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Immunostimulatory DNA sequences (ISS, also known as CpG motifs) are pathogen-associated molecular patterns that are potent stimulators of innate immunity. We tested the ability of ISS to act as an immunostimulatory pathogen-associated molecular pattern in a model HIV vaccine using gp120 envelope protein as the Ag. Mice immunized with gp120 and ISS, or a gp120:ISS conjugate, developed gp120-specific immune responses which included: 1) Ab production; 2) a Th1-biased cytokine response; 3) the secretion of beta-chemokines, which are known to inhibit the use of the CCR5 coreceptor by HIV; 4) CTL activity; 5) mucosal immune responses; and 6) CD8 T cell responses that were independent of CD4 T cell help. Based on these results, ISS-based immunization holds promise for the development of an effective preventive and therapeutic HIV vaccine.  相似文献   
Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) development, survival, and feeding injury in MON810 transgenic ears of field corn (Zea mays L.) expressing Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki (Bt) Cry1Ab endotoxins were compared with non-Bt ears at four geographic locations over two growing seasons. Expression of Cry1Ab endotoxin resulted in overall reductions in the percentage of damaged ears by 33% and in the amount of kernels consumed by 60%. Bt-induced effects varied significantly among locations, partly because of the overall level and timing of H. zea infestations, condition of silk tissue at the time of egg hatch, and the possible effects of plant stress. Larvae feeding on Bt ears produced scattered, discontinuous patches of partially consumed kernels, which were arranged more linearly than the compact feeding patterns in non-Bt ears. The feeding patterns suggest that larvae in Bt ears are moving about sampling kernels more frequently than larvae in non-Bt ears. Because not all kernels express the same level of endotoxin, the spatial heterogeneity of toxin distribution within Bt ears may provide an opportunity for development of behavioral responses in H. zea to avoid toxin. MON810 corn suppressed the establishment and development of H. zea to late instars by at least 75%. This level of control is considered a moderate dose, which may increase the risk of resistance development in areas where MON810 corn is widely adopted and H. zea overwinters successfully. Sublethal effects of MON810 corn resulted in prolonged larval and prepupal development, smaller pupae, and reduced fecundity of H. zea. The moderate dose effects and the spatial heterogeneity of toxin distribution among kernels could increase the additive genetic variance for both physiological and behavioral resistance in H. zea populations. Implications of localized population suppression are discussed.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are one of the hallmarks of eukaryotic cells, exporting ATP in exchange for cytosolic ADP using ADP/ATP carriers (AAC) located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. In contrast, several evolutionarily important anaerobic eukaryotes lack mitochondria but contain hydrogenosomes, peculiar organelles of controversial ancestry that also supply ATP but, like some fermentative bacteria, make molecular hydrogen in the process. We have now identified genes from two species of the hydrogenosome-containing fungus Neocallimastix that have three-fold sequence repeats and signature motifs that, along with phylogenetic analysis, identify them as AACs. When expressed in a mitochondrial AAC- deficient yeast strain, the hydrogenosomal protein was correctly targeted to the yeast mitochondria inner membrane and yielded mitochondria able to perform ADP/ATP exchange. Characteristic inhibitors of mitochondrial AACs blocked adenine nucleotide exchange by the Neocallimastix protein. Thus, our data demonstrate that fungal hydrogenosomes and yeast mitochondria use the same pathway for ADP/ATP exchange. These experiments provide some of the strongest evidence yet that yeast mitochondria and Neocallimastix hydrogenosomes are but two manifestations of the same fundamental organelle.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Maximum likelihood-based methods to estimate site by site substitution rate variability in aligned homologous protein sequences rely on the formulation of a phylogenetic tree and generally assume that the patterns of relative variability follow a pre-determined distribution. We present a phylogenetic tree-independent method to estimate the relative variability of individual sites within large datasets of homologous protein sequences. It is based upon two simple assumptions. Firstly that substitutions observed between two closely related sequences are likely, in general, to occur at the most variable sites. Secondly that non-conservative amino acid substitutions tend to occur at more variable sites. Our methodology makes no assumptions regarding the underlying pattern of relative variability between sites. RESULTS: We have compared, using data simulated under a non-gamma distributed model, the performance of this approach to that of a maximum likelihood method that assumes gamma distributed rates. At low mean rates of evolution our method inferred site by site relative substitution rates more accurately than the maximum likelihood approach in the absence of prior assumptions about the relationships between sequences. Our method does not directly account for the effects of mutational saturation, However, we have incorporated an 'ad-hoc' modification that allows the accurate estimation of relative site variability in fast evolving and saturated datasets.  相似文献   
Feedback regulations are integral components of the cAMP signaling required for most cellular processes, including gene expression and cell differentiation. Here, we provide evidence that one of these feedback regulations involving the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase PDE4D plays a critical role in cAMP signaling during the differentiation of granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle. Gonadotropins induce PDE4D mRNA and increase the cAMP hydrolyzing activity in granulosa cells, demonstrating that a feedback regulation of cAMP is operating in granulosa cells in vivo. Inactivation of the PDE4D by homologous recombination is associated with an altered pattern of cAMP accumulation induced by the gonadotropin LH/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), impaired female fertility, and a markedly decreased ovulation rate. In spite of a disruption of the cAMP response, LH/hCG induced P450 side chain cleavage expression and steroidogenesis in a manner similar to wild-type controls. Morphological examination of the ovary of PDE4D-/- mice indicated luteinization of antral follicles with entrapped oocytes. Consistent with the morphological finding of unruptured follicles, LH/hCG induction of genes involved in ovulation, including cyclooxygenase-2, progesterone receptor, and the downstream genes, is markedly decreased in the PDE4D-/- ovaries. These data demonstrate that PDE4D regulation plays a critical role in gonadotropin mechanism of action and suggest that the intensity and duration of the cAMP signal defines the pattern of gene expression during the differentiation of granulosa cells.  相似文献   
Nature’s fastest motors are the cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs). These sensory cells use a membrane protein, Slc26a5 (prestin), to generate mechanical force at high frequencies, which is essential for explaining the exquisite hearing sensitivity of mammalian ears. Previous studies suggest that Slc26a5 continuously diffuses within the membrane, but how can a freely moving motor protein effectively convey forces critical for hearing? To provide direct evidence in OHCs for freely moving Slc26a5 molecules, we created a knockin mouse where Slc26a5 is fused with YFP. These mice and four other strains expressing fluorescently labeled membrane proteins were used to examine their lateral diffusion in the OHC lateral wall. All five proteins showed minimal diffusion, but did move after pharmacological disruption of membrane-associated structures with a cholesterol-depleting agent and salicylate. Thus, our results demonstrate that OHC lateral wall structure constrains the mobility of plasma membrane proteins and that the integrity of such membrane-associated structures are critical for Slc26a5’s active and structural roles. The structural constraint of membrane proteins may exemplify convergent evolution of cellular motors across species. Our findings also suggest a possible mechanism for disorders of cholesterol metabolism with hearing loss such as Niemann-Pick Type C diseases.  相似文献   
Clathrin-independent trafficking pathways for internalizing G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) remain undefined. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis of receptors including ligand-engaged GPCRs can be very rapid and comprehensive (<10 min). Caveolae-mediated endocytosis of ligands and antibodies has been reported to be much slower in cell culture (≫10 min). Little is known about the role of physiological ligands and specific GPCRs in regulating caveolae trafficking. Here, we find that one receptor for endothelin, ET-B but not ET-A, resides on endothelial cell surfaces in both tissue and cell culture primarily concentrated within caveolae. Reconstituted cell-free budding assays show that endothelins (ETs) induce the fission of caveolae from endothelial plasma membranes purified from rat lungs. Electron microcopy of lung tissue sections and tissue subcellular fractionation both show that endothelin administered intravascularly in rats also induces a significant loss of caveolae at the luminal surface of lung vascular endothelium. Endothelial cells in culture show that ET stimulates very rapid internalization of caveolae and cargo including caveolin, caveolae-targeting antibody, and itself. The ET-B inhibitor BQ788, but not the ET-A inhibitor BQ123, blocks the ET-induced budding of caveolae. Both the pharmacological inhibitor Dynasore and the genetic dominant negative K44A mutant of dynamin prevent this induced budding and internalization of caveolae. Also shRNA lentivirus knockdown of caveolin-1 expression prevents rapid internalization of ET and ET-B. It appears that endothelin can engage ET-B already highly concentrated in caveolae of endothelial cells to induce very rapid caveolae fission and endocytosis. This transport requires active dynamin function. Caveolae trafficking may occur more rapidly than previously documented when it is stimulated by a specific ligand to signaling receptors already located in caveolae before ligand engagement.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Biochemical testing for pheochromocytoma by measurement of fractionated plasma metanephrines is limited by false positive rates of up to 18% in people without known genetic predisposition to the disease. The plasma normetanephrine fraction is responsible for most false positives and plasma normetanephrine increases with age. The objective of this study was to determine if we could improve the specificity of fractionated plasma measurements, by statistically adjusting for age. METHODS: An age-adjusted metanephrine score was derived using logistic regression from 343 subjects (including 33 people with pheochromocytoma) who underwent fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements as part of investigations for suspected pheochromocytoma at Mayo Clinic Rochester (derivation set). The performance of the age-adjusted score was validated in a dataset of 158 subjects (including patients 23 with pheochromocytoma) that underwent measurements of fractionated plasma metanephrines at Mayo Clinic the following year (validation dataset). None of the participants in the validation dataset had known genetic predisposition to pheochromocytoma. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the age-adjusted metanephrine score was the same as that of traditional interpretation of fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements, yielding a sensitivity of 100% (23/23, 95% confidence interval [CI] 85.7%, 100%). However, the false positive rate with traditional interpretation of fractionated plasma metanephrine measurements was 16.3% (22/135, 95% CI, 11.0%, 23.4%) and that of the age-adjusted score was significantly lower at 3.0% (4/135, 95% CI, 1.2%, 7.4%) (p < 0.001 using McNemar's test). CONCLUSION: An adjustment for age in the interpretation of results of fractionated plasma metanephrines may significantly decrease false positives when using this test to exclude sporadic pheochromocytoma. Such improvements in false positive rate may result in savings of expenditures related to confirmatory imaging.  相似文献   
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