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Introduction: Abnormal biomechanics plays a role in intervertebral disc degeneration. Adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) have been implicated in disc integrity; however, their role in the setting of mechanical stimuli upon the disc''s nucleus pulposus (NP) remains unknown. As such, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of ADSCs upon NP cells in compressive load culture.Methods: Human NP cells were cultured in compressive load at 3.0MPa for 48 hours with or without ADSCs co-culture (the ratio was 50:50). We used flow cytometry, live/dead staining and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate cell death, and determined the expression of specific apoptotic pathways by characterizing the expression of activated caspases-3, -8 and -9. We further used real-time (RT-) PCR and immunostaining to determine the expression of the extracellular matrix (ECM), mediators of matrix degradation (e.g. MMPs, TIMPs and ADAMTSs), pro-inflammatory factors and NP cell phenotype markers.Results: ADSCs inhibited human NP cell apoptosis via suppression of activated caspase-9 and caspase-3. Furthermore, ADSCs protected NP cells from the degradative effects of compressive load by significantly up-regulating the expression of ECM genes (SOX9, COL2A1 and ACAN), tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) genes (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) and cytokeratin 8 (CK8) protein expression. Alternatively, ADSCs showed protective effect by inhibiting compressive load mediated increase of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs; MMP-3 and MMP-13), disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTSs; ADAMTS-1 and 5), and pro-inflammatory factors (IL-1beta, IL-6, TGF-beta1 and TNF-alpha).Conclusions: Our study is the first in vitro study assessing the impact of ADSCs on NP cells in an un-physiological mechanical stimulation culture environment. Our study noted that ADSCs protect compressive load induced NP cell death and degradation by inhibition of activated caspase-9 and -3 activity; regulating ECM and modulator genes, suppressing pro-inflammatory factors and preserving CK8. Consequently, the protective impact of ADSCs found in this study provides an essential understanding and expands our knowledge as to the utility of ADSCs therapy for intervertebral disc regeneration.  相似文献   
睫状神经营养因子对大鼠去神经骨骼肌的营养作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:了解睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)对去神经引起的肌肉萎缩的治疗作用。方法:离断SD大鼠一侧坐骨神经,连续给予CNTF20d,观察肌肉湿重、蛋白含量、肌纤维横截面积、收缩性能和残肢程度。结果:①给予0.2mg/kg的CNTF,可使损务侧肌纤维横截面积增加35%,肌肉湿重增加38%,胫前肌总蛋白含量增加24%,腓长肌强直收缩强度提高40%,显著改善肢残程度;②0.2mg/kg的CNTF作用明显强于0.05mg/kg的CNTF;③此目鱼肌(慢肌)比伸趾长肌(快肌)对CNTF更敏感。结论:CNTF能显著改善成年大鼠坐骨神经离断后骨骼肌的萎缩和功能丧失,该效应的强弱与用药剂量和肌肉类型有关。  相似文献   
球孢白僵菌高渗适应性相关基因Bbmpd的克隆与表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】克隆与球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)的高渗适应性相关基因,并对其功能进行分析,以揭示球孢白僵菌对高渗等逆境适应的分子机理。【方法】利用YADE法克隆T-DNA的侧翼序列并进行基因组步行,获得突变基因的全长及上游序列;利用RT-PCR技术分析突变基因的表达特性以及与Bbhog1的关系;采用同源重组技术敲除Bbmpd基因。【结果】克隆得到插入突变基因及其上、下游序列全长3037bp。该基因与编码球孢白僵菌的1-磷酸甘露醇脱氢酶基因相似性为98%。Bbmpd的表达受高渗环境(0.8mol/L NaCl)的诱导,受Bbhog1信号途径的激活调节,Bbhog1缺失导致Bbmpd表达下调。Bbmpd缺失突变体在高渗胁迫下的生长受到明显抑制。Bbmpd缺失不影响球孢白僵菌在查氏培养基上的生长和产孢。【结论】由T-DNA突变体克隆了编码球孢白僵菌1-磷酸甘露醇脱氢酶基因Bbmpd,该基因的表达受高渗环境的诱导和Bbhog1的调控,与球孢白僵菌高渗适应性相关。  相似文献   
动物疫病流行广泛、传播迅速,严重危害养殖业的发展。疫苗接种是预防和控制动物传染病最有效的策略之一。目前,随着生物技术的发展和疫病防控的需要,安全、高效、广谱、用量少、具有标记特征的新型疫苗成为研发重点。文中就近年来出现的黏膜疫苗、长效与速效疫苗、嵌合疫苗、纳米颗粒疫苗等新概念动物疫苗的发展、应用及优缺点进行了评述,并提出了其发展方向,以期为动物疫苗的研发提供借鉴。  相似文献   
辣椒素及其受体   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Luo H  Wan Y  Han JS 《生理科学进展》2003,34(1):11-15
可以感受痛觉刺激的初级感觉神经元的周围末梢被称为伤害性感受器。这些小直径神经元的末梢可将化学、机械和热刺激信号转化为动作电位,并将这些信息上传到中枢,最后使机体产生痛觉或不舒服的感受。但到目前为止,人们对这些可探测到伤害性刺激的分子所知甚少。1997年成功克隆的辣椒素受体亚型1(vanilloid receptor subtype1,VR1)是近年来科学家们研究的“热点分子”,它是表达于伤害性感受器上的非选择性阳离子通道,已有诸多证据表明其可探测和整合诱发痛觉的化学和热刺激信号,基因敲除小鼠的研究分析也有力证明了该离子通道参与了疼痛及组织损伤后痛觉过敏的产生,而且是热诱发疼痛发生过程的关键分子。  相似文献   
鸭稻共作生态农业模式的功能与效益分析   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
对鸭稻共作生态农业模式的结构、功能和效益进行了综合分析。结果表明,鸭子和水稻可以较好地全天候地同生共长在稻田生态系统中,平均每公顷大约300-375只鸭子。利用鸭子的野性和杂食性在一定程度上可防除病、虫、草害,提高土壤肥力,因而可代替人耕耙田、施肥、施药等,避免了农药和化肥的大量投入;鸭群的活动可刺激和促进水稻的生长发育。利用这种模式可以生产出有机食品或绿色稻米,其经济效益比常规稻作高。鸭稻共作系统的每公顷净收入比常规稻作系统要高出808.5元。若按绿色食品价格高出同类商品市场价格的20%计算,则鸭稻共作系统每公顷比常规稻作系统大约多增加2000元左右的收入。这种模式的推广应用可产生良好的生态-经济-社会效益。  相似文献   
猕猴桃模板DNA的提取及RAPD-PCR最佳反应体系的建立   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以改良CTAB法从猕猴桃叶片中制备模板DNA ,优化了PCR热循环参数 ,建立了RAPD PCR扩增的最佳反应体系。实验结果表明 ,CTAB提取液中EDTA组分的浓度对模板提取影响很大 ,其最适浓度为 80mmol/L ;用异丙醇沉淀后不经乙醇洗涤纯化的DNA不会影响扩增效果。PCR热循环参数为 :94℃预变性 5min ;94℃变性 1min ,37℃退火 1min ,72℃延伸 2min ,循环 4 0次 ;最后在 72℃延伸 6min。  相似文献   
鸟类是四足类动物中最丰富的一类脊椎动物,本研究以12种鸟类的全基因组核苷酸序列数据为研究对象,建立核苷酸频数进化方程,研究了鸟类基因组核苷酸频数的进化机制和规律。通过拟合基因组数据确定了方程中的进化惯性参数、耗散参数和环境参数,估算出进化速率,得到了基因组长度随时间的演化曲线,解出了基因组在短时间内快速增加,信息快速积累,然后进入进化停滞阶段,核苷酸频数不再明显变化。本研究的方法为定量研究鸟类和一般物种的进化提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
本研究以优良杂交品种"两广二号"家蚕为试材,克隆了该杂交品种家蚕两个抗家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)基因:脂肪酶基因Bmlipase-1和丝氨酸蛋白酶基因BmSP-2,测序并分别与不同品种蚕的同源基因序列进行比较。结果显示,"两广二号"家蚕Bmlipase-1基因ORF长度为885bp,编码294个氨基酸,BmSP-2扩增长度为855bp,编码284个氨基酸;它们的核苷酸和推导氨基酸序列同源性皆达92%以上,Bmlipase-1更保守,同源性大于99%";两广二号"家蚕的Bmlipase-1基因脂肪酶活化部位和BmSP-2基因酶催化三联体位点的氨基酸残基与不同品种蚕的完全相同。以上结果说明这两个抗病毒基因在蚕的遗传进化过程中高度保守,提示其可能在机体消化或者免疫防御方面起着重要生理作用。将这两个抗病毒基因在大肠杆菌BL21中进行融合表达,获得的融合Bmlipase-1和BmSP-2蛋白分子量分别为47kD和42kD左右。  相似文献   
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based metabolomics has been facilitated by the con- struction of MSz spectral tag (MS2T) library from the total scan ESI MS/MS data, and the development of widely targeted metabolomics method using MS/MS data gathered from authentic standards. In this report, a novel strategy called step- wise multiple ion monitoring-enhanced product ions (stepwise MIM-EPI) was developed to construct the MS2T library, in which stepwise MIM was used as survey scans to trigger the acquisition of EPI. A total number of 698 (almost) non- redundant metabolites with MS2 spectra were obtained, of which 135 metabolites were identified/annotated. Integrating the data gathered from our MS2T library and other available multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) information, a widely targeted metabolomics method was developed to quantify 277 metabolites, including some phytohormones. Evaluation of the dehydration responses and natural variations of these metabolites in rice leaf not only suggested the coordinated regulation of abscisic acid (ABA) with metabolites such as serotonin derivative(s), polyamine conjugates under drought stress, but also revealed some C-glycosylated flavones as the potential markers for the discrimination of indica and japonica rice subspecies. The new MS2T library construction and widely targeted metabolomics strategy could be used as a tool for rice functional genomics.  相似文献   
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