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Intrasexual competition is an important selective force that can favor the evolution of honest signals of fighting ability. Research has focused predominantly on male birds, but many female birds also possess plumage ornaments that could mediate the outcome of competitive interactions. We examined the relationship between blue and white structural coloration and aggression in female tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. Tree swallows are secondary cavity nesters and females show delayed plumage maturation which may be related to intense competition for nest sites. We compared plumage reflectance of second‐year (SY) and after‐second year (ASY) females, and within‐individual changes in plumage reflectance of ASY females in two successive years. We assessed aggression by placing a caged SY female 2 m from the nest box of an ASY female and quantified the ASY female's response in relation to her own plumage coloration. We found substantial differences in plumage reflectance of SY and ASY females, but found that ASY females became greener with duller white coloration in the second year. This may be due to poor weather that made reproduction particularly costly in the first year of the study and suggests coloration is influenced by condition. We found no relationship between dorsal coloration and aggressiveness. Rather, brighter white females spent more time on their nest box and within 2 m of the intruder than females with dull breasts. Our findings suggest that brighter white ASY females may perceive a SY female as less of a threat or that there may be a trade‐off associated with aggression and parental care that is related to white brightness.  相似文献   
Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) are the main targets for beta-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillins and cephalosporins, in a wide range of bacterial species. In some Gram-positive strains, the surge of resistance to treatment with beta-lactams is primarily the result of the proliferation of mosaic PBP-encoding genes, which encode novel proteins by recombination. PBP2x is a primary resistance determinant in Streptococcus pneumoniae, and its modification is an essential step in the development of high level beta-lactam resistance. To understand such a resistance mechanism at an atomic level, we have solved the x-ray crystal structure of PBP2x from a highly penicillin-resistant clinical isolate of S. pneumoniae, Sp328, which harbors 83 mutations in the soluble region. In the proximity of the Sp328 PBP2x* active site, the Thr(338) --> Ala mutation weakens the local hydrogen bonding network, thus abrogating the stabilization of a crucial buried water molecule. In addition, the Ser(389) --> Leu and Asn(514) --> His mutations produce a destabilizing effect that generates an "open" active site. It has been suggested that peptidoglycan substrates for beta-lactam-resistant PBPs contain a large amount of abnormal, branched peptides, whereas sensitive strains tend to catalyze cross-linking of linear forms. Thus, in vivo, an "open" active site could facilitate the recognition of distinct, branched physiological substrates.  相似文献   
Behavioral and endocrine suppression of reproduction in subordinate females produces the high reproductive skew that characterizes callitrichid primate mating systems. Snowdon et al. [American Journal of Primatology 31:11-21, 1993] reported that the eldest daughters in tamarin families exhibit further endocrinological suppression immediately following the birth of siblings, and suggested that dominant females exert greater control over subordinate endocrinology during this energetically challenging phase of reproduction. We monitored the endocrine status of five Wied's black tufted-ear marmoset daughters before and after their mother delivered infants by measuring concentrations of urinary estradiol (E(2)), pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG), testosterone (T), and cortisol (CORT). Samples were collected from marmoset daughters 4 weeks prior to and 9 weeks following three consecutive sibling-litter births when the daughters were prepubertal (M=6.1 months of age), peripubertal (M=11.9 months), and postpubertal (M=17.6 months). The birth of infants was associated with reduced ovarian steroid excretion only in the prepubertal daughters. In contrast, ovarian steroid levels tended to increase in the postpubertal daughters. Urinary E(2) and T levels in the postpubertal daughters were 73.8% and 37.6% higher, respectively, in the 3 weeks following the birth of infants, relative to prepartum levels. In addition, peak urinary PdG concentrations in peri- and postpubertal daughters were equivalent to luteal phase concentrations in nonpregnant, breeding adult females, and all of the peri- and postpubertal daughters showed clear ovulatory cycles. Cortisol excretion did not change in response to the reproductive status of the mother, nor did the concentrations change across age. Our data suggest that marmoset daughters of potential breeding age are not hormonally suppressed during the mother's peripartum period or her return to fertility. These findings provide an additional example of species diversity in the social regulation of reproduction in callitrichid primates.  相似文献   
In the preceding paper in this journal, we described the solution structure of the nitrous acid cross-linked dodecamer duplex [d(GCATCCGGATGC)]2 (the cross-linked guanines are underlined). The structure revealed that the cross-linked guanines form a nearly planar covalently linked 'G:G base pair', with the complementary partner cytidines flipped out of the helix. Here we explore the flanking sequence context effect on the structure of nitrous acid cross-links in [d(CG)]2 and the factors allowing the extrahelical cytidines to adopt such fixed positions in the minor groove. We have used NMR spectroscopy to determine the solution structure of a second cross-linked dodecamer duplex, [d(CGCTACGTAGCG)]2, which shows that the identity of the flanking base pairs significantly alters the stacking patterns and phosphate backbone conformations. The cross-linked guanines are now stacked well on adenines preceding the extrahelical cytidines, illustrating the importance of purine- purine base stacking. Observation of an imino proton resonance at 15.6 p.p.m. provides evidence for hydrogen bonding between the two cross-linked guanines. Preliminary structural studies on the cross-linked duplex [d(CGCGACGTCGCG)]2 show that the extrahelical cytidines are very mobile in this sequence context. We suggest that favorable van der Waals interactions between the cytidine and the adenine 2 bp away from the cross-link localize the cytidines in the previous cross-linked structures.  相似文献   
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a common human genetic illness. It is characterized by the formation of multiple kidney cysts that are thought to result from over-proliferation of epithelial cells. Zebrafish larvae can also develop kidney cysts. In an insertional mutagenesis screen in zebrafish, we identified 12 genes that can cause cysts in the glomerular-tubular region when mutated and we cloned 10 of these genes. Two of these genes, vhnf1 (tcf2) and pkd2, are already associated with human cystic kidney diseases. Recently, defects in primary cilia have been linked to PKD. Strikingly, three out of the 10 genes cloned in this screen are homologues of Chlamydomonas genes that encode components of intraflagellar transport (IFT) particles involved in cilia formation. Mutation in a fourth blocks ciliary assembly by an unknown mechanism. These results provide compelling support for the connection between cilia and cystogenesis. Our results also suggest that lesions in genes involved in cilia formation and function are the predominant cause of cystic kidney disease, and that the genes identified here are excellent candidates for novel human PKD genes.  相似文献   
The subscapular arterial tree as a source of microvascular arterial grafts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The subscapular arterial tree may be used as a source of microvascular grafts to replace damaged or diseased portions of arteries, particularly in the hand and forearm. By studying cadaver dissections, it is possible to estimate the number of branches that may be found at different arterial segment lengths from the origin of the subscapular artery. Fifty-five preserved cadaver subscapular arterial trees were dissected, and the branching patterns were documented. Three major arterial branching patterns of the subscapular artery were observed with one, two, and three major branches to the serratus anterior in 60 percent, 29 percent, and 9 percent of the cases, respectively. The authors determined the number of 1-mm-diameter, 1-cm-long branches arising from each of six 3-cm regions of the arterial tree measured from the origin of the subscapular artery to the end of the longest terminal branch. The probability of finding at least one usable terminal branch that is at least 12.0 cm in length was found to be 98 percent. Typically, there are two to five useful branches at this distance. Such information may help surgeons fine tune their process of selecting an appropriate arterial donor site for a particular arterial defect and supports the use of the subscapular arterial tree as a donor site for microvascular arterial grafts.  相似文献   
Estimating energy costs by respirometry is fundamental to many studies of the ecology, behavior and evolution of reptiles. However, traditional respirometry procedures seldom incorporate objective techniques for removal of outliers from estimates of metabolic parameters. We demonstrate how computer-automated respirometry equipment, which records many respiratory measurements over short intervals, can be coupled with mathematical procedures to produce robust estimates of pre- and post-prandial metabolism in banded water snakes (Nerodia fasciata fasciata). Standard metabolic rate of N. f. fasciata was estimated to be 1.21 ml O2/h (mass = 30.21 +/- 0.74 g) at 25 degrees C. After ingestion of a fish equaling 20% of their body mass, snakes exhibited a fivefold increase in metabolic rate with peak O2 consumption rate (VO2) reaching 6.5 ml O2/h. Total cost of digestion was 5.44 kJ, equivalent to approximately 21% of the energy in the meal. Repeated measurements of metabolism in the same individuals revealed that our methods yielded similar results, even when individuals exhibited different patterns of VO2 variation between respiratory trials. Our results underscore the importance of obtaining many VO2 measurements, coupled with objective removal of outlier values from estimates of metabolic rate, especially when metabolic values are to be interpreted in a comparative context.  相似文献   
The 4-oxo-dihydroquinolines (PNU-182171 and PNU-183792) are nonnucleoside inhibitors of herpesvirus polymerases (R. J. Brideau et al., Antiviral Res. 54:19-28, 2002; N. L. Oien et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 46:724-730, 2002). In cell culture these compounds inhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), HSV-2, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) replication. HSV-1 and HSV-2 mutants resistant to these drugs were isolated and the resistance mutation was mapped to the DNA polymerase gene. Drug resistance correlated with a point mutation in conserved domain III that resulted in a V823A change in the HSV-1 or the equivalent amino acid in the HSV-2 DNA polymerase. Resistance of HCMV was also found to correlate with amino acid changes in conserved domain III (V823A+V824L). V823 is conserved in the DNA polymerases of six (HSV-1, HSV-2, HCMV, VZV, Epstein-Barr virus, and HHV-8) of the eight human herpesviruses; the HHV-6 and HHV-7 polymerases contain an alanine at this amino acid. In vitro polymerase assays demonstrated that HSV-1, HSV-2, HCMV, VZV, and HHV-8 polymerases were inhibited by PNU-183792, whereas the HHV-6 polymerase was not. Changing this amino acid from valine to alanine in the HSV-1, HCMV, and HHV-8 polymerases alters the polymerase activity so that it is less sensitive to drug inhibition. In contrast, changing the equivalent amino acid in the HHV-6 polymerase from alanine to valine alters polymerase activity so that PNU-183792 inhibits this enzyme. The HSV-1, HSV-2, and HCMV drug-resistant mutants were not altered in their susceptibilities to nucleoside analogs; in fact, some of the mutants were hypersensitive to several of the drugs. These results support a mechanism where PNU-183792 inhibits herpesviruses by interacting with a binding determinant on the viral DNA polymerase that is less important for the binding of nucleoside analogs and deoxynucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   
Previously we have reported the induction of CYP102 in Bacillus megaterium by 17beta-estradiol (E2) and 4-sec-butylphenol (4-sBP). Electrophoretic mobility shift assay analyses demonstrated that E2 and 4-sBP both cause a dose-dependent disassociation of the Bm3R1 repressor protein from its binding site on the operator sequence of the CYP102 gene. Equimolar combinations of E2 and 4-sBP demonstrated additive induction of CYP102 compared to equivalent samples of E2 and 4-sBP added alone. Two gene constructs were used in this investigation. One construct designated BMC143 contained the entire regulatory region of CYP102. The other gene construct, designated BMA45, had the "Barbie box" sequence deleted. While the induction of CYP102 by 4-sBP was much higher in the BMC 143 construct, E2 induced CYP102 in both constructs to the same extent. This difference in induction of CYP102 by these two inducers indicates that they act at different sites, either on the Bm3R1 repressor protein or on positive regulatory sites, or that they act, in part, through different mechanisms.  相似文献   
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