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Calcium (Ca) oxalate crystals occur in many plant species and in most organs and tissues. They generally form within cells although extracellular crystals have been reported. The crystal cells or idioblasts display ultrastructural modifications which are related to crystal precipitation. Crystal formation is usually associated with membranes, chambers, or inclusions found within the cell vacuole(s). Tubules, modified plastids and enlarged nuclei also have been reported in crystal idioblasts. The Ca oxalate crystals consist of either the monohydrate whewellite form, or the dihydrate weddellite form. A number of techniques exist for the identification of calcium oxalate. X-ray diffraction, Raman microprobe analysis and infrared spectroscopy are the most accurate. Many plant crystals assumed to be Ca oxalate have never been positively identified as such. In some instances, crystals have been classified as whewellite or weddellite solely on the basis of their shape. Certain evidence indicates that crystal shape may be independent of hydration form of Ca oxalate and that the vacuole crystal chamber membranes may act to mold crystal shape; however, the actual mechanism controlling shape is unknown. Oxalic acid is formed via several major pathways. In plants, glycolate can be converted to oxalic acid. The oxidation occurs in two steps with glyoxylic acid as an intermediate and glycolic acid oxidase as the enzyme. Glyoxylic acid may be derived from enzymatic cleavage of isocitric acid. Oxaloacetate also can be split to form oxalate and acetate. Another significant precursor of oxalate in plants is L-ascorbic acid. The intermediate steps in the conversion of L-ascorbic acid to oxalate are not well defined. Oxalic acid formation in animals occurs by similar pathways and Ca oxalate crystals may be produced under certain conditions. Various functions have been attributed to plant crystal idioblasts and crystals. There is evidence that oxalate synthesis is related to ionic balance. Plant crystals thus may be a manifestation of an effort to maintain an ionic equilibrium. In many plants oxalate is metabolized very slowly or not at all and is considered to be an end product of metabolism. Plant crystal idioblasts may function as a means of removing the oxalate which may otherwise accumulate in toxic quantities. Idioblast formation is dependent on the availability of both Ca and oxalate. Under Ca stress conditions, however, crystals may be reabsorbed indicating a storage function for the idioblasts for Ca. In addition, it has been suggested that the crystals serve purely as structural supports or as a protective device against foraging animals. The purpose of this review is to present an overview of plant crystal idioblasts and Ca oxalate crystals and to include the most recent literature.  相似文献   
Investigations of the energy-dependent accumulation of orthophosphate by the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans have established: 1. The transport through the cell membrane is the rate-limiting step in the incorporation of phosphate.-2. This transport is facilitated by a carrier that can be activated by Ca2+ and Mg2+ and inhibited by EDTA.-3. The activation of the carrier in the light is associated with changes of the cytoplasmic Mg2+ content.-4. Intracellular phosphate is shown to be present in bound form.-5. The energy-dependent accumulation of orthophosphate within the cell depends strictly on the cytoplasmic pH and not on the energy conversion at the thylakoid membrane which is responsible for the energy supply. The cytoplasmic pH is different in the light, in the dark, and in the presence of the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Orthophosphate accumulation can most readily be explained in terms of a pH dependent precipitation into a complex with bivalent cations rather than by an active transport against a concentration gradient.Abbreviation CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone  相似文献   
Summary Aflatoxin contamination of developing corn (Zea mays L.) kernels caused by natural infection byAspergillus flavus Link ex Fries was studied in hybrids developed for the U.S. corn belt and for the southern U.S. and grown at diverse locations in 1977. Planting dates were staggered to examine the effect of crop maturity on infection by the toxin-producing fungus. A broad range of toxin values was observed at harvest; some levels exceeded the highest that had been previously recorded in corn. The highest concentration of aflatoxin B1 detected was 8030 ppb. Levels of toxin differed significantly among planting dates in Florida and Georgia; the second planting date at these locations contained the highest toxin levels. Elevated concentrations of toxin were characteristic of kernel samples from southern locations and southeast Missouri; at these locations samples from hybrids developed for the south had significantly lower levels of toxin than hybrids developed for the corn belt. Ears with heavy insect damage had higher toxin levels than ears with less evidence of insect attack.Mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   
This study has investigated the characteristics of a leucine aminoacyl transfer RNA synthetase enzyme from Tritrichomonas augusta. Differential centrifugation and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography were used for partial enzyme purification. The column purification increased the synthetase activity 125-fold over the unfractionated cell extract. The conditions for maximum [3H] leucine charging were 37 degrees C for 20 min, with protein at 180 micrograms ml-1 using yeast leucine tRNA as an acceptor. The optimal reaction conditions were 14 mM-Mg acetate, 3 mM-ATP, 3 mM-spermidine and 5.5 mM-putrescine. Acceptor activity with T. augusta transfer RNA was 8-fold higher than with yeast transfer RNA and 25-fold higher than with Escherichia coli transfer RNA. The partially purified enzyme fraction had comparable changing activities for both leucine and valine.  相似文献   
High-quality RNA from cells isolated by laser capture microdissection   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Laser capture microdissection (LCM) provides a rapid and simple method for procuring homogeneous populations of cells. However, reproducible isolation of intact RNAfrom these cells can be problematic; the sample may deteriorate before or during sectioning, RNA may degrade during slide staining and LCM, and inadequate extraction and isolation methods may lead to poor recovery. Our report describes an optimized protocol for preparation of frozen sections for LCM using the HistoGene Frozen Section Staining Kit. This slide preparation method is combined with the PicoPure RNA Isolation Kitfor extraction and isolation of RNA from low numbers of microdissected cells. The procedure is easy to perform, rapid, and reproducible. Our results show that the RNA isolated from the LCM samples prepared according to our protocol is of high quality. The RNA maintains its integrity as shown by RT-PCR detection of genes of different abundance levels and by electrophoretic analysis of ribosomal RNA. RNA obtained by this method has also been used to synthesize probes for interrogating cDNA microarray analyses to study expression levels of thousands of genes from LCM samples.  相似文献   
A histochemical and ultrastructural study of yucca seed proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Embryos and nutritive tissues in ungerminated Yucca seeds of 4 species contain many spherical bodies which stain positively for proteins. Two distinct morphological types were observed at both the light and electron microscope levels. A meshwork-type consists of electron-dense and electron-transparent regions in which are embedded slightly birefringent inclusions. The second type, named the core-type, consists of a core surrounded by a matrix in which the inclusions are embedded. A single unit membrane surrounds each protein body. Both types are present in the embryo while only the core-type protein body appears in the surrounding nutritive tissue (perisperm). All regions in each of the two protein body types, except the inclusions, stain histochemically for proteins. Seeds were planted at 2-day intervals and allowed to germinate through 14 days. As germination commences (day 0) protein bodies in the embryo begin to break down. By day 4 the bodies are depleted in embryos of 3 of the 4 species. About day 4, protein bodies in perisperm surrounding the embryo begin to break down and this process continues outward to the seed coat until day 14 when all seed proteins have disappeared. During germination the protein bodies in the embryo and perisperm of 3 species coalesce and then undergo breakdown. In a fourth species, there is no appreciable increase in size of the bodies, but an erosion of the periphery and possibly internally as well takes place, followed by ultimate dissolution.  相似文献   
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