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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) affects the cardiovascular response of patients. To study this effect, interbeat intervals (IBI) and beat-to-beat systolic blood pressure (SBP) variability of patients during supine, standing and controlled breathing tests were analyzed in the time domain. Simultaneous noninvasive measurements of IBI and SBP for 30 recently diagnosed and 15 long-standing DM patients were compared with the results for 30 rigorously screened healthy subjects (control). A statistically significant distinction between control and diabetic subjects was provided by the standard deviation and the higher moments of the distributions (skewness, and kurtosis) with respect to the median. To compare IBI and SBP for different populations, we define a parameter, α, that combines the variability of the heart rate and the blood pressure, as the ratio of the radius of the moments for IBI and the same radius for SBP. As diabetes evolves, α decreases, standard deviation of the IBI detrended signal diminishes (heart rate signal becomes more “rigid”), skewness with respect to the median approaches zero (signal fluctuations gain symmetry), and kurtosis increases (fluctuations concentrate around the median). Diabetes produces not only a rigid heart rate, but also increases symmetry and has leptokurtic distributions. SBP time series exhibit the most variable behavior for recently diagnosed DM with platykurtic distributions. Under controlled breathing, SBP has symmetric distributions for DM patients, while control subjects have non-zero skewness. This may be due to a progressive decrease of parasympathetic and sympathetic activity to the heart and blood vessels as diabetes evolves.  相似文献   
The propensity of migratory waders to remain on the non-breeding grounds during the arctic breeding season ("oversummer") in their first biological year of life ("juveniles") may be latitude, and thus migratory distance dependent. We compared the extent of preparation for northward migration of western sandpipers Calidris mauri spending the non-breeding season in México and Panamá during 1995–1998. During winter residency and premigratory periods, we measured body mass and scored the extent of dull basic versus bright alternate breeding plumage of captured juveniles and adults (second biological year or older), and obtained additional plumage scores from observations of uniquely colour banded birds. Nearly all western sandpipers in México prepared for northward migration by increasing body mass and moulting into breeding plumage. In Panamá, most adults prepared for migration, but few, if any, juveniles did so. Patterns of body mass and breeding plumage development do not generally support the hypothesis that oversummering by juveniles results directly from less efficient foraging or from resource competition with adults. We suggest instead that costs directly associated with migratory distance per se influence the life history strategies of sandpipers spending the non-breeding seasons at different latitudes. This latitudinal difference should interact with the well documented sex-ratio cline in non-breeding distribution (male western sandpipers predominating in northern parts of the range and females in southern parts). This suggests that females have more conservative life histories, prioritizing first year survivorship, relative to males that instead weight first-year breeding opportunities.  相似文献   
The effects of media composition on growth parameters, total protein production (including delta-endotoxin) and its relation to the biological properties ofBacillus thuringiensis var.israelensis was investigated. The replacement of glucose by glycerol as the carbon source yielded higher concentrations of delta-endotoxin. This increase in toxicity was associated with increased amounts of the 130 kDa polypeptide fraction. The biocide activity was not related to haemolytic activity. specific growth rate nor spore count.
Résumé On a étudié les effets de la composition du milieu sur les paramètres de croissance, sur la production de protéines totales, ce qui inclut la delta-endotoxine, ainsi que sur sa relation avec les propriétés biologiques deBacillus thuringiensis var.israelensis. Le remplacement du glucose par le glycerol comme source de carbone resulte en des concentrations plus élevées de delta-endotoxine. Cet accroissement en toxicité est associé avec une quantité croissante de la fraction polypeptidique de 130 kDa. L'activité biocide n'est liée ni à l'activité hémolytique, ni à la vitesse specifique de croissance ni à l'énumération des spores.
Accessory genes are variably present among members of a species and are a reservoir of adaptive functions. In bacteria, differences in gene distributions among individuals largely result from mobile elements that acquire and disperse accessory genes as cargo. In contrast, the impact of cargo-carrying elements on eukaryotic evolution remains largely unknown. Here, we show that variation in genome content within multiple fungal species is facilitated by Starships, a newly discovered group of massive mobile elements that are 110 kb long on average, share conserved components, and carry diverse arrays of accessory genes. We identified hundreds of Starship-like regions across every major class of filamentous Ascomycetes, including 28 distinct Starships that range from 27 to 393 kb and last shared a common ancestor ca. 400 Ma. Using new long-read assemblies of the plant pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina, we characterize four additional Starships whose activities contribute to standing variation in genome structure and content. One of these elements, Voyager, inserts into 5S rDNA and contains a candidate virulence factor whose increasing copy number has contrasting associations with pathogenic and saprophytic growth, suggesting Voyager’s activity underlies an ecological trade-off. We propose that Starships are eukaryotic analogs of bacterial integrative and conjugative elements based on parallels between their conserved components and may therefore represent the first dedicated agents of active gene transfer in eukaryotes. Our results suggest that Starships have shaped the content and structure of fungal genomes for millions of years and reveal a new concerted route for evolution throughout an entire eukaryotic phylum.  相似文献   
Mouse primordial germ cells use fibronectin as a substrate for migration   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The behavior in vitro of mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) on different substrates was studied by means of microcinematography. It was observed that for displacement, the PGCs required fibronectin in the substrate and that this glycoprotein was present in vivo in those routes along which the cells moved. It was concluded that fibronectin plays an important role in the migration of the PGCs to the genital crests.  相似文献   
Circadian clocks in many brain regions and peripheral tissues are entrained by the daily rhythm of food intake. Clocks in one or more of these locations generate a daily rhythm of locomotor activity that anticipates a regular mealtime. Rats and mice can also anticipate two daily meals. Whether this involves 1 or 2 circadian clocks is unknown. To gain insight into how the circadian system adjusts to 2 daily mealtimes, male rats in a 12∶12 light-dark cycle were fed a 2 h meal either 4 h after lights-on or 4 h after lights-off, or a 1 h meal at both times. After 30 days, brain, blood, adrenal and stomach tissue were collected at 6 time points. Multiple clock genes from adrenals and stomachs were assayed by RT-PCR. Blood was assayed for corticosterone and ghrelin. Bmal1 expression was quantified in 14 brain regions by in situ hybridization. Clock gene rhythms in adrenal and stomach from day-fed rats oscillated in antiphase with the rhythms in night-fed rats, and at an intermediate phase in rats fed twice daily. Corticosterone and ghrelin in 1-meal rats peaked at or prior to the expected mealtime. In 2-meal rats, corticosterone peaked only prior the nighttime meal, while ghrelin peaked prior to the daytime meal and then remained elevated. The olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, dorsal striatum, cerebellum and arcuate nucleus exhibited significant daily rhythms of Bmal1 in the night-fed groups that were approximately in antiphase in the day-fed groups, and at intermediate levels (arrhythmic) in rats anticipating 2 daily meals. The dissociations between anticipatory activity and the peripheral clocks and hormones in rats anticipating 2 daily meals argue against a role for these signals in the timing of behavioral rhythms. The absence of rhythmicity at the tissue level in brain regions from rats anticipating 2 daily meals support behavioral evidence that circadian clock cells in these tissues may reorganize into two populations coupled to different meals.  相似文献   
A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny of cichlid fish is presented for the most taxonomically inclusive data set compiled to date (64 taxa). 16S rDNA data establish with confidence relationships among major lineages of cichlids, with a general pattern congruent with previous morphological studies and less inclusive molecular phylogenies based on nuclear genes. Cichlids from Madagascar and India are the most basal groups of the family Cichlidae and sister to African–Neotropical cichlids. The cichlid phylogeny suggests drift-vicariance events, consistent with the fragmentation of Gondwana, to explain current biogeographic distributions. Important phylogenetic findings include the placement of the controversial genus Heterochromis basal among African cichlids, the South American genus Retroculus as the most basal taxon of the Neotropical cichlid assemblage, and the close relationship of the Neotropical genera Cichla with Astronotus rather than with the crenicichlines. Based on a large number of South American genera, the Neotropical cichlids are defined as a monophyletic assemblage and shown to harbor significantly higher levels of genetic variation than their African counterparts. Relative rate tests suggest that Neotropical cichlids have experienced accelerated rates of molecular evolution. But these high evolutionary rates were significantly higher among geophagine cichlids. Received: 18 September 1998 / Accepted: 16 December 1998  相似文献   
Interactions between uric acid and physiologically relevant fluxes of nitric oxide ((?)NO) during copper-mediated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation were evaluated. In the absence of (?)NO, a dual pro- and antioxidant action of uric acid was evident: low concentrations of uric acid enhanced lipid oxidation and alpha-tocopherol consumption, while its protective role was observed at higher concentrations. The prooxidant effects of uric acid were mostly related to its copper-reducing ability to form Cu(+), an initiator of lipid oxidation processes. While the prooxidant action of uric acid was completely inhibited by (?)NO, the antioxidant action of (?)NO was slightly counterbalanced by uric acid. Enhancement of alpha-tocopherol consumption by uric acid was inhibited in the presence of (?)NO while additive antioxidant effects between (?)NO and uric acid were observed in conditions where uric acid spared alpha-tocopherol. Altogether, these results suggest that in the artery wall, the (?)NO/uric acid pair may exert antioxidant actions on LDL, even if increased amounts of redox active copper were available at conditions favoring prooxidant activities of uric acid.  相似文献   
The role of small mammals as reservoir hosts for Borrelia burgdorferi was investigated in several areas where Lyme disease is endemic in northern Spain. A low rate of infestation by Ixodes ricinus nymphs was found in the small mammal populations studied that correlated with the near-absence of B. burgdorferi sensu lato in 184 animals tested and with the lack of transmission of B. burgdorferi sensu lato to I. ricinus larvae that fed on them. In contrast, questing ticks collected at the same time and in the same areas were found to carry a highly variable B. burgdorferi sensu lato repertoire (B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia valaisiana, and Borrelia afzelii). Interestingly, the only isolate obtained from small mammals (R57, isolated from a bank vole) grouped by phylogenetic analyses with other Borrelia species but in a separate clade from the Lyme disease and relapsing fever organisms, suggesting that it is a new species. This new agent was widely distributed among small mammals, with infection rates of 8.5 to 12% by PCR. Moreover, a high seroprevalence to B. burgdorferi sensu lato was found in the animal sera, suggesting cross-reactivity between B. burgdorferi sensu lato and R57. Although small mammals do not seem to play an important role as reservoirs for B. burgdorferi sensu lato in the study area, they seem to be implicated in the maintenance of spirochetes similar to R57.  相似文献   
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