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We describe the further utilization of a genetic screen that identifies mutations defective in the assembly of proteins into the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane. The screen yielded mutations in each of the known genes encoding components of the E. coli signal recognition particle pathway: ffh, ffs, and ftsY, which encode Ffh, 4.5S RNA, and FtsY, respectively. In addition, the screen yielded mutations in secM, which is involved in regulating levels of the SecA component of the bacterium's protein export pathway. We used a sensitive assay involving biotinylation to show that all of the mutations caused defects in the membrane insertions of three topologically distinct membrane proteins, AcrB, MalF, and FtsQ. Among the mutations that resulted in membrane protein insertion defects, only the secM mutations also showed defects in the translocation of proteins into the E. coli periplasm. Genetic evidence suggests that the S382T alteration of Ffh affects the interaction between Ffh and 4.5S RNA.  相似文献   
西藏巨柏核型的图象自动分析与识别的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们应用图象自动分析和识别的原理和方法,建立了植物染色体自动分析CHROMHUK软件系统,并首次对西藏巨柏进行了核型自动分析,抽取了染色体多个特征多数:相对长度、臂比、着丝点指数、相对体密度和次缢痕相对长度.对247个巨柏体细胞进行多参数数据统计和分析,并设置95°.置信判别区域和树分类判别.实现了染色体自动配对和分类,并由计算机直接输出染色体的组型图和核型模式图.分析结果表明:巨柏体细胞的染色体数目为2n=22,按Levan的分类标准,其核型公式为2n=4m(SC)+16m+2sm.据Stabbins分类为1A型.  相似文献   
Chen X  Wang Y  Xia H  Wang Q  Jiang X  Lin Z  Ma Y  Yang Y  Hu M 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(6):6707-6714
The recent studies indicated that the epithelial cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin is a well-recognized molecule that is important in cell adhesion. To further investigate the molecular basis of this notion, we used small-interfering RNA to inhibit E-cadherin function and found that loss of E-cadherin promoted Colorectal cancer cell growth, invasion and drug resistance through induction of β-catenin nuclear translocation and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Further analysis of E-cadherin expression with clinicopathologic parameters showed that E-cadherin expression decreased in Colorectal cancer patients who developed liver metastasis (P = 0.043). These findings indicate that E-cadherin loss in tumors contributes to progression and metastatic dissemination. Thus, E-cadherin can act as a central modulator of the cell biological phenotypes and a potential prognostic marker in Colorectal cancer.  相似文献   
重庆大巴山国家级自然保护区森林植物多样性垂直格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以重庆大巴山国家级自然保护区西南方向沿海拔梯度选择的20个样地为研究对象,通过等级聚类分析,结合物种重要值、物种丰富度、区系分化强度和α、β多样性指数等方面的分析,以揭示其森林植物多样性沿海拔梯度的分布特征。结果表明:(1)在20个样方中,共记录到维管植物97科226属335种;随着海拔上升,各样地植物科、属、种总数大体上呈先增加后降低的趋势。(2)植物群落在垂直梯度上差异显著;综合群落生长型和等级聚类分析结果,将群落沿海拔梯度划分为4个类型:海拔1 000m以下为常绿阔叶林和偏暖性针阔混交林,1 000~1 600m为常绿落叶阔叶混交林,1 600~2 100m为偏暖湿性针阔混交林,海拔2 100m以上为暗针叶林。(3)α多样性指数具有垂直变化规律;Simpson优势度和Pielou均匀度随海拔变化较小,乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数随海拔升高有明显降低的趋势,混交林类型的物种多样性和区系分化强度较高。(4)β多样性指数在低海拔区段起伏较大;随着海拔升高,乔木层Cody指数的变化格局总体上呈逐渐降低的趋势,相邻群落间物种异质性逐渐减小,物种的替代速率下降,最终达到相对稳定的状态。  相似文献   
G Zhang  Y Hu  H Wang  L Zhang  Y Bao  X Zhou 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44568


Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) is a major reason for hospitalization in childhood. More than 80% of URTIs are viral. Etiological diagnosis of URTIs is important to make correct clinical decisions on treatment methods. However, data for viral spectrum of URTIs are very limited in Shanghai children.


Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from a group of 164 children aged below 3 years who were hospitalized due to acute respiratory infection from May 2009 to July 2010 in Shanghai. A VRDAL multiplex PCR for 10 common respiratory viruses was performed on collected specimens compared with the Seeplex® RV15 ACE Detection kit for 15 respiratory viruses.


Viruses were detected in 84 (51.2%) patients by VRDAL multiplex PCR, and 8 (4.9%) of cases were mixed infections. Using the Seeplex® RV15 ACE Detection kit, viruses were detected in 129 (78.7%) patients, 49 (29.9%) were co-infected cases. Identified viruses included 37 of human rhinovirus (22.6% of cases), 32 of influenza A virus (19.5%), 30 of parainfluenzavirus-2 (18.3%), 23 of parainfluenzavirus-3 (14.0%), 15 of human enterovirus (9.1%), 14 each of parainfluenzavirus-1, respiratory syncytial virus B and adenovirus (8.5%), 8 of coronavirus 229E/NL63 (4.9%), 6 of human bocavirus (3.7%), 5 each of influenza B virus and respiratory syncytial virus A (3.0%), 3 of parainfluenzavirus-4 (1.8%), 2 of coronavirus OC43/HKU1 (1.2%), and 1 human metapneumovirus (0.6%).


A high frequency of respiratory infections (78.7%) and co-infections (29.9%) was detected in children with acute respiratory infection symptoms in Shanghai. The Seeplex® RV15 ACE detection method was found to be a more reliable high throughput tool than VRDAL method to simultaneously detect multiple respiratory viruses.  相似文献   
参照植物根尖细胞学研究的方法标准,对香薷属3种(5个居群)植物进行核形态学分析。结果表明:(1)从染色体数目看,密花香薷2居群染色体数目2n=16;野苏子2居群染色体数目2n=20,染色体数目和倍性与前人报道的一致;毛穗香薷染色体数目2n=10为首次报道。(2)聚类分析结果显示,3种(5居群)植物中野苏子和密花香薷亲缘关系较近;结合现有报道数据分析表明,该属植物仅有2种倍性(二倍体和四倍体),且二倍体占主导地位。(3)核型参数分析表明:密花香薷的稻城无名山居群1核型公式为2n=2x=16=14m+2sm,居群2为2n=2x=16=16m,着丝粒指数(CI)分别为39.57和42.32,不对称系数AI值分别为2.75和2.87,核型不对称性都为1A型;毛穗香薷的核型公式为2n=2x=10=10m,着丝粒指数(CI)为41.76,不对称系数AI值为5.25,核型不对称性为1B型;野苏子的昆明西山居群核型公式为2n=2x=20=14m+6sm,聂拉木樟木沟居群为2n=2x=20=16m+4sm,着丝粒指数(CI)分别为38.49和40.97,不对称系数AI值为4.20和4.30,核型不对称性为1B型和2B型。  相似文献   
Mono- and di-manganese inclusion compounds 1 and 2 are reported. Two mono-manganese molecules Mn(bpy)2(NO3)2 (bpy=2,2′-bipyridine) and [Mn(bpy)2(NO3)(H2O)]·NO3 coexist in the mole ratio of 1:1 in the structure of 1, while two di-manganese molecules [Mn2O(bpy)2(phtha)2(H2O)2]·(NO3)2 (phtha=phthalate) and [Mn2O(bpy)2(phtha)2(NO3)(H2O)]·NO3 in the structure of 2. Refluxing Mn(NO3)2/bpy/phthalic acid reaction mixtures in CH3CN leads to the isolation of 1, further concentration of the reaction solution in raising temperature results in 2. The Mn1 and Mn2 units in the inclusion compounds 1 and 2 are similar to other reported Mn1 and Mn2 analogs, respectively. The Jahn–Teller distortion was observed to give rise to the elongation along the Oterminal---Mn---Ocarboxyl axes for all the four Mn(III) sites in 2, leading to unexpected longer Mn(III)---Oaqua than Mn(II)---Oaqua in 1. Extensive hydrogen bonding interactions among H2O, NO3 − and COOH were observed in the two inclusion compounds. Cyclic voltammetry of 2 in DMF displays two quasi-reversible redox couples at +0.10/+0.22 and −0.43/−0.36 V assigned to the Mn(III)Mn(IV)/2Mn(III) and 2Mn(III)/Mn(III)Mn(II), respectively. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibilities of 1 and 2 were measured. The data were fit to a model including axial zero-field splitting term and a good fit was found with D=1.77 cm−1, g=1.98 and F=1.48×10−5 for 1. For 2, the least-squares fitting of the experimental data led to J=2.37 cm−1, g=2.02 and D=0.75 cm−1 with R=1.45×10−3.  相似文献   
乙型肝炎病毒核心蛋白HBc,可在体外自组装形成二十面体对称结构的病毒样微粒VLPs。VLPs可将外源序列重复且高密度地展示在表面,VLPs进入机体后能够快速诱导机体产生针对外源性抗原的特异性体液免疫及细胞免疫应答,具有极强的免疫原性与生物活性。因此,HBc-VLPs可以作为一种安全、有效的疫苗载体。文中设计了一种能够实现与抗原定点偶联的HBc-VLPs,并开发了一套高效制备HBc-VLPs的方法。通过定点突变技术,使翻译后的多肽序列第80位氨基酸由Ala变为Cys,在HBc-VLPs的主要免疫显性区域引入一个定点交联位点,构建了原核表达载体pET28a(+)-hbc,表达、纯化获得了高纯度的HBc(A80C) 单体蛋白;在PB缓冲体系中,HBc(A80C) 蛋白自组装形成HBc-VLPs纳米粒子。粒度仪的测定结果表明,HBc-VLPs纳米微粒的平均粒径为29.8 nm,透射电子显微镜观察到HBc-VLPs形成粒径约为30 nm的球形微粒,其形态与天然的HBV微粒相似。以流感病毒M2e抗原肽为模式抗原,通过Sulfo-SMCC氨基-巯基双功能交联剂,将M2e定点连接于HBc-VLPs通过突变引入的Cys残基处,制备了M2e-HBc-VLPs模式疫苗,通过细胞荧光示踪,验证了HBc-VLPs结构的完整性与M2e的正确交联。动物免疫实验表明该疫苗能够有效刺激小鼠产生抗原特异性的IgG抗体,验证了疫苗载体HBc-VLPs的有效性。研究结果为HBc-VLPs作为疫苗载体的研究奠定了基础,能够促进HBc-VLPs载体疫苗的研发以及HBc-VLPs在其他领域的应用。  相似文献   


Heat stress can be acutely cytotoxic, and heat stress-induced apoptosis is a prominent pathological feature of heat-related illnesses, although the precise mechanisms by which heat stress triggers apoptosis are poorly defined.


The percentages of viability and cell death were assessed by WST-1 and LDH release assays. Apoptosis was assayed by DNA fragmentation and caspase activity. Expression of cleaved PARP, Apaf-1, phospho-PERK, Phospho-eIF2a, ATF4, XBP-1s, ATF6, GRP78, phospho-IP3R, RYR and SERCA was estimated by Western blot. The effect of calcium overload was determined using flow cytometric analysis with the fluorescent probe Fluo-3/AM. The generation of ROS (O2 , H2O2, NO) was labeled by confocal laser scanning microscopy images of fluorescently and flow cytometry.


In this study, we found that heat stress in HUVEC cells activated initiators of three major unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling transduction pathways: PERK-eIF2a-ATF4, IRE1-XBP-1S and ATF6 to protect against ER stress, although activation declined over time following cessation of heat stress. Furthermore, we show that intense heat stress may induce apoptosis in HUVEC cells through the calcium-mediated mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, as indicated by elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+, expression of Apaf-1, activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3, PARP cleavage, and ultimately nucleosomal DNA fragmentation; Reactive oxygen species (ROS) appear to act upstream in this process. In addition, we provide evidence that IP3R upregulation may promote influx of Ca2+ into the cytoplasm after heat stress.


Our findings describe a novel mechanism for heat stress-induced apoptosis in HUVEC cells: following elevation of cytoplasm Ca2+, activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway via the IP3R upregulation, with ROS acting as an upstream regulator of the process.  相似文献   
该文报道重庆市1新记录种——太子凤仙花(Impatiens alpicola Y.L.Chen et Y.Q.Lu),并描述该新记录种的形态特征和生境分布,凭证标本存放于重庆三峡学院生命科学与工程学院植物标本馆。另编制了重庆市分布凤仙花属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   
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