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Summary Voltage-dependent calcium currents were studied in cultured adult mouse pancreatic B-cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. When calcium currents were elicited with 10-sec depolarizing command pulses, the time course of inactivation was well fit by the sum of two exponentials. The more rapidlyinactivating component had a time constant of 75±5 msec at 0 mV and displayed both calcium influx- and voltage-dependent inactivation, while the more slowly-inanctivating component had a time constant of 2750±280 msec at 0 mV and inactivated primarily via voltage. The fast component was subject to greater steady-state inactivation at holding potentials between –100 and –40 mV and activated at a lower voltage threshold. This component was also significantly reduced by nimodipine (0.5 m) when a holding potential of –100 mV was used, whereas the slow component was unaffected. In contrast, the slow component was greatly increased by replacing external calcium with barium, while the fast component was unchanged. Cadmium (1–10 m) displayed a voltage-dependent block of calcium currents consistent with a greater effect on the high-threshold, more-slowly inactivating component. Taken together, the data suggest that cultured mouse B-cells, as with other insulin-secreting cells we have studied, possess at least two distinct calcium currents. The physiological significance of two calcium currents having distinct kinetic and steady-state inactivation characteristics for B-cell burst firing and insulin secretion is discussed.  相似文献   
L Teitelbaum  M L Ginsburg  R W Hopkins 《CMAJ》1991,144(2):169-173
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence and degree of cognitive and behavioural impairment in elderly patients in institutions providing different levels of care. DESIGN: Prevalence study. SETTING: A nursing home, a home for the aged and psychogeriatric wards in a provincial psychiatric hospital. PATIENTS: Only subjects 65 years of age or older were eligible for inclusion. A random sample was selected comprising 25% of the residents in the nursing home and the home for the aged; of the 119 asked to participate 95 agreed (44 in the nursing home and 51 in the home for the aged). All 50 on the psychogeriatric wards agreed to participate. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Kingston Dementia Rating Scale (KDRS). RESULTS: An MMSE score of less than 24 (cognitive impairment) was given to 37 (84%) of the residents in the nursing home, 43 (84%) of those in the home for the aged and 48 (96%) of the patients in the psychiatric hospital; the corresponding numbers for a KDRS score of more than 0 (cognitive impairment) were 41 (93%), 48 (94%) and 50 (100%). The seven patients receiving the highest level of care at the home for the aged (special care) had more behavioural problems than those in the psychiatric hospital did (p less than 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive and behavioural impairment was widespread in the three institutions regardless of the level of care. When planning services and allocating resources government funding agencies should consider the degree and prevalence of such impairment among elderly people in institutions.  相似文献   
The SHV-type beta-lactamase SHV-2A is related to SHV-1 by a Gly-238-Ser replacement. Strains carrying SHV-2A are resistant to the third generation cephems cefotaxime and ceftizoxime, whereas those that carry SHV-1 are sensitive to these drugs. We present a kinetic analysis of a SHV-1 and SHV-2A enzymes, with the goal of gaining insight into the role of residue 238 in hydrolyzing cefotaxime and ceftizoxime. SHV-2A shows altered kinetic properties for a number of other cephems that also have heterocyclic side chains at the amino position of the 7-aminocephalosporanic acid nucleus (R1 side chain), including a significantly higher kcat/Km than does SHV-1 for cephaloridine, cephalothin, and cefotiam. Two cephems with straight chain R1 substitutions, cephalosporin C and cephacetrile, are not hydrolyzed more efficiently by SHV-2A. These results indicate that the Ser-238-Gly substitution increases the affinity toward cephems with a heterocyclic ring in the R1 side chain. In addition, the data for ampicillin and benzylpenicillin show that addition of a nitrogen to the second carbon of the R1 side chain of a penem results in a lower kcat/Km for SHV-2A relative to SHV-1. These data strongly suggest that the previously proposed hydrogen bond formation between Ser-238 and the second carbon nitrogen of cefotaxime is not an important factor in hydrolysis by SHV-2A. We propose that the Gly-238 to Ser-238 replacement in SHV-2A has altered the hydrophobic pocket so that it can better accommodate cephems with bulky R1 side chains.  相似文献   
The attraction of the polyphagous grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.), to odors from plant foliage or to chemical components of these odors was tested in a glass Y-tube olfactometer. Humidified air was passed at equal flow rates through a sample chamber containing plant material and an empty control chamber and then through the Y-tube to the holding chamber containing the test insect. Solutions of volatile chemicals in water were metered at a constant rate into the sample air stream with a syringe pump. Insects moving upwind were recorded after entering either the sample or control arm of the Y-tube. Both nymphs and adults were strongly attracted to the odor of chopped and intact seedling foliage of perennial ryegrass and wheat. Chopped leaves but not intact leaves of sorghum and alfalfa also were significantly attractive. The major components of ryegrass odor from both chopped and stem-cut leaves were Z-hex-3-en-1-yl acetate, Z-hex-3-en-1-ol, and pent-1-en-3-ol, in that order, with lesser amounts of E-hex-2-enal. Chopped leaves released many more minor components. The major components when tested individually or in binary and ternary mixtures were significantly attractive to grasshoppers compared to humidified air but not to the degree of whole plant odor. However, a quartenary mixture simulating the odor blend had levels of attractancy equal to that of chopped grass odor. Blends of these 5- and 6-carbon unsaturated alcohols, esters, and aldehydes volatilizing from green plants probably play an important role as olfactory cues for orientation of grasshoppers to food plants.
Résumé L'attraction de M. sanguinipes (F.) par l'odeur du feuillage et des composés chimiques de ces odeurs a été examinée dans un olfactomètre en tube de verre en Y. Des flux identiques d'air humidifié étaient introduits dans une enceinte contenant le matériel végétal et dans une enceinte témoin, et, via le tube en Y, dans l'enceinte contenant l'insecte à étudier. Des solutions aqueuses de substances volatiles étaient introduites à un taux constant dans le courant d'air grâce à une seringue. Les insectes se déplaçant contre le vent étaient enregistrés après pénétration dans une branche déterminée du tube en Y. Larves et adultes étaient fortement attirés par l'odeur de feuillage intact ou coupé de semis de Lolium perenne et de blé (Triticum aestivum). Les feuilles coupées, mais non les feuilles intactes de sorgho (Sorghum bicolor) et de luzerne (Medicago sativa) étaient, elles aussi, significativement attractives. Les principales substances constituant de l'odeur de feuilles de Lolium perenne, tant coupées qu'intactes, étaient dans l'ordre de Z-hex-3-en-1-yl acétate, le Z-hex-3-en-1-ol et le pent-1-en-3-ol, et dans une moindre mesure, E-hex-2-enal. Les feuilles coupées libéraient beaucoup plus de composés secondaires. Les principaux constituants testés, seuls ou en mélanges binaires ou ternaires, étaient significativement attractifs, mais moins que l'odeur totale de la plante. Toutefois, un mélange quaternaire, simulant le mélange odorant, avait le même pouvoir attractif que l'odeur de la plante entière. L'union de ces alcools, esters et aldéhydes à 5- et 6-carbones non saturés, volatilisés à partir des plantes vertes, jouent probablement un grand rôle comme signaux orientateurs lors de l'attraction des criquets par leur plantes alimentaires.
Epidemiological data have implicated dietary fat as an important factor in the aetiology of various cancers in humans. This suggestion is supported by the results of experiments with animals which have shown that increased amounts of dietary fat, in particular polyunsaturated fat, increase the incidence of some spontaneous and induced tumours. The enhancement of carcinogenesis by dietary fats appears to be exerted at the promotional stage of carcinogenesis. Changes induced by dietary fats in several biological systems involved in carcinogenesis may well indicate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the results of these experiments. These include the effects of dietary fats on the metabolism of chemical carcinogens, the structure and function of membranes, immunocompetence, DNA repair potential and endocrine function.  相似文献   
Almost 100% of 7- to 10-day-old Hymenolepis diminuta became established when surgically transplanted from donor mice into the duodenum of naive recipient mice. Transplanted tapeworms survived 8-12 days, by which time they had survived much longer in total than they would have done in the donor. Mice previously immunized by a primary infection rejected transplants within 4 days. Sub-lethal irradiation (550 rad) delayed rejection by immune mice but such mice still rejected worms much more quickly than did naive mice. Surgery was shown to delay by 2-3 days the rejection of worms by naive mice, and the importance of circumventing surgery by administering the worms per os is emphasized. Prospects for reconstituting irradiated immune mice are considered vis-à-vis work with nematodes, and the differences which, on present knowledge, appear to exist between nematode and cestode rejection are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
BackgroundSulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is recommended in Africa in several antimalarial preventive regimens including Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnant women (IPTp), Intermittent Preventive Treatment in infants (IPTi) and Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC). The effectiveness of SP-based preventive treatments are threatened in areas where Plasmodium falciparum resistance to SP is high. The prevalence of mutations in the dihydropteroate synthase gene (pfdhps) can be used to monitor SP effectiveness. IPTi-SP is recommended only in areas where the prevalence of the pfdhps540E mutation is below 50%. It has also been suggested that IPTp-SP does not have a protective effect in areas where the pfdhps581G mutation, exceeds 10%. However, pfdhps mutation prevalence data in Africa are extremely heterogenous and scattered, with data completely missing from many areas.Methods and findingsThe WWARN SP Molecular Surveyor database was designed to summarize dihydrofolate reductase (pfdhfr) and pfdhps gene mutation prevalence data. In this paper, pfdhps mutation prevalence data was used to generate continuous spatiotemporal surface maps of the estimated prevalence of the SP resistance markers pfdhps437G, pfdhps540E, and pfdhps581G in Africa from 1990 to 2020 using a geostatistical model, with a Bayesian inference framework to estimate uncertainty. The maps of estimated prevalence show an expansion of the pfdhps437G mutations across the entire continent over the last three decades. The pfdhps540E mutation emerged from limited foci in East Africa to currently exceeding 50% estimated prevalence in most of East and South East Africa. pfdhps540E distribution is expanding at low or moderate prevalence in central Africa and a predicted focus in West Africa. Although the pfdhps581G mutation spread from one focus in East Africa in 2000, to exceeding 10% estimated prevalence in several foci in 2010, the predicted distribution of the marker did not expand in 2020, however our analysis indicated high uncertainty in areas where pfdhps581G is present. Uncertainty was higher in spatial regions where the prevalence of a marker is intermediate or where prevalence is changing over time.ConclusionsThe WWARN SP Molecular Surveyor database and a set of continuous spatiotemporal surface maps were built to provide users with standardized, current information on resistance marker distribution and prevalence estimates. According to the maps, the high prevalence of pfdhps540E mutation was to date restricted to East and South East Africa, which is reassuring for continued use of IPTi and SMC in West Africa, but continuous monitoring is needed as the pfdhps540E distribution is expanding. Several foci where pfdhps581G prevalence exceeded 10% were identified. More data on the pfdhps581G distribution in these areas needs to be collected to guide IPTp-SP recommendations. Prevalence and uncertainty maps can be utilized together to strategically identify sites where increased surveillance can be most informative. This study combines a molecular marker database and predictive modelling to highlight areas of concern, which can be used to support decisions in public health, highlight knowledge gaps in certain regions, and guide future research.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a model of four-stranded DNA synapsis during recombination between homologous segments of two DNA duplexes. The proposed intermediate is one of only two known models having relative chain orientations about the synaptic junction that are consistent with recent topological results on the integrative recombination of bacteriophage lambda. This model has the advantage of providing a mechanism for recognition of sequence homology between duplexes through specific hydrogen-bond formation; other models are discussed in comparison. The new model is based on an alternative family of DNA structures having chain directions opposite to those of the Watson-Crick family of structures. Idealized coordinates for generating both right- and left-handed forms of these alternative structures are presented for further study.  相似文献   
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