61 separations in subunit A, which together with the structures reported here indicate a potential functional asymmetry between the subunits of CuZnSODs. We also suggest that the increased separation between Cu and Zn is a precursor to breakage of His61.  相似文献   
Lysosomal alpha-mannosidase (LAM: EC belongs to the sequence-based glycoside hydrolase family 38 (GH38). Two other mammalian GH38 members, Golgi alpha-mannosidase II (GIIAM) and cytosolic alpha-mannosidase, are expressed in all tissues. In humans, cattle, cat and guinea pig, lack of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase activity causes the autosomal recessive disease alpha-mannosidosis. Here, we describe the three-dimensional structure of bovine lysosomal alpha-mannosidase (bLAM) at 2.7A resolution and confirm the solution state dimer by electron microscopy. We present the first structure of a mammalian GH38 enzyme that offers indications for the signal areas for mannose phosphorylation, suggests a previously undetected mechanism of low-pH activation and provides a template for further biochemical studies of the family 38 glycoside hydrolases as well as lysosomal transport. Furthermore, it provides a basis for understanding the human form of alpha-mannosidosis at the atomic level. The atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (accession codes 1o7d and r1o7dsf).  相似文献   
The hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus metabolizes glucose by a non-phosphorylative variant of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. In this pathway glucose dehydrogenase and gluconate dehydratase catalyze the oxidation of glucose to gluconate and the subsequent dehydration of gluconate to 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate. 2-Keto-3-deoxygluconate (KDG) aldolase then catalyzes the cleavage of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate to glyceraldehyde and pyruvate. The gene encoding glucose dehydrogenase has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli to give a fully active enzyme, with properties indistinguishable from the enzyme purified from S. solfataricus cells. Kinetic analysis revealed the enzyme to have a high catalytic efficiency for both glucose and galactose. KDG aldolase from S. solfataricus has previously been cloned and expressed in E. coli. In the current work its stereoselectivity was investigated by aldol condensation reactions between D-glyceraldehyde and pyruvate; this revealed the enzyme to have an unexpected lack of facial selectivity, yielding approximately equal quantities of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate and 2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate. The KDG aldolase-catalyzed cleavage reaction was also investigated, and a comparable catalytic efficiency was observed with both compounds. Our evidence suggests that the same enzymes are responsible for the catabolism of both glucose and galactose in this Archaeon. The physiological and evolutionary implications of this observation are discussed in terms of catalytic and metabolic promiscuity.  相似文献   
The ATP-sensitive potassium channel is made up of four pore forming Kir6.2 subunits, surrounded by four regulatory sulphonylurea receptor (SUR) subunits. The latter subunit contains two nucleotide-binding folds (NBFs) that confer the ability on the channel to sense changes in the metabolic status ([ATP]/[ADP]) of the cell and couple the changes to the membrane potential of the cell. In an attempt to better understand the mechanisms by which NBFs influence the activity of the channel, we have expressed the NBF domains with C-terminally added epitopes (FLAG to NBF1 and His(6) to NBF2) in Escherichia coli and the rabbit reticulocyte lysate system and examined the ability of these domains to interact with each other and with Kir6.2. Both NBFs could be expressed to high levels in E. coli and purified to homogeneity from inclusion bodies. Re-folding of the proteins proved to be unsuccessful. However, we were able to obtain small amounts of radio-labelled NBFs in a soluble state. Using co-immunoprecipitation, we demonstrate that the radio-labelled NBF1 and NBF2 interact with each other. Neither of the NBFs bound to Kir6.2 expressed in the presence of canine microsomes.  相似文献   
Repair of single-base mismatches formed in recombination intermediates in vivo was investigated in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Extrachromosomal recombination was stimulated by double-strand breaks (DSBs) introduced into regions of shared homology in pairs of plasmid substrates heteroallelic at 11 phenotypically silent mutations. Recombination was expected to occur primarily by single-strand annealing, yielding predicted heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) regions with three to nine mismatches. Product spectra were consistent with hDNA only occurring between DSBs. Nicks were predicted on opposite strands flanking hDNA at positions corresponding to original DSB sites. Most products had continuous marker patterns, and observed conversion gradients closely matched predicted gradients for repair initiated at nicks, consistent with an efficient nick-directed, excision-based mismatch repair system. Discontinuous patterns, seen in ~10% of products, and deviations from predicted gradients provided evidence for less efficient mismatch-specific repair, including G-A -> G-C specific repair that may reflect processing by a homologue of Escherichia coli MutY. Mismatch repair was >80% efficient, which is higher than seen previously with covalently closed, artificial hDNA substrates. Products were found in which all mismatches were repaired in a single tract initiated from one or the other nick. We also observed products resulting from two tracts of intermediate length initiated from two nicks.  相似文献   
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