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Typically, studies on indoor fungal growth in buildings focus on structures with known or suspected water damage, moisture, and/or indoor fungal growth problems. Reference information on types of culturable fungi and total fungal levels are generally not available for buildings without these problems. This study assessed 50 detached single-family homes in metropolitan Atlanta, Ga., to establish a baseline of “normal and typical” types and concentrations of airborne and dustborne fungi in urban homes which were predetermined not to have noteworthy moisture problems or indoor fungal growth. Each home was visually examined, and samples of indoor and outdoor air and of indoor settled dust were taken in winter and summer. The results showed that rankings by prevalence and abundance of the types of airborne and dustborne fungi did not differ from winter to summer, nor did these rankings differ when air samples taken indoors were compared with those taken outdoors. Water indicator fungi were essentially absent from both air and dust samples. The air and dust data sets were also examined specifically for the proportions of colonies from ecological groupings such as leaf surface fungi and soil fungi. In the analysis of dust for culturable fungal colonies, leaf surface fungi constituted a considerable portion (>20%) of the total colonies in at least 85% of the samples. Thus, replicate dust samples with less than 20% of colonies from leaf surface fungi are unlikely to be from buildings free of moisture or mold growth problems.  相似文献   
A gene-driven ENU-based approach to generating an allelic series in any gene   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) introduces mutations throughout the mouse genome at relatively high efficiency. Successful high-throughput phenotype screens have been reported and alternative screens using sequence-based approaches have been proposed. For the purpose of generating an allelic series in selected genes by a sequence-based approach, we have constructed an archive of over 4000 DNA samples from individual F1 ENU-mutagenized mice paralleled by frozen sperm samples. Together with our previously reported archive, the total size now exceeds 6000 individuals. A gene-based screen of 27.4 Mbp of DNA, carried out using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC), found a mutation rate of 1 in 1.01 Mbp of which 1 in 1.82 Mbp were potentially functional. Screening of whole or selected regions of genes on subsets of the archive has allowed us to identify 15 new alleles from 9 genes out of 15 tested. This is a powerful adjunct to conventional mutagenesis strategies and has the advantage of generating a variety of alleles with potentially different phenotypic outcomes that facilitate the investigation of gene function. It is now available to academic collaborators as a community resource.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) with and without exercise on postprandial lipemia (PPL). Subjects were 25 young men and women. Each subject performed three trials: 1) control (fat meal only, 1.5 g fat/kg) 2) MCT (substitution of MCT oil, 30% of fat calories), and 3) MCT + Ex (exercise 12 h before the MCT meal). Before each trial, the subject underwent consistent dietary preparation. Blood was collected on 2 separate days for baseline measurements of postheparin lipases and, in each trial, at 0 h (premeal), at 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after the fat meal for triglycerides and cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP), and at 8 h for postheparin lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase activities (HL). ANOVA indicated that the partial substitution of MCT oil to the fat meal did not affect the PPL response. However, the PPL was significantly lower after the MCT + Ex trial vs. the other trials. LPL activity was significantly elevated after all trials compared with baseline, whereas HL was lower in the MCT + Ex trial only. CETP mass was significantly lower at 4 and 8 h than 0 h during all trials but relatively higher in the MCT + Ex trial vs. the nonexercise trials. These results suggest that MCT does not affect the TG response to a fat meal. LPL and CETP are affected by a fat meal with or without exercise, but HL is affected only when exercise is included.  相似文献   
 We have characterized the major nectar protein (Nectarin I) from ornamental tobacco as a superoxide dismutase that functions to generate high levels of hydrogen peroxide in nectar. Other nectar functions include an anti-polygalacturonase activity that may be due to a polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (PGIP). We also examined the expression of defense related genes in the nectary gland by two independent methods. We isolated a sample of nectary-expressed cDNAs and found that 21% of these cDNAs were defense related clones. Finally, we examined the expression of a number of specific defense-related genes by hybridization to specific cDNAs. These results demonstrated that a number of specific defense genes were more strongly expressed in the floral nectary than in the foliage. Taken together these results indicate that the floral nectary gland can have specific functions in plant defense. Received August 8, 2002; accepted January 7, 2003 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   
Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Developing Seeds of Soybean   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Young developing soybean seeds contain relatively large amountsof calcium oxalate (CaOx) monohydrate crystals. A test for Caand CaOx indicated that Ca deposits and crystals initially occurredin the funiculus, where a single vascular bundle enters theseed. Crystals formed in the integuments until the embryo enlargedenough to crush the inner portion of the inner integument. Crystalsthen appeared in the developing cotyledon tissues and embryoaxis. All crystals formed in cell vacuoles. Dense bodies andmembrane complexes were evident in the funiculus. In the innerintegument, cell vacuoles assumed the shape of the future crystals.This presumed predetermined crystal mould is reported here forthe first time for soybean seeds. As crystals in each tissuenear maturity, a wall forms around each crystal. This intracellularcrystal wall becomes contiguous with the cell wall. Integumentcrystals remain visible until the enlarging embryo crushes theinteguments; the crystals then disappear. A related study revealedthat the highest percent of oxalate by dry mass was reachedin the developing +16 d (post-fertilization) seeds, and thendecreased during late seed maturation. At +60 d, CaOx formationand disappearance are an integral part of developing soybeanseeds. Our results suggest that Ca deposits and crystals functionallyserve as Ca storage for the rapidly enlarging embryos. The oxalate,derived from one or more possible metabolic pathways, couldbe involved in seed storage protein synthesis. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Calcium, crystals, development, Glycine max, ovule, oxalate, seed, soybean  相似文献   
Cancer registries collect cancer incidence data that can be used to calculate incidence rates in a population and track changes over time. For incidence rates to be accurate, it is critical that diagnosed cases be reported in a timely manner. Registries typically allow a fixed amount of time (e.g. two years) for diagnosed cases to be reported before releasing the initial case counts for a particular diagnosis year. Inevitably, however, additional cases are reported after the initial counts are released; these extra cases are included in subsequent releases that become more complete over time, while incidence rates based on earlier releases will underestimate the true rates. Statistical methods have been developed to estimate the distribution of reporting delay (the amount of time until a diagnosed case is reported) and to correct incidence rates for underestimation due to reporting delay. Since the observed reporting delays must be less than the length of time the registry has been collecting data, most methods estimate a truncated delay distribution. These methods can be applied to a group of registries that began collecting data in the same diagnosis year. In this paper, we extend the methods to two groups of registries that began collecting data in two different diagnosis years (so that the delay distributions are truncated at different times). We apply the proposed method to data from the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program, a consortium of U.S. cancer registries that includes nine registries with data collection beginning in 1981 and four registries with data collection beginning in 1992. We use the method to obtain delay‐adjusted incidence rates for melanoma, liver cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma.  相似文献   
Pregnant guinea pigs injected with 2-DG between 10 to 2 days before birth, were exposed to loud free field pure tones (nine frequencies tested from 0.8 to 20 kHz). Specific bands of labeling were observed in the Inferior Colliculi of most of the fetuses whatever the frequency tested. The location of these isofrequency laminae shifted with stimulus frequency, their orientation were similar to those observed in the mothers. No such bands were found either in the control females or their fetuses. These results demonstrate that the auditory system of the fetus responds to frequencies up to 20 kHz, exhibits frequency selectivity and tonotopic organization in utero.  相似文献   
In co-translational translocation, the ribosome funnel and the channel of the protein translocation complex SecYEG are aligned. For the nascent chain to enter the channel immediately after synthesis, a yet unidentified signal triggers displacement of the SecYEG sealing plug from the pore. Here, we show that ribosome binding to the resting SecYEG channel triggers this conformational transition. The purified and reconstituted SecYEG channel opens to form a large ion-conducting channel, which has the conductivity of the plug deletion mutant. The number of ion-conducting channels inserted into the planar bilayer per fusion event roughly equals the number of SecYEG channels counted by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in a single proteoliposome. Thus, the open probability of the channel must be close to unity. To prevent the otherwise lethal proton leak, a closed post-translational conformation of the SecYEG complex bound to a ribosome must exist.  相似文献   
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