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This comparative study of the cDNA sequence of the zona pellucida C (ZPC) glycoprotein in murid rodents focuses on the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of the putative sperm-combining site. We ask the question: Has divergence evolved in the nucleotide sequence of ZPC in the murid rodents of Australia? Using RT-PCR and (RACE) PCR, the complete cDNA coding region of ZPC in the Australian hydromyine rodents Notomys alexis and Pseudomys australis, and a partial cDNA sequence from a third hydromyine rodent, Hydromys chrysogaster, has been determined. Comparison between the cDNA sequences of the hydromyine rodents reveals that the level of amino acid sequence identity between N. alexis and P. australis is 96%, whereas that between the two species of hydromyine rodents and M. musculus and R. norvegicus is 88% and 87% respectively. Despite being reproductively isolated from each other, the three species of hydromyine rodents have a 100% level of amino acid sequence identity at the putative sperm-combining site. This finding does not support the view that this site is under positive selective pressure. The sequence data obtained in this study may have important conservation implications for the dissemination of immunocontraception directed against M. musculus using ZPC antibodies.  相似文献   
Phytate, the storage form of phosphate in seeds and grains, is a major form of environmental phosphate loading from fertilizer inputs and agricultural runoff. We have investigated the ability of Tetrahymena populations to grow on phytate as their sole phosphate source. Populations grew equally well in chemically defined medium with phosphate and medium in which the phosphate was replaced with phytate in comparable concentrations between 0.5 mM and 6 mM. Intracellular phytate concentrations of cells grown in phytate showed a 4-6-fold increase over those grown in phosphate when measured during the late stage of exponential growth. These results demonstrate that phytate can provide a source of adequate phosphate for sustained growth in phytate-rich environments.  相似文献   
The excretion of sterols from the liver and intestine is regulated by the ABCG5 and ABCG8 transporters. To identify potential regulatory elements, 152 kb of the human ABCG5-ABCG8 gene cluster was sequenced and comparative genome analysis was performed. The two genes are oriented in a head-to-head configuration and are separated by a 374-bp intergenic region, which is highly conserved among several species. Using a reporter construct, the intergenic region was found to act as a bidirectional promoter. A conserved GATA site in the intergenic region was shown by site-directed mutagenesis to act as a repressor for the ABCG5 promoter. The intergenic region was also shown to be partially responsive to treatment by LXR agonists. In summary, several potential regulatory elements were found for the ABCG5 and ABCG8 genes, and the intergenic region was found to act as a bidirectional promoter.  相似文献   
Three homologues of the Drosophilaregion-specific homeotic gene spalt (sal) have been isolated in zebrafish, sall1a, sall1b and sall3. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes against known salDNA sequences showed zebrafish sall1aand sall1b to be orthologous to other vertebrate sal-1 genes and zebrafish sall3to be orthologous to other vertebrate sal-3 genes, except Xenopus sall3. Phylogenetic reconstruction suggests that zebrafish sall1a and sall1bresulted from a gene duplication event occurring prior to the divergence of the ray-finned and lobe-finned fish lineages. Analysis of the expression pattern of the zebrafish sal genes shows that sall1a and sall3 share expression domains with both orthologous and non-orthologous vertebrate sal genes. Both are expressed in various regions of the CNS, including in primary motor neurons. Outside of the CNS, sall1a expression is observed in the otic vesicle (ear), heart and in a discrete region of the pronephric ducts. These analyses indicate that orthologies between zebrafish sal genes and other vertebrate sal genes do not imply equivalence of expression pattern and, therefore, that biological functions are not entirely conserved. However we suggest that, like other vertebrate sal genes, zebrafish sal genes have a role in neural development. Also, expression of zebrafish sall1a in the otic vesicle, heart sac and the pronephric ducts of zebrafish embryos is possibly consistent with some of the abnormalities seen in Sall1-deficient mice and in Townes-Brocks Syndrome, a human disorder which is caused by mutations in the human spalt gene SALL1.  相似文献   
Four recent papers mark a major shift in functional genomic analysis for multicellular organisms. RNA-mediated interference was applied to inactivate individual genes systematically on a genomic scale. These studies subjected a third of the genes in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans to reverse genetic analysis.  相似文献   
SC-71952, a substituted analog of dithiobisnicotinic acid dimethyl ester, was identified as a potent inhibitor of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). When tested in an in vitro assay, the concentration of SC-71952 required for half-maximal inhibition was 1 microm. The potency of SC-71952 was enhanced 200-fold by preincubation of the inhibitor with CETP, and was decreased 50-fold by treatment with dithiothreitol. Analogs of SC-71952 that did not contain a disulfide linkage were less potent, did not display time dependency, and were not affected by dithiothreitol treatment. Kinetic and biochemical characterization of the inhibitory process of CETP by SC-71952 suggested that the inhibitor initially binds rapidly and reversibly to a hydrophobic site on CETP. With time, the bound inhibitor irreversibly inactivates CETP, presumably by reacting with one of the free cysteines of CETP. Liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy (LC/MS) analyses of tryptic digests of untreated or SC-71952-inactivated CETP was used to identify which cysteine(s) were potentially involved in the time-dependent, irreversible component of inactivation by the inhibitor. One disulfide bond, Cys143-Cys184, was unaffected by treatment with the inhibitor. Inactivation of CETP by SC-71952 correlated with a progressive decrease in the abundance of free Cys-13 and Cys-333. Conversion of Cys-13 to alanine had no effect on the rapid reversible component of inactivation by SC-71952. However, it abolished the time-dependent enhancement in potency seen with the inhibitor when using wild-type CETP. These data indicate that Cys-13 is critical for the irreversible inactivation of CETP by SC-71952 and provides support for the structural model that places Cys-13 near the neutral lipid-binding site of CETP.  相似文献   
A comparative approach has been used to study the role of several lipid-body-binding proteins in plants and animals. Caleosins are a newly discovered class of calcium-binding lipid-body proteins found in plants and fungi, which we now report to have separate endoplasmic reticulum- and lipid-body-associated isoforms. We also compare the lipid-body targeting of oleosin from plants and the core protein of the hepatitis C virus when they were expressed separately in lipid-accumulating animal cell lines. This is a novel and powerful approach to investigating the factors that determine the lipid-body targeting of a wide range of proteins.  相似文献   
Stabilized antisense lipid particles (SALP) have been developed for the systemic delivery of oligonucleotides. The impact of intravenous SALP administration was measured with respect to activation of natural killer (NK) and NK1.1+ T (NKT) cells in the livers of immunocompetent mice. Treatment with a SALP containing a highly mitogenic oligonucleotide (INX-6295) generated an increase in NK cytolytic activity and cell number within the liver but did not appear to affect the number of hepatic NKT cells or their cytolytic activity. The same results were observed after intravenous administration of the mitogenic oligonucleotide alone. Interestingly, treatment with a SALP containing a weakly mitogenic oligonucleotide (INX-6300) also activated the liver NK cells, whereas the oligonucleotide alone was unable to elicit these effects. The NK stimulatory activity of a SALP containing INX-6300 required both lipid and oligonucleotide components. These results demonstrate that in addition to modifying the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of intravenously administered oligonucleotides, SALP possess immunostimulatory activity independent of oligonucleotide mitogenicity, which can serve as an adjuvant to antisense therapies for cancer.  相似文献   
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