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Summary Twelve out of 88 cytogenetically examined meningiomas of female patients showed, in addition to the typical loss of a chromosome 22, a loss of 1 or more chromosomes of group C. Among them 8 tumors had less than 8% cells with Barr-body-like particles, whereas in one tumor 12% and in 3 others over 20% Barr bodies were found, which, based on control studies, were classified as sex-chromatin negative, partly positive, and positive, respectively. In one case the loss of an X chromosome was verified by Giemsa banding.In 6 out of 24 meningiomas of male origin, the chromosoma. morphology and association pattern strongly indicated that besides the loss of a chromosome 22, the Y chromosome was also missing. Moreover, the loss of the male sex chromosome could be ascertained in 4 tumors by the conspicuous absence of Y fluorescence in interphase nuclei and in metaphase plates after fluorescence staining.The findings are discussed in connection with the gonosomal loss in other human tumors and in old age.
Zusammenfassung Unter 88 cytogenetisch untersuchten Meningeomen von Frauen wurden 12 Tumoren gefunden, bei denen außer dem für Meningeome typischen Verlust eines Chromosoms 22 auch ein oder mehrere Chromosomen der C-Gruppe verlorengegangen waren. Bei 8 dieser Tumoren konnte in Gewebekulturpräparaten nur in weniger als 8% der untersuchten Zellen Barr-body-ähnliche Kernstrukturen nachgewiesen werden, bei einem Tumor fanden sich 12% und bei 3 über 20% Barr-bodies. Auf Grund von Vergleichsuntersuchungen wurden 8 Tumoren als geschlechtschromatinnegativ, 1 Tumor als teilweise positiv und die übrigen 3 als eindeutig positiv eingestuft. Bei einem Meningeom konnte das Fehlen eines X-Chromosoms direkt mit der Giemsa-Bandentechnik nachgewiesen werden.Bei 6 von 24 Meningeomen männlicher Herkunft konnte auf Grund der Chromosomenmorphologie und des Assoziationsverhaltens sehr wahrscheinlich gemacht werden, daß außer dem Chromosom 22 auch das Y-Chromosom verlorengegangen war. Bei 4 dieser Tumoren konnte eine Fluorescenzfärbung durchgeführt werden, wobei das Fehlen einer Y-Fluorescenz in Interphasezellen und Metaphaseplatten nachweisbar war.Diese Befunde werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschlechtschromosomenverlust bei anderen menschlichen Tumoren und im hohen Lebensalter diskutiert.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 51 E 12).

Parts of this work are included in the doctoral thesis (M.D.) of H.S. at the University of Munich, Germany.  相似文献   
Liu SQ  Zang WJ  Li ZL  Sun Q  Yu XJ  Luo HL  Zhu SM 《生理学报》2005,57(1):21-26
研究显示,山莨菪碱预处理不改变高钾引起的兔主动脉环收缩,但可明显减弱去甲肾上腺素(noradrenaline,NA)、组织胺或5-羟色胺引起的收缩,且其减弱作用不受去除血管内皮影响。本实验观察了几种钾通道阻断剂对山良菪碱松弛:NA预收缩的兔主动脉环的影响。结果表明,1、3、10μmol/L山莨菪碱作用8min,可使0.01μmol/L NA预收缩的兔主动脉环松弛(P<O.01)。10mmol/L,CsCl、1mmol/L 4-氨基吡啶、10μmol/L BaCl2、10μmol/L格列本脲、3μmol/L charybdotoxin和3μmol/L蜂毒明从分别与0.0lμmol/L NA同时加入,可增强后者收缩兔主动脉环的作用(P<0.01)。10、30mmol/L CsCl或10、30mmol/L 4-氨基吡啶存在时,10μmol/L山茛菪碱对NA预收缩的兔主动脉环的松弛作用减弱,松弛率与对照组比较分别有极显著差异(P<0.01);10、30μmol/L BaCl2,10、30μmol/L格列本脲,3μmol/L charybdotoxin或3μmol/L蜂毒明肽存在时,山莨菪碱对NA预收缩的兔主动脉环的松弛作用不受影响(P>O.05)。本研究表明,电压激活的钾通道阻断剂抑制山莨菪碱松弛NA预收缩的兔主动脉平滑肌,初步提示血管平滑肌细胞膜上电压激活的钾通道参与山莨菪碱扩血管作用。  相似文献   
Given the potential clinical benefit of inhibiting Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) activity during myocardial ischemia reperfusion (I/R), pharmacological approaches have been pursued to both inhibit and clarify the importance of this exchanger. SEA0400 was reported to have a potent NCX selectivity. Thus, we examined the effect of SEA0400 on NCX currents and I/R induced intracellular Ca2+ overload in mouse ventricular myocytes using patch clamp techniques and fluorescence measurements. Ischemia significantly inhibited inward and outward NCX current (from -0.04+/-0.01 nA to 0 nA at -100 mV; from 0.23+/-0.08 nA to 0.11+/-0.03 nA at +50 mV, n=7), Subsequent reperfusion not only restored the current rapidly but enhanced the current amplitude obviously, especially the outward currents (from 0.23+/-0.08 nA to 0.49+/-0.12 nA at +50 mV, n=7). [Ca2+]i, expressed as the ratio of Fura-2 fluorescence intensity, increased to 138+/-7% (P<0.01) during ischemia and to 210+/-11% (P<0.01) after reperfusion. The change of NCX current and the increase of [Ca2+]i during I/R can be blocked by SEA0400 in a dose-dependent manner with an EC50 value of 31 nM and 28 nM for the inward and outward NCX current, respectively. The results suggested that SEA0400 is a potent NCX inhibitor, which can protect mouse cardiac myocytes from Ca2+ overload during I/R injuries.  相似文献   
Trehalose-6-phosphate (T6P), an intermediate in the trehalose biosynthesis pathway, is emerging as an important regulator of plant metabolism and development. T6P levels are potentially modulated by a group of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPP) homologues. In this study, we have isolated 11 TPS genes encoding proteins with both TPS and TPP domains, from rice. Functional complement assays performed in yeast tps1 and tps2 mutants, revealed that only OsTPS1 encodes an active TPS enzyme and no OsTPS protein possesses TPP activity. By using a yeast two-hybrid analysis, a complicated interaction network occurred among OsTPS proteins, and the TPS domain might be essential for this interaction to occur. The interaction between OsTPS1 and OsTPS8 in vivo was confirmed by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and coimmunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, our gel filtration assay showed that there may exist two forms of OsTPS1 (OsTPS1a and OsTPS1b) with different elution profiles in rice. OsTPS1b was particularly cofractionated with OsTPS5 and OsTPS8 in the 360 kDa complex, while OsTPS1a was predominantly incorporated into the complexes larger than 360 kDa. Collectively, these results suggest that OsTPS family members may form trehalose-6-phosphate synthase complexes and therefore potentially modify T6P levels to regulate plant development.  相似文献   
Substrate binding and the subsequent reaction are the two principal phenomena that underlie the activity of enzymes, and many enzyme-like catalysts were generated based on the phenomena. The single chain variable region fragment of antibody 2F3 (scFv2F3) was elicited against hapten GSH-S-DN2phBu, a conjugate of glutathione (GSH), butyl alcohol, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB); it can therefore bind both GSH and CDNB, the substrates of native glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). It was shown previously that there is a serine residue that is the catalytic group of GST in the CDR regions of scFv2F3 close to the sulfhydryl of GSH. Thus, we anticipated that scFv2F3 will display GST activity. The experimental results showed that scFv2F3 indeed displayed GST activity that is equivalent to the rat-class GST T-2-2 and exhibited pH- and temperature-dependent catalytic activity. Steady-state kinetic studies showed that the Km values for the substrates are close to those of native GSTs, indicating that scFv2F3 has strong affinities for the substrates. Compared with some other GSTs, its kcat value was found to be low, which could be caused by the similarity between the GSH-S-DN2phBu and the reaction product of GSH and CDNB. These results showed that our approach to imitating enzymes is correct, which is that an active site may catalyze a chemical reaction when a catalytic group locates beside a substrate-binding site of a receptor. It is important to consider product inhibition in hapten design in order to obtain a mimic with a high catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   
籼粳亚种间杂交稻米脂肪含量的遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子性状遗传模型,研究了籼粳亚种间杂交稻米脂肪含量的遗传特性,结果表明:在籼粳杂种中,脂肪含量的遗传表达主要受控于种子直接加性效应和母体加性效应,以前者为主.基因型X环境互作主要表现为显性(包括直接显性和母体显性)X环境以及细胞质X环境工作.直接近传率和母体遗传率都极显著.此外,根据遗传效应预测值对供试条本的利用价值作了评价.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was the development of a method for quantitative expression proteomics on the limited sample amounts obtained through laser capture microdissection (LCM) of tissues, e.g., approximately 10 000 cells, which typically contain roughly 1-4 microg protein. The 16O/18O labeling method was selected as an approach to measure differential expression. A sample preparation protocol including lysis, digestion and 16O/18O labeling was first developed for LCM cell samples. The selected protocol was examined using two LCM caps of 10 000 cells from invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast and shown to be repeatable. A further test of LC-IT-MS/MS in combination with the 16O/18O post-digestion labeling method for studying low level samples was conducted first on a single protein (BSA) and then on a 5-standard protein mixture digest of different protein amounts, each with a total content approximately 1 microg. Next, protein expression was compared between 10 000 cells, each of microdissected normal ductal epithelium and metastatic ductal carcinoma, using the developed method. The proteins from the microdissected cells were extracted, precipitated, digested with trypsin and then 16O/18O labeled. The normal and metastatic cell samples were analyzed using reversed phase LC-ESI-MS/MS on the ion trap mass spectrometer. A total of 76 proteins were identified. Some, such as mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase, actin and 14-3-3 protein xi/delta were found to be significantly up-regulated in the breast tumor cells.  相似文献   
Several human disorders are associated with an increase in a continuous stretch of alanine amino acids in proteins. These so-called polyalanine expansion diseases share many similarities with polyglutamine-related disorders, including a length-dependent reiteration of amino acid induction of protein aggregation and cytotoxicity. We previously reported that overexpression of ubiquilin reduces protein aggregates and toxicity of expanded polyglutamine proteins. Here, we demonstrate a similar role for ubiquilin toward expanded polyalanine proteins. Overexpression of ubiquilin-1 in HeLa cells reduced protein aggregates and the cytotoxicity associated with expression of a transfected nuclear-targeted GFP-fusion protein containing 37-alanine repeats (GFP-A37), in a dose dependent manner. Ubiquilin coimmunoprecipitated more with GFP proteins containing a 37-polyalanine tract compared to either 7 (GFP-A7), or no alanine tract (GFP). Moreover, overexpression of ubiquilin suppressed the increased vulnerability of HeLa cell lines stably expressing the GFP-A37 fusion protein to oxidative stress-induced cell death compared to cell lines expressing GFP or GFP-A7 proteins. By contrast, siRNA knockdown of ubiquilin expression in the GFP-A37 cell line was associated with decreased cellular proliferation, and increases in GFP protein aggregates, nuclear fragmentation, and cell death. Our results suggest that boosting ubiquilin levels in cells might provide a universal and attractive strategy to prevent toxicity of proteins containing reiterative expansions of amino acids involved in many human diseases.  相似文献   
竹荪的菌丝培养及其抗菌性的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
秦红敏  张长铠   《微生物学通报》1999,26(6):393-396
对长裙竹荪(Dictyophora indusiata)等3种的菌丝培养进行了研究并初步测定菌丝的抗菌谱。培养液的 pH和液体培养基粘度是竹荪在液体中生长的关键因素,在 pH4.7和添加 0.5%CMC-Na的合适培养条件下竹荪菌丝在液体中能够生长,菌丝得率达到1%。还探讨了其他几种竹荪菌丝的培养方法,为竹荪菌丝的大量生产提供了依据。另外,在竹荪抗菌性实验中发现,竹荪对许多易造成食品腐败的细菌和酵母具有抗性,但没有发现其对霉菌有抗性。  相似文献   
感受野是视觉系统信息处理的基本结构和功能单元。X、Y细胞是两类主要的视网膜神经节细胞。生理实验发现,在经典感受野之外还存在一个大范围的在周边去抑制区。文中采用周边去抑制区对经典外周的去抑制非线性使用方式,建立一个二维的与实验结果联系紧密的X、Y细胞统一的复合感受野模型。该模型不仅能模拟X细胞的null-test反应和Y细胞的on-off反应,还模拟了Y细胞在低空频刺激时的信频反应、圆面积空间的倍频  相似文献   
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