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Floral initiation is regulated by various genetic pathways in response to light, temperature, hormones and developmental status; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying the interactions between different genetic pathways are not fully understood. Here, we show that the photoresponsive gene FOF2 (F‐box of flowering 2) negatively regulates flowering. FOF2 encodes a putative F‐box protein that interacts specifically with ASK14, and its overexpression results in later flowering under both long‐day and short‐day photoperiods. Conversely, transgenic plants expressing the F‐box domain deletion mutant of FOF2 (FOF2ΔF), or double loss of function mutant of FOF2 and FOL1 (FOF2‐LIKE 1) present early flowering phenotypes. The late flowering phenotype of the FOF2 overexpression lines is suppressed by the flc‐3 loss‐of‐function mutation. Furthermore, FOF2 mRNA expression is regulated by autonomous pathway gene FCA, and the repressive effect of FOF2 in flowering can be overcome by vernalization. Interestingly, FOF2 expression is regulated by light. The protein level of FOF2 accumulates in response to light, whereas it is degraded under dark conditions via the 26S proteasome pathway. Our findings suggest a possible mechanistic link between light conditions and the autonomous floral promotion pathway in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
记述采自河南省蚱科二新种,即鸡公山蚱Tetrix jigongshanensis sp. nov.和突背蚱Tetrix glochinota sp. nov..鸡公山蚱近似于凹额蚱Tetrix cavifrontalis Liang, 1998, 主要区别为:1)头顶前缘平直;2)侧面观,头顶与额面隆起呈钝角形;3)侧面观,额面隆在侧单眼前直,不凹陷;4)侧观,前胸背板上缘呈弧形;5)前胸背板前缘钝角形突出;6)后突到达后足股节中部;7)后翅略不到达后突顶端;8)中足股节明显宽于前翅宽.突背蚱近似于仿蚱Tetrix simulans(B.-Bienko, 1929)及云龙蚱Tetrix yunlongensis Zheng et Mao, 2002, 其与二者的区别为:1)头顶前缘平直;2)侧面观,背板上缘前半部球形突出,后半段平直;3)后突到达后足股节顶端.其区别于前者为:1)侧面观,额面隆起在侧单眼前凹陷;2)中足股节宽于前翅等宽.其区别于后者为头顶宽为一眼宽的1.7倍.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   
Construction materials are considerable forces of global environmental impacts, but their dynamics vis‐à‐vis urban development are poorly documented, in part because their long lifespans require elusive and sometimes nonexistent decade‐long high‐resolution data. This study analyzes the construction material flow and stock trends that shaped and were shaped by the development, decline, and renewal of the Tiexi district of Shenyang, a microcosm of China's urban transformations since the early 20th century. Chronicling building‐by‐building the material flows and stock accumulations involved in the buildup of this area, we shed light on the physical resource context of its socioeconomic history. We find that 42 million tonnes of construction materials were needed to develop the Tiexi district from 1910 to 2018, and 18 million tonnes of material outflows were generated by end‐of‐life building demolition. However, over 55% of inflows and 93% of outflows occurred since 2002 during a complete redevelopment of the district. Only small portions of end‐of‐life materials could have been reused or recycled because of temporal and typological mismatches of supply and demand and technical limitations. Our analysis reveals a dramatic decrease in median building lifetimes to as low as 6 years in the early 21st century. These findings contribute to the discussion of long‐term environmental efficiency and sustainability of societal development through construction and reflect on the challenges of urban renewal processes not only in China but also in other developing and developed countries that lost (or may lose) their traditional economic base and restructure their urban forms. This article met the requirements for a Silver/Silver JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges .  相似文献   
通过野外观察、室内饲养等方法研究了酢浆灰蝶Pseudozizeeria maha(Kollar)的生活史及生物学特性。在南京地区,该蝶幼虫以酢浆草科Oxalidaceae的黄花酢浆草(Oxalis corniculataL.)为食,1年5代,世代交替发生。酢浆灰蝶在10月末以蛹在枯枝落叶或土壤表层浅洞中越冬,越冬代成虫次年5月始见、中旬为高峰期,5月中旬始见第1代卵及幼虫,6—10月间各月各虫态均同时发生,期间每月中下旬为成虫活动高峰期。幼虫共4龄,野外2~4龄幼虫具迁移、避热与适蚁行为。在室内饲养条件下,卵期为3~4d,幼虫期为22~26d,蛹期为6~7d。  相似文献   
本研究在前期工作基础上,用CHO细胞表达的含PreS1+S融合抗原的新型基因工程HBV颗粒疫苗(HBSS1)与Al(OH)3、CpG及CpG+Al(OH)3等佐剂配伍,在Balb/C小鼠模型上研究不同佐剂对HBV颗粒疫苗肌肉注射后免疫应答的影响,主要包括抗体滴度、抗体亚型分类及特异性细胞免疫(γ-IFNELISpot检测)。结果表明:CpG佐剂结合HBSS1颗粒疫苗可快速诱导(单针免疫)高水平的抗PreS1及S抗体,IgG2a/IgG1比率1,同时可诱导较高抗原特异的细胞免疫应答;Al(OH)3+CpG双佐剂组一次免疫后可诱导产生最高的抗S抗体滴度(1:105),其产生的抗体亚类包括IgG1、IgG2a与IgG2b;在S抗原N端(13~49aa)存在优势CTL表位。结论:CpG佐剂结合HBSS1颗粒疫苗应是发展新型治疗性乙肝疫苗的较佳选项。  相似文献   
Scylla paramamosain is a widespread and commercially important species of coastal marine crab. We identified 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci from a genome library constructed with 5'-anchored PCR method. Thirty-two S. paramamosain from the East China Sea were used to analyze the characteristics of these loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 8, with a mean of 5.923. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.500 to 0.875 and from 0.500 to 0.859, respectively. Eleven of the 13 loci were highly polymorphic (polymorphic information content >0.5). All of the 13 novel loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni's correction (P < 0.0038). There was no null allele, stuttering errors or evidence of allelic dropout in any of the loci analyzed by MICRO-CHECKER. According to pairwise tests, no significant linkage disequilibrium was found among the 13 loci (P < 0.0038, adjusted value). These novel developed microsatellites will be useful for studies of genetic variation, population structure, conservation genetics, and molecular-assisted selective breeding of S. paramamosain.  相似文献   
本研究在山东省开展了脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus,PV)的外环境监测,从济南、临沂两地采集污水标本,浓缩处理后进行病毒分离,对分离到的PV采用中和试验进行血清定型,并对其VP1及3D区进行序列测定,分析其基因突变和重组情况。2010年,共采集污水标本32份,PV阳性10份,阳性率31.3%;分离到18株PV(PV1型3株,PV2型9株,PV3型6株),均为疫苗相关株,VP1完整编码区核苷酸变异数在0~4个之间,在3株PV2型病毒和4株PV3型病毒的基因组中发现重组;对VP1区影响神经毒力的减毒位点分析发现,PV1型病毒中有1株在nt 2 749发生突变(A→G),PV2型病毒中有1株在nt2 908发生A→G突变,3株在nt2 909发生U→C突变,6株PV3型病毒全部在nt2 493发生C→U突变。环境污水中可以分离到PV,其基因重组率和主要减毒位点的回复突变率较高,未发现脊灰野毒株和疫苗衍生株脊灰病毒(Vaccine-derived poliovirus,VDPV)。  相似文献   
为了解中国主栽孔雀草品种的遗传背景,采用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)分子标记分析了28份孔雀草材料的遗传多样性。14对SRAP引物组合共获得271个位点,其中多态位点151个,占55.72%。每对引物可扩增出14~24条DNA片段,平均19.4条。引物的多态信息含量PIC值在0.693~0.967之间,平均为0.909;每个材料得到的多态性条带比例介于38.78%与51.42%之间,平均46.38%,说明SRAP分子标记可有效鉴别孔雀草种质在分子水平上的遗传变异。品种间的遗传距离值在0.047~0.198之间,平均为0.126;Shannon多样性指数变化于0.178~0.217之间,平均0.201,表明参试的孔雀草材料总体的遗传多样性水平较低。UPGMA聚类后,在遗传距离阈值为0.146处,可将28份材料分为4大类群,与花色表现基本相符,花色可考虑作为孔雀草基于表型分类的主要因子。本研究结果对孔雀草品种鉴定、杂交育种中亲本选配和分子标记辅助选择具有重要意义。  相似文献   
鳜鱼外周血细胞显微和亚显微结构的观察   总被引:63,自引:4,他引:63  
本文报道了鳜鱼外周血细胞的显微和亚显微结构。血涂片经过染色,可鉴别出红细胞、血栓细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞和嗜中性粒细胞;还见到幼稚的正在分裂的红细胞,提示红细胞亦可在外周血液中通过直接分裂产生。白细胞中,血栓细胞体积最小,嗜中性粒细胞体积最大;单核细胞数目最少,血栓细胞数目最多。电镜下,红细胞中可见线粒体和高尔基复合体;淋巴细胞线粒体中可见类似髓样体的板层状结构;血栓细胞和单核细胞与其它鱼类的基本  相似文献   
一株广谱中和抗原性出血热病毒株的发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一株分离自杭州市褐家鼠的出血热病毒Gou_3株的免疫血清对10株I型病毒的中和滴度除二株为160外均为320,而对4株Ⅱ型病毒的滴度为320—640,说明Gou_3株免疫血清对两型毒株中和效价大多数无差异或只差2倍,是一株中和抗原广谱的毒株。用I型和Ⅱ型毒株免疫血清对Gou_3株进行型别检定结果表明Gou_3株是Ⅱ型病毒。  相似文献   
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