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Disturbance of wildlife is a potential cause of conservation concern, not least to overwintering waders Charadrii inhabiting estuaries close to conurbations where human recreational and economic activities are often concentrated. Disturbance from people on and alongside intertidal foraging areas could make it more difficult for birds to survive until spring in good condition by reducing the time available for foraging, increasing energy requirements and displacing birds to poorer foraging areas. We adopted a two-part approach to testing whether such significant impacts occurred in a Special Protection Area where disturbance risk was high because of its small size and close proximity to conurbations. In part one, we recorded over the whole estuary during stages of the tidal cycle when part or all of the intertidal zone was exposed and so accessible to waders (i.e. on receding, low and advancing tides): (1) the numbers and activities of people on the intertidal flats and on the adjacent land in those places where people were visible to waders in the intertidal zone and (2) the numbers of waders present and disturbed into flight, the flight distance and flight duration in the ‘overlap’ areas where people did disturb waders. People occurred on < 25% of the 938 ha of intertidal flats, but most waders foraged on mudflats, whereas most people were on sandflats. People on land were visible to foraging waders along < 35% of the 16.5 km of shoreline. Waders and people were therefore substantially separated in space. Within overlap areas, people and waders were often frequently separated in time: for example, people on land mostly disturbed waders when only the upper shore levels were exposed. The average overwintering wader spent < 0.1% of its foraging time during daylight flying away from people and the additional energy expenditure was equivalent to < 0.02% of its daily requirements. The comparison made in part two between our study area and two comparable estuaries showed that the number of visits each day to the overlap areas would need to be 29 or 43 times greater for disturbance to have lowered the birds’ body condition and winter survival. Both parts of the study therefore suggested strongly that the amount of disturbance was too trivial to have a significant impact on waders. It is concluded that: (1) to properly assess disturbance risk to waders, both extensive and intensive observations must be made on the behaviour of people and birds to quantify the extent to which they overlap in space and time, and (2) it should not be assumed that an estuary's close proximity to conurbations, and the presence of large numbers of people in the vicinity of the SPA, necessarily implies a significant disturbance risk to waders.  相似文献   
Host shifts by specialist insects can lead to reproductive isolation between insect populations that use different hosts, promoting diversification. When both a phytophagous insect and its ancestrally associated parasitoid shift to the same novel host plant, they may cospeciate. However, because adult parasitoids are free living, they can also colonize novel host insects and diversify independent of their ancestral host insect. Although shifts of parasitoids to new insect hosts have been documented in ecological time, the long‐term importance of such shifts to parasitoid diversity has not been evaluated. We used a genus of flies with a history of speciation via host shifting (Rhagoletis [Diptera: Tephritidae]) and three associated hymenopteran parasitoid genera (Diachasma, Coptera and Utetes) to examine cophylogenetic relationships between parasitoids and their host insects. We inferred phylogenies of Rhagoletis, Diachasma, Coptera and Utetes and used distance‐based cophylogenetic methods (ParaFit and PACo) to assess congruence between fly and parasitoid trees. We used an event‐based method with a free‐living parasitoid cost model to reconstruct cophylogenetic histories of each parasitoid genus and Rhagoletis. We found that the current species diversity and host–parasitoid associations between the Rhagoletis flies and parasitoids are the primary result of ancient cospeciation events. Parasitoid shifts to ancestrally unrelated hosts primarily occur near the branch tips, suggesting that host shifts contribute to recent parasitoid species diversity but that these lineages may not persist over longer time periods. Our analyses also stress the importance of biologically informed cost models when investigating the coevolutionary histories of hosts and free‐living parasitoids.  相似文献   
Transgenic Research - Expression of recombinant proteins in plants is a technology for producing vaccines, pharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. For the past several years, we have produced...  相似文献   
Taxa harboring high levels of standing variation may be more likely to adapt to rapid environmental shifts and experience ecological speciation. Here, we characterize geographic and host‐related differentiation for 10,241 single nucleotide polymorphisms in Rhagoletis pomonella fruit flies to infer whether standing genetic variation in adult eclosion time in the ancestral hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)‐infesting host race, as opposed to new mutations, contributed substantially to its recent shift to earlier fruiting apple (Malus domestica). Allele frequency differences associated with early vs. late eclosion time within each host race were significantly related to geographic genetic variation and host race differentiation across four sites, arrayed from north to south along a 430‐km transect, where the host races co‐occur in sympatry in the Midwest United States. Host fruiting phenology is clinal, with both apple and hawthorn trees fruiting earlier in the North and later in the South. Thus, we expected alleles associated with earlier eclosion to be at higher frequencies in northern populations. This pattern was observed in the hawthorn race across all four populations; however, allele frequency patterns in the apple race were more complex. Despite the generally earlier eclosion timing of apple flies and corresponding apple fruiting phenology, alleles on chromosomes 2 and 3 associated with earlier emergence were paradoxically at lower frequency in the apple than hawthorn host race across all four sympatric sites. However, loci on chromosome 1 did show higher frequencies of early eclosion‐associated alleles in the apple than hawthorn host race at the two southern sites, potentially accounting for their earlier eclosion phenotype. Thus, although extensive clinal genetic variation in the ancestral hawthorn race exists and contributed to the host shift to apple, further study is needed to resolve details of how this standing variation was selected to generate earlier eclosing apple fly populations in the North.  相似文献   
Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytoscape is a free software package for visualizing, modeling and analyzing molecular and genetic interaction networks. This protocol explains how to use Cytoscape to analyze the results of mRNA expression profiling, and other functional genomics and proteomics experiments, in the context of an interaction network obtained for genes of interest. Five major steps are described: (i) obtaining a gene or protein network, (ii) displaying the network using layout algorithms, (iii) integrating with gene expression and other functional attributes, (iv) identifying putative complexes and functional modules and (v) identifying enriched Gene Ontology annotations in the network. These steps provide a broad sample of the types of analyses performed by Cytoscape.  相似文献   
We present a robust and general shotgun glycoproteomics approach to comprehensively profile glycoproteins in complex biological mixtures. In this approach, glycopeptides derived from glycoproteins are enriched by selective capture onto a solid support using hydrazide chemistry followed by enzymatic release of the peptides and subsequent analysis by tandem mass spectrometry. The approach was validated using standard protein mixtures that resulted in a close to 100% capture efficiency. Our capture approach was then applied to microsomal fractions of the cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cell line IGROV-1/CP. With a Protein Prophet probability value greater than 0.9, we identified a total of 302 proteins with an average protein identification rate of 136 +/- 19 (n = 4) in a single linear quadrupole ion trap (LTQ) mass spectrometer nano-LC-MS experiment and a selectivity of 91 +/- 1.6% (n = 4) for the N-linked glycoconsensus sequence. Our method has several advantages. 1) Digestion of proteins initially into peptides improves the solubility of large membrane proteins and exposes all of the glycosylation sites to ensure equal accessibility to capture reagents. 2) Capturing glycosylated peptides can effectively reduce sample complexity and at the same time increase the confidence of MS-based protein identifications (more potential peptide identifications per protein). 3) The utility of sodium sulfite as a quencher in our capture approach to replace the solid phase extraction step in an earlier glycoprotein chemical capture approach for removing excess sodium periodate allows the overall capture procedure to be completed in a single vessel. This improvement minimizes sample loss, increases sensitivity, and makes our protocol amenable for high throughput implementation, a feature that is essential for biomarker identification and validation of a large number of clinical samples. 4) The approach is demonstrated here on the analysis of N-linked glycopeptides; however, it can be applied equally well to O-glycoprotein analysis.  相似文献   
Lead resistance and sensitivity in Staphylococcus aureus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Five lead-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated. Plasmid-free lead-sensitive variants were obtained from the three plasmid-bearing strains. Lead-resistant strains tolerated an approximately 600 × higher Pb(NO3)2 concentration than lead-sensitive strains. Both types of strains initially bound lead, but only the resistant strains accumulated the metal as an intracellular lead-phosphate.  相似文献   
The sequence of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been circularly permuted by introducing new chain termini into interhelical loops and by constraining the N- and C-terminal helices, either by direct linkage of the termini (L0) or by substitution of the amino-terminal 10-residue segment with a seven-residue linker composed of glycines and serines (L1). All the circularly permuted G-CSFs (cpG-CSFs) were able to fold into biologically active structures that could recognize the G-CSF receptor. CD and NMR spectroscopy demonstrated that all of the cpG-CSFs adopted a fold similar to that of the native molecule, except for one [cpG-CSF(L1)[142/141]] which has the new termini at the end of loop 34 with the shorter L1 linker. All of the cpG-CSFs underwent cooperative unfolding by urea, and a systematically lower free energy change (DeltaGurea) was observed for molecules with the shorter L1 linker than for those molecules in which the original termini were directly linked (the L0 linker). The thermodynamic stability of the cpG-CSFs toward urea was found to correlate with their relative ability to stimulate proliferation of G-CSF responsive cells. Taken together, these results indicate that the G-CSF sequence is robust in its ability to undergo linear rearrangement and adopt a biologically active conformation. The choice of linker, with its effect on stability, seems to be important for realizing the full biological activity of the three-dimensional structure. The breakpoint and linker together are the ultimate determinants of the structural and biological profiles of these circularly permuted cytokines. In the following paper [McWherter, C. A., et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 4564-4571], McWherter and co-workers have used circularly permuted G-CSF sequences to engineer chimeric dual IL-3 and G-CSF receptor agonists in which the relative spatial orientation of the receptor agonist domains is varied. Interpreting the differences in activity for the chimeric molecules in terms of the connectivity between domains depends critically on the results reported here for the isolated cpG-CSF domains.  相似文献   
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