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Three approaches have been taken to study simultaneously Syrian hamster cells and human cells in order to develop an extrapolation from the more established hamster system to human cells. On the Characterization of normal cells in comparison to tumor cells, human tumor cells and hamster tumor cells showed similarity in displaying anchorage independence, growth in suspension as micro tumor spheroids, and xenotumorigenicity in contrast to their respective normal cells; in addition, these tumor cells exhibited shorter population doubling time, higher saturation density, higher cloning efficiency, and higher fibrinolytic activity relative to their respective normal cell types. Other differences including ploidy change, contact inhibition on growth, serum requirement, and morphological transformation were also noted between human and hamster cells. On the application of microcarrier culture for a xenotumorigenicity test, the microcarrier technique seemed to have enhanced the sensitivity by reducing the number of inoculated tumor cells required for tumor formation. On the in vitro transformation of normal human and hamster cells, the highest efficiency of morphological transformation of hamster cells has been observed in the group treated with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine followed by griseofulvin which was employed to enhance the transformation by disturbing the chromosome apparatus. However, no evidence of transformation was observed in the treated human cells thus far.  相似文献   
We examined the typhoon wind disturbance regime of the Fu-Shan Experimental Forest in northeastern Taiwan. Mean number of typhoons passing within 200 kilometers of Taipei (40 kilometers from the site) was 1.4 per year. Category 4 and 5 typhoons, which are intense enough to uproot large numbers of trees, occurred every 8.3 and 12.5 years respectively, although it is likely that some category 4 and 5 typhoons did not produce extensive blowdowns at Fu-Shan because the area of maximum winds missed the study site. Uprooting was more common than snapped boles; the most common damage to trees, however, was probably defoliation, although this damage was not quantified in the current study. Thirty-five percent of wind-damaged trees were associated with a gap. Six percent of the land area was in gaps. Canopy turnover time was calculated at 175 years when all gaps ≤ 9 years old were included in the calculation, but the time decreased when older gaps were excluded from the calculation. Turnover time was somewhat higher than calculated for other tropical forests. Because turnover time increases as the percent of land in gaps decreases, the short life span of gaps at Fu-Shan probably contributed to our higher calculated time. Probability of being damaged was not related to tree species identity, and only a few species of trees were found regenerating in gaps. Principal Components Analysis indicated that damaged trees varied largely in treefall orientation and aspect; gaps varied primarily in aspect and in gap size.  相似文献   
The aim of our investigation was to determine the concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Cr in urine samples under routine clinical laboratory conditions. To asses the reliability of these methods, critical factors such as detection limit(s), calibration range(s), cost, accuracy, and precision were studied. Our method was employed for the quantitative determination of zinc, chromium, and copper in urine samples from steel production and quality control (QC) workers and healthy unexposed controls. After pretreatment with acids, the samples were digested via a microwave oven. Zinc was determined by flame absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS), whereas chromium and copper were determined by a graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS). Our results indicate that urinary zinc, chromium, and copper levels of the exposed workers are significantly higher than those of the controls. The possibility that these metals are involved in the etiology of diseases is discussed and recommendations are made to improve workplace ventilation and industrial hygiene practices.  相似文献   
Because certain inhibitors of norepinephrine N-methyltransferase (NMT, the epinephrine-forming enzyme) are α2 adrenoreceptor blockers, we compared the ability of various compounds to inhibit rat brain NMT activity and the binding of tritiated clonidine to rat brain membranes in vitro. There was no correlation between potency of NMT inhibition and potency of α2 receptor antagonism (as measured by inhibition of tritiated clonidine binding) among NMT inhibitors representing several chemical classes or among members of a single class of compounds, l-aminoindans. In addition, several potent α2 blocking drugs were essentially inactive as NMT inhibitors. These findings indicate that NMT inhibition and α2 blockade are dissociable activities. Future development of NMT inhibitors should include this dissociation as a goal to increase the usefulness of NMT inhibitors as pharmacologic tools.  相似文献   
Abstract— The treatment of cerebellar membranes of rat brain with a low concentration of Triton X-100 followed by sufficient washing results in an increase of the Na+-independent binding of [3H]GABA and a total loss of the Na +-dependent binding of [3H]GABA. The Na+-independent binding of [3H]GABA was more abundant in membranes of cerebellum than in membranes of other rat brain regions and mainly localized in the synaptic membrane fraction of a cerebellar homogenate. In the Triton-treated membranes, the Na+-independent binding of [3H]GABA was a saturable process, which could be resolved into two components, a high and a low affinity component with dissociation constants of 4.5 and 30 nm , respectively. The neurophysiological agonists, muscimol, GABA, and imidazole acetic acid, and the antagonist, bicuculline, inhibited the high affinity Na+-independent binding of [3H]GABA by 50% at 0.003, 0.012, 0.3 and 10 μm respectively. These data suggest that the Na+-independent binding of [3H]GABA in the Triton-treated cerebellar membranes represents the synaptic receptors of GABA. It is emphasized that extensive washing of the membranes after a Triton treatment is necessary in order to detect the high affinity Na+-independent binding of [3H]GABA.  相似文献   
The fumes and dust of trace elements and their compounds are very toxic and have been related to an increase in the incidence of diseases. Occupational exposure to toxic metals and metalloids can be determined by means of workplace air measurements and biological monitoring. The aim of our investigation was to determine the concentrations of As, Hg, and Se in urine samples under routine clinical laboratory conditions. To assess the reliability of these methods, critical factors such as detection limit(s), calibration range(s), cost, accuracy, and precision were studied. The method was employed for the quantitative determination of arsenic, mercury, and selenium in urine samples from steel production and quality control workers and healthy unexposed controls. After pretreatment with acids, the samples were digested by means of a microwave oven. Arsenic was determined by hydride atomic absorption spectrometry and mercury was determined by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry, whereas selenium was determined by a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicate those urinary arsenic, mercury, and selenium levels of the exposed workers are significantly higher than those of the controls. The possibility that these elements are involved in the etiology of diseases is discussed and recommendations are made to improve workplace ventilation and industrial hygiene practices.  相似文献   
Cw-ESR distance measurement method is extremely valuable for studying the dynamics-function relationship of biomolecules. However, extracting distance distributions from experiments has been a highly technique-demanding procedure. It has never been conclusively identified, to our knowledge, that the problems involved in the analysis are ill posed and are best solved using Tikhonov regularization. We treat the problems from a novel point of view. First of all, we identify the equations involved and uncover that they are actually two linear first-kind Fredholm integral equations. They can be combined into one single linear inverse problem and solved in a Tikhonov regularization procedure. The improvement with our new treatment is significant. Our approach is a direct and reliable mathematical method capable of providing an unambiguous solution to the ill-posed problem. It need not perform nonlinear least-squares fitting to infer a solution from noise-contaminated data and, accordingly, substantially reduces the computation time and the difficulty of analysis. Numerical tests and experimental data of polyproline II peptides with variant spin-labeled sites are provided to demonstrate our approach. The high resolution of the distance distributions obtainable with our new approach enables a detailed insight into the flexibility of dynamic structure and the identification of conformational species in solution state.  相似文献   
In a single compartment quantal response model, besides the input and release processes, an inspection process, assumed to be independent of the input and release processes, is considered. Each time when a release occurs, we assume the amount of release is randomly proportional to the amount present and the proportional rates form a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with support on [0, 1]. The input policy we consider is a modification of (s, S) input policy in the inventory model. More precisely, let 0 ≦s2s1sS, if after a release, the amount of the drug in subject's body is less than a level s2 which is small enough, then there will be an input immediately with probability 1 — p and no more inputs thereafter with probability p, also there will be an input immediately if the dose level is in the interval [s2, s1). If the dose level is in the interval [s1, s) there will be no input unless the inspector arrives. On the other hand, if the dose level is greater than or equal to s, then there will be no input. We consider a stochastic model as described above, and obtain the expressions for some quantities of interest. A Monte Carlo study has also been carried out to demonstrate some behaviors of our quantal response process.  相似文献   
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