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Poor drug delivery and penetration of antibody-mediated therapies pose significant obstacles to effective treatment of solid tumors. This study explored the role of pharmacokinetics, valency, and molecular weight in maximizing drug delivery. Biodistribution of a fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) targeting CovX-body (an FGFR4-binding peptide covalently linked to a nontargeting IgG scaffold; 150 kDa) and enzymatically generated FGFR4 targeting F(ab)2 (100 kDa) and Fab (50 kDa) fragments was measured. Peak tumor levels were achieved in 1 to 2 hours for Fab and F(ab)2versus 8 hours for IgG, and the percentage injected dose in tumors was 0.45%, 0.5%, and 2.5%, respectively, compared to 0.3%, 2%, and 6% of their nontargeting controls. To explore the contribution of multivalent binding, homodimeric peptides were conjugated to the different sized scaffolds, creating FGFR4 targeting IgG and F(ab)2 with four peptides and Fab with two peptides. Increased valency resulted in an increase in cell surface binding of the bivalent constructs. There was an inverse relationship between valency and intratumoral drug concentration, consistent with targeted consumption. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated increased size and increased cell binding decreased tumor penetration. The binding site barrier hypothesis suggests that limited tumor penetration, as a result of high-affinity binding, could result in decreased efficacy. In our studies, increased target binding translated into superior efficacy of the IgG instead, because of superior inhibition of FGFR4 proliferation pathways and dosing through the binding site barrier. Increasing valency is therefore an effective way to increase the efficacy of antibody-based drugs.  相似文献   
Amyloid- (A) oligomers play a crucial role in Alzheimer’s disease due to their neurotoxic aggregation properties. Fibrillar A oligomerization can lead to protofilaments and protofilament pairs via oligomer elongation and oligomer association, respectively. Small fibrillar oligomers adopt the protofilament topology, whereas fibrils contain at least protofilament pairs. To date, the underlying growth mechanism from oligomers to the mature fibril still remains to be elucidated. Here, we performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent on single layer-like protofilaments and fibril-like protofilament pairs of different size ranging from the tetramer to the 48-mer. We found that the initial U-shaped topology per monomer is maintained over time in all oligomers. The observed deviations of protofilaments from the starting structure increase significantly with size due to the twisting of the in-register parallel -sheets. This twist causes long protofilaments to be unstable and leads to a breakage. Protofilament pairs, which are stabilized by a hydrophobic interface, exhibit more fibril-like properties such as the overall structure and the twist angle. Thus, they can act as stable conformational templates for further fibril growth. Key properties like the twist angle, shape complementarity, and energetics show a size-dependent behavior so that small oligomers favor the protofilament topology, whereas large oligomers favor the protofilament pair topology. The region for this conformational transition is at the size of approximately twelve A monomers. From that, we propose the following growth mechanism from A oligomers to fibrils: (1) elongation of short protofilaments; (2) breakage of large protofilaments; (3) formation of short protofilament pairs; and (4) elongation of protofilament pairs.  相似文献   
Aflatoxins are produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus in oil-rich seed and grain crops and are a serious problem in agriculture, with aflatoxin B1 being the most carcinogenic natural compound known. Sexual reproduction in these species occurs between individuals belonging to different vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). We examined natural genetic variation in 758 isolates of A. flavus, A. parasiticus and A. minisclerotigenes sampled from single peanut fields in the United States (Georgia), Africa (Benin), Argentina (Córdoba), Australia (Queensland) and India (Karnataka). Analysis of DNA sequence variation across multiple intergenic regions in the aflatoxin gene clusters of A. flavus, A. parasiticus and A. minisclerotigenes revealed significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) organized into distinct blocks that are conserved across different localities, suggesting that genetic recombination is nonrandom and a global occurrence. To assess the contributions of asexual and sexual reproduction to fixation and maintenance of toxin chemotype diversity in populations from each locality/species, we tested the null hypothesis of an equal number of MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 mating-type individuals, which is indicative of a sexually recombining population. All samples were clone-corrected using multi-locus sequence typing which associates closely with VCG. For both A. flavus and A. parasiticus, when the proportions of MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 were significantly different, there was more extensive LD in the aflatoxin cluster and populations were fixed for specific toxin chemotype classes, either the non-aflatoxigenic class in A. flavus or the B1-dominant and G1-dominant classes in A. parasiticus. A mating type ratio close to 1∶1 in A. flavus, A. parasiticus and A. minisclerotigenes was associated with higher recombination rates in the aflatoxin cluster and less pronounced chemotype differences in populations. This work shows that the reproductive nature of the population (more sexual versus more asexual) is predictive of aflatoxin chemotype diversity in these agriculturally important fungi.  相似文献   
Single-stage nitritation–anammox combines the growth of aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) in one reactor. The necessary compromise of their milieu conditions often leads to the growth of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). For this study, a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for nitritation–anammox was operated for 180 days with sewage sludge reject water (removal capacity, 0.4 kg?N?m?3?day?1). The growth of NOB was favored by enhanced oxygen supply rather than extended aerobic phases. Suspended-type biomass from this SBR was taken regularly and sieved into three size fractions (all of them <1,000 μm). Batch experiments as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization were performed to study the distribution and activity of AnAOB, AOB, and NOB within those size fractions. Both the measured conversion rates and detected abundances decreased with increasing size fraction. The highest anammox conversion rates (15 g NH4 +–N per kilogram VSS per hour) and the highest abundances of Brocadia fulgida were found in the medium size fraction (100–315 μm). The batch experiments proved to be accurate tools for the monitoring of multiple processes in the reactor. The results were representative for reactor performance during the 6 months of reactor operation.  相似文献   
The causes underlying the increased mortality of honeybee Apis mellifera colonies observed over the past decade remain unclear. Since so far the evidence for monocausal explanations is equivocal, involvement of multiple stressors is generally assumed. We here focus on various aspects of forage availability, which have received less attention than other stressors because it is virtually impossible to explore them empirically. We applied the colony model BEEHAVE, which links within‐hive dynamics and foraging, to stylized landscape settings to explore how foraging distance, forage supply, and “forage gaps”, i.e. periods in which honeybees cannot find any nectar and pollen, affect colony resilience and the mechanisms behind. We found that colony extinction was mainly driven by foraging distance, but the timing of forage gaps had strongest effects on time to extinction. Sensitivity to forage gaps of 15 days was highest in June or July even if otherwise forage availability was sufficient to survive. Forage availability affected colonies via cascading effects on queen's egg‐laying rate, reduction of new‐emerging brood stages developing into adult workers, pollen debt, lack of workforce for nursing, and reduced foraging activity. Forage gaps in July led to reduction in egg‐laying and increased mortality of brood stages at a time when the queen's seasonal egg‐laying rate is at its maximum, leading to colony failure over time. Our results demonstrate that badly timed forage gaps interacting with poor overall forage supply reduce honeybee colony resilience. Existing regulation mechanisms which in principle enable colonies to cope with varying forage supply in a given landscape and year, such as a reduction in egg‐laying, have only a certain capacity. Our results are hypothetical, as they are obtained from simplified landscape settings, but they are consistent with existing empirical knowledge. They offer ample opportunities for testing the predicted effects of forage stress in controlled experiments.  相似文献   
The recently introduced multipole approach for computing the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) within the semiempirical neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NDDO) framework [Horn AHC, Lin Jr-H., Clark T (2005) Theor Chem Acc 114:159–168] has been used to obtain atomic charges of nearly ab initio quality by scaling the semiempirical MEP. The parameterization set comprised a total of 797 compounds and included not only the newly parameterized AM1* elements Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ti, Zr, and Mo but also the standard AM1 elements H, C, N, O and F. For comparison, the ZDO-approximated MEP was also calculated analytically in the spd-basis. For the AM1*-optimized structures, single-point calculations at the B3LYP, HF and MP2 levels with the 6-31G(d) and LanL2DZP basis sets were performed to obtain the MEP. The regression analysis of all 12 combinations of semiempirical and ab initio MEP data yielded correlation coefficients of at least 0.99 in all cases. Scaling the analytical and multipole-derived semiempirical MEP by the regression coefficients yielded mean unsigned errors below 2.6 and 1.9 kcal mol−1, respectively. Subsequently, for 22 drug molecules from the World Drug Index, atomic charges were computed according to the RESP procedure using XX/6-31G(d) (XX=B3LYP, HF, MP2) and scaled AM1* multipole MEP; the correlation coefficients obtained are 0.83, 0.85 and 0.83, respectively. Figure: Schematic representation of the atomic charge generation: The molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) is calculated using the AM1* Hamiltonian; then the semiempirical MEP is scaled to DFT or ab initio level, and atomic charges are generated subsequently by the restraint electrostatic potential (RESP) fit method. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible to authorized users. Proceedings of “Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules II”, Prague, September 5th–9th, 2005.  相似文献   
Energy parasitism by ATP/ADP transport proteins is an essential, common feature of intracellular bacteria such as chlamydiae and rickettsiae, which are major pathogens of humans. Although several ATP/ADP transport proteins have so far been characterized, some fundamental questions regarding their function remained unaddressed. In this study, we focused on the detailed biochemical analysis of a representative ATP/ADP transporter (PamNTT1), from the amoeba symbiont Protochlamydia amoebophila (UWE25) to further clarify the principle of energy exploitation. We succeeded in the purification of the first bacterial nucleotide transporter (NTT) and its functional reconstitution into artificial lipid vesicles. Reconstituted PamNTT1 revealed high import velocities for ATP and an unexpected and previously unobserved stimulating effect of the luminal ADP on nucleotide import affinities. Latter preference of the nucleotide hetero-exchange is independent of the membrane potential, and therefore, PamNTT1 not only structurally but also functionally differs from the well-characterized mitochondrial ADP/ATP carriers. Reconstituted PamNTT1 exhibits a bidirectional orientation in lipid vesicles, but interestingly, only carriers inserted with the N-terminus directed to the proteoliposomal interior are functional. The data presented here comprehensively explain the functional basis of how the intracellular P. amoebophila manages to exploit the energy pool of its host cell effectively by using the nucleotide transporter PamNTT1. This membrane protein mediates a preferred import of ATP, which is additionally stimulated by a high internal (bacterial) ADP/ATP ratio, and the orientation-dependent functionality of the transporter ensures that it is not working in a mode that is detrimental to P. amoebophila. Heterologous expression and purification of high amounts of PamNTT1 provides the basis for its crystallization and detailed structure/function analyses. Furthermore, functional reconstitution of this essential chlamydial protein paves the way for high-throughput uptake studies in order to screen for specific inhibitors potentially suitable as anti-chlamydial drugs.  相似文献   
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