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The replication region of pSK11L, the lactose plasmid of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (L. cremoris) SK11, was isolated on a 14.8-kbp PvuII fragment by shotgun cloning into an Escherichia coli vector encoding erythromycin resistance and selection for erythromycin-resistant transformants of L. lactis subsp. lactis (L. lactis) LM0230. Deletion analysis and Tn5 mutagenesis of the resulting plasmid (pKMP1) further localized the replication region to a 2.3-kbp ScaI-SpeI fragment. DNA sequence analysis of this 2.3-kbp fragment revealed a 1,155-bp open reading frame encoding the putative replication protein, Rep. The replication origin was located upstream of rep and consisted of an 11-bp imperfect direct repeat and a 22-bp sequence tandemly repeated three and one-half times. The overall organization of the pSK11L replicon was remarkably similar to that of pCI305, suggesting that pSK11L does not replicate by the rolling-circle mechanism. Like pSK11L, pKMP1 was unstable in L. lactis LM0230. Deletion analysis allowed identification of several regions which appeared to contribute to the maintenance of pKMP1 in L. lactis LM0230. pKMP1 was significantly more stable in L. cremoris EB5 than in L. lactis LM0230 at all of the temperatures compared. This stability was lost by deletion of a 3.1-kbp PvuII-XbaI fragment which had no effect on stability in L. lactis LM0230. Other regions affecting stability in L. cremoris EB5 but not in L. lactis LM0230 were also identified. Stability assays conducted at various temperatures showed that pKMP1 maintenance was temperature sensitive in both L. lactis LM0230 and L. cremoris EB5, although the plasmid was more unstable in L. lactis LM0230. The region responsible for the temperature sensitivity phenotype in L. lactis LM0230 was tentatively localized to a 1.2-kbp ClaI-HindIII fragment which was distinct from the replication region of pSK11L. Our results suggest that the closely related L. lactis and L. cremoris subspecies behave differently regarding maintenance of plasmids.  相似文献   
The West African Ebola Virus Disease epidemic of 2014-16 cost more than 11,000 lives. Interventions targeting key behaviors to curb transmission, such as safe funeral practices and reporting and isolating the ill, were initially unsuccessful in a climate of fear, mistrust, and denial. Building trust was eventually recognized as essential to epidemic response and prioritized, and trust was seen to improve toward the end of the epidemic as incidence fell. However, little is understood about how and why trust changed during Ebola, what factors were most influential to community trust, and how different institutions might have been perceived under different levels of exposure to the outbreak. In this large-N household survey conducted in Liberia in 2018, we measured self-reported trust over time retrospectively in three different communities with different exposures to Ebola. We found trust was consistently higher for non-governmental organizations than for the government of Liberia across all time periods. Trust reportedly decreased significantly from the start to the peak of the epidemic in the study site of highest Ebola incidence. This finding, in combination with a negative association found between knowing someone infected and trust of both iNGOs and the government, indicates the experience of Ebola may have itself caused a decline of trust in the community. These results suggest that national governments should aim to establish trust when engaging communities to change behavior during epidemics. Further research on the relationship between trust and epidemics may serve to improve epidemic response efficacy and behavior uptake.  相似文献   


All viruses in the family Bunyaviridae possess a tripartite genome, consisting of a small, a medium, and a large RNA segment. Bunyaviruses therefore possess considerable evolutionary potential, attributable to both intramolecular changes and to genome segment reassortment. Hantaviruses (family Bunyaviridae, genus Hantavirus) are known to cause human hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. The primary reservoir host of Sin Nombre virus is the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), which is widely distributed in North America. We investigated the prevalence of intramolecular changes and of genomic reassortment among Sin Nombre viruses detected in deer mice in three western states.


Portions of the Sin Nombre virus small (S) and medium (M) RNA segments were amplified by RT-PCR from kidney, lung, liver and spleen of seropositive peromyscine rodents, principally deer mice, collected in Colorado, New Mexico and Montana from 1995 to 2007. Both a 142 nucleotide (nt) amplicon of the M segment, encoding a portion of the G2 transmembrane glycoprotein, and a 751 nt amplicon of the S segment, encoding part of the nucleocapsid protein, were cloned and sequenced from 19 deer mice and from one brush mouse (P. boylii), S RNA but not M RNA from one deer mouse, and M RNA but not S RNA from another deer mouse.


Two of 20 viruses were found to be reassortants. Within virus sequences from different rodents, the average rate of synonymous substitutions among all pair-wise comparisons (πs) was 0.378 in the M segment and 0.312 in the S segment sequences. The replacement substitution rate (πa) was 7.0 × 10-4 in the M segment and 17.3 × 10-4 in the S segment sequences. The low πa relative to πs suggests strong purifying selection and this was confirmed by a Fu and Li analysis. The absolute rate of molecular evolution of the M segment was 6.76 × 10-3 substitutions/site/year. The absolute age of the M segment tree was estimated to be 37 years. In the S segment the rate of molecular evolution was 1.93 × 10-3 substitutions/site/year and the absolute age of the tree was 106 years. Assuming that mice were infected with a single Sin Nombre virus genotype, phylogenetic analyses revealed that 10% (2/20) of viruses were reassortants, similar to the 14% (6/43) found in a previous report.


Age estimates from both segments suggest that Sin Nombre virus has evolved within the past 37–106 years. The rates of evolutionary changes reported here suggest that Sin Nombre virus M and S segment reassortment occurs frequently in nature.  相似文献   
1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PD) can be used for the industrial synthesis of a variety of compounds, including polyesters, polyethers, and polyurethanes. 1,3-PD is generated from petrochemical and microbial sources. 1,3-Propanediol is a typical product of glycerol fermentation, while acetate, lactate, 2,3-butanediol, and ethanol also accumulate during the process. Substrate and product inhibition limit the final concentration of 1,3-propanediol in the fermentation broth. It is impossible to increase the yield of 1,3-propanediol by using the traditional whole-cell fermentation process. In this study, dhaD and dhaK, the genes for glycerol dehydrogenase and dihydroxyacetone kinase, respectively, were inactivated by homologous recombination in Klebsiella pneumoniae. The dhaD/dhaK double mutant (designated TC100), selected from 5,000 single or double cross homologous recombination mutants, was confirmed as a double cross by using polymerase chain reaction. Analysis of the cell-free supernatant with high-performance liquid chromatography revealed elimination of lactate and 2,3-butanediol, as well as ethanol accumulation in TC100, compared with the wild-type strain. Furthermore, 1,3-propanediol productivity was increased in the TC100 strain expressing glycerol dehydratase and 1,3-PDO dehydrogenase regulated by the arabinose PBAD promoter. The genetic engineering and medium formulation approaches used here should aid in the separation of 1,3-propanediol from lactate, 2,3-butanediol, and ethanol and lead to increased production of 1,3-propanediol in Klebsiella pneumoniae.  相似文献   
Cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) regulate myocardial remodeling by proliferating, differentiating, and secreting extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. B‐type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is anti‐fibrotic, inhibits collagen production, augments matrix metalloproteinases, and suppresses CF proliferation. Recently, we demonstrated that the ECM protein fibronectin (FN) augmented production of BNP's second messenger, 3′, 5′ cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in CFs, supporting crosstalk between FN, BNP, and its receptor, natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPR‐A). Here, we address the specificity of FN to augment cGMP generation by investigating other matrix proteins, including collagen IV which contains RGD motifs and collagen I and poly‐L ‐lysine, which have no RGD domain. Collagen IV showed increased cGMP generation to BNP similar to FN. Collagen I and poly‐L ‐lysine had no effect. As FN also interacts with integrins, we then examined the effect of integrin receptor antibody blockade on BNP‐mediated cGMP production. On FN plates, antibodies blocking RGD‐binding domains of several integrin subtypes had little effect, while a non‐RGD domain interfering integrin αvβ3 antibody augmented cGMP production. Further, on uncoated plates, integrin αvβ3 blockade continued to potentiate the BNP/cGMP response. These studies suggest that both RGD containing ECM proteins and integrins may interact with BNP/NPR‐A to modulate cGMP generation. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 251–255, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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