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Internalization is an important mechanism regulating the agonist-dependent responses of G-protein-coupled receptors. The internalization of the M(2) muscarinic cholinergic receptors (mAChR) in HEK293 cells has been demonstrated to occur by an unknown mechanism that is independent of arrestins and dynamin. In this study we examined various aspects of the trafficking of the M(2) mAChR in HEK293 cells to characterize this unknown pathway of internalization. Internalization of the M(2) mAChR was rapid and extensive, but prolonged incubation with agonist did not lead to appreciable down-regulation (a decrease in total receptor number) of the receptors. Recovery of M(2) mAChRs to the cell surface following agonist-mediated internalization was a very slow process that contained protein synthesis-dependent and -independent components. The protein synthesis-dependent component of the recovery of receptors to the cell surface did not appear to reflect a requirement for synthesis of new receptors, as no changes in total receptor number were observed either in the presence or absence of cycloheximide. Phosphorylation of the M(2) mAChR did not appear to influence the rate or extent of the recovery of receptors to the cell surface, as the recovery of a phosphorylation-deficient mutant M(2) mAChR, the N,C(Ala-8) mutant, was similar to the recovery of the wild type M(2) mAChR. Finally, the constitutive, nonagonist-dependent internalization and recycling of the M(2) mAChR was very slow and also contained protein synthesis-dependent and -independent components, suggesting that a similar pathway controls the recovery from agonist-dependent and -independent internalization. Overall, these data demonstrated a variety of previously unappreciated facets involved in the regulation of M(2) mAChRs.  相似文献   
The effects of protein kinase C (PKC) were studied on dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive Ca channels from rabbit skeletal muscle T tubule membranes. To determine which channel subunits become phosphorylated under the conditions used for electrophysiological studies, we first performed biochemical studies of phosphorylation. T tubular membranes were fused with vesicles of the lipid mixture used in the planar bilayers, and phosphorylation was assessed using the same concentrations of PKC, adenosine 5''-triphosphate, and buffers as were used in the electrophysiological experiments. The alpha 1 subunit of the DHP receptors was phosphorylated by PKC to an extent of 1 mol phosphate/mol protein. The beta subunit was also phosphorylated but to a significantly lesser extent. The DHP-sensitive Ca channel activity was studied after fusing T tubule membranes with planar bilayers (Ma, J., C. Mundiña-Weilenmann, M. M. Hosey, and E. Ríos. 1991. Biophys. J. 60:890-901). The bilayers were held at -80 mV and activated by depolarizing voltage clamp pulses. The observed Ca channels exhibited two open states (tau o1 = 5 ms and tau o2 = 25 ms). On addition of purified PKC to the intracellular side, the proportion of the longer open state increased threefold. The average open probability during a 2-s, maximally activating pulse (Pmax) increased from 10 to 15%. The voltage dependence of activation was not changed by PKC; the Boltzmann parameters were V1 = -20.5 mV and K = 10.5 mV, which were not significantly different from the reference channels. The deactivation (closing) time constant was increased from 7 to 12 ms after PKC. The inactivation time constant during the pulse was slightly increased(from 1.2 to 1.6 s), and the channel availability at the holding potential was decreased from 76 to 71%. Taken together, the results revealed that PKC increased Pmax largely through a shift in the voltage independent open-close equilibrium of the fully activated channels.This is in contrast with the effect of phosphorylation by PKA (Mundir''a-Weilenmann, C., J. Ma, E. Rios, and M. M. Hosey. 1991. Biophys.J. 60:902-909), which also increases Pmax but mostly by increasing the availability of channels and slowing inactivation during the pulse.  相似文献   
Approximately 80% of breast cancers(BC) are estrogen receptor(ER)-positive and thus endocrine therapy(ET) should be considered complementary to surgery in the majority of patients. The advantages of oophorectomy, adrenalectomy and hypophysectomy in women with advanced BC have been demonstrated many years ago, and currently ET consist of(1) ovarian function suppression(OFS), usually obtained using gonadotropinreleasing hormone agonists(Gn RHa);(2) selective estrogen receptor modulators or down-regulators(SERMs or SERDs); and(3) aromatase inhibitors(AIs), or a combination of two or more drugs. For patients aged less than 50 years and ER+ BC, there is no conclusive evidence that the combination of OFS and SERMs(i.e., tamoxifen) or chemotherapy is superior to OFS alone. Tamoxifen users exhibit a reduced risk of BC, both invasive and in situ, especially during the first 5 years of therapy, and extending the treatment to 10 years further reduced the risk of recurrences. SERDs(i.e., fulvestrant) are especially useful in the neoadjuvant treatment of advanced BC, alone or in combination with either cytotoxic agents or AIs. There are two types of AIs: type Ⅰ are permanent steroidal inhibitors of aromatase, while type Ⅱ are reversible nonsteroidal inhibitors. Several studies demonstrated the superiority of the third-generation AIs(i.e., anastrozole and letrozole) compared with tamoxifen, and adjuvant therapy with AIs reduces the recurrence risk especially in patients with advanced BC. Unfortunately, some cancers are or became ET-resistant, and thus other drugs have been suggested in combination with SERMs or AIs, including cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors(palbociclib) and mammalian target of rapamycin(m TOR) inhibitors, such as everolimus. Further studies are required to confirm their real usefulness.  相似文献   
Seeds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) can exhibit seedcoat imposed dormancy, which produces hard seeds within a seed lot. These seeds do not germinate because they do not imbibe water due to a barrier to water entry in the seed coat. The aim of this work was to analyze the anatomical and chemical characteristics of the testa of alfalfa seeds with respect to water permeability levels. The anatomy of seeds of the cv. Baralfa 85 was studied and structural substances, polyphenols, tannins and cutin present in the testa of seeds of different water permeability levels were determined. The anatomical characteristics of the seed coat and the proportions of components were found to determine the permeability level of the seed coat, an aspect that is associated with the physical seed dormancy level. Anatomically, increased thickness of the testa was associated with a lower permeability level. The difference may be attributed to the variation in cuticle thickness, length of macrosclereids and thickness of the cell wall, and presence and development of osteosclereids. From the physiological and chemical points of view, the mechanism of physical dormancy of the testa is explained by a greater amount of components that repel water and cement the cell wall, such as polyphenols, lignins, condensed tannins, pectic substances, and a lower proportion of cellulose and hemicellulose.  相似文献   
A study was done to determine if the differentiation and activation phenotype of T cells in synovial fluid (SF) from patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is associated with T-cell proliferation in situ. Mononuclear cells were isolated from 44 paired samples of peripheral blood and SF. Differentiation and activation markers were determined on CD4 and CD8 T cells by flow cytometry. Cell-cycle analysis was performed by propidium iodide staining, and surface-marker expression was also assessed after culture of the T cells under conditions similar to those found in the synovial compartment. The majority of the T cells in the SF were CD45RO+CD45RBdull. There was greater expression of the activation markers CD69, HLA-DR, CD25 and CD71 on T cells from SF than on those from peripheral blood. Actively dividing cells accounted for less than 1% of the total T-cell population in SF. The presence or absence of IL-16 in T-cell cultures with SF or in a hypoxic environment did not affect the expression of markers of T-cell activation. T cells from the SF of patients with JIA were highly differentiated and expressed early and late markers of activation with little evidence of in situ proliferation. This observation refines and extends previous reports of the SF T-cell phenotype in JIA and may have important implications for our understanding of chronic inflammation.  相似文献   
The anti-algal activity of five macrophyte extracts on the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in Egypt was investigated in 2013. Extract activity varied according to plant type, extracting solvent and its concentration. The highest inhibitory activity was achieved with ethanol extract at a concentration of 80 mg l?1, followed by chloroformic extracts, at 60 mg l?1. Methanolic extracts of Eichhornia crassipes and Polygonum tomentosum inhibited growth of Microcystis aeruginosa at all concentrations. Acetonic extracts inhibited algal growth at 60 mg l?1, except for the extract of Ceratophyllum subdemersum, which showed stimulation of M. aeruginosa growth. Eichhornia crassipes ethanolic extract exerted the most powerful inhibition by more than five-fold, 570.17%, followed by those of P. tomentosum, Saccharum spontaneum, Ceratophyllum demersum and C. subdemersum, 559.48, 553.99, 544.11 and 366.51%, respectively. Phytochemical screening for the tested plant extracts revealed the presence of biologically active substances of different concentrations, with P. tomentosum having the highest polyphenols, 1.95% of dry weight.  相似文献   
Bünemann M  Hosey MM 《Life sciences》2001,68(22-23):2525-2533
The M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) activates Gi protein coupled pathways, such as stimulation of G-protein activated inwardly rectifying K channels (GIRKs). Here we report a novel heterologous desensitization of these GIRK currents, which appeared to be specifically induced by M2/M4 mAChR stimulation, but not via adenosine (Ado) and alpha2-adrenergic receptors (AR). This heterologous desensitization reflected an inhibition of the GIRK signalling pathway downstream of G-protein activation. It was mediated in a membrane-delimited fashion via a PTX insensitive GTP dependent pathway and could be competed with exogenous Gbetagamma. The activation of M3 mAChR/Gq coupled receptors potently inhibited GIRK currents similar as M2 mAChR. By monitoring simultaneously the response of A1 adenosine receptor (AdoR) activation on N-type Ca2+ channels and GIRK channels, the stimulation of M3 mAChR was found to cause an inhibition of the Ado response in both effector systems, suggesting that the inhibition occurred at the level of the G-protein common to both effectors. These results indicated that Gq proteins inhibit pathways that are commonly regulated by Gbetagamma proteins.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that formation of a complex between L-type calcium (Ca(2+)) channel alpha(1C) (Ca(V)1.2) and beta subunits was necessary to target the channels to the plasma membrane when expressed in tsA201 cells. In the present study, we identified a region in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit that was required for membrane targeting. Using a series of C-terminal deletion mutants of the alpha(1C) subunit, a domain consisting of amino acid residues 1623-1666 ("targeting domain") in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit has been identified to be important for correct targeting of L-type Ca(2+) channel complexes to the plasma membrane. Although cells expressing the wild-type alpha(1C) and beta(2a) subunits exhibited punctate clusters of channel complexes along the plasma membrane with little intracellular staining, co-expression of deletion mutants of the alpha(1C) subunit that lack the targeting domain with the beta(2a) subunit resulted in an intracellular localization of the channels. In addition, three other regions in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit that were downstream of residues 1623-1666 were found to contribute to membrane targeting of the L-type channels. Deletion of these domains in the alpha(1C) subunit resulted in a reduction of plasma membrane-localized channels, and a concomitant increase in channels localized intracellularly. Taken together, these results have demonstrated that a targeting domain in the C terminus of the alpha(1C) subunit was required for proper plasma membrane localization of the L-type Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   
The studies reported here address the molecular events underlying the interactions of arrestins with the M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR). In particular, we focused on the role of receptor phosphorylation in this process. Agonist-dependent phosphorylation of the M(2) mAChR can occur at clusters of serines and threonines at positions 286-290 (site P1) or 307-311 (site P2) in the third intracellular loop (Pals-Rylaarsdam, R., and Hosey, M. M. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 14152-14158). Phosphorylation at either P1 or P2 can support agonist-dependent internalization. However, phosphorylation at P2 is required for receptor interaction with arrestins (Pals-Rylaarsdam, R., Gurevich, V. V., Lee, K. B., Ptasienski, J. A., Benovic, J. L., and Hosey, M. M. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 23682-26389). The present study investigated the role of acidic amino acids between P1 and P2 in regulating receptor phosphorylation, internalization, and receptor/arrestin interactions. Mutation of the acidic amino acids at positions 298-300 (site A1) and/or 304-305 (site A2) to alanines had significant effects on agonist-dependent phosphorylation. P2 was identified as the preferred site of agonist-dependent phosphorylation, and full phosphorylation at P2 required the acidic amino acids at A1 or their neutral counterparts. In contrast, phosphorylation at site P1 was dependent on site A2. In addition, sites A1 and A2 significantly affected the ability of the wild type and P1 and P2 mutant receptors to internalization and to interact with arrestin2. Substitution of asparagine and glutamine for the aspartates and glutamates at sites A1 or A2 did not influence receptor phosphorylation but did influence arrestin interaction with the receptor. We propose that the amino acids at sites A1 and A2 play important roles in agonist-dependent phosphorylation at sites P2 and P1, respectively, and also play an important role in arrestin interactions with the M(2) mAChR.  相似文献   
Equine arteritis virus (EAV) induces apoptosis in infected cells. Cell death caused by EAV has been studied mainly using three cell lines, BHK-21, RK-13 and Vero cells. The mechanism of apoptosis varies among cell lines and results cannot be correlated owing to differences in EAV strains used. We evaluated different markers for apoptosis in BHK-21, RK-13 and Vero cell lines using the Bucyrus EAV reference strain. Acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining revealed morphological changes in infected cells, while flow cytometry indicated the extent of apoptosis. We also observed DNA fragmentation, but the DNA ladder was detected at different times post-infection depending on the cell line, i.e., 48, 72 and 96 h post-infection in RK-13, Vero and BHK-21 cells, respectively. Measurement of viral titers obtained with each cell line indicated that apoptosis causes interference with viral replication and therefore decreased viral titers. As an unequivocal marker of apoptosis, we measured the expression of caspase-3 and caspases-8 and -9 as extrinsic and intrinsic markers of apoptosis pathways, respectively. Caspase-8 in BHK-21 cells was the only protease that was not detected at any of the times assayed. We found that Bucyrus EAV strain exhibited a distinctive apoptosis pathway depending on the cell line.  相似文献   
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